nine coffins

Chapter 178

Chapter 178

Chapter 170 Five Songs of Lianhen
The woman in black was not at all surprised by the performance of the Arctic Immortal, but because of the realization of the Arctic Immortal, her tone softened and said: "Is the Immortal understand now?"

"There is a devil in the devil, and there is a sky outside the sky...! Molang! The celestial girl..." The voice of the Arctic fairy trembled slightly.

In the Sea Desolate Divine Land, no matter how powerful a monk you are, the mention of "Magic Lang and Heavenly Maiden" will change your face. This has been a taboo in the entire Sea Desolate Divine Land for nearly ten thousand years.

"Are they still alive?" The Arctic Immortal's forehead was dripping with sweat, "The sea is in chaos, the sea is in chaos!"

It's hard to imagine that a high-ranking monk with scattered souls can be in such a state.But the Arctic Immortal is definitely not losing his composure. You must know that Beihan Scattering Soul Level Great Worker Ziku has been sitting on the North Peak for 7000 years, borrowing the power of the Big Dipper and gathering the power of the forbidden map, just to seal a ray of Mo Lang's remnant soul.

As for the celestial girl Huanhua, she was alone, and with the flip of her palm, she wiped out the ancient Taihuang Sect that had been passed down on Haihuang for tens of thousands of years, far surpassing the current Seven Great Immortal Sects of Haihuang.

The Taihuang Sect used to be a sect that could fight with Ziyou City.

There is a devil in the devil, and there is a sky beyond the sky!That is the legend of the world of cultivating immortals in the sea wasteland.

"You don't have to worry too much!" The woman in black sighed.

"The city owner only discovered it later, but it's not certain. After all, after nearly ten thousand years, there has been no news of Mo Lang and Tiannv."

The Arctic fairy nodded numbly.

The woman in black smiled lightly, and said, "Don't worry, the fairy! The world of the sea and the Shenzhou has collapsed, and I, Ziyou City, can hold it up! With Ziyou City here, no matter if it's Mo Lang or Er... Miss will not act recklessly." !"

The woman in black spoke indifferently, but her eyes were strange. It was a complex look of fear, admiration, and helplessness. It seemed that the words "Second Miss" had thousands of magical powers.

The Arctic fairy naturally knew the relationship between the celestial girl Huanhua and Ziyou City, and gradually recovered her expression.

"The Holy Envoy came this time to investigate this matter?" Thinking that it was related to the goddess, the Arctic Immortal's tone became much lower.

After hearing what the Arctic fairy said, the woman in black smiled wryly. She would not say many things, such as the fact that she came here for the sake of her innocence.

And the meaning of a child to Ziyou City is more than that of a goddess.

So, the woman in black shook her head lightly, and said, "I'm here for the case 37 years ago."

"37 years ago, the ancient battlefield disappeared, and a ray of desolation spread out. I have personally investigated, but found nothing. Everything is as quiet as before, and there is no change!" said the Arctic fairy.

The woman in black nodded, then her face turned cold, and she said, "A centipede is dead but not stiff! Taihuang's inheritance has not been broken, and the remnants are scattered in Beihuang. The city lord felt sorry for the fact that he was from Haihuang's lineage, so he couldn't bear to kill him." .Besides, the methods used by the second lady back then were indeed too much."

Too much?Hearing the woman in black's obvious favoritism, and remembering the woman's methods that day, Immortal Beiji's cheeks twitched involuntarily, and now he still has lingering fears in his heart.

Back then, almost all of the tens of thousands of people from the Taihuang Sect died under the heavenly spell of the goddess.The sky is stained with blood, the sea is barren and unrepaired, and for tens of thousands of years, no one can surpass it.

All his life, the Arctic fairy could not forget the day when the sea barren almost turned into blood barren.

She calls herself a goddess, but she is actually the number one demon girl in the deserted China.

"The city lord doesn't want to kill everything, but if the remnants of the desolation want to stir up trouble, then I, Ziyou City, will show no mercy!" The murderous intent of the woman in black spread out, and the wind and snow were still chilling.

"I understand!" The Arctic fairy bowed again.

"Farewell!" The woman in black gave a slight salute, a burst of purple light burst out, and a burst of phoenix cries soared into the sky.

However, the woman in black did not activate the domain gate again, but walked away step by step through the wind and snow.

Among the purple awns, the black dress fluttered, and that stunning woman, facing the wind and snow, was both seductive and murderous.

"Congratulations to the Holy Envoy!" The Arctic Immortal bowed to see him off.

I only heard the singing of the woman in black, which echoed in the snowy night in the northern wilderness, and was passed down for thousands of miles.

"Crossing the long sword, singing on the snow, the eternity is long, and the fingers are passing by! Let the world grow old, have a beautiful face and white hair, who can know me? The world of mortals has no limit, who is a fairy? Who is a demon?..."

The singing voice is clear and distant, desolate and heroic, it doesn't seem to come from the mouth of that stunning beauty, because it is a vicissitudes old song that has been passed down through the ages.

The snow was vast and spread throughout the entire Northern Wilderness.

"Song of Sorrow!" Hearing this song, the Immortal of the North Pole turned pale, and his soul was unstable for a moment.

"Wow—" A mouthful of blood stained the silver whiskers.

He understood that this was Ziyou City, a warning to Taihuang's inheritance, and even more so, a warning to the entire sea wasteland.In the deserted China, the ancient and mysterious Ziyou City is known as the arbiter of China. For countless thousands of years, no one dares to resist, only the word Mie!

The song of separation and hatred rang, and the sea was shaken.

The real body of Tu Xinzi, who was sitting at Beifeng in Beihan Town, originally had his eyes slightly closed, but they opened them suddenly at this moment.

"Heavenly Girl's Song of Sorrow?" Kuxinzi's expression changed drastically.

Goodbye, dozens of miles away, in the terrifying sky moat that even the snow dragon can't cross, suddenly black smoke billows and evil spirit rises.

"The sky is hard to destroy, and the earth is hard to bury! If my soul returns, the blue sky will be stained with blood—"

Its sound was like thunder, rolling in.Unreconciled and unyielding magic filled the entire snow field.

"Not good!" Kuxinzi's face changed, affected by the song of Lihen, this demon man's remnant soul was about to move again.

Kuxinzi's face was solemn, with one hand forming seals and the other pointing to the sky.The brilliance of the runes under the body circulates, and the art of forbidden pictures moves the general trend of the world.The power of the Big Dipper is poured into the North Seven Peaks of Beihan Town, and the seven colors of light are displayed.

"Town!" Kuxinzi snorted coldly. The power of the 7000-year seal, like a great mountain falling from the sky, went straight to the Tianchao and suppressed it.


The seven-color light collided with the black smoke, like a shattered starry sky, meteors scattered, and thousands of rays of light exploded.On the snow field, in the wind and snow, there is a brilliant streamer, and a long rainbow pierces the sky.

"Woo hoo - hoo hoo - hoo -"

Immediately, the sound of magic was everywhere, and the black mist of the day's moat surged like a tide, billowing and rising.

"Magic Sword! Suppress!" Kuxinzi frowned, and at the same time, a small black sword shot out from between his eyebrows.

The little sword rose against the wind and instantly became hundreds of feet.This is a top-grade magic treasure that is rare in the wilderness, even if it is the same fairy treasure, it can also be strangled directly.Standing in the void at this time, it is like the sword of the sky, and it is like the ax that splits the sky.

cut off -

"Boom—" In the ten thousand-foot sky moat, huge boulders measuring several tens of feet in square rolled down.At this time, the inside of Tianchao is already the appearance of the end of the world.

Black mist filled the sky, giant swords hung high, and meteorites rained like rain.

"Woo———————————" That shrill and sharp devilish voice pierced through the sky, enough to shatter the souls of monks below the soul state.

The rolling boulders were all turned into black smoke.

Under the sky, a hundred-foot-tall phantom, shrouded in countless brilliance, leaned up halfway, roaring towards the sky!
"The sky is hard to destroy, and the earth is hard to bury! If my soul returns, blood will stain the blue sky—" That was the cry day and night, it was the unwillingness of life and life!

The entire Zhenbei Peak was trembling.The earth shook and the mountains shook, the wind and snow were like knives, and the vitality of the world here was in chaos.

"Wow - wow -" Kuxinzi sprayed two mouthfuls of blood on the forbidden map, only to slightly stop the ancient demon from fully waking up.But even if the magic sword has been released, since the song of Lihen is ringing, it is impossible to easily suppress the ancient demon.

"Damn it!" Kuxinzi's eyes were blood red, and he sat withered for 7000 years just to suppress demons, how could he be reconciled?If this magic man's remnant soul were allowed to break the seal, Haihuang might turn into a sea of ​​blood.

"The soul of thousands of miles returns!" Kuxinzi shouted violently.This is the sky-reaching summoning technique of the scattered soul monks. The soul returns from thousands of miles away. As long as the scattered soul is still on the sea, it can be summoned and returned.

Goodbye, in the void, a door of light suddenly opened wide.

"Old man, what's the matter? Unexpectedly—" Bitterness's soul-cultivating avatar, an old man in black, with a black gourd pinned to his waist, stepped out of the light gate.

As soon as he opened his mouth to ask, the voice stopped abruptly.The old man in black knew everything in an instant, put away his playful expression, and merged directly with Kuxinzi.

In 7000 years, this is the first time that Mo Lang's remnant soul has been so tyrannical.

"Chaos Immortal Gourd!" The combined bitter heart is the more pure Dzogchen of the first stage of scattered souls.

With a shake of one hand, the black gourd was sacrificed by Kuxinzi.

"Huh—" As soon as the gourd's mouth opened, a wave of chaotic air escaped!
This chaotic atmosphere is the existence of the Three Realms.A trace of chaos can crush a great mountain.

At this time, an unknown amount of chaotic air overflowed.

If the boulder just now was like a falling meteorite, then the Primal Chaos Qi at this moment is the star sealing the sky.

"Seal!" Kuxinzi yelled fiercely.

The air of chaos, like silk like a net, is densely connected, spreads in an instant, and begins to block the immeasurable moat.

"Wuah———————" The hundred-foot ghost gradually bent down, and the momentum of the unyielding magic gradually weakened.

After a while, the chaotic air completely sealed the moat, and the gray mist surged at the mouth of the moat.

"Ahem!" Kuxinzi's face was pale, and he coughed up two more mouthfuls of blood, instantly aged a lot, and said bitterly, "Damn it! Song of Lihen!"

At this moment, a figure appeared in the void.The Arctic Immortal stands silently in the void.

"Xian Weng, you are late!" Ku Xinzi smiled wryly.

The Arctic Immortal took a look at Ku Xinzi, shook his head and smiled wryly, and then made seals with his hands in the void.

Dispersing the soul is a high-level Dzogchen, stepping up to the cultivation base of immortals in one step.As soon as he moved, the wind and snow on the snow field suddenly froze.

Endless white air pierced through the layers of wind and snow, and dispersed like fog!

clack clack-

The ice layer above the snow field began to spread at a speed that could be seen by the naked eye.

A few miles, tens of miles, hundreds of miles!The wind and snow in the void are also constantly gathering, turning into countless ice particles!
"Seal!" The Arctic Immortal snorted coldly.

All the ice particles with a radius of nearly a thousand li were filled into the moat, and it took half a day to seal the mouth of the moat.Then there was a crackling sound, and it turned into ice, leveling with other places.The shadow of the ravine can no longer be seen.

Only then did the Arctic fairy let out a breath of foul air.

Kuxinzi took back the magic sword and Chaos Immortal Gourd, closed his eyes slightly to adjust his breath, and sealed it just now, which almost exhausted his energy.

The soul body of the old man in black floated out, took the black gourd, took a sip, and said to the Arctic fairy:

"You are superfluous! But, come two more times, are we two old guys really going to die?"

The Arctic Immortal had no words. Although he was two small realms higher than Kuxinzi, he was not arrogant in front of Kuxinzi, but respected from the bottom of his heart.

Self-destructive cultivation, suppressing ancient demons for 7000 years.This alone is enough to make the Arctic Immortal feel ashamed.

The old man in black took another sip of wine, and said with a dark face, "Who is singing the song of parting and hate?"

"The holy envoy of the Ziyou Phoenix Clan, Jin Feng!" said the Arctic Immortal in a deep voice.

Hearing the answer from the Arctic Immortal, the old man in black remained silent and just took a sip of his wine.Even with his humorous nature, he never dared to say anything wrong about Ziyou City.

He also understood that Jin Feng, the protector of the Ziyou Phoenix Clan, would not sing the song of parting for no reason.

"In the realm of Sea Desolation Shenzhou, the sky is falling, and the Ziyou City of Tiandi Mountain is on top of it! We haven't lived for a few years!" The old man in black said abruptly, but his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he still had something on his mind Unspoken.

The Arctic Immortal looked at Han Yuan and was silent.

That night, the northern wilderness trembled, and the sea wilderness trembled too.

Just because, the arbitrator of the sea wasteland, the envoy of Ziyou City, came to the world, and the song of eternal hatred resounded through the sea wasteland!
(End of this chapter)

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