nine coffins

Chapter 169 Xiao Luo

Chapter 169 Xiao Luo
The Demon Lord's bell rang for the second time.The sound of the bell spread throughout the Primal Chaos Realm, and the Huntian River turned into huge waves tens of feet high, steaming gray.

At this time, Amu and the others looked at the black magic mountain from a distance.The peaks of the three peaks all showed a strange light. The Black Demon Palace and the Black Demon Roots lined up on both sides of the mountain tops. They were originally towering darkly, and the infinite demonic energy was scattered, but at this time they were all covered by a layer of gold. shrouded in light, as if inlaid with a golden border.

And on the peak in the middle, there is a mouth full of golden lights, and the giant bell, which is hundreds of feet tall, is suspended in the void, like a small golden mountain.

The golden light is ten thousand strands, extremely bright, just like the Buddha's light in this world, but there is a cloud of black energy hidden in the center of the golden light.

At the same time, vaguely, it can be seen that the body of the clock is engraved with countless ancient inscriptions and some hazy patterns, which are both real and illusory, and the golden glow keeps flickering.

The sound of the bell reverberates, sometimes like the sound of the Buddha singing, plus the golden light, if you don't know the origin of the bell, you will probably think it is a Buddhist bell.

"Modu Buddha clothes?" the monk in white thought to himself.

At this time, the white-clothed monk's pale and bewitching face seemed to be stained with gold, and at the same time, there was a rare fanaticism in his eyes.This is what he needs to get on this trip.Holding the magic clock in his hand, it is his long-cherished wish for a hundred years to rule the world.

The bell of the Demon Lord is said to be a sacrificial offering by the Demon Lord himself in ancient times, and it contains boundless magical power.That is the supreme killing weapon, and it cannot be used without the body of a demon cultivator.

Generally speaking, all monsters emit more black brilliance, but now the bell of the Demon Venerable emits golden light, like a Buddhist vessel, so it should be the legendary supreme secret magic magic crossing Buddha robe.

The Buddha and the devil are incompatible, and the bell of the devil can actually show the light of the Buddha, which shows how powerful it is.

Amu Chenyan, Miss Miao Er and Young Master Yun were also extremely shocked by the golden light emitted by the Demon Lord's bell.However, it does not understand the meaning.

As soon as the Demon Lord's bell comes out, everything in the entire Chaos Secret Territory will surrender.

Illuminated by the golden glow of the Demon Lord's bell, the entire peak in the middle of the Black Illusory Demon Mountain was gilded with gold.All kinds of desolate souls exude a strange brilliance.

All the soul beasts were prostrate on the ground, and existences like the blood shadow fish were also floating in the water.That was the aura of the devil coming to the world, unstoppable.

At the same time, they will also find that just below the bell of the Demon Venerable, there is a group of colorful clouds floating in the void.That was the only thing that was not shrouded in golden light, but was still shining brightly.

The colorful clouds, like the colorful marbles of Nuwa mending the sky, are suspended in the void, which is the endless ancient atmosphere.

"The spirit of the wild soul!" Amu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although I have never seen it, even the God King of War does not remember it, but that cloud must be the spirit of the wild soul.

The monk in white took a deep breath, trying to let the frenzy in his eyes recede. At this time, the second sound of the Demon Lord's bell was still echoing.He knew he couldn't wait any longer.

"Wang Han! How about a deal between you and me?" the monk in white looked at him and said.

"Oh?" Amu smiled lightly, in fact, he had already expected it in his heart.At this time, Amu had recovered the ancient battle spirit, only the seven-seal forbidden map was reduced to a size of only three feet, and the brilliance floated above his and Shen Yan's heads.

"To tell you the truth, if you and I don't cooperate, no one will be able to cross the Huntian River, let alone get the Demon Lord's Bell and the Spirit of the Wild Soul!" the white-clothed monk said directly.

"How do you know?" Amu asked.

"This Hun Tianhe, just now you have seen how powerful it is. Except for the magic treasure, everything sinks. Although you and I are magic cultivators, we need the protection of magic treasures to open the passage, and it's not just a magic treasure. Simple!" said the monk in white.

"Oh?" The words of the monk in white moved Amu's heart, "Then how many magic treasures are needed?"

"At least four magic treasures must be used at the same time! At the same time, if you want to get the bell of the demon king and the spirit of the wild soul, you also need four magic treasures to stabilize the four directions and suppress the scattered demonic energy!" the white-clothed monk said.

Hearing the words of the monk in white, Amu couldn't help but smile: "Four pieces? Just now you wanted to kill people to seize the treasure, cross the Huntian River, and get the treasure alone, right?"

"That's right! It's a pity that there is no time now. As long as the magic clock rings nine times, this secret realm of chaos will disappear! The next time it is opened, it may take tens of thousands of years!" Mang Wandao's magic clock, a trace of eagerness flashed in his eyes.

"After the Huntian River, how do you and I distribute the treasures?" Amu didn't say anything else, and asked this directly.

Amu knew in his heart that what the monk in white said was absolutely the truth. If the other party hadn't been too weak, he might have already taken the lead, so there was no need to go around in circles with him.

"I want the Bell of the Demon Lord, you take the essence of the desolate soul! Other things you need, pick them separately, don't interfere! I have no interest in the Dream Soul Flower of the Third World." The monk in white answered very neatly.

"After Depot, each has to rely on his own ability!" Amu smiled meaningfully.

When the monk in white heard this, he couldn't help but twitch his mouth, and nodded: "The demon cultivator and the demon cultivator have saved a lot of nonsense! After winning the treasure, each of us will naturally rely on our own abilities! You and I will fight again!"

"I want three dream bird hearts! Otherwise, the spirit of the desolate soul, I'm afraid it's a tasteless one! It's only fair that I have a dream bird heart!" Amu said.

"Ahem!" The white-clothed monk coughed twice, and then said with a smile: "The spirit of the wild soul can control the ancient soul, how can it be tasteless?"

However, the white-clothed friar was straightforward, and with one hand raised, three dreamy bird hearts emitting five colors of light were sent directly to Amu.

If you want to cooperate sincerely, those are temporary, and you must show your sincerity.The monk in white is well versed in this, and at the same time he also deeply understands the value of the bell of the demon king, that is, Amu resurrected the wild soul beast.

In his opinion, the value of the Demon Lord's bell is hard to beat. Apart from the demon coffin, the Demon Lord's bell is the Demon Lord's most precious treasure.

Besides, it won't be too late to kill Amu after getting the bell of the Demon Lord. Although Amu has the ancient battle spirit, but after all, he is a fixed-level demon cultivator, and the monk in white still doesn't take it seriously.

And the thoughts in Amu's heart are very similar to his.Amu, the bell of the demon king, naturally wants to collect it, it is definitely a treasure.But the current situation does not allow Amu to do that.

The next best thing is to get the spirit of the wild soul and the dream soul flower of the third world first, and there is a magic coffin, one of the nine coffins, in Amu's body. Amu doesn't believe that the value of the magic clock is higher than that of the magic coffin.

Devil's Coffin, Devil's Coffin, Devil's Burial Coffin!That is the ultimate destination of demons.

At the same time, if he got the spirit of the wild soul, then it is not ruled out that he will attack the white monk again.You must know that in addition to the seven-seal forbidden map, Amu also has methods from the lineage of the God of War.

"Refreshing!" At this moment, Amu raised his hand to put away the fantasy bird's heart.In this way, Amu collected all the soul objects needed to resurrect the wild soul beast.

"I still don't know your name? What sect?" Amu looked at the monk in white and asked.

"I'm Xiao Luo! A casual cultivator!" said the white-clothed monk.

"Oh!" Amu nodded, "I'm Wang Han, nice to meet you!"

The two looked at each other and clasped their fists. The two demon cultivators had their own concerns, but their expressions were normal.

When? - when - when -

The Demon Lord's bell rang for the third time.

(End of this chapter)

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