nine coffins

Chapter 170 4 Demon Town Domain

Chapter 170 Four Demon Township (for collection)

(Please collect! Please collect! Thank you!)

When the magic clock rang three times, a third of the time had passed, and Amu and Xiao Luo couldn't help but glance at each other.There is really not much time left for them, otherwise Xiao Luo would not choose to cooperate with Amu.

"Time is running out! You and I each sacrificed two magic treasures, suspended above the Huntian River, and should be able to open the passage of the Huntian River!" Xiao Luo coughed twice.

Amu nodded, with a move of his mind, the black rattan and the remnant wood of the coffin flew out together.Although the most powerful magic treasure in Amu's body is the magic coffin, Amu can't control the magic coffin yet.Only the remnants of the coffin and the black rattan can be regarded as magic treasures, and the weight is enough.

Just now the remnants of the coffin were blown away by Xiao Luo's magic light, and Amu never used it.Now when I came out, I saw that the black wood was densely covered with black flowers, and there were faintly forbidden pictures appearing on it, which was far more powerful than Cai Cai.

This kind of situation only appeared when he was inspired by the afterimage of the devil's coffin during the Northern Cold War.It seems that the magic light just Xiao Luo seemed to have stimulated the potential of the remnant wood in the coffin.

"Sure enough, it's the remnant of the devil's coffin! I just don't know where the legendary devil's coffin is?" Xiao Luo thought to himself.If Cai Cai was the remnant of the coffin in this state, his magic light probably wouldn't be so easy to get.

The remnants of the coffin floated in the void, while the black vines swirled around Amu like a dragon.

As for the black rattan, Xiao Luo couldn't see through it, even he wasn't sure if it was a magic treasure.Although he had just used the magic vine technique to entangle the black cane, he still had an inexplicable feeling about the black cane.

However, since Amu sacrificed, he must have full confidence.

Amu's magic treasure was released, Xiao Luo didn't hesitate, and raised his hand, what he sacrificed was the black and white mirror and the tooth-shaped magic weapon with red glow.Amu didn't know any of these two magic weapons.

The four magic treasures had been released, and the two of them had a tacit understanding, and they sacrificed to the top of the Huntian River together.A Mu and Xiao Luo are both transparent people. At this time, cooperation is needed, and no one will cheat.Crossing the river to get treasure is the common interest of the two, and it is extremely fair to each have two magic treasures.

The brilliance of the four magical treasures flew over the sky above the Huntian River.

Soon, the four magic treasures formed a halo.Black, white, and red are intertwined, and there is even a faint appearance of forbidden pictures.

Neither Xiao Luo nor Amu thought that these four magic treasures could coexist in such a harmonious way.It seems that the Wanmo family is not vain.

In an instant, the halo suddenly released a magic light, heading straight for the surface of the chaotic water.

"Wow——" the water in the Huntian River was stimulated by the magic light, and the waves rushed, and the huge waves surged into the sky.

Gradually, the water of the Huntian River parted from the middle, like two walls of water, and a channel actually appeared.

A strange thing happened, the passage seemed to be only more than one foot wide and hundreds of feet long, but his surroundings were endless rivers of chaos.Everything is very unreal.

"This Hun Tianhe is really just an illusion! This passage is the real distance between us and the Black Illusory Demon Mountain. Look at the Black Illusory Demon Mountain, right in front of you." Xiao Luo pointed at the end of the passage.

Sure enough, from that passage, the Black Illusory Demon Mountain was hundreds of feet away, as if it could be reached in one step.

"Let's go!" Xiao Luo said.

Amu nodded, then looked at Miss Miao Er, Young Master Yun and others.Amu of the Yun family can ignore it, but Ms. Miao Er once helped him, so Amu has to ask.

So, Amu said to Xiao Luo: "Brother Xiao! This second young lady of the Miao family has a relationship with me, and I hope I can hold you high!"

At this time, Shen Yan was at the side but gave a soft snort, as if to blame Amu for meddling in his own business.

"It's a trivial matter!" Xiao Luo didn't care at all, Miss Miao Er and the others were just trapped by him with the power of the mysterious magic spirit.Their life and death didn't matter to Xiao Luo, since Amu proposed, he would give him a favor.As soon as Xiao Luo raised his hand, a ray of magic light emanated from between his brows, directly breaking away from Miss Miao's restraint.

"Miss Miao Er, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go back to Qingyuan!" Amu sighed.

Ms. Miao Er looked at Amu with a complicated expression, as if she wanted to say a word of thanks, but she couldn't say it out of her throat.

She knew that even if she used her secret treasure, she would not be able to get a share of the pie from the two demon cultivators.

Biting Vermilion's lower lip slightly, Miss Miao Er said "Take care" to Amu, and then waved one hand to activate the turning magic talisman, which gradually turned into a white light and dissipated.

As soon as the Second Miss Miao left, only the Third Young Master Yun and the Lingsheng Dzogchen were left.

Xiao Luo glanced at A Mu, as if he was asking A Mu how to deal with these two people.

But suddenly the third young master Yun snorted coldly and said: "Wang Han, Xiao Luo! My Yun family will definitely repay you for today's kindness! Old Yun, let's go!"

Goodbye Lingsheng high-ranking Dzogchen suddenly stepped forward and grabbed the third son Yun, and also shot out a magic talisman, which turned into white light and dissipated.

"Huh?" This made Xiao Luo's complexion change, but he was too lazy to stop him at this time.

As expected of the high-ranking Dzogchen of the Lingsheng, it seems that he has already broken Xiao Luo's technique, but the third master Yun made him endure, so he didn't move for a long time.

Now that Miss Miao has gone, the Yun family can't do anything alone, they have already seen the methods of A Mu and Xiao Luo, how can they stay any longer.

The Demon Lord's Bell is good, but it must be taken away with one's life.Therefore, the third son of Yun gave an order, and it is better to go.

At this time, there were only three people left in the entire Chaos Secret Realm.

"Let's go!" Xiao Luo, A Mu, and Shen Yan walked into the passage almost at the same time.

Xiao Luo and Amu had a tacit understanding, no one was fighting for the lead, and no one was falling behind, they were actually secretly guarding against each other, while Shen Yan silently followed behind Amu, the Yin-Yang Galaxy Map in his hand was ready to sacrifice at any time.

For the three of them, the passage of hundreds of feet arrived in an instant.

With one step, one is already under the middle peak of the Black Magic Mountain.The golden light in front of them was dazzling, and there was endless coercion. Even Xiao Luo, who was a demon spirit, and Amu Chenyan, who had a forbidden picture above his head, felt it was difficult to walk.

Shen Yan's gaze had long been unable to lock onto the Sanshimenghunhua, which was tens of meters long and glowed with three colors.This time, Shen Yan must not let it slip away from his hands.

At this time, it can be said that ten steps and one treasure are on the Black Magic Mountain, and the ground is full of essence.But the three of them had no intention of collecting them, they just stared at what they needed.

The bell of the demon king and the spirit of the wild soul are the highlight!

"Only by collecting the Demon Lord's Bell and the Essence of the Desolate Soul first can we get other treasures, otherwise we will be directly killed by the coercion of the two and the aura of antiquity!" Xiao Luo's voice was a little rough, because of the coercion here Really too big.

"You and I take back the magic treasure, I will go to the southeast, you will go to the northwest, and then each collects the treasures, how about it?" Amu has a relationship with the seven-seal forbidden map, but he is more calm.

"Okay!" Xiao Luo replied, his pale face turned blood red due to the pressure.

In this way, the two activated the magic weapon at the same time.

The remnants of the coffin, the black rattan, the black and white mirror, and the blood-colored teeth are divided into the southeast and northwest of the town.This is the law of the Four Demons Township.

These four magical treasures each occupy a position, emitting endless magical energy.At the same time, the bell of the demon king and the spirit of the wild soul seemed to be infected and shaken by some kind of infection.

The light of the Demon Lord's bell gradually dimmed, and rapidly became smaller.The spirit of the desolate soul is also restrained, and the colorful clouds are also shrinking.


Xiao Luo and A Mu were one white and one black, and the two figures flew up at the same time, as fast as lightning.

One went straight to the bell of the demon king, and the other went straight to the spirit of the wild soul.

(There is another update in the evening! But it may be later!)
(End of this chapter)

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