nine coffins

Chapter 187

Chapter 187
Baicheng, the former capital of the Northern Kingdom, got its name because it snows most of the time in the Northern Kingdom.

In the past, Baicheng was famous in the Northern Wilderness Continent.A splendid and prosperous place, a gentle and rich town.Princes, generals, merchants and wealthy merchants gather here, competing for luxury.

In the 92nd year of Yongqing of the Murong Dynasty, the old calendar of the Northern Kingdom should be the 48th year of Changlong.It's a pity that Changlong's year name is long gone, because the Northern Kingdom has been annihilated in the long river of history.

The former Northern Kingdom, now Wangbei County, which belongs to the Northwest Military Kingdom, except for the war against the Yunxi Kingdom more than 20 years ago, the weather has been smooth and the people are happy and prosperous in the past 40 years.

However, 40 years ago, Baicheng, the capital of the country, fell overnight, which was just a distant legend to most people in the Northland.After all, people generally only care about their own business.

In the mundane 40 years, I can forget a lot.At this time, only the vast snow on the former site of Baicheng seems to remember the prosperity and past of this ancient city.

Amu has already changed into a brand new white robe. Although his complexion is not very good, it is still much stronger than when he was in the battle of Liuzhen three days ago.

During the battle in Liuzhen, Amu was seriously injured and recuperated, and only arrived in Baicheng that night.

Amu did not walk against the wind, but walked slowly on the vast white snow.The snow was knee-deep, and the sound of "creaking" echoed in the wilderness, monotonously and silently.

However, the cold wind was blowing, but the air was unusually fresh.

Amu couldn't help but sneer slightly. It seems that the words of the two traveling merchants in Shuangshan Village were a bit exaggerated.

Because, this night, the waning moon hangs high and the sky is full of cold stars.It's not like the two said, Baicheng has become a ghost city, day and night, there is no moon and no stars, and the white snow keeps falling!

Not to mention the sound of killing every night, the constant wailing, and the gathering of thousands of resentful spirits!
However, this snow is a bit strange, it does not melt, and it seems to contain a trace of spiritual energy.

With a flick of Amu's finger, a ball of flame fell on the snow, but instantly melted silently, without causing the slightest change.

This vast snow for hundreds of miles was actually transformed by the supreme magic technique!Amu was secretly shocked, wondering who had such a handwriting?
When a monk has reached a certain level, he can master the rules of heaven and earth and call the wind and rain.

As powerful as the Beihan bitter heart, the first stage of dispersing the soul is Dzogchen, and it is not difficult to cast spells that cover the sky with heavy snow and freeze hundreds of miles.He can let him fall three feet of snow, covering a radius of a hundred miles, without melting or melting for 40 years, and the spiritual power is still there, I am afraid it is absolutely impossible.

This is almost beyond Amu's understanding of the existing practice world.

Intermediate soul dispersal?Dispersed soul advanced?Or a powerhouse above the three realms?What is the realm above the three realms of cultivation, spirit, and soul?
Amu frowned, what he saw today, the spellcaster was comparable to a fairy.

Looking at the vast snow, Amu thought of his master Wang Jue again, wondering what kind of existence it was.

But was Baicheng in the Northern Kingdom really just a soul-level battle back then?

Accompanied by the "creaking" sound of stepping on the snow, Amu was thoughtful.The purpose of going from Liuzhen to Baicheng is naturally to see the traces of the great war that year, and even more to find clues about Master and Yu'er.

But at this time, Amu's magic consciousness spread out, and within a hundred miles, there was no vision.

Although, this place is not as scary as the two traveling merchants said, it is a ghost town, but it is silent and like a dead city, an empty city.

The city naturally no longer exists. Looking from a distance, there are occasional ruins and isolated columns, dilapidated houses and buildings in the vast snow, and the shadow of the imperial city back then can still be seen.

After walking for a long time, the surrounding scenery has not changed much.Then, Amu seemed to be absent-minded for a while, before suddenly raising his head unconsciously.

"Huh?" Hundreds of feet away, a little light was like a bean.

Amu stopped, slightly startled.What surprised him wasn't the sudden light, but that his own magic sense had swept across it just now, and he was within control of a radius of a hundred miles. If this light could escape his own magic sense.

Suddenly, there was a little light a hundred feet away.Amu was puzzled, but kept walking, stepping on the snow.

The lights are getting brighter and clearer.

Baili Xueyuan, this is the center, and this is also the center of the ghost town.

And what appeared in front of Amu turned out to be a quaint wine shop!Three huts, a little light.

At this time, a cold wind occasionally blows, and the wine shakes gently.On the vast snow field, the loneliness and weirdness of this small shop are even more apparent.

Amu's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and the magic consciousness flashed in his eyes. He saw the ancient seal character "wine" on the wine cover, emitting a faint purple light, mysterious and bewitching.

There was an inexplicable smell on the front of the wine.It was a breath that Amu had never felt before.

In the vast snowfield, there are few people living in hundreds of miles. This small shop is really wonderful!
Amu sneered, this small shop must be weird.He didn't knock on the door either, but pushed lightly, and there was a "creak".Amu went straight into the shop.

For a moment, the dim lights were a bit dazzling.A burning stove was burning in the small shop, and the cold wind came in, causing the flames in the stove to scuttle.

The sudden heat wave made Amu feel a little pain in his body, and his head became dizzy.

Amu was shocked, and the power of the demon spirit instantly covered his whole body.Lingsheng middle-level Dzogchen, cold and heat, has long been cut off from the body.However, just a moment ago, the flames of the stove burst out, which made Amu feel like a mortal that he hadn't felt in many years.

How can Amu not be surprised?What is this place?
Stabilizing his mind, Amu's face was calm, and at the same time his eyes swept over, and he saw that the tables and chairs in the small shop were very old, which seemed to be old.

A hunchbacked old man with white hair, beside a small counter, was slowly wiping a shiny copper jug ​​with a clean white rag.The old man with white hair and hunchback rubbed very lightly and slowly.

In a corner, there was a skinny monk with ragged clothes and sloppy bare feet. There were two sauce-colored wine jars on the table.

The skinny monk held a cup in one hand and the meat on the table with the other.Pour yourself and drink, wine and meat piercing the intestines, eating with gusto, but also silently.

Other than that, there was no one else in the shop.The fire was blazing, but the small shop was deserted, even dead silent.

The moment Amu came in, a white light flashed in the skinny monk's drunken eyes, his hands paused slightly, and then he frowned imperceptibly, and then continued to drink.

"Huh?" Seeing someone coming in, the old man with white hair and hunchback behind the counter had a strange look in his eyes, as if he didn't expect someone to enter his small shop so easily, and he couldn't help but glanced at the skinny monk in the corner .

Seeing that the monk kept drinking, as if he didn't know the new guest, he looked away slowly.

The white-haired, hunchbacked old man glanced at Amu again, and gently put down the clean white rag and copper jug ​​in his hand.

"Brother, do you want to eat?" The white-haired, hunchbacked old man asked a little stiffly, his voice was even dry, as if he hadn't spoken for many years.At the same time, he carried a jar of wine and staggered to the side of the sloppy monk in the corner.

Only then did Amu realize that the white-haired old man was not only hunchbacked, but also limping.

The atmosphere in this small shop was a bit weird. Amu didn't answer the white-haired old man's question, but picked up a table and sat down, quietly looking at the white-haired old man with hunchback.

The old man with white hair and hunchback put down the wine jar, and at the same time flipped the candlestick on the table to make the store brighter.

"Crazy monk, it seems that my shop is very lively today!" The old man with white hair and hunchback seemed to have something to say.

"Hey! It's so lively!" The crazy monk grinned, "Don't look at my old monk who has always been a loner, but I also like to be lively! Your haunted house is too deserted!"

As he spoke, he took another piece of fatty meat into his mouth, and then he did not forget to touch the oily hand on his body.

The old man with white hair and hunchback sneered, and said: "It's better to be alone! Clean!" No more talking, dragging his feet, the old man with white hair and hunchback turned around and asked Amu again: "Brother, do you want to eat?"

Before Amu could answer, the crazy monk in the corner yelled at Amu: "Drink! This wine is good!"

When Amu heard this, he calmly said to the white-haired old man, "Trouble me, bring a pot of wine and two side dishes!"

The white-haired old man didn't say much, and shouted to the back room: "Wu'er, here are two small dishes!" He took a pot of wine and a cup, and put them on Amu's table.

After finishing this, the white-haired old man returned to the counter and slowly wiped the very shiny copper pot.

Amu's face was calm, and he observed attentively. At the same time, he filled a glass of wine. The wine in the glass shone like green tea, and the aroma was overflowing.

"Good wine!" Amu sighed in admiration, raised his glass and drank it, but couldn't help frowning slightly.

Just because the delicious wine was extremely bitter and spicy, if Amu wasn't a monk of the Holy Spirit level, he might not be able to enjoy it at all.

The wine entered the stomach from the throat, the bitterness was unbearable, and the heat wave was rolling, which caused a throbbing in Amu's alchemy, and then the wine turned into traces of spiritual energy, pouring into the meridians.

What kind of wine is this?It actually implies the spirit of the fairy.Although Amu seemed calm, he was terrified.

"Hey! Good bar!" The crazy monk in the corner gave Amu a meaningful look.

"Good wine!" Amu looked at the crazy monk and smiled faintly.

From the moment he entered the door, Amu's demonic consciousness had dissipated, wanting to see who the white-haired old man and the skinny monk were.However, the magic consciousness that Amu has always been proud of has been thrown into the sea like a mud cow, without any feedback of information.

With the cultivation base of Amu's spiritual holy mid-level Dzogchen, monks of the soul-cultivation level can see through even high-level Dzogchen cultivation, and there are only two possibilities for this situation to occur now.

The first is that these are two mortals, and the second is that these two monks are at least at the level of scattered souls, and they are much higher than Amu.

"Mortal?" Amu smiled wryly in his heart, he seemed to have met a little more mortals in his life.In the boundless snow, in a strange shop, drinking wine full of aura, how could the two in front of you be mortals?
Thinking of facing two old monsters who were at least scattered soul level who didn't know whether they were enemies or friends, even Amu couldn't help but suddenly tightened his mind.

Not to mention that at this time, Amu was still seriously injured, even when he was in his prime, he would never dare to fight a loose soul-level boss.For a moment, Amu couldn't help feeling that it was a little reckless to visit Baicheng at night and go straight into the small shop.

At this moment, the door curtain of the back room was lifted, and a woman in Tsing Yi was holding a tray with two extremely delicate side dishes.

The woman in Tsing Yi went straight to Amu's table, put down the side dishes, said "Guests take it easy", and retreated.This woman in Tsing Yi should be the fifth child in the mouth of the white-haired old man, elegant and refined, extremely beautiful.

But when Amu looked at the woman in Tsing Yi, his pupils shrank.Amu's eyes are a bit special, otherwise he would not have seen Kuxinzi's soul that day.

Although the woman in Tsing Yi is a beautiful woman, in Amu's eyes, she is actually a proud plum blossom with a dark fragrance.

"Monster clan! The essence of plum blossoms!" Amu thought to himself.

Only then did he suddenly understand what the inexplicable aura emanating from the bar outside the shop was, it was an extremely rare evil aura.

In the five major regions of Haihuang Shenzhou, the demon clans are all located among the [-] mountains in Chongling in the east, and are under the jurisdiction of the Brahma Temple of the Seven Great Immortal Gates of Haihuang.

On the northern wilderness, it is rare to see monsters walking.Unexpectedly, today in this ghost town, I met the plum blossom elf.

So what are the white-haired old man and the sloppy monk?
(End of this chapter)

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