nine coffins

Chapter 188

Chapter 188
(Seeking collection, seeking recommendation, seeking publicity! Thank you everyone!)
In the strange small hotel in the ghost town, he actually met the plum blossom elf of the demon clan, which was beyond Amu's expectation.

Although the monster races in the Sea Desolate Divine State are not as powerful as human monks, they do not lack the power of scattered souls.It's just that the realm division of the monster race is slightly different from that of human monks.

The monster body, transformation form, and detachment are the three realms of monsters.They respectively correspond to the three realms of cultivation, spirit and soul of human monks.

At the same time, each realm of the Yaozu is divided into upper and lower realms, which are exactly opposite to the three realms and six realms of human monks.It's just that, each level of Yaozu doesn't have upper, middle and lower divisions.However, due to the natural physique of the monster clan, the combat power of the monster clan is stronger at the same level.

Just now, the woman in Tsing Yi had a natural expression, elegant and refined, almost no evil spirit, it seemed that she had cultivated human form for a long time.At least a monk who is equivalent to a human monk at the level of a holy spirit. As for the level of a holy spirit, it cannot be estimated, but it must be that his realm will not be lower than that of Amu.

It can be regarded as a big secret that the monster of the metamorphosis realm actually appeared on the northern wilderness.This kind of monster clan is comparable to the existence of Han Qianli, the suzerain of the Northern Cold Sect, and must not be underestimated.

Could it be that the white-haired old man and the crazy monk are both the superpowers of the monster race gods?If that's the case, it will be troublesome. Although the two races of the monsters in the Sea Desolate Shenzhou are not opposed to each other, they are not very harmonious.

According to legend, in the ancient times, the Yaozu was also very powerful, but after a great war, the venerable fell, and now it can only be located within the [-] mountains of Andongling, and it is also under the control of the Fantian Temple.

If the two in front of him are really powerful at the level of Yaozu scattered souls, Amu might be in some trouble today.Because, Amu knew that he possessed too many coveted treasures.

At this time, A Muqiang calmed down, slowly picked up the wine glass, and drank another glass of the bitter wine full of spiritual power, but this time he drank very slowly.

Amu didn't know what kind of wine it was, but for him who was injured now, it was a good medicine.

Looking at the wine alone, the white-haired old man with a hunchback didn't seem to have any hostility, otherwise, how could he take out this panacea wine for himself to drink.

Amu would never be so stupid as to think that this is really an ordinary small hotel, and it is common sense to serve guests with wine.

At this time, the crazy monk narrowed his eyes slightly, drinking and eating meat quietly.Amu drank the wine slowly, preoccupied.The white-haired, hunchbacked old man kept wiping the unusually bright copper jug ​​without raising his head.

In the small shop, the silence just now returned.

Quiet, terribly quiet!It seems that this small shop can make all the sounds disappear.

If it wasn't for the fact that Amu is already a Dzogchen middle-level monk of the Holy Spirit, and his concentration is extraordinary, otherwise such a strange atmosphere would have already made people uneasy.

This is a dead space!For a moment, Amu was in a trance.

It was midnight, and the fire in the small shop was blazing, but it was deserted.

Suddenly, a mournful howl came from outside the store, piercing the night sky and breaking the deathly silence.

Then, the woman's weeping, the man's screaming, the ear-piercing ghost cry, and the rolling killing sound resounded in all directions, like waves and tides, all of which seemed to be rushing towards the small shop.

This is the unwilling voice of hundreds of thousands of living beings in Baicheng in the past!They come from the underworld.

You know, in the great war 40 years ago, there were almost no survivors in the entire Baicheng, whether it was the royal family or the common people, and tens of thousands of people were buried here.

"Now, Baicheng has become a ghost city. Day and night, there is no moon and no stars, and the white snow keeps falling! Hundreds of miles away are barren and inhabited."

"The sound of killing and cutting every night, the sound of wailing continues, and the gathering of thousands of resentful spirits! It is heard dozens of miles away."

"Those evil spirits come out day and night to look for food, eating people's livers! No one dares to come within a hundred miles of Northern Wilderness."

As soon as these voices came out, Amu immediately remembered the words of the two traveling merchants in Shuangshan Village.Isn't it all true?

At this time, Amu wanted to spread out his magic sense to investigate, but suddenly found that his magic sense could not leave the room at all.This small shop seems to be protected or imprisoned by a magical force.

With the sound from outside, the old man with white hair and hunchback frowned in disgust and helplessly, and at the same time stopped the rag in his hand.The crazy monk in the corner stopped his glass, let out a long sigh, then put down his glass naturally, stood up, and walked slowly towards the door of the shop.

Strange to say, the crazy monk was clearly dressed in rags and covered in stains, but at this moment, every time he took a step, there were layers of faint white light emitting, no longer giving people a sense of sloppy, but a sense of worship .

When the monk walked to the door of the small shop, it was exactly seven steps.Within seven steps, the monk's whole body was full of white light, as holy as a Buddha's child.

"Buddha's light!" Amu's heart was shocked. This was the first time Amu saw a Buddhist monk on the sea wasteland.Buddhism and Taoism in the Sea Desolate Shenzhou Realm are one, but the method is slightly different.

And the monks of Buddhism mostly come from Chongling in the east.With Buddha's light on his body, he is definitely an eminent monk at the level of scattered souls.

"The master of Fantian Temple?" Amu was puzzled.

Among the Seven Great Immortal Gates in the Sea Desolation, the Brahma Temple guarding the eastern world has always been low-key and mysterious.There are many ascetics in the sect, who sharpen their bodies, eliminate evil and promote good, and respect them from the world of sea and desert.

But the monk in front of him described it as sloppy, and he was not taboo about wine and meat. How could he look like he was practicing penance in Brahma Temple?But the monk in front of him is definitely not a monster, so Amu is a bit more at ease.

"Crazy monk?" At this moment, Amu suddenly remembered what the old man with white hair and hunchback called the monk.

Brahma Temple?Crazy monk!
"Om—" Amu's mind shook.Suddenly remembered who the monk in front of him was.

There are countless cultivators in the Sea Desolate Divine Land, and soul-level cultivators, although they need a great opportunity, they still need a thousand years of hard work.But there are always monks who are so brilliant that they can enter the soul realm.And among the many monks in the soul realm, there are always some strong people who are independent and independent of the world.

Therefore, there is a list on the Sea Desolation Shenzhou, called the Sea Desolation Shenzhou Monster List.This list is a collection of thirteen soul-scattering old monsters with strange personalities and irrational actions in the Sea Desolate China.

All of these 13 people are unrivaled powerhouses, and according to legend, the ones with the lowest cultivation level are middle-level loose souls.At the same time, although these 13 people are not in the same spirit, they often take care of each other, forming a faintly powerful force.

Moreover, most of these 13 people came from the Seven Great Immortal Sects of the Sea Desolation. Although many of them were abandoned disciples of the sect, or left the mountain gate, no one dared to underestimate the power behind them.

Therefore, above the Shenzhou, when it comes to the people on the list of monsters in the Sea Desolation Shenzhou, they are all courteous.Even the Seven Great Immortal Sects of the Sea Desolation dare not easily offend these so-called monsters.

Thirteen scattered souls can almost compete with the seven immortal sects.

Haihuang crazy monk, whose dharma name is Tianxiu, ranks seventh on the list of Haihuang monsters, and is a perfect agent for dispersing souls.He practiced in Dongling Fantian Temple since he was a child. 200 years of spiritual sage, 500 years of entering the soul, and 500 years of practice, he was promoted to Sanhun.

It's just that Master Tianxiu has a free and easy personality, doesn't respect the precepts, and is free and undisciplined.Therefore, he was not tolerated in the ancient Brahma Temple, and was eventually expelled. He wandered around in China and won the nickname of crazy monk, which is also a joke in China.

Amu looked at the bright Buddha light and was speechless for a while.Just now I saw the essence of plum blossoms, and now I see the famous crazy monk on the list of monsters in the sea.

Where is this little shop?Who is that old man with white hair and hunchback?
Could it be that the old man is also a character on the list of sea desolate monsters, but Amu matched the sea desolate monsters mentioned by Kuxinzi one by one, but he couldn't confirm the identity of the old man with white hair and hunchback.

It seems that there is no such one on the list of monsters in the sea.

"My Buddha is merciful!" At this moment, the mad monk chanted loudly, interrupting Amu's thoughts.

Majestic treasure appearance, body protection of Buddha light, how can the crazy monk have the color of a game at this time?
"Huh—" The mad monk pushed the door open, and a cold air swept over him, but the Buddha's light directly blocked the door.

Amu turned his head and looked, he knew that what the traveling merchants in Shuangshan Village said was true, and he just came a little earlier.

I saw outside the door, the snow was as big as a mat, falling indistinctly.In the heavy snow, there are many ghosts, but you can't see their faces clearly, you can only hear thousands of evil spirits screaming and roaring.

Endless ghostly death energy scattered in the boundless snow.

At this moment, the door of the small shop opened, as if the gate of hell had been opened.At this time, Baicheng was a ghost town.

However, the wine screen outside the small shop emits endless purple awns, and within a hundred feet of the small shop, there are no evil spirits approaching.Occasionally, when an evil ghost comes near, as long as it is illuminated by the purple light, it will directly turn into flying smoke.

Goodbye to that crazy monk, with a compassionate face and a bright body.

"With my kind vow, I will turn you into the power of rebirth!" Immediately, the mad monk put his hands together and crossed his knees at the door of the store. At some point, he had a string of ancient wooden rosary beads in his hands.

The mad monk chanted the scriptures, and the golden light radiated out, while the ancient wooden rosary emitted simple and holy light.

Amu didn't know what sutra was recited by the mad monk, but he felt that when the sutra came out, the world was peaceful and the power of compassion surged.Up and down the four directions, it seems that the world is infected by its purification.

For a time, Sanskrit sounds reverberated between heaven and earth, and the Buddha's light shone everywhere.Faintly piercing through the wind and snow, suppressing the hissing of thousands of wraiths.

"With my benevolent wish, I will turn you into the power of rebirth!" Amu thought of the words of the crazy monk just now, and couldn't help but think to himself, "Is this crazy monk trying to save hundreds of thousands of innocent souls by himself?"

This is definitely a heart of great compassion, which makes Amu stand in awe.

"Ah!" At this time, the old man with white hair and hunchback in the store sighed heavily and shook his head, "Crazy monk, crazy monk! These hundreds of thousands of resentful spirits died under the power of calamity. Why, even if it takes 49 years, will they really be able to save them from rebirth?"

Robbery?Seventy-seven forty-nine years?Amu frowned.

Although the old man with white hair and hunchback said that he was a crazy monk, Amu always felt that most of the words were for himself.

"Senior!" Amu clasped his fists at the white-haired and hunchbacked old man and saluted, "I don't know what Jieli is? Hasn't this crazy master been here for 40 years?"

Amu asked directly, even a little abruptly, but the old man with white hair and hunchback did not show the slightest strange expression, as if he knew that Amu would ask this question.

But the old man with white hair and hunchback didn't answer Amu right away, but looked at him coldly and said, "A little monk of Lingsheng middle-level Dzogchen, I really don't know how you walked into my small shop?"

"Eh?" Amu smiled wryly in his heart, remembering the process of walking into the shop by himself just now, it seemed very natural and nothing special.

However, this small shop was not within Amu's magic knowledge at the beginning, and through all kinds of questions from the old man just now, it seems that this small shop is definitely not easy to enter.

"The younger generation made a mistake, maybe it's just a chance!" Amu didn't know how to answer, so he could only cover up like this.

"What a chance!" The white-haired, hunchbacked old man sneered, and glanced at Amu again.This glance made Amu's whole body tense, as if he wanted to see through himself.

(End of this chapter)

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