nine coffins

Chapter 171

Chapter 171
Whether it is the bell of the demon king or the spirit of the wild soul, they are all the best treasures in the world.

Although the four top-level magic treasures formed a seal in the four demon towns, the aftermath emanating from the bell of the demon venerable and the spirit of the wild soul is also extraordinary.

If it weren't for the body of the demon cultivator, Xiao Luo and A Mu would never be able to withstand such power.

Xiao Luo was dressed in white clothes better than snow, and a blush appeared on his beautiful and bewitching face.The danger he faces is far greater than that of Amu, because the bell of the demon king is a supreme weapon for killing demons, and it has been stained with the blood of countless living beings.

Modu Buddha's clothes made this unrivaled magic weapon covered with holy light, but the murderous and magical intent contained in it did not decrease at all, but became stronger.

Xiao Luo's hands kept changing seal formulas, and he exerted his demonic spiritual power to the extreme.Moreover, Xiao Luo came prepared, laying down several seals of the demonic way, and at the same time a drop of demonic blood slowly floated out from the center of his brow.

He wants to use blood as a medium to collect the bell of the demon king.That drop of devil blood was red and shiny, like a red agate.

At this time, under the pressure of the four magic treasures, the bell of the demon king gradually became smaller, and the golden glow gradually dimmed.

when - when - when -

At this moment, the magic clock rang for the fourth time.

When Xiao Luo and A Mu heard the ringing of the bell, their hearts and souls were shocked, this time the shock was hundreds of times stronger than before.The seven seals on the top of Amu's head were extracted, and the brilliance instantly dimmed, while the corner of Xiao Luo's mouth overflowed with blood, and his blushing face turned pale again.With a flash of white light above his head, he gradually stabilized his figure.

It is the consensus of the two that we must act quickly.

Xiao Luo forcibly suppressed the Qi and blood of Pill Sea, urging the drop of demonic blood, and went straight to the bell of the Demon Lord.

"Dang" sounded softly, and the drop of demonic blood hit the bell of the Demon Lord.In an instant, the bell of the demon king hummed and rang, and it became smaller rapidly.

Let go of Xiao Luo's bell to collect the Demon Lord, let's talk about Amu.

Although Amu's cultivation level is not as good as Xiao Luo's, but at this time, he has the seven seals to protect him, which is no less than Xiao Luo's.

Relatively speaking, the murderous spirit of the spirit of the wild soul is not as strong as the bell of the demon king.Because this spirit of the wild soul, to put it bluntly, is the essence of the secret realm of the wild soul, and everything in the secret realm of the wild soul is its evolution.This desolate soul essence can be said to be a trace of maternal spirit from the beginning of heaven and earth.

The spirit of the desolate soul exudes an endless barren air, but these are endless powers, completely different from the power of the Demon Lord's Bell.

But such a fetish is not something that can be easily approached.

Amu pinched the Yin Jue with his hand, and was about to approach the colorful cloud.But four black figures suddenly appeared in the void.Those are four burly figures, black shadows completely transformed by the black mist.He holds a spear in his right hand, a shield in his left hand, and wears heavy armor on his body.

"Oh?" Seeing these four figures, Amu was not surprised but delighted.

If it was something else, it would probably be troublesome if Amu's important magic weapon was not in his hands now.But when these four figures appeared, it was like a great gift to Amu.

Because those are the four desolate ancient war spirits, they are the guardians of the desolate soul spirit.

The four battle spirits lined up in the east, west, north, south, murderous aura, heavy with death.Guarded by four soul-level masters, it can be said that they can sweep everything in this wild soul secret territory.Ordinary cultivation, the only way is to die.Even if you have passed through the first few levels of secret realms, even if you can kill here, don't even think about easily succeeding.

At this time, even if Xiao Luo took the spirit of the desolate soul, he would definitely reach the sky.However, at this time, the four desolate souls are facing Amu.

When the four battle spirits first appeared in the air, they opened their teeth and claws, as if they were about to wield a spear.

But Amu snorted coldly, the imprint of the ancient lamp of the battle spirit flashed between his eyebrows, and a little red light shot out.The four battle spirits were startled suddenly, as if struck by lightning, the killing intent and death intent just now were quickly withdrawn.

"Ho-ho--" the four desolate ancient battle spirits let out a low growl, and then knelt down in front of Amu together.

"Back off!" Amu shouted loudly, instead of putting away the four fighting spirits directly, he let them get out of the way, so that in case of danger, these four fighting spirits can protect him.

Goodbye Amu shook one hand, and seven ancient desolate demon scriptures were sent out, directly sealing the colorful cloud.

"Take it!" The spirit of the desolate soul was directly sealed by Amu, and then collected between his eyebrows.

As soon as the spirit of the wild soul entered the center of the eyebrows, Amu felt the endless air of antiquity scattered from the center of the eyebrows, almost bursting him.If it wasn't for the ancient desolate demon scriptures to seal it tightly, I am afraid that once the spirit of the desolate soul entered Amu's eyebrows, Amu would explode and die.

At this time, Amu didn't dare to directly resurrect the wild soul beast, because that would be too dangerous.Maybe the wild soul beast didn't come back to life, so Amu was directly killed by Xiao Luo.

Amu succeeded in collecting the spirit of the desolate soul, and Xiao Luo finally subdued the bell of the Demon Lord.

The two looked at each other for an instant, and then retreated quickly at the same time.They were all afraid of each other, just now when Xiao Luo saw that the four desolate and war spirits were so afraid of Amu and directly took him as their master, he knew that Amu definitely had some means to use.So he didn't dare to act rashly.

At this time, the golden glow on the entire Black Magic Mountain had already dissipated, and instantly restored its original appearance.

"Woooo—" "Roar—" "Jie Jie—"

Suddenly, without the suppression of the Demon Lord's Bell and the Wild Soul Spirit, all the souls on the top of the mountain were leaderless and in chaos.The different soul objects, which were natural enemies, immediately fought together.

"Shen Yan, now is the time!" Amu said loudly.

In fact, before Amu could speak, Shen Yan had already made a move.The moment the Demon Lord's Bell and the Spirit of the Wild Soul were collected, Shen Yan rushed out like lightning.

The third dream soul flower!Shen Yan muttered in her heart.

At this time, Shen Yan did not hesitate to sacrifice the Yin-Yang Galaxy Map, this time there must be no mistakes.The stars were so bright that it instantly wiped out hundreds of soul beasts surrounding the third world dream soul flower.

At this time, it can be said that the entire Black Magic Mountain is full of murderous intent and fearless.After collecting the Demon Lord's Bell and the Essence of the Desolate Soul, the alliance between Amu and Xiao Luo collapsed in an instant, and the two quickly retreated, each collecting their own sacrificed magic treasures.

Xiao Luo even went straight to the blood shadow dragon, because apart from the spirit of the cloud beast, he also lacked the blood shadow dragon bone.

With Xiao Luo's cultivation base, it is easy to take care of a blood shadow dragon.With a flash of white shadow, he arrived in front of the blood shadow dragon.At this time, the blood shadow dragon, like all soul beasts, was extremely restless, hissing to the sky.

Seeing Xiao Luo approaching, he instinctively swiped with the dragon's tail.A streak of blood-red light was tens of feet long, and in the direction of the sharp edge, a soul tiger was directly drawn away, and the momentum was extremely frightening.

But such an attack was completely ineffective for Xiao Luo.As soon as he raised his hand, he didn't see what method Xiao Luo used.

A mass of black light directly blasted the Blood Shadow Dragon.

"Boom—" The blood shadow dragon didn't even have the power to resist, and turned into a blood mist.

"Hmph!" Xiao Luo twitched the corner of his mouth and sneered, a dragon bone emitting a faint white light was already in his hand, and then he couldn't help looking at Amu.

After receiving the treasure, each according to his ability!Both he and Amu understood each other.

Goodbye to Amu at this time, collected the black cane and the remnants of the coffin, and quickly approached Shen Yan.And those four desolate ancient battle spirits were also succeeded as Amu Duan's heirs.

"Shen Yan, got the third dream soul flower, leave quickly!" Amu said loudly.

Because, at this moment, the entire Black Magic Mountain began to vibrate.The Black Demon Palace and the Black Phantom Demon Root kept shaking.


A cliff collapsed directly, countless souls disappeared in smoke, and rocks rolled down.The gray mist seemed to turn into an endless whirlwind.

The water of the Hunting River kept rising, as if it was going to submerge the Black Illusory Demon Mountain and swallow up the entire Primal Chaos Realm.

"Kacha—" Another mountain breaks, and black spring water gushes out.All the souls splashed by the black water were directly turned into sewage, and a few exotic flowers and plants withered instantly, exuding an endless stench.

The color of the world changed, and the wind and thunder rolled.At this time, the appearance of the doomsday of the wild soul.

At this time, Shen Yan had already obtained the Dream Soul Flower of the Third World, and was about to turn around and lean towards Amu.But at this moment, a figure came straight over Shen Yan's head like a ghost.

That is an illusory soul body!

(End of this chapter)

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