nine coffins

Chapter 177

Chapter 177

(This book has resumed updating, please add your friends to the bookshelf, collect and support! Shanhe is very grateful!) Sea and desert China, with tens of thousands of miles as its frontier.

The east is Chongling, the south is Yunmo, the west is Heishui, the north is cold and desolate, and the middle is the most vast Qingyuan.In addition, the East and the West have their own seas, which are boundless.

The north of the cold and desolate north is the cold plain that has not melted for thousands of years.According to the legend of the Northern Wilderness, tens of thousands of years ago, cold and hot plains alternated between cold and heat, with four distinct seasons. Later, there was a battle between immortals. I don’t know what kind of immortal method caused the constant snowstorm here all the year round.

On the cold plain, there is no one inhabited, not to mention humans, and even ordinary creatures with cold attributes are rare.Therefore, people in the Northern Wilderness used to call the entire snowfield a dead and silent place.

At this time, the clouds cover the shadow of the moon, and the new wind howls.Snowflakes are like a mat, dancing against the wind.Above the snow field, there is a vast darkness.

Suddenly, in a place, the light spread out, and the flying snowflakes scattered like water patterns, as if a fairy came to the world.

Amidst the rays of light, a white-robed monk stepped forward. He had a handsome face, restrained brilliance in his eyes, and a detached temperament, but there was an inexplicable meaning in the depths of his eyes.

The wind and snow in the void, facing the light, further reflected the strangeness and extraordinaryness of the black-robed monk.

This white-robed monk is exactly Amu.

When I returned to the world, I didn't expect it to be night.I don't know where it is, but the cold breath made Amu's heart tremble.

This is the long-lost taste, the breath of the northern wilderness, the breath of the snow field.

"Huh?" Amu frowned slightly, and suddenly he felt that everything here seemed familiar, so familiar, as if it was a memory from a previous life.

However, for Amu today, everything in his previous life was like a dream.The current Amu is his real body.

The magic consciousness dissipated, and at this moment, Amu's memory gradually became clear, and he became clear in his heart.

This place turned out to be the place where Amu woke up for the second time in this deserted sea world when he was reborn, and it was like a dream.

Amu was born again. He was a baby when he woke up for the first time. In the chaos, someone was arguing in his ears, but he couldn't make out what it was. There seemed to be the sound of fighting, colorful neon lights, and flying auspicious birds.

That memory has always been a mystery to Amu, who knows when and where it happened.

When I woke up the second time, I became a three-year-old child, lying alone in the vast snow field, without any memory of those three years.

It's just that there was no flying snow all over the sky that day, and the sky was clear that day, and the snow field on that day seemed unusually quiet, as if it was welcoming the arrival of the Son of God.

"That's right! It's here." Amu sighed long.

If it wasn't for his master Wang Jue, he would have died in the snow field.Just where was the place where I woke up for the first time?Who left a three-year-old child in the snow field?Why did Master pass by so coincidentally and pick him up?

Thousands of questions, Amu can not answer.After searching for a radius of a hundred miles, there was no abnormality at all.This is probably the most normal night in the snowfield for tens of thousands of years.Except for Amu's sudden appearance here, everything remains the same.

Returning to the world and coming here again, could it be another coincidence, Amu frowned slightly.Amu always feels that many things must have their causes and effects.

But the truth behind it seems to be in a field that I can't touch for the time being.

According to Amu's memory, it seems not far from Liuzhen, because Wang never arrived in Liuzhen in less than half a day.

Thinking of Liu Zhen, a warm current flowed through Amu's heart.Liu Zhen brought Amu the first warmth in this world.Amu once wanted to live a stable life there for the rest of his life.

Liu Town is not far away.

Taking one step forward, Amu disappeared in the boundless wind and snow.Relying on his vague memory, he went straight to the direction of Liu Zhen, several miles away.


Amu disappeared, and the light dissipated.Everything just now seemed to be scattered by the wind and snow and disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

However, only half an hour passed.

I saw that at the place where Amu disappeared just now, there was a sudden burst of purple light, and at the same time, there was a sound of Fengming.A figure gradually emerged from the purple light.

At this time, the wind and snow within a radius of three feet suddenly stopped, the mist was dense, and the purple light was faint, like a dream.

The person who came was actually a stunning woman in a long black dress.This woman's fragrant shoulders are naked, her breasts are slightly exposed, only a few black ribbons flutter around her.

The skin is like snow, the pearls are round and jade-like, and it appears and disappears from time to time, touching the heart and soul.A five-phoenix Chaoyang hairpin is inserted obliquely on its head, with pearls hanging on it, shining brightly.

This woman is as delicate and charming as a flower, but her expression is indifferent, her willow eyebrows are flying sideways, the corners of her eyes are slightly slanted, and there is a murderous look in her beautiful eyes. She is definitely a person who has been in a high position for a long time and is in charge of killing.

"It's still too late!" The woman in black frowned slightly, staring at the vast cold plain, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

In the vast and cold desolation, she was allowed to cultivate as high as the sky, but at this time, the childishness has long since disappeared.

In 37 years, the secret realm of the desolate soul disappeared, and an aura of desolation and innocence leaked out at the same time, but they all disappeared in a flash.That day, when the childlike spirit appeared, it shook the most mysterious and ancient castle on the Qingyuan Continent of the Sea Desolate Shenzhou——Ziyou City.

Today, Chizi's aura reappeared. This woman used the ancient domain gate to come across the Qingyuan, but it was too late, and she didn't catch that aura.

"Chizi? Chizi!" the woman in black murmured to herself blankly, as if she was asking herself, but also as if she was sighing.

The black-clothed woman felt a little sleepy, she waved her arm, the sound of the phoenix crowed again, the purple awns burst forth, and she seemed to be about to leave.

But at this moment, a white light suddenly appeared not far away.

It gradually solidified and turned into an old man with silver hair and white clothes.This old man is none other than the hermit Almighty who sits alone in the ice bamboo forest on the isolated island of the Arctic Fairy Sea in the north of the Northern Wilderness.

Seeing this person, the woman in black couldn't help but snort slightly.

"Surprise the immortal, it's a crime!" The words were polite, but the tone and demeanor were extremely arrogant, how could there be any sense of guilt?
Such a hermit is so powerful, his feet trembled, and the whole Northern Wilderness would be turned upside down, but it seemed that in the eyes of the woman in black, he was just an ordinary person.

When the silver-haired and white-clothed old man heard this, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, but he didn't dare to ignore the etiquette.Taking a step forward, he actually bowed to the woman in black, and said: "The envoy's words, I am terrified. Respect for the late arrival, and I hope the envoy will forgive me!"

The woman in black looked at the silver-haired and white-clothed old man, and waved her hand lightly, signaling that he should not be too polite.

"Xianweng, you have been sitting on the Ice Bamboo Island in the Arctic Fairy Sea for 8000 years, it seems that it is time to move around!"

The woman in black's tone was flat, but it sounded different to the silver-haired and white-haired old man's ears.

The silver-haired and white-haired old man sighed and looked up at the void.

"The old man has wasted endless years, his life is short, and there is no hope of going through the catastrophe and becoming an immortal. If the city lord or the holy envoy is sent by him, he will definitely die."

"What's the use of your death?" The woman in black was unmoved by what the old man said, but looked at the vast snowfield, thinking.

The silver-haired old man didn't mind what the woman in black said, because he knew that what the woman in black said was true.In the eyes of Ziyou Shengshi, a monk like himself can be destroyed with a single palm.

Die, sometimes really useless!

"This ancient domain gate has not been used for nearly [-] years! The holy envoy came across the domain in person, and something must have happened?" The silver-haired old man said without hesitation.

"It hasn't been used for nearly ten thousand years?" The woman in black sneered, "Xiangong, you are a high-ranking cultivator who has scattered souls. You are all cultivated and proud of the Northern Wilderness, but you haven't noticed any changes in this area!"

"What does the envoy mean?" The silver-haired old man frowned slightly.

"For ten thousand years, this domain gate has been activated at least twice!" The woman in black's tone turned flat, mixed with a hint of disappointment.

"What?" The silver-haired old man, who had always been calm, changed his expression for the first time.

The Arctic Immortal, a dignified and high-ranking great hermit monk, a figure of the first level of the Patriarch of the Arctic Immortal Sea of ​​the Seven Great Immortals of the Sea Desolation.

The Arctic Immortal is two small realms higher than the Kuxinzi who sits in Beifeng, Beihan Town. He is the number one master in the Northern Wilderness, and he is also a top figure in the practice world of the entire Sea Desert Shenzhou Realm.

He sits in the arctic sea of ​​celestial beings, his heart is full of enthusiasm, and he travels thousands of miles. He knows everything about the entire northern wilderness, let alone everything, but how can he escape his eyes by activating the gate of the ancient domain to travel between the two domains?

Not to mention anything else, this time the ancient domain gate was activated, and the mysterious holy envoy arrived, and he rushed there immediately.

"What? Doesn't the fairy believe it?" The woman in black naturally saw what the Arctic fairy was thinking.

"For thousands of years, there are no more than three monks who know the existence of this ancient domain gate in the entire Northern Wilderness. The old man sits alone in the Arctic Fairy Sea Ice Bamboo Forest, and the painstaking son sits in the Northern Cold Sect, and his real body has not moved for thousands of years. Only that Crazy monk, even though he walks in the northern wilderness and plays games, he will never touch the gate of this ancient domain. Who else is there on the northern wilderness?" The Arctic fairy couldn't help but look at the woman in black.

Although the Arctic Immortal only said that there is no one in the Northern Wilderness, the subtext is that above the entire sea wasteland, who can escape his eyes and quietly use this ancient domain gate to come to the Northern Wilderness?
The woman in black didn't know what the Arctic fairy meant, but she sneered.

"That's right! Not to mention the Northern Wilderness, even within the five regions of the Sea Wilderness, or people from my Ziyou City, as long as the gate of the Northern Wilderness Ancient Realm is used, I believe the immortals will be able to perceive it!"

When mentioning Ziyou City, the Immortal of the North Pole couldn't help but slightly bowed and said: "I don't dare to speak wildly!"

"However, the fairy seems to have been sitting alone for a long time, and his brain is not very sharp!" Suddenly, a cold light burst out in the eyes of the woman in black, and two brilliances looked directly at the fairy of the North Pole.

"Holy envoy?" The Arctic Immortal's face suddenly changed again, and a puff of white air instinctively surged all over his body.But in an instant, he seemed to think of something, and the white air disappeared as soon as he disappeared.

Facing this woman in front of him, whether in terms of cultivation base or background, the Arctic Immortal has neither the courage nor the qualifications to fight against her.

"Hmph!" The woman in black snorted coldly, and at the same time withdrew her oppressive gaze, "Xiangong, seem to have forgotten the eight words?"

"Oh?" The Arctic fairy was quite puzzled.

"There is a demon in the devil, and there is a sky beyond the sky!" The voice of the woman in black was like ice that lasted forever.

"Ah—" The Arctic Immortal was still somewhat dissatisfied with the woman in black just now.

But as soon as the words "There is a demon in the devil, there is a sky beyond the sky", the body of the Arctic Immortal froze instantly during the high-level overhaul of Sanhun, his face was pale, and he stared blankly at the woman in black, eyes full of horror.

(End of this chapter)

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