nine coffins

Chapter 179 Four Years!Northwest County!

Chapter 179 Four Years!Northwest County!
The northern wilderness is endless, and the cold plain is thousands of miles away.At this time, it was the first dawn in the east, and a round of red sun was about to emerge.

Amu was walking against the wind, standing in the void at this time, looking at the sunrise in the east, he couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly.After returning to the mortal world, Amu has seen the sunset for nine days.

At this time, although it was still in the northern wilderness, the snow gradually receded, and it had reached the edge of the cold plain.

In the past nine days, Amu couldn't stop sighing at the mystery of Master Wang Jue.

With Amu's cultivation base and secret technique of the first level of Lingsheng at this time, it can be said that he will not lose his way for tens of miles in an instant.

At the beginning, Amu thought that Liuzhen would arrive in only a moment and a half.Because he clearly remembered that Master Wang Jue only walked back to Liu Town step by step, and it probably only took more than an hour.

Looking at it now, although Master Wang Jue keeps saying that he is an ordinary person, the many miracles are by no means what he can imagine.I have advanced to the Dzogchen intermediate level of Lingsheng, walking at full speed, it seems that I am not as slow as my master.

What kind of character is Master Wang Jue?What kind of realm?Amu kept asking himself.

I don't know if I can see Master and Yu'er when I go back to Liu Town this time?Thinking of these, and looking at the slowly receding snow, Amu's heart gradually warmed up.

When the sun rose three poles, Amu had completely left the cold plain, but he didn't know what country it was.But Amu has already felt that within three hundred miles, there seems to be a small village.

Seeing people, maybe it's time to return to the mundane world!Cultivating in the enchantment of the magic coffin, Amu doesn't know how long it has been in the world, and he just needs someone to inquire about it.

With a thought, Amu disappeared directly in place.Now in broad daylight, Amu naturally didn't want to frighten the secular world by flying through the air, so he directly cast the secret magic fairy magic shadow technique.

A few loomed, but for a moment, Amu was already standing on a winding hill road.

Hiding his own cultivation, wearing a white Taoist robe with a good face, Amu looks like a young Taoist priest who is traveling.

The mountain road is winding, and at the foot of the mountain is a village with nearly a hundred families.This village is located on a flat land between two green hills, it is not small, looking at the houses and yards, it can be considered a rich and well-off village.

At this time, it is spring, and the green grass on the mountain road is full of wild fragrance, which makes people feel good.

Amu walked down the mountain road slowly, looking at the small village in the distance, he couldn't help adding a little warmth.Although this is not Liu Town, the villages of Fanchen are somewhat similar.

After going down the mountain road, there are many children chasing and playing at the entrance of the village, frolicking left and right.Occasionally, some adults passed by, some carrying farm tools, some driving cattle and sheep, and they never forgot to make fun of them.

With a smile on his face, Amu saw that the costumes of these people were similar to those of the people from the Northland, and their speech was even more similar.It seems that this place may already be the original border of the Northern Kingdom.

There is only one long street in the small village, and there are a few hawkers.One of them, a small Wubao shop with a modest appearance, exudes the smell of wine.

Amu took a stroll and stepped in.

The small shop is not big, with only four tables. In this mountain village, most of them are fellow villagers.Most of the drinkers went home to drink, but few ate and drank here.

However, at this time, there were really two customers in this small shop, with dusty faces, money bags around their waists, and leather bags beside them, dressed like traveling merchants.

Amu knew that this was a traveling merchant in many countries in the Northern Wilderness.He visited thousands of houses and hundreds of households, but he was not a thief, but a serious businessman.

It's just that most of these peddlers are not only doing business, but many of them also work part-time as secret envoys and spies in various countries, traveling between countries, buying and selling news.Especially during wartime, these traveling merchants were more active.

Amu basically didn't care about mundane matters. He glanced at the two traveling merchants, picked a table and sat down.

In such a small shop in the village, the shopkeeper and the waiter are both run by one person.A mountain man in his 40s came over with a smile when he saw someone coming, "Master, are you passing by here? Come and have two bowls of wine to quench your thirst!"

Amu nodded and said with a smile, "Come here with two small dishes and a pot of wine!"

In fact, when one's cultivation has reached the level of Amu, one can no longer drink or eat, but food and wine may not only be eaten in a taste, but also in a feeling.

"Wait a minute!" Hearing Amu's words, the man smiled honestly, and then called out to the back room for his wife, while he went to the wine tank to make a pot of wine, took a clay bowl, and brought it to Amu's table.

"Thank you!" Amu said politely, and then said to the man, "Shopkeeper, may I ask what kind of village this is? Which country is this?"

"Oh! It must be the first time Daoist came here. I am here in Shuangshan Village, the border of the Northwest County!" The man said casually.

"Shuangshan Village! Northwest County?" Amu frowned slightly, these are two completely unfamiliar place names.Forget about Shuangshan Village, it's the name of a small mountain village, so it's not surprising that I don't know it.But Amu has never heard of this Northwest County?Could it be that I went in the wrong direction completely, this is not near the North Country?

Just at this moment, the man's wife came over with two small dishes. She was dressed in a Jingchai sarong and had a clean face. She looked like a simple but neat woman.

Seemingly seeing Amu's doubts, she said: "Shuangshan Village is named after the two mountains in front of the village! The Northwest Commandery is the Northwest Commandery of the Murong Dynasty. It was changed ten years ago."

The woman spoke quickly, put down the side dishes after finishing speaking, and went back to the back kitchen without waiting for Amu to say anything else.

"Great Murong Dynasty, Yunxi Kingdom!" Amu said to himself.Amu is familiar with these two names.

Once upon a time, the Northern Kingdom was a subsidiary country of the Great Murong Dynasty.Murong Tong once said that Princess Haiqing's ten-thousand-year-old wooden coffin was a gift from the Great Murong Dynasty.

The Great Murong Dynasty is the most powerful dynasty in the secular world of the Northern Wilderness. It is said that nearly half of the land in the Northern Wilderness is under its rule except for those places where immortals are cultivated.

As for the Yunxi Kingdom, it was the western neighbor of the Northern Kingdom.The population of the territory should be similar to that of the Northland.Since this is the Yunxi Kingdom, then he is not far from the North Kingdom.Thinking of this, Amu felt relieved.

But when I think about it, when did Yunxi Kingdom become the prefecture of the Great Murong Dynasty?Twenty years?How long did I stay in the enchantment of the magic coffin?

"Shopkeeper, dare to ask, how did Yunxi Kingdom become the Northwest Commandery? What year is it now?"

Hearing Amu's question, the simple and honest middle-aged man couldn't help being a little numb.His small shop in the village is just to make ends meet.On weekdays, there are not many guests passing by, some hunters and merchants, the closest one is in Linxian Town, and the farthest ones are only a few neighboring counties.

He didn't pay attention to one of Amu's questions, but this second question made him a little confused.Walking here, who doesn't know how the northwest county became the county of the Great Murong Dynasty, and what's more, what year and month is it now?

Therefore, when Amu asked, the middle-aged man froze for a moment, not knowing how to answer, and looked at Amu with a strange look.

At this time, the two traveling merchants who had been sitting beside them and chatted to themselves took over the conversation, and one of them, a tall, thin man with a slightly dark complexion, cupped his hands at Amu, and said, "This Taoist priest, I am afraid that he is a wandering immortal. people?"

The traveling merchant's eyesight and insight were much better than that of the shopkeeper. Just now, when he heard Amu's question and saw Amu's attire again, he thought of the so-called immortal monks in Beihuang.

However, the monks he knows still focus on curing diseases and expelling ghosts, and asking about feng shui and hexagrams.

In fact, such a monk is not even a beginner in Amu's eyes.On the sea wasteland, there are quite a few wandering immortals like that who have cultivated, most of them are cultivators from various sects who cannot develop immortal roots, they have learned some methods of nourishing qi, the technique of Qihuang, and went down the mountain to find some way out.

However, Amu didn't need to care about these things, he saluted the two traveling merchants and said, "I'll make you laugh!"

Hearing that Amu recognized his identity, the two traveling merchants thought they had some knowledge, and they both smiled slightly.

"That's it. The Taoist priest asks the immortals and asks, not about ordinary things. I don't know that the old things in Yunxi Kingdom are also normal." Another white and fat traveler said, "Now it is the 980th year of the Great Murong Calendar of the Northern Wilderness , that is, the 92nd year of Yongqing!"

This chubby businessman, who seemed to want to show off his knowledge, actually mentioned the great Murong calendar.To be honest, let alone the original Yunxi people, even the original subjects of the Great Murong Dynasty rarely talked about the Great Murong Calendar, because it was too troublesome, and it was only said on official or generally more solemn occasions.

Usually, everyone only talks about the emperor's year.The emperors of the Northern Wilderness generally only use one year name, which is rarely changed.

"Yongqing 92?" Amu's heart moved. When he left Liuzhen to go to Beihan, it was the autumn of the eighth year of Beiguo Changlong, which was the 51st year of Yongqing in the Great Murong Dynasty.

Then counting with fingers, after excluding the Northern Cold Sect for more than three years, I have spent more than 37 years in the secret realm of the wild soul and the enchantment of the coffin.

"37 years?" Amu sneered in his heart. He didn't feel any emotion at all. He had only practiced for more than 40 years, and he had already entered the initial stage of Lingsheng.

This kind of cultivation speed, even looking at the whole sea desert world, is enough to shock the world.But Amu was sighing, the time was really not short, and even faintly felt a little long.If the monks in Haihuang knew about this mentality, they would be so angry that they would run away and die.

"Time is like an arrow!" Amu said calmly, then picked up the wine bowl in front of him, and drank the big bowl of wine in one gulp.This farmhouse local wine is extremely spicy, but in Amu's mouth, it is as flat as water, almost without the smell of alcohol.

"Not bad! Not bad!" The two traveling merchants didn't know why Amu was emotional, but since they were practitioners, they were always a little unpredictable, and Amu had a big bowl of wine in his throat, and he was fine, so he couldn't help but admire him even more.

This "not bad, not bad", I don't know whether it is just what Amu said, or the wine that Amu drank, and the two businessmen also took a sip.

"Emperor Yongqing of the Murong Dynasty has reigned for 92 years?" Amu asked in surprise.

"Yes!" said the chubby businessman, "Murong Yongqing has been prosperous for a long time. It is said that His Majesty the Emperor, after eating the elixir, his appearance will not change! He already has the qualifications of an immortal emperor!"

"Oh!" Amu smiled faintly, thinking to himself, "Could it be that the emperor is a monk?"

(End of this chapter)

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