nine coffins

Chapter 192

Chapter 192

The east is about to dawn, and it is the color of fish white.The night snow that filled the sky had already stopped.

Amu was originally sitting cross-legged on a boulder with his eyes closed, but now he is slowly opening his eyes.After adjusting the breath in the middle of the night, those eyes were as clear as water, and finally regained their former radiance.

Last night, after Murong Haiqing left, Amu picked up this land.This place is already on the edge of the outer city of Baicheng, and the snow is sporadic but not thick, and this boulder is probably the remnant of the city wall when the city fell.

Amucai thought it would be safer to stay away from small shops in the city.According to the mad monk's instructions last night, Amu used three drops of "Seven Star Bitter Dew", and it worked wonders.

Although the three drops of bitter dew were unbearable, Amu almost vomited it out.But once it enters the pill sea, thousands of auras will be transformed to nourish its body.

Meditating and adjusting breath, after a few weeks, Amu's injury was healed, otherwise the damage caused to Amu by the soul-level cultivator would not know how long it would have been delayed.This "seven-star sweet dew" is really a rare panacea. The white-haired old man and the crazy monk are a great gift to Amu.

Before that, Amu was already a Dzogchen in the mid-level of the Holy Spirit, and he could step into the high-level of the Holy Spirit in one step.

In the battle between Liuzhen and Fuhunzi, Amu exhausted all his energy, but broke through and stood up.This time, with the help of "Seven Star Sweet Dew" to recover from his injury, he actually showed faint signs of breaking through.

High-level Holy Spirit!Soul Realm!Tribulation!

Originally, when Amu returned to Haihuang from the magic coffin barrier, he was full of ambition, and he thought that his cultivation was not low.With his demon cultivator body and Lingsheng middle-level Dzogchen cultivation base, although he can't say that he swept the Northern Wilderness, he is definitely a first-class master.

But before there was the floating soul, then there was the crazy monk and the mysterious white-haired old man with a hunchback, and finally there was Murong Haiqing again.These people are all unrivaled powerhouses.

Although he killed the middle-level Dzogchen Fuhunzi, Amu knew that it was his super magic weapon and good luck, there was a slight difference, and it was self-evident.

The difference in level is still an absolute rule in the world of cultivating immortals in the sea.Amu just coincidentally opened a gap in this rule.

As for the next three who are at least at the loose soul level, Amu knows that as long as they are willing, they can put themselves to death at any time.Even if I have a powerful magic weapon, I can't use it.

After going through all this, Amu once again felt that his cultivation was still insufficient.If it was like this, it would be difficult to go to Western Black Water.

Therefore, feeling that there is a faint sign of a breakthrough in himself, with Amu's usual calmness, he can't help but feel a little happy.

Standing up, Amu took a deep breath of the slightly cold air.The road of practice is really endless.

Although the trip to Liuzhen and Baicheng failed to meet Master and Yu'er, it was not in vain. At least the next target was Western Blackwater.Most of Yu'er's whereabouts fell in the Immortal Ghost Sect.

However, before that, Amu decided to go back to the Northern Cold Sect.

First, the matter of the Wild Soul Secret Realm exceeded the original agreement between him and Kuxinzi. Amu had to go back to see Kuxinzi to explain the situation, and he also had some doubts in order to seek answers.

Furthermore, Amu is going to the western Heishui region of the Sea Desolate Divine State. Naturally, such a cross-domain operation cannot be carried out against the wind. He needs to use the domain gate of the Northern Cold Sect to teleport.At the same time, Amu also wanted to go back to Beihanzong to see those old fellows.

I don't know what happened to Senior Brother Li Shui?What about Han Bingyi?There are also Junior Sister Li Ruo, Bai Shou Zuo, Master Qian Zang and so on.

The mountain gate of the first step of cultivating immortality, especially after experiencing the Northern Cold War, I don't know how many fellow gates fell because of Amu.In Amu's heart, he will always be a child of the Northern Cold Sect.

There are too many people and things he cares about!

Glancing again at the vast Baicheng, Amu remembered that last night Murong Haiqing said that she was an avenger.It's just that they don't know who should be responsible for the Qingcheng of Baicheng in the northern country, and who should Murong Haiqing seek for revenge.

Observing the direction in which Murong Haiqing left last night, it seems that he is running towards the Great Murong Dynasty.

I don't know, who did the mysterious Princess Haiqing learn from?In just 40 years, he was promoted to the scattered soul level, which almost exceeded Amu's understanding of the world of cultivating immortals.

Before leaving, Murong Haiqing's words "see you later, I hope you will be my senior brother" made Amu feel absurd.And Murong Haiqing's understanding of the black rattan and the seal made Amu have to admit that because of his master Wang Jue, he must have some relationship with the cold and polite Princess Haiqing, who is somewhat moody and angry, and has some connections with his teacher.

A junior sister at the soul-scattering level?Amu didn't even dare to think about it.

"Master! Master!" Amu recalled Wang Jue's words that night in Liuzhen.

"Come into my door and take on the important task of the ages. There are endless fetters. It's just that it's not convenient to tell you for the time being. You will know in the future."

Everything about Master may be gradually giving to the surface!That must be an extremely powerful existence.

Scatter your soul!Tribulation!Above the realm of robbery!
At this time, Amu used his greatest imagination to imagine the power of his master Wang Jue, but one day, he would definitely feel that he was ridiculous.

Because no matter how powerful an ant is, it will never imagine the light of God.And now Amu is really a cute ant.

Of course, Amu doesn't know all this yet.With a long howl to relieve his mood, Amu rose against the wind and headed straight for the Northern Cold Sect.

The Three Great Immortal Sects of the Northern Wilderness, the Tianhuang Sect, the Northern Cold Sect, and the Jiangxue Pavilion.In addition to the transcendent Seven Great Immortal Sects of the Sea Wilderness, guarding the Arctic Immortal Sea of ​​the Northern Wilderness, these three great immortal sects are the most powerful cultivation existences in the Northern Wilderness.

For nearly ten thousand years, the three major immortal sects have stood together, each controlling one side.The Tianhuang Gate is the most powerful, located in the west of the Northern Wilderness.Jiangxue Pavilion and Beihanzong lived in the east and north of Beihuang respectively.

Of the three great immortal sects, the Tianhuang Sect is the strongest. It is said that there are newly promoted monks at the level of soul cultivation sitting in the sect.Jiangxue Pavilion is comparable to the Northern Cold Sect. It has been thousands of years, and no soul-level monks have appeared.

The three great immortal sects agreed to hold a grand competition every hundred years.There is a secret rivalry between the three sects, and it is determined to determine who is the leader and who is the number one in the Northern Wilderness.The second is also for the disciples to learn from each other and experience each other, and to understand the Tao in detail.

Now, it is another hundred years.

However, Amu still doesn't know that it is now a hundred years old. When he left the Northern Cold Sect, it was more than 30 years ago after all.

From Baicheng to Liuzhen, if you go all the way against the wind, with Amu's current cultivation, it will take more than ten days, which can be described as an extremely long distance.At the beginning, Amu followed the cold thousands of miles to the Northern Cold School. Although he stopped and stopped, but with the first-class flying magic weapon Snow Blade, he still walked for half a month.

On this day, Amu arrived at a town store, and according to the Northern Cold Sect, there were still four or five days away.According to Amu's memory, this place is called Qifeng Town, within three hundred miles, there is a green hill.

There is a spiritual spring on the mountain, so there is a small fairy gate on the mountain, which is called the Lingquan sect.I heard from Han Qianli back then that the Lingquan Sect has only been established for more than 800 years, and the family is not big, and there are only a few hundred Xiutong.Compared with Beihan, which is measured in tens of thousands, it is not the same.

However, because of the help of the spiritual spring, the patriarch of Kaipai is also a monk of the most spiritual, so in the hundreds of years, there have been several high-level monks of fixed cultivation, and even one of the most spiritual.Moreover, the Lingquan sect devotes themselves to seeking the Tao, accumulating blessings and doing good deeds, and the people around them all want to help each other if they have something to ask.

Therefore, the Lingquan sect has spread far and wide for thousands of miles, and is highly respected. It can be regarded as the number one fairy sect here.Even Han Qianli back then, with the respect of the Northern Cold Sect Master and a monk at the level of Lingsheng, also praised the Lingquan School very much, and once said that he would definitely take care of him when he had the opportunity in the future.

In the center of Qifeng Town is an extremely spacious long street.There are many shops on both sides, which are quite prosperous.Because the Lingquan sect is three hundred miles away, the people here also tend to cultivate Qi.

Many of the disciples in Qifeng Town became cultivators in the Lingquan Sect, in order to cultivate their roots successfully and step up to the sky.Even if you don't succeed, you can learn some skills on the mountain and form a fairy relationship, and you will have no worries in this life.

It is said that one of the Dingxiu elders in Lingquan Sect was from Qifeng Town.It's just over 100 years and hasn't come back.Those who are determined to practice have already stepped into the fairyland, so they don't care about some mundane things.

With the prevalence of practice, there is also a pharmacy opened by Lingquan School in Qifeng Town.In the middle of the long street, there is a pharmacy with a big face and quite fairy flavor, called "Wenshengju".

When asked about Shengju, the people of Qifeng Town all praised and appreciated him.It's because half of this living house is for collecting and selling fairy grass, spirit stones and things commonly used by immortal practitioners, and the other half is for the people in the town and surrounding areas to get rid of diseases.

Therefore, Wen Shengju has saved many dying people over the years!In Qifeng Town, all people died of old age, and none of them died of illness.Not to mention Qifeng Town, many people from the surrounding villages came here to seek medical treatment.

The white Taoist robe is not stained with dust.At this time, Amu was walking on the street in Qifeng Town, watching at will.

Although he deliberately suppressed his cultivation to the beginning of the fixed cultivation stage and prevented his aura from being released, many people still cast envious eyes on Amu's extraordinary temperament.

The people in Qifeng Town still have some insight.One can see at a glance that Amu is definitely a master of Taoism, and some people even have a vague guess that this is the hidden fairy family of the Lingquan School.

What's more, a few people with a little bit of knowledge in nourishing qi came to salute Amu, saying that they were seniors, and they seemed to have some connections.Amu smiled lightly, and only said that he was a casual cultivator who traveled through this place and dismissed everyone.

Amu smiled wryly in his heart. It seemed that he still didn't suppress his cultivation enough. If he became a mortal like his master, how could he have such boring troubles?
"Everyone is good, less trouble!"

Thinking in his heart, Amu raised his head and only saw the antique three characters "Wenshengju". After walking, Amu entered the pharmacy.

This pharmacy is not small, and the outer room is full of ordinary medicine cabinets. There are all kinds of medicines such as tangerine peel, snow gall, sheep horn, tiger bone, etc., all of which are labeled.

The inner room seems to be smaller, but it is covered with a curtain, and several small medicine cabinets can be seen faintly.However, after scanning Amu's magic sense, he already knew that most of the rooms there were items needed by monks.The value is far from comparable to these medicine cabinets outside.

The buddy of Wenshengju is from Xifeng Town, and he also worked as a cultivator in the Lingquan School a few years ago, but unfortunately he didn't raise celestial roots.Now I have no choice but to go down the mountain and seek this livelihood.

"Greetings, senior! Senior is here, the shop is full of splendor, please come inside." The young man was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and he looked smart.Seeing Amu come in, addressing seniors directly is in line with the rules of the world of cultivating immortals in the sea wasteland.

Although Amu is only at the beginning level of fixed cultivation at this time, he is enough to be a senior, so he is not polite, nodded slightly, and followed him directly into the back room.

(End of this chapter)

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