nine coffins

Chapter 196: The Woman in Blue

Chapter 196: The Woman in Blue
Most of the monks in the spiritual realm of the Northern Wilderness and Northern Territory are members of the Northern Cold Sect. As long as they are not members of the Northern Cold Sect, no matter how big the incident is today, it will not be harmful.Seeing Zhang Jiyun reaching out his hand, Amu still didn't move, just looked at him coldly.

That Zhang Jiyun is an elder in Jiangxue Pavilion, definitely not a commoner.Just imagine, among the monks who can enter the most spiritual realm, which one is mediocre?
Zhang Jiyun's probing seems simple, but the use of spiritual power is indeed extremely subtle, implying several kinds of power. As long as Amu makes a move to stop him, he can change his moves at any time, or even turn into an attack.

Jiangxue Pavilion is worthy of being one of the Three Great Immortal Sects of the Northern Wilderness, and it really is extraordinary, Amu secretly thought.

However, Zhang Jiyun still didn't expect that Amu didn't try to stop him at all, but just watched with cold eyes.

Seeing that Amu didn't make a move, Zhang Jiyun thought that Amu wanted to let Li Mushuang go straight away, just to save himself.But unexpectedly, Zhang Jiyun's hand had just entered three feet in front of Li Mushuang.A strong force, like a wave rewinding, came continuously.

Without a sound, he directly swung his palm away.

"Huh?" Zhang Jiyun frowned.With a spin of the body, the force was relieved, and at the same time, the left hand reached out again.

It's just that this time, he has secretly activated the Yin Jue technique, and the palm of his hand showed a purple-red light.

"Break!" Zhang Jiyun shouted in a low voice.According to his expectation, his spell is the secret of Jiangxue Pavilion, even the protection of the most spiritual level, it will definitely work.

However, things backfired.As soon as Zhang Jiyun's spell came out, he was also three feet in front of Li Mushuang.I saw a purple-red light appearing for a while, but it was dimmed and annihilated without a trace in just a moment.The condensed pure spiritual power disappeared instantly.Under the Wanmohuaxianjue, Zhang Jiyun's spiritual power can only be nourished by Amu.

At this time, not only Zhang Jiyun was surprised, but everyone in Jiangxue Pavilion who watched the battle behind also saw the problem.That white-clothed monk, Wang Han, was as stable as Mount Tai, not moving at all.

However, Zhang Jiyun's two shots were silently resolved.This is how the same thing?

Could it be that the other party's cultivation has reached the realm of the Holy Spirit? Everyone in Jiangxue Pavilion will never believe it.

Except for the Arctic Immortal Sea, the spiritual monks above the Northern Wilderness are all within the Three Great Immortal Sects.As for the spiritual monks of the three major immortal sects, everyone generally knows something about them, but they have never heard of such a person as Wang Han.

"You are not qualified enough!" At this moment, Amu felt that it was meaningless to get entangled with Zhang Jiyun, so he waved his hand lightly, but there was a great force to sweep it out directly.

"Hmm!" Zhang Jiyun groaned, and then retreated seven or eight steps abruptly before standing still, but his cheeks were tense, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Wow—" Amu shocked the audience.Everyone in Jiangxue Pavilion knew Zhang Jiyun's cultivation well. In Jiangxue Pavilion, he was a top-notch expert, but he was directly injured by the opponent's swing.

How not to be surprised?
"Who are you? What sect and sect?" Zhang Jiyun gently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and shouted.The Northern Wilderness cultivator who can make him vomit blood with one move is definitely not an unknown person.

"Sanxiu, Wang Han! I just said it!" Amu said calmly.At the same time, he glanced at everyone in Jiangxue Pavilion, as if waiting for someone to speak.

A stern look flashed across Zhang Jiyun's eyes. At the same time, there were two spiritual monks who looked at each other and wanted to make some moves.The other monks gradually dispersed intentionally or unintentionally.

Before Wen Shengju, the power of spiritual cultivation soared instantly, and there was a faint murderous surge.Jiangxuege's trip to the north this time is for the Northern Cold Sect, and these people are just one of them.

But now that the Northern Cold Sect has not yet arrived, they unexpectedly encountered such a powerful enemy!It seems that today's battle seems inevitable.

Although Amu has shown superior strength, Jiangxuege has a large number of people and carries a lot of treasures from his master.As long as they are not monks of the Holy Spirit level, they are confident that they can win.

Amu glanced at these people coldly, his murderous intent suddenly appeared, it was an innate killing intent.If these people really come together, with Amu's character, he definitely doesn't mind killing a few times.

But at this moment of tension.

"Slow!" Suddenly, a woman in a water-blue dress among the crowd in Jiangxue Pavilion spoke.

It's just this soft word, which sounds tactful.However, no matter who they were, everyone in Jiangxue Pavilion froze for a moment as if obeying the law.

Just a single word "slow" made these twenty or so good Jiangxuege monks freeze still, it couldn't be like this without long-term prestige.

At this time, Amu also heard that the woman in the water-blue dress was the female cultivator who just said, "It's just five thousand silver-level spirit coins! How about letting me go first, fellow Taoist?"

When Zhang Jiyun and Amu were talking and fighting, the woman in blue stood silently in the crowd, watching the changes without speaking.Now that the situation is tense, he spoke again.

And Amu has been waiting for him to speak, and at the same time, his eyes swept towards the woman in blue again.

The woman in the blue dress has a graceful figure, with unevenness, which can be described as extremely beautiful.However, this woman is wearing a red scarf to hide her true face, and her exposed eyes are full of autumn water, rippling, blurred and intoxicating.

It is expected that the woman in blue must be a stunning beauty, a little blue gauze will only add to the enchanting charm!
In terms of cultivation, the woman in blue turned out to be a middle-level Zhishen Dzogchen, which was a line higher than Mei Wangnan, the first member of Beihan Zongwangnan Peak.

Among Jiang Xuege's group, the woman in blue has the highest cultivation.It seems that she is the leading figure this time.

"Brother Wang Dao, my little sister is being polite!" The woman in blue moved her lotus steps lightly, took a step forward, and at the same time slightly raised her ten fingers, as slender as jade, and saluted Amu gracefully.

"Fellow daoist, you're welcome!" Amu didn't know what the blue-clothed woman meant, and said calmly.

"Cultivators from Beihan are all in the same family! Why should you hurt your peace today?" The woman in blue said in a soft voice, "Brother Wang Dao, your cultivation is unfathomable! I don't think we will argue with us, but I don't know what to do." Are you willing to let go of my Jiang Xue Pavilion's useless disciple?"

Just now when Amu hurt Zhang Jiyun, the crowd in Jiangxue Pavilion was excited, and the two sides rushed to fight.

But when the woman in blue appeared on the stage, Wu Nong spoke softly, full of charm.The key is that her posture is extremely low, it just depends on how Amu answers.

"Hmph!" Amu sneered in his heart.Don't look at the low-key speech of the woman in blue in front of her, but she must be a person with great means to make many monks in Jiangxue Pavilion bow their heads and ears.

"Just now I made it clear that five thousand silver-level spirit coins will be delivered and released immediately!" Amu was not moved by the beauty in red, and the conditions remained the same.

"Oh!" The woman in blue laughed lightly, "Brother Wang did say it just now, but my younger sister is stupid!"

"Five thousand spirit coins, brother Wang really let people go?" The woman in blue called Amu even closer.

She had beautiful eyes and kept staring at Amu, as if she wanted to see through the white-clothed monk in front of her.Her expression remained unchanged, but her heart was only blank and shocked, because she couldn't see through Amu, but instinctively felt an extreme danger.

"It's natural! Pay with one hand and deliver with one hand!" Amu said.

"Okay! Brother Wang is refreshing! Just five thousand silver-level spirit coins, Jiangxue Pavilion is small, but it can still be made!" As she said, the woman in blue flipped over with one hand, and a storage bag was already in her hand.

"Five thousand silver-level spiritual coins, Brother Wang, have a look!" The woman in blue opened her storage bag slightly, and the sky was filled with silver light, like the scorching sun in front of her.

Five thousand silver-level spirit coins!


At this time, many people from Xifeng Town gathered on the long street to watch the excitement.The theory of spirit coins is no stranger to them, and they also know that a silver-level spirit coin is priceless.

Five thousand silver-level spirit coins, what is that concept?Worldly people don't even dare to think about it. Just now when Amu and the others talked, they just regarded it as a big talk asking for a lot of money.

Unexpectedly, this enchanting red-clothed fairy really took out five thousand silver-level spirit coins.Today, the townspeople of Qifeng Town are eye-opening.

Not to mention these ordinary townspeople, but everyone present, only the monks in Jiangxue Pavilion did not have much surprise on their faces. It seemed that it was natural for the woman in blue to take out five thousand silver-level spirit coins, but her complexion was a little strange. untie.

Although Amu's face was calm, his heart was shaken.

In fact, Amu insisted on asking for five thousand silver-level spiritual coins, just to humiliate and anger the other party, and did not expect the other party to really take it out.

Because even the spiritual realm cultivators of Jiangxue Pavilion, the three major immortal sects of Beihan, would never carry five thousand silver-level spirit coins with them, or they were not qualified to carry five thousand silver-level spirit coins.

That was a huge wealth of 5000 million Lingshi, enough to kill dozens of sects like Lingquan Sect.

However, I didn't expect the woman in red in front of me to take out five thousand silver-level spirit coins so easily, just like taking out an ordinary spirit stone.

Ding Yiyin, who was beside Amu, swept over with his consciousness and swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva. It was a real silver-level spirit coin.

Ding Yiyin has only seen silver-level spiritual coins for 200 years of cultivating immortality, and it was at a fairy fair of the Northern Cold Sect decades ago. At that time, there were only ten coins.

You must know that silver-level spirit coins are not just for exchange, they are top-quality spirit stones that have bred countless auras, which can directly allow monks to absorb the aura from them.Its value is far higher than the ordinary 5000 million spirit stones.

A monk with five thousand silver-level spiritual coins can almost be invincible in battles of the same level.

"Cultivating immortals in this lifetime is enough!" Ding Yiyin sighed inwardly.He knew that it was the head of the Lingquan School, and he had never seen so many silver-level spirit coins.

Five thousand silver-level spiritual coins, he feels similar to the townspeople of Liu Town, and he dare not even think about it in his life.

At this time, those silver-level spiritual coins exuded a deep silver glow, and endless spiritual energy, which changed the atmosphere of the entire Qifeng Town.

Between breaths, I feel ecstatic.

"Brother Wang, what do you think?" The woman in blue held the storage bag, looked at Amu with a smile in her eyes.

If he easily took out five thousand silver-level spirit coins with him, then this blue-clothed woman is definitely not an ordinary Jiangxue Pavilion disciple. Looking at the attitude of other people in Jiangxue Pavilion towards her, this blue-clothed woman is even more of a detached existence.

In the Jiangxue Pavilion of the Three Great Immortal Sects of the Northern Cold, there is such a person?It's incredible.

Who is this woman in blue?

(End of this chapter)

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