nine coffins

Chapter 195 Jiangxue Pavilion

Chapter 195 Jiangxue Pavilion

"Murder and seize treasure!" Amu sneered, and then said to Ding Yiyin, "Friend Daoist, be a witness for me!" At this time, Ding Yiyin's expression was extremely ugly. He didn't understand why this monk named Wang Han To irritate the other party so much.

But at this time, the beautiful monk has already made a move, and her high-level fixed cultivation is enough to demolish this life residence, and it may cause trouble for the Lingquan faction.So, how could Ding Yiyin dare to accept Amu's words at this time?
"Hmph!" Amu didn't expect Ding Yiyin's answer, but looked at the beautiful woman's finger with a sneer.

It is not in vain to practice high-level cultivation bases and walk in the northern wilderness.However, in the eyes of Amu today, it is not enough.There is a world of difference between the middle-level Dzogchen of Lingsheng and the high-level Dzogchen of fixed cultivation.

This beautiful monk is not a demon cultivator, and she doesn't have a magic weapon against the sky. It is completely incomparable with Amu's situation in the wild soul secret realm.

Although, that finger has a good cultivation power, and it is cold and windy, especially the woman's thin white fingertips, when the cultivation strength is transformed into a little, it is enough to pierce through copper and iron.At the same time, looking at the woman's technique, she is by no means an ordinary small sect, she has the demeanor of a master, she must have been instructed by an expert.

However, in Amu's view, all of this is just floating clouds.Amu's current cultivation level is that Han Qianli, the Northern Cold Sect Master, would look up to him in terms of cultivation base, not to mention the reckless woman in front of him.

"Ning!" Amu just drank lightly, but did not see any movement.

"Huh?" The beautiful woman suddenly felt her whole body stagnate, she grabbed the right hand of the three treasures, was pulled by a strong force, and couldn't be retracted at all.At the same time, with a single finger of the left hand, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, and his cultivation power instantly disappeared into nothingness.

The white-clothed monk in front of him didn't move at all, but he was already in an absolute predicament.An inexplicable force directly locked himself in the void, unable to move a little bit.

"Cultivators, bully the weak! When it comes to buying and selling, you should come first and then come first! Don't be too arrogant! Why do these three things belong to you?"

Amu said lightly, and at the same time took a sip of tea very naturally, and the damn second shopkeeper was very cooperative, and then filled a cup for Amu.

The beautiful woman flushed with anger, and Ding Yiyin also secretly gave his apprentice a look, blaming him for being troublesome.For these two parties, the Lingquan faction had better not offend anyone, otherwise they don't know what will be involved.

So where is Wang Han, who is a fixed cultivator?One move to control the high-level fixed cultivation, most of them are monks of the most spiritual.That beautiful female cultivator is generous and defiant, so she must have a strong backer.

"This kid has no eyesight!" Ding Yiyin secretly hated.

But at this time, the second shopkeeper would not care about him, his mind had already been controlled by Amu, and asking him to pour a cup of tea was just a matter of passing.

"Report to the teacher's school, name and surname, so that you don't die!" Amu's voice was full of coercion.

In fact, that beautiful woman was a bit arrogant, and at the same time, she was disrespectful to the Northern Cold Sect.But the crime does not amount to death, and Amu just taught her a lesson.

However, Amu wanted to see who in this Northern Cold and Northern Region would dare to disrespect the Northern Cold Sect.

As soon as the breath was relaxed, the beautiful woman was able to speak and took two breaths.She didn't have the slightest fear on her face, but looked at Amu like a dead person.

"Beihuang Jiangxue Pavilion, Li Mushuang!" The beautiful woman looked proud and indifferent.

Beihuang Jiangxue Pavilion, Li Mushuang!
As soon as these words came out, Ding Yiyin couldn't help but gasped, "People from the Three Great Immortal Sects of the Northern Wilderness! Fortunately, I didn't offend you just now!"

"What pavilion? Li Muzhuan?" A Mu's attitude was completely different from Ding Yiyin's, and he frowned, as if he didn't hear clearly.


Relying on his advanced cultivation, Ding Yiyin managed to hold back his smile, but his face was deformed.But the elegant second shopkeeper couldn't hold back, and laughed outright.

Lee stake?Fortunately, Amu can figure it out, who can not laugh?

"Jiangxue Pavilion! Li Mushuang!" In Jiangxue Pavilion, Li Mushuang was extremely pampered, otherwise she would not have developed a savage character. When has she ever been humiliated like this, she gritted her teeth, and she was so angry that she wanted to cry.

"Oh! Jiangxue Pavilion, Li Mushuang!" Amu heard it clearly this time, but turned around and asked Ding Yiyin, "What kind of sect is Jiangxue Pavilion? How is it compared to Lingquan School?"

It was another question that made people vomit blood. Ding Yiyin had a bitter face, knowing that Amu did it on purpose, but he dared not answer

"Jiangxue Pavilion is the three great immortal sects of the Northern Wilderness, which is ten thousand times better than the humble sect! It can't be compared, it can't be compared!"

Ding Yiyin didn't dare not answer Amu, but he definitely didn't dare to disrespect Jiangxuege in words.

"How is it compared to the Northern Cold School?" Amu asked again.

"The three great immortal sects, each guarding one side, are evenly matched!" In fact, Ding Yiyin still leans towards the Northern Cold Sect in the Lingquan Sect's northern region, but now that Jiangxue Pavilion's disciples are in front, he also That's the only answer.

"Hmm! Not bad!" Amu seemed to be quite satisfied with Ding Yiyin's answer, and glanced at Li Mushuang, "The three great northern cold sects are on par! Just now, you didn't take the Northern cold sect seriously in your words, I Thinking that Jiangxue Pavilion is no better than that, right?"

Li Mushuang was fixed in the room with her teeth and claws open, while Amu was sipping tea carefully.Being controlled by others at this time, Li Mushuang was so ashamed and angry that she was speechless for a while.

"It's not a gentleman not to take revenge!" Li Mushuang gritted her teeth.

"Originally, you are not a gentleman, but a woman!" Amu sneered, and then glanced at the door meaningfully.

"Jiangxue Pavilion, known as the three great fairy sects of the Northern Wilderness, is expected to have a profound background. Just now, you asked for five thousand spirit coins to buy my treasure. Now, for the sake of Jiangxue Pavilion, I will not accept your five thousand gold-level spirit coins. Take Give me [-] silver-level spiritual coins, and I will be at a disadvantage, so I will give it to you!"

As soon as Amu said this, Ding Yiyin secretly sighed: "I am still too good at doing business. When Wang Han opened his mouth, he was given five thousand silver-level spirit coins, and he also said that he had suffered a disadvantage! This is a real businessman!" You can't accept it!"

But thinking of the Jiangxue Pavilion behind Li Mushuang, Ding Yiyin couldn't help but sweat for Amu.

Because Amu's behavior at this time was purely grabbing spirit coins, and it was a very shameless grab, and he grabbed it with confidence.

"It's just five thousand silver-level spirit coins! How about releasing the person first, Fellow Daoist?"

Li Mushuang didn't speak, but as soon as Amu's words fell, a very pleasant voice came from outside the small shop.

Amu snorted coldly. In fact, he knew that someone was coming outside, otherwise he would not have said what he just said.

Standing up slowly, Amu went straight out of Wenshengju, while Li Mushuang followed Amu straight out as if being pulled by someone.

Ding Yiyin was afraid that something might affect the Lingquan faction, so he hurriedly followed, and said to his apprentice in his busy schedule: "Quickly invite the suzerain!" The second shopkeeper nodded quickly and left through the back door.

Amu and others came to the door of Wenshengju, and as expected, there were already more than [-] monks standing at the door.

Among the twenty or so monks, most of them are female cultivators, and there are only five male cultivators.But the cultivation of these twenty or so people is not bad, and the lowest is the middle-level Dzogchen fixed cultivation. Among them, there are five Zhiling monks, and what's more, two of them are actually the middle-level cultivation of Zhiling.

Amu raised his eyebrows, the monks in front of him must be from Jiangxue Pavilion.Except for the three great immortal sects of Haihuang, the general sects are trying their best, and I am afraid that they will not be able to come up with such a lineup.

With such a strong lineup, what is Jiang Xuege doing in the Northern Wilderness?
"Master, Senior Sister!" Li Mushuang yelled loudly when she saw everyone.

Among the crowd, a male cultivator in Tsing Yi gave Li Mushuang a hard look, and Li Mushuang just bowed his head and remained silent.

"Jiangxuege Zhang Jiyun, I have met my fellow Taoist!" One of the people in the crowd took three steps forward and cupped his hands at Amu. It was the male cultivator in Tsing Yi.This is a monk of the most spiritual level.Calculating according to the rank and status of the Beihan Sect, Zhang Jiyun should also be the head or elder of the line in Jiangxue Pavilion, and his status will never be low.

"Sanxiu, Wang Han!" Amu didn't have the slightest intention of returning the salute.Jiangxue Pavilion, Amu wants to suppress its reputation today.

As expected of a cultivator in the spiritual realm, Zhang Jiyun had quite a bit of self-cultivation, and he didn't seem to care about Amu's behavior at all.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, I, Jiangxue Pavilion's sect, have offended me so much, I still hope to show you your hand and forgive my ineffective apprentice!"

It turned out that this Li Mushuang was Zhang Jiyun's disciple, and he was spoiled by him on weekdays.For the monks in the spiritual realm of Jiangxue Pavilion to say such things, it can be regarded as giving Amu enough face.Just imagine, the spiritual monks of the three great immortal sects above the Northern Wilderness are all strong ones.

With Zhang Jiyun's posture and Jiangxue Pavilion's reputation, whether there are any deaths, injuries or enmities between the two sides, Amu should definitely show off his face.

Zhang Jiyun also didn't want to cause trouble because Jiangxuege had something important to do, otherwise how could he be so polite?

But today, Amu wanted to refute Jiang Xuege's face, smiled lightly, and said: "It's not worth offending, but it's true that you can't do anything! It's just that I made a deal with you, but he couldn't get enough spirit coins. So we had to leave her alone!"

Zhang Jiyun frowned, he never thought that Amu would be so rude, forced a smile, and said, "Although the three wild soul objects are rare, they are not worth five thousand silver-level spirit coins! If you are not joking, fellow Daoist Wang, It is difficult for some strong people! The big deal is that if we don’t do this business, what else do you think?”

Although Zhang Jiyun had a smile on his face, he was faintly angry.

"Do you want to do business if you want to do it, and don't do it if you don't want to do it? You should have an explanation for disrupting my business with the Lingquan faction!" Amu said coldly.

"In this case, I am willing to bear everything for my apprentice, and I hope that fellow Taoist will let him go!" Zhang Jiyun also sneered, and at the same time, with one move with one hand, a pure spiritual force came straight to Li Mushuang.

Zhang Jiyun's purpose was not to attack A Mu, but to save Li Mushuang.Based on Zhang Jiyun's observations just now, the monk who called himself Wang Han's external cultivation was only at the beginning stage of fixed cultivation, but since he was able to restrain Li Mushuang, he must have suppressed his cultivation, and he was probably a master of the spiritual realm.

It's just that he couldn't see the depth of Amu for a while, so he kept speaking politely.At this time, apart from robbing people, he still had some tentative intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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