nine coffins

Chapter 180 Four Years!Northwest County!

Chapter 180 Four Years!Northwest County!
"The emperor is a monk!"

Thinking about it this way, Amu himself felt absurd.As long as there are monks who can raise immortal roots, there are probably not many monks who are willing to be emperors in the world.Asking the way of heaven, cultivating longevity, who wants to take care of the mundane chores.Mostly the monks of the Great Murong Dynasty made offerings, and made some life-prolonging pills for him to eat.

"As for why the Yunxi Kingdom became the Northwest Commandery, it's a long story. Do you want to hear it?" This time it was the thin and dark businessman who spoke.It seems that no matter where the businessmen are good at talking.

"Excuse me, both of you, for drinking, let's hear it!" Amu filled the wine by himself.

"Since the Taoist priest knows Yunxi Kingdom, he must have heard about the Northern Kingdom 40 years ago, right?"

Amu nodded slightly. Hearing the word Beiguo, he felt a little strange.Only two months after Amu went up the mountain, Han Qianli once talked about the fall of the Northern Kingdom in the secret room.The Northern Kingdom was destroyed and was taken over by the Great Murong Dynasty.Could it be that the Yunxi Kingdom is the same as the Northern Kingdom?
Sure enough, the chubby businessman went on to say, "This Northwest County is now governed by the former Northern Kingdom and Yunxi Kingdom."

"Oh?" Amu's eyes lighted up slightly, "Yunxi Kingdom is also destroyed?"

"Hey! It seems that the Taoist priest also heard about the destruction of the Northern Kingdom." The thin and slightly dark businessman took a sip of the spicy tofu in front of him, and he seemed extremely satisfied, and then said, "The Murong family of the Northern Kingdom was the leader of the Northern Wilderness. The branch of the Murong Dynasty has ruled the Northern Kingdom for 800 years, the ruler is benevolent and the country is powerful!"

"Beiguo Zhennan Wang Xiongcai, with millions of soldiers, is well-known in the Northland, powerful in the Northern Wilderness, even in the Great Murong Dynasty, he also has his place." The fat businessman added.

"Shuanglong in the Northern Kingdom, Wenzhiwugong, and the Northern Wilderness Kingdoms, there is no difference at one time!" Recalling the past of the Northern Kingdom, the thin and dark businessman seems to be very emotional.

"It's a pity that the fortunes of the Northern Kingdom are not going well. I don't know why they angered the heavens and sent down thousands of thunders. The Baicheng City of the Northern Kingdom was razed to the ground overnight!" the fat businessman sighed.

Amu's heart is clear, the Baicheng was destroyed overnight, it was the vicious fight of the soul-level monks, in the eyes of ordinary people, it was really the wrath of the heavens, and the thunder of thousands of heavens.

However, Amu didn't tell the truth, and drank on his own.

These two traveling merchants had not seen outsiders for many days, and they had good professional qualities, and they might also be quite familiar with the old things of Beiguo and Yunxiguo.Talking eloquently, speaking alternately, without any confusion, very tacit understanding.

Amu was happy, and the pot of wine was exhausted, so he called the shopkeeper to come again, and listened carefully to the two people's narration.

"The reason why the Northern Kingdom angered the heavens was because of Princess Haiqing. She was a fairy who secretly descended to the realm, and she could not be buried after death! It is said that several coffins were shattered!"

"There are also people who say that the Lord of the Northern Kingdom, who loves his daughter to become a demon, invites a stranger to conjure up her soul, but if the conjuration fails, a hundred thousand evil spirits from the underworld will be brought out! The god of heaven, Lei Quegui, destroyed Baicheng overnight."

"I heard that the Great Murong Dynasty sent many monks to investigate, but none survived!"

"It is said that there are also people from the Sea Desolation Immortal Gate who fought against the evil spirits in the ghost town and died there."

"Now, Baicheng has become a ghost city. Day and night, there is no moon and no stars, and the white snow keeps falling! Hundreds of miles away are barren and inhabited."

"The sound of killing and cutting every night, the sound of wailing continues, and the gathering of thousands of resentful spirits! It is heard dozens of miles away."

"Those evil spirits come out day and night to look for food, eating people's livers! No one dares to come within a hundred miles of Northern Wilderness."

Originally, Amu frowned and listened carefully, but the more the two talked, the more mysterious and creepy they became. The man in charge was too embarrassed to leave, and he didn't want to interrupt, so he wiped off his sweat three times.

Amu couldn't help but interrupted with a smile: "Ghosts and gods are together, it's better to speak less, so as not to provoke the upper body of ghosts!"

Hearing what Amu, a cultivator of immortality, said, the two peddlers stopped immediately and looked at each other, as if they were blaming each other. This is not buying goods. You don't have to brag about investing so hard, can you make money?

They took a sip of wine together to moisten their throats.The local wine from this farm is really strong!One sip, not only is it spicy, but also a burst of heat, straight to the forehead.

Alcohol strengthens the hero, this occupational disease really cannot be cured.The chubby businessman's face turned slightly red at this time, and he picked up the words just now: "Once the Baicheng is destroyed, the northern kingdom is almost in chaos. Yunxi kingdom, which has been suppressed by him, and the border of Chen Bing, are ready to move."

"However, the Great Murong Dynasty seems to have prepared it long ago. In just over a month, hundreds of thousands of troops marched into the Northern Kingdom. The Northern Kingdom was originally a branch of the Murong Dynasty. The Great Murong Dynasty took over the Northern Kingdom, and the hearts of the people want it."

"The Great Murong Dynasty changed the Northern Kingdom to the Northern Commandery. Except for Baicheng, all the places are stable. It has been more than ten years in a flash!"

"Then why was Yunxi Kingdom destroyed?" Amu interjected.

"At the beginning, Yunxi Kingdom was ready to move, but when the Great Murong Dynasty sent troops, it naturally didn't dare to fight again. It has been stable for some years."

"But I heard later that when the Baicheng City in the Northern Kingdom was destroyed, someone fled to the Yunxi Kingdom! What important things did they bring with them, so they offended the Great Murong Dynasty!"

"I heard it's a coffin!" The fat and white businessman said mysteriously.

Hearing the word "coffin", Amu raised his eyebrows instantly.Another coffin?Is it the "ghost coffin" that Master mentioned?Can one coffin destroy two countries?

"Thus hundreds of thousands of Murong troops marched westward, within a month, they destroyed the Yunxi Kingdom, and then became the Northwest Commandery."

"At that time, the 10,000+ army of Yunxi Kingdom was beheaded and blood flowed like rivers! The souls of the soldiers who died in the battle lasted for several months."

"I heard that the Yunxi Kingdom not only harbored fugitives from the Northern Kingdom, but also that the fugitives offended the priest of the Great Murong Dynasty, and that priest was an immortal with supernatural powers."

"It is said that it can move stones and seas, and sow beans into soldiers."

Amu couldn't help laughing. Although what the two said was as if they had seen it with their own eyes, Amu knew that the hearsay was not accurate.Blood flowed like a river, but as for a monk who could move stones and seas, Amu had never seen one.

"Did you catch the escaped man and the coffin?" Amu said casually.

"There are fugitives? What coffin? It's probably all nonsense!" The dark and thin businessman looked at the white and fat businessman and sneered.

"War needs a reason!" The fat businessman also seemed to think that fighting over a coffin was a bit strange.

One is black and one is white, one is thin and the other is fat. After taking a big sip of each other, it's so satisfying!The changes in the Northern Wilderness over the past few decades seem to be delicious with wine.

Fighting needs a reason!Amu took this seriously, but he knew that there must be deep-seated reasons behind the Great Murong Dynasty's destruction of Yunxi Kingdom.

The worship of the Great Murong Dynasty is naturally the immortal cultivators, and if it touches the immortal cultivators, then this is not a simple mortal battle.

No matter what, Amu finally got a general idea, and before he knew it, the three pots of wine were already exhausted.The two peddlers, one fat and one thin, were talking and drinking, and they drank a lot.

"Thank you both!" Amu smiled and cupped his hands, and then asked, "I want to go to the original Beiguo Liu Town, where is the direction?"

"Liu Town of Beiguo?" The thin man burped, but he didn't seem to hear clearly.

"Liu Town, it's not Liu Town, it's Liu Town, which was famous in the North Country for its well-made coffins! I have something important to go there!" Amu said gently.

"Liu Town in Beiguo, it's quite far away! I've heard that it's more than 2000 miles to the east!" It's still the chubby businessman who sees it more.

"Thank you again!" Amu didn't say any more, turned over his hand, and threw down a few pieces of silver.This was unintentionally left by Lishui to Amu, but I didn't expect it to come in handy, otherwise in this small shop, even if Amu took out the spirit stone, people might not recognize it.

"Shopkeeper, I've bought wine for these two! Farewell!" Amu greeted and left the shop.

At this time, it was near noon, the sun was shining brightly, there were no clouds in the sky, and the weather was fine.

"Thank you... Taoist priest!" The two traveling merchants chatted happily and drank quite high.

"Liu Zhen? Why haven't I heard of it?" After Amu left, the skinny and dark businessman asked the fat and white businessman.

"Liuzhen is the place where it was said that the fairy coffin can be released...!" The fat and white businessman said vaguely.

At this time, the alcohol was welling up, and the fat and white face was almost attached to the table.

"Where did you get out of the fairy coffin? Liu Town?" The skinny and dark businessman frowned and muttered, then he was startled and shouted at the fat and white businessman, "Brother, you are talking about a ghost town, right?"

"Eh!" Hearing the word "ghost town", the chubby businessman was shocked, and most of the time he was sober, "Beiguo Liuzhen! Liuzhen?"

The fat businessman frowned, and then shouted, "That's right, it's a ghost town!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the two traveling merchants and the shopkeeper changed suddenly, and they rushed out of the door together.

Fortunately, the fat man's body was still neat, and he stepped out first, otherwise the three of them would have been caught in the door frame together.

But when the three of them came out, they thought they could see Amu's shadow.But there were only a few pedestrians on the street, and the trails on the front and back mountains meandered upwards, where was Amu's half shadow?
"Hey! That Taoist is not bad, although he is a bit stupid, but maybe he won't die!" said the fat businessman.

"Ghost town! Where do you go and who can come back alive? Within tens of miles, there is no one inhabited. The people in the town are all dead!" The black and thin man sighed long.

The shopkeeper didn't say anything, but just went to ask a villager who was playing with a child at the entrance of the village.But they all said they didn't see Amu.

The shopkeeper frowned, then looked at the broken silver left by Amu, and couldn't help but sighed, as if he was sure that he would never see the young Taoist priest again in this life.

The wind is light and the sun is warm, and the spring is boundless.Shuangshan town, peaceful and peaceful.The hearts of the traveling merchant and shopkeeper were a little empty.

At this time, Amu has no intention of watching, he has been away from Liuzhen for more than forty years.Although he knew that his master was by no means a mortal, and Yu'er would not be able to handle it with common sense, Amu was still more anxious.

So when he left the small shop, Amu unfolded the illusion technique of immortals and demons, and he was already tens of miles away in an instant.

The two mountains in the distance are already the scene behind Amu.How did the three people in the shop know about Amu's methods?Naturally, there was no trace of him, only sighs and sighs.

(End of this chapter)

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