nine coffins

Chapter 193 The Three Treasures of the Wild Soul

Chapter 193 The Three Treasures of the Wild Soul
Take a seat, watch tea, the young man is shrewd and capable.

Amu was also polite, picked up the tea bowl and took a sip.The tea is rich in fragrance and warm in the mouth, which is really good.

In fact, Amu is also the name of the Mu Lingquan sect, remembering what Han Qianli said that day, so he came in to have a look.Such a small shop, although behind it is the Lingquan faction, but there is absolutely nothing that Amu can fancy.

"Senior, what kind of spiritual grass pill do you need! Don't look at me, the Shengju shop is not big, but it is a first-class small shop with a radius of thousands of miles! Yanggen pill, Huiqi pill, all of them are sold in my small shop here." The guy is busy selling.

It's ridiculous to say, because he thinks he can see that the monk in front of him should be a master of the seventh or eighth level of cultivation, and maybe he needs these things.

"Yanggen Pill, Huiqi Pill?" Amu smiled slightly. Amu had eaten the Huiqi Pill in bottles at the time.As for Yanggen Pill, Amu still has more than half a bottle of Qiankun Ruyi Bracelet, so he probably has no chance to eat it.Because, up to now, Amu has not grown a fairy root.

"Yanggen Pill is too effective!" Amu joked.

"That's right!" the boy said with an apologetic smile, "Naturally, seniors don't need to raise root pills, but this time, it's better to prepare some Qi pills. If you don't need them yourself, you can share them with your disciples and grandchildren, and save you the trouble of refining them, right?"

The little guy is slick in all directions, but he is very good at talking.

Amu pondered for a while, and the boy seemed to understand his intention immediately.

"Senior, if you are here to sell goods, the small shop will also buy them, and the price is fair. If you are a small one, please ask the shopkeeper to come and appraise it for you!"

"Alright!" Amu nodded slightly. Since he had already entered the small shop, he couldn't just leave after drinking tea. It was always possible to sell something instead of buying something, even if he took care of the Lingquan pie.

"Okay! Just wait a moment." The little boy beamed with joy.You must know that the most lacking thing in the cultivation world is resources. Although you can earn some spirit stones by selling pills, many things in the cultivation world are priceless.Ordinary monks would rather not have spirit stones, but also want some life-saving elixir or refining materials.

The young man went straight to the back hall, and brought a rather elegant middle-aged man in his 30s in a short while.

"Eighth-level beginners?" In such a small place, there is actually a monk who is first-level eighth-level practitioners, which is beyond Amu's expectation.It seems that the cultivators of the Lingquan Sect are really good, and the importance they attach to this life is even more evident.

"Senior, this is my second shopkeeper!" The boy said to Amu.

"I've seen you, senior!" The elegant man, the second innkeeper, did have some discernment, and he could tell at a glance that Amu Nai was an absolute fixed cultivator, so he hurriedly bowed to A Mu.

This gift surprised the boy.In his eyes, the second shopkeeper is a real fairy, a person who can travel with a sword and travel thousands of miles in a day.

Just now he thought that Amu had the same level of cultivation as the second shopkeeper, but he didn't expect that the person in front of him was actually a senior of the second shopkeeper.

"You're welcome!" Amu said gently.

"I don't know what the senior gave me!" The second shopkeeper said very respectfully.One is that the businessman pays attention to making money with harmony, and the other is that the person in front of him is a practitioner who is a level higher than himself.

"It's nothing! They're all small things. I wonder if your store accepts them?" As he spoke, Amu waved his hand, and three things flew out of the Qiankun Ruyi bracelet.

One of them is a white ordinary porcelain bottle, which is filled with the most important deaf water in the wild soul secret realm, which is an excellent item for refining elixir.

At the beginning, Shen Yan filled A Mu Ke with a treasure bottle full of first-level deaf water.The current vial was poured out in secret.

The other thing is two herbs.

One of them looks like a reed, nearly three feet high, with slender leaves, black and red, and emits a faint fragrance.The other one is a bamboo branch.It's just that the whole body of the bamboo branch is as black as ink, including the bamboo leaves, with occasional white spots, but on the tip of each bamboo leaf, there is a red blood bead, which is crystal clear.

These two herbal medicines are the soul awakening grass and weeping blood bamboo that Amu obtained from the third level of the wild soul secret realm.

At the beginning, Shen Yan once said that the soul-awakening grass, refreshing and eye-catching, nourishes people's spiritual awareness, it is a rare non-toxic medicine in the secret land of the wild soul, and it can be equipped with a variety of pills on the sea wasteland, and it is the blindness of the spirit-level soul-reviving pill. Main drug.A soul awakening grass is worth [-] to [-] spirit stones!

As for the Weeping Blood Bamboo, the most precious thing is the blood bead on the tip of the bamboo. Some people say it is the blood of the Desolate Soul!It can bring mortals back to life, and it can also help monks concentrate their souls to advance.And such a Weeping Blood Bamboo is worth 30 to [-] spirit stones.

Not to mention how much the spirit stone is worth, the key point is that there are not always many people on the sea wasteland who make such a strange object.Generally, people who get this thing keep it for themselves to refine or honor their elders.The so-called, one thing is hard to find, that is the case.

In fact, in Amu's Qiankun Ruyi Bracelet, there are still many pills and immortal herbs, most of which were obtained from the monks who were beheaded by him and Shen Yan in the secret realm of the wild soul.

But most of those things are too expensive, and there are many killing tools.

After thinking about it, Amu took out these three things.Since it is a pharmacy, these spiritual water herbs are always useful, and for the Lingquan sect, they should be regarded as strange things.

Curiosities?Amu still underestimates the value of things in the wild soul secret realm.

As soon as the three things came out, the little guy didn't have much feeling that he didn't have celestial roots.However, the expression of the second shopkeeper, who had just cultivated the eighth level, changed instantly.

It's not because of anything else, it's just because of the Desolate Soul Qi emanating from the Weeping Blood Bamboo, which made him stagnate and dizzy for a while. You must know that the ones who can enter the Desolate Soul Secret Realm are at least high-level monks who have fixed cultivation, otherwise they can't resist it at all. The air of wild soul.

The second shopkeeper is a first-time eighth-level practitioner, so he is naturally not good enough.If it wasn't for the refreshment grass, which can just refresh your mind and make you alert, this one, this monk who has just cultivated the eighth level has been slightly poisoned.

It's also my fault that Amu didn't think much about it. These days, all he saw were soul-cultivating and soul-dispersing old monsters, so he didn't think about it at all.

"Senior!" The second shopkeeper stabilized his mind, bowed again and saluted, "Forgive me for my clumsy eyesight and ignorance of senior's fetishes, wait for me to invite the big shopkeeper to come here!"

"Eh?" Unable to identify, Amu couldn't help but smiled wryly, thinking that what he took out might be a little too shocking.Hearing what the second shopkeeper said, the boy next to him couldn't help but gasped.

"If you want to invite the shopkeeper, he is an old fairy." The boy thought excitedly.

Goodbye, the second shopkeeper raised one hand, it turned out to be a summoning talisman, it seems that the second shopkeeper attached great importance to what Amu brought out.

A beam of brilliance, a door of light appeared in the void, and then a tall old man in brown clothes stepped forward.

"But here is a distinguished guest, what treasure did you bring?" The old man's voice was resonant with joy.

"I have met Master!" The second shopkeeper hurriedly bowed down.

"I've seen Grandpa Xian!" The little guy knelt on the ground exaggeratedly, and kowtowed three times.

"Little Douzi, you are the only one who can say it!" The brown old man looked at the boy and cursed with a smile. At the same time, with a flick of his finger, a small pink pill fell directly into Xiaodouzi's hand, "Go out and guard!"

"Grandpa Xie Xian!" Xiaodouzi went out with the little pink pill in his hands, having fun secretly.

"I've seen this fellow Taoist!" The brown old man clasped his fists at Amu, and naturally saw that the person in front of him was also a practitioner.

"Meet fellow daoist!" Amu smiled faintly.

This brown-clothed old man is a Dzogchen monk at the beginning of fixed practice, and he presumably has a high status in the Lingquan Sect.

"To bother Master Qingxiu, it's just the three things this senior brought, and I really don't know what they are!" The second shopkeeper said politely.

"En!" The brown-clothed old man nodded. In fact, he was summoned by the magic talisman, so he expected it.It's just that his apprentice is not bad, so the other party's things must be good.

"Fellow daoist, please appraise!" Amu smiled half-smile, and waved one hand at the same time, with pure cultivation power, the three things were sent directly to the brown old man.

The old man in brown glanced at the soul awakening grass and weeping blood bamboo, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but look at Amu again.Then, he opened the porcelain bottle containing deaf and dumb water, and sniffed it gently.

"Deaf and dumb?" the old man in brown looked at Amu in surprise.

"Oh! The Daoist is very knowledgeable!" Amu praised sincerely, the big shopkeeper of Wenshengju really didn't know Gaide, and he immediately recognized the deaf and dumb water.

But the brown-clothed old man looked at the soul-awakening grass and the weeping blood bamboo again, and after a while he tried to say: "I am dissatisfied with Taoist friends, I am deaf and dumb today, and I have seen it in the past. But these two spiritual grasses, the old man really never seen it."

When the master said such words, the second shopkeeper couldn't help being slightly disappointed, but also relieved for a while, but looked at Amu with more respectful eyes.

"But!" said the brown-clothed old man again, "I've heard of the two spirit grasses, which also came from the Desolate Soul Secret Realm, but I don't know if it's true?"

"Fellow daoist, please tell me!" Amu said.

"This plant is refreshing and eye-catching, with a delicate fragrance and non-toxicity. Could it be the soul-reviving grass?" The old man in brown was not sure.

"Good!" Amu nodded.It is really insightful to ask the big shopkeeper of Shengju.

Seeing Amu nodding, the brown-clothed old man looked excited, he didn't expect that he really guessed right.

"Since this is the case, then this black bamboo must be the legendary weeping blood bamboo that can bring mortals back to life, and even help monks concentrate their souls to advance!"

"Good eyesight! Good insight! Fellow Daoist is worthy of being a member of the Lingquan School!" Amu praised again.

"Ashamed! Ashamed!" The brown-clothed old man shook his head, then cupped his fists again and said, "Old Elder Ding Yiyin of the Lingquan School, I have met fellow Taoist again!"

The expression of the brown-clothed old man instantly became respectful, although in his opinion, his cultivation level was still higher than that of Amu.But since the other party can sell the treasures of the Wild Soul Secret Realm, he is definitely not an ordinary practitioner.

You must know that soul-level monks are required to enter the secret realm of the wild soul. Although the Lingquan faction has some reputation, they have never expected to enter the secret realm of the wild soul.

"Sanxiu, Wang Han!" Amu said gently, and didn't announce the name of the Northern Cold Sect, because he didn't want to put too much pressure on the Lingquan Sect.

He understood that the brown-clothed old man must feel that he is such a beginner in fixed cultivation, how can he produce the things in the wild soul secret realm?And if you take three pieces, there must be a powerful teacher or master behind you.

Casual repair?However, the old man in brown clothes, Ding Yiyin, was a little disappointed. It would be great if he could join Amu in a big sect of cultivating immortals.

However, Ding Yiyin immediately adjusted his emotions. He also knew that many monks didn't like to report his master's school, so he said with a smile: "I don't know how you will sell these three treasures? They are in exchange for spirit stones. Or barter!

(End of this chapter)

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