nine coffins

Chapter 301 It's all the fault of Meng Po Nang

Chapter 301 It's all the fault of Meng Po Nang
(The recommendation has begun! Those are the same words. Thank you Shanhe for your support and votes! Let us do our best to make me feel your presence and give me a little strength. Thank you everyone!)

"I'm afraid we won't be able to pay the spirit coins!" Grandma Qianhua smiled, the wrinkles on her face were all knit together.It's definitely not a gentle smile.

"Oh? No, no..." Seeming to have lost his mind, the guy hurriedly covered it up, "To tell the truth to seniors, on weekdays, small shops also sell Meng Po Noodles, but today's Meng Po Noodles are sold by another The guest officer bought it. There is no more stock in the small shop. As you may know, Meng Po Niang’s small shop only sells three jars throughout the year."

"Oh?" Amu didn't respond because he didn't know the value of Po Meng's brew, while Po Po Qianhua frowned.

"A pot of Menghunniang is worth no less than a hundred silver-level spirit coins. Who can actually buy all the Mengponiang in your Zuixianlou?" said Granny Qianhua.

"A pot of Menghunniang is worth hundreds of silver-level spirit coins? A profiteer! And someone bought up all the three altars? Local tyrants!" Amu murmured to himself, feeling that he really had no knowledge.

"People from Qingyuan Yun's family! They're on the third floor." The guy said carefully, observing the faces of Amu and Granny Qianhua at the same time.

"Hmph!" Upon hearing that it was Qingyuan Yun's family, Amu snorted coldly, and said in his heart, "It's really bad luck! This is still a rich local tyrant."

"The third son of the Yun family?" Amu asked.

"Exactly!" said the waiter.

"Oh! It's him again, hehe!" Granny Qianhua was not surprised when she heard that, but smiled and said to the guy, "Since you are from Qingyuan Yun's family, please ask me, just tell me you are a prostitute." Hua's mother-in-law wants to drink Po Meng's wine, can I ask if they can send ten catties?"

"Eh? This?" The guy was a little confused. Could it be that this mother-in-law is a little crazy, or does this humble mother-in-law have any friendship with the Yun family?Ask someone from Qingyuan Yun's family to give ten catties of Meng Po's wine?are you crazy?

Seeing the guy's hesitation, Granny Qianhua smiled and said: "Just pass on a message, don't worry about anything else!"

"Okay! Listen to your orders!" The guy had no choice but to nod his head, and left in doubt.

"Mother-in-law!" Amu hurriedly said when Xiao Er went down, "Is Meng Po Niang good wine?"

"It's average!" Granny Qianhua said disdainfully, "Heishui Ghost City is poor, so that kind of wine is enough? And rare is more expensive."

"How is it compared to the seven-star sweet dew of the legendary Emperor Taihuang?" Amu asked again.

"Huh? You kid actually know the Great Emperor Taihuang?" Granny Qianhua was slightly surprised, and then said, "The Emperor Taihuang is not very good! However, his fairy wine is really good. The wine was brewed and cast in the wrong fetus. Granny Meng How to compare with it?"

"Oh? The brewer cast the wrong baby!" Amu secretly laughed in his heart. If the Emperor of Taihuang heard such an evaluation, what should he do?

At the same time, Amu was secretly happy, but he didn't show it.Just stay for a while and surprise Grandma Qianhua.

"Grandma, will the people from the Yun family bring you wine?" Amu asked again.

"Hey!" Grandma Qianhua showed a weird smile again, "Then let's see the luck of their Yun family. Sending wine to avoid disaster!"

Hearing what Grandma Qianhua said, Amu couldn't help but think that her hands were empty, and instinctively felt that if the Yun family didn't bring the wine, it would be a disaster.

While talking, the guy who saw goodbye had already returned with a frowning face, probably the Yun family didn't want to talk to him.

"Senior!..." The buddy said two words, and then didn't say any more, the meaning was self-evident.

However, the guy was clever, and hurriedly continued: "This store still has ghost wine! If the seniors don't give up, the younger ones are the masters, and I will give my mother-in-law a drink."

"Hey!" Grandma Qianhua smiled, "Your Immortal Ghost Sect is really much better at doing business than the Yun family. That's good, this time the Yun family has saved you from disaster. Let's go!"

"Huh?" The waiter in the store was a little confused when he heard that, what does it mean that the Yun family has protected you from disaster this time.

But guests come first, seeing that neither Amu nor the mother-in-law blamed him, he hurriedly took out ten catties of ghost wine from the storage bag.

No matter whether people drink or not, they must be polite.Putting the wine on the table, the waiter said to the senior to use it slowly, and then backed away.

"Hey!" Amu looked at Granny Qianhua and said, "Grandma said just now that she bought one and got one free. She was supposed to take the sheep by hand when she was going to leave this restaurant?"

"Yeah!" Granny Qianhua laughed, "You're finally smarter. That's right! But now, I've met a fat sheep! The Yun family has much more spiritual coins than the Immortal Ghost Sect. I really don't have a long memory!"

Granny Qianhua shook her head, the short memory he said was of course the fact that she had won Third Master Yun's Heiyun Flying Shuttle with nothing.It seems that the flower seller did not leave any impression on the Yun family, and it may be that the third son of the Yun family has so many magic treasures that he didn't notice that he lost the treasure.

"In a while, grandma will make your storage bag bulge up! Hehe!" Grandma Qianhua smiled.Then, he poured himself a glass of ghost wine and began to eat and drink.

"Thank you, mother-in-law!" Amu laughed in his heart, it seemed that those spiritual coins of the Yun family were his own.At the same time, Amu stretched out one hand, and a flagon was in his hand.

As soon as the jug came out, the strange fragrance wafted away. If Amu hadn't opened the barrier at the same time, the whole restaurant might have smelled the fragrance.

"Huh?" Granny Qianhua just took a bite of the food, and she hasn't finished the ghost wine yet.

"Seven Star Bitter Dew?" Grandma Qianhua asked in surprise.

Amu didn't expect that Granny Qianhua was so familiar with Qixing Bitter Dew, and she knew it just by sniffing it.

"That's right! It's the Seven Star Bitter Dew!" Amu said with a smile.

At this time, there is still half a jug of Amu's Seven Star Sweet Dew, but this is a repair treasure, if it is poured into an ordinary wine jug or blended, I don't know how much it will be.

With a wave of Amu's hand, Amu put away most of the ghost wine, then took the wine glass, and poured a glass of Seven Star Sweet Dew for Granny Qianhua.

It was pure seven-star sweet dew, almost priceless, the aroma of the wine scattered, and the aura lingered in the wine glass, condensing and not dispersing!This seven-star sweet dew is comparable to an elixir.

Granny Qianhua picked up the wine glass, sniffed it lightly, was quite intoxicated, and then took a sip directly.

This action shocked Amu extremely.You know, Amu would never dare to do this.Every time Amu was seriously injured, he only dripped three drops. If he took a sip like this, it might directly burst Amu's pill sea.

You know, even the hard-working man who was addicted to alcohol did not drink like this, and the crazy monk who was listed among the thirteen evildoers of the sea desert also mixed and drank.

Just now, Amu poured a cup for Granny Qianhua, purely out of politeness, but unexpectedly, this grandma actually drank it directly.

Goodbye Qianhua Granny, taking a sip of Seven Star Bitter Dew, it seems that there is not much abnormality.

In fact, the bitter and spicy feeling went straight to the throat.The endless aura spread out directly.

But after a while.


Even Granny Qianhua took a sip of the seven-star bitter dew, her eyes were filled with brilliance, and her face showed a hint of drunkenness.The breath of alcohol that spewed out was actually extremely strong spirit spirit.

"It really is fairy wine!" Granny Qianhua praised, "This is definitely brewed by the Emperor of Taihuang himself! The taste is exactly the same as back then."

Amu chuckled, a little more proud.

However, Granny Qianhua's expression darkened instantly, and she said, "Where did you get this wine from?"

"Huh?" Amu was taken aback for a moment, and then he told the story of Baicheng's encounter with the Emperor of Taihuang and the crazy monk.

Granny Qianhua listened carefully, although the expression on her face did not change much, but Amu could feel that her mother-in-law was not at peace.

After hearing this, Grandma Qianhua let out a sigh of relief, and then said bitterly: "That old man really has a lot of life! To be able to leave his life in the hands of a celestial girl, it's really God's sake."

"Oh?" Amu frowned, "Mother-in-law knows the Emperor of Taihuang?"

"Acquaintance? More than just acquaintance?" Granny Qianhua sneered, then took a sip of Seven Star Bitter Dew, and said bitterly, "It turns out that he was trapped in Beihuang Baicheng. It seems that the matter here is over. Granny, I will return I want to go back to Haihuang, if that guy is not dead, how can Haihuang be peaceful?"

"Oh?" Amu's heart sank, "Mother-in-law?"

"Don't ask too many questions! Your cultivation is too bad!" Granny Qianhua seemed slightly annoyed, "In the future, you must be careful when you meet that bad old man. If you let him see your origin clearly, you probably don't know how to die Yes! Do you understand?"

"Eh?" Seeing that her mother-in-law was angry, Amu was puzzled, but she dared to say more, so she nodded her head in agreement.

"He gave you the seven-star sweet dew just to take advantage of you. With your cultivation, Heishui is definitely not the place you should come to. If it weren't for the crazy monk, you would have died in that small shop that day, and you didn't even see your mother-in-law. There is no chance! Do you know?"

"I know!" Amu nodded obediently as she saw Granny Qianhua so formally for the first time.

"I guess he's taken a fancy to your demon body, hehe!" Grandma Qianhua sneered endlessly, "It seems that the emperor of Taihuang has only mediocre vision, and he sometimes misses it."

Granny Qianhua seemed to be talking to herself, and then she drank the seven-star bitter dew in the cup in one gulp, and she was already three-point drunk.

"Good wine! Hehe!" Grandma Qianhua laughed, "Unfortunately, there are no people who can drink with the old lady!"

In the last sentence, Granny Qianhua's tone suddenly turned sad.A sad breath spread out.

Amu didn't dare to pour wine for Granny Qianhua, but looked at her not knowing how to speak.

"Put it away!" Granny Qianhua stopped, "This seven-star sweet dew is a life-saving thing for you! Let the mother-in-law ruin it."

When Amu heard this, he hurriedly said: "Why does my mother-in-law say that? My mother-in-law likes this half pot of wine, and Amu will give it to you directly!" Amu is absolutely sincere.

"Hehe!" Granny Qianhua smiled, "Grandma knows your sincerity. However, this seven-star bitter dew may only increase Granny's troubles, so you can keep it!"

As she spoke, Grandma Qianhua waved her hand, and the jug disappeared.

Amu froze for a moment, and at the same time swept away his magic consciousness, the jug had already fallen into his Qiankun Ruyi bracelet.

This is incredible.

To Granny Qianhua, a soul treasure-level storage magic weapon is like a house with the door open, and one can come in and out at will.

"Don't be surprised!" Granny Qianhua laughed, "Grandma's skills will be passed on to you in the future!"

"Come on, drink this with my mother-in-law!" Granny Qianhua poured two large bowls of ghost wine in front of her and handed a bowl to Amu.

"Okay!" Seeing that her mother-in-law was interested, Amu took it directly and drank it down.

(End of this chapter)

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