nine coffins

Chapter 302 Robbery of the Yunjialing Coin Store?

Chapter 302 Robbery of the Yunjialing Coin Store?
(On the new Monday, Shanhe begs for your collection and various tickets. There are recommendations this week, please give me some strength! The saint will appear soon.)
Push the cup to change the cup, the aroma of the wine is scattered.Upstairs in Zuixian, Grandma Qianhua and Amu drank all the ten catties of ghost wine.

The ten dishes were basically swept away.

Granny Qianhua's words are good, and the cooking skills of this Zuixianlou are really good.The color, fragrance and taste are all good, the mouth is full of aura, and you can forget your worries after eating.Grandma Qianhua and Amu had a full meal.

Originally, Amu thought it was bad luck that Grandma Qianhua would take her upstairs to find Young Master Yun and others.But unexpectedly, the mother-in-law hiccupped and said, "Amu, go downstairs and pay the bill. Leave!"

"Huh?" Amu looked at her mother-in-law who seemed to be a little drunk, and didn't dare to ask any more questions, thinking, "That's good! It's better to have one more thing than one less thing. After all, it will be the Holy Maiden Ceremony soon, and the members of Qingyuan Yun's family will also ask questions." Not to offend!"

The two of them went directly to the restaurant, leaving a few silver-level spiritual coins, and directly tipped the waiter.The waiter in the shop was naturally grateful, and sent the two of them out of Zuixianlou.

The number of pedestrians on the long street remained unabated. It was approaching noon at this time. If the All Saints Palace not far away had not opened up an endless space with magic, I am afraid that it would not be able to accommodate the crowds pouring in.

However, according to Granny Qianhua, the more people there are, the happier the Immortal Ghost Sect should be.Although it is open for free today, the Immortal Ghost Sect seems to have lost its spirit stone, but it won the hearts of the people, and the power of those beliefs and incense is extremely rich and mellow.These are priceless treasures for the Immortal Ghost Sect.

Amu originally wanted to help Granny Qianhua run towards the Wansheng Palace, but Granny Qianhua stopped in her tracks.

"Huh? Mother-in-law, why don't you leave!" Amu said in surprise.

"The direction is wrong!" Granny Qianhua said.

Amu is at a loss, isn't he going to participate in the Holy Maiden Ceremony?Why is the direction wrong, the All Saints Palace is just ahead?

"Turn around this street and go to the Yun Family Spirit Coin Shop first!" Granny Qianhua smiled strangely.

"Ah?" Amu was taken aback for a moment, but immediately understood.

Originally thought that Granny Qianhua didn't want to trouble the Yun family anymore because they didn't go to the third floor of Zuixian Tower.

But I didn't expect that it was not the case at all. It's not that Granny Qianhua didn't want to look for it, but she thought that the trouble that the third master Yun could find was too small, so she directly set her sights on the Yun family's Lingbi shop in the ghost city.

You must know that the Yun family is a sea wasteland fairy merchant, almost holding the lifeblood of the entire sea wasteland's spirit stones and coins.Sanctuary Ghost City is the number one city in Heishui, so the Yun family's Lingbi shop naturally has a semi-colon here.

Moreover, this semicolon is definitely one of the best.The collection and distribution of spirit stones and spirit coins in the entire Blackwater Continent must pass through here.

Hearing that Grandma Qianhua was going to the Yun Family's Lingbi Store, three words suddenly popped up in Amu's mind - rob the bank!

Grinning in his heart, as a killer in his previous life, Amu actually despised that kind of unskilled work.

"Hey!" However, in an instant, Amu secretly laughed in his heart, because sometimes robbing a bank is also very cool.What's more, there is such an unfathomable person as Granny Qianhua by her side?

He didn't say much, Amu knew that everything should be arranged by her mother-in-law.Turning around this street, there is indeed a silver building in front of you.

The structure of the building is very special, not like an ordinary pavilion, but looks like a very square seal, square and square.The walls are covered with many sigils, there are no windows, only two golden gates.

The two colors of gold and silver are enough to explain the meaning of this building.

On the golden gate, there are five big characters "Yunjialing Coin Bank" written in ancient seal characters!
There are two monsters squatting at the door, shaped like toads, their backs are covered with silver-level spirit coins, and there are two gold-level spirit coins in their mouths.

Looking at the Lingbi shop, Amu couldn't help but feel a little dazed!This is really no matter which time and space, there are some shocking buildings and vulgar layouts.

However, this Yunjialing coin store is just a layout of prisons and shopping malls in the previous life.The two gold-level spirit coins in the toad's mouth were genuine.

"This is a forbidden magic circle. The spirit coin on the toad is to provide inexhaustible power for the magic circle. If you want to break into the Yun family's spirit coin shop, you are a monk who has lost his soul. He will be strangled. I heard that these formations were arranged with the help of the old man from the Miao family." Granny Qianhua said.

"Oh?" Amu looked at those formations carefully, and couldn't help sneering in his heart.

I have seen all kinds of forbidden pictures of talismans in the hell in the back of the Nether Mountain, whether it is the water-like sigils outside the ice crystal coffin, or the thousands of murderous intentions on the gate of the ancient burial, none of them are the forbidden pictures of this Yunjialingcoin. The array can be compared.

That's not the same concept and pattern at all!
How can you care about the wind and waves in the small river once you have been in the sea?Although Amu couldn't completely break through the forbidden map in front of him, he was confident that he would never be strangled by a forbidden map of this level.Unless, there are old monsters at the scattered soul level, sitting in charge to deduce.

"Mother-in-law, are you forcing your way in?" Amu said.

"Huh? What are you trying to force?" Granny Qianhua was taken aback.

"Then how do we grab it?" Amu asked puzzled.

"Oh? Who said you want to steal it?" Grandma Qianhua smiled wryly, "No matter how capable we are, we can't waste it on such trivial things."

"Small things?" Amu grinned, Dongyun's mind was only on small things, and he really didn't know what big things were.

"Let's go in and save some silver-level spirit coins. Just look at the tricks of my mother-in-law! As for snatching, I don't think it's necessary. If you have the strength, how about my mother-in-law taking you to snatch the saint of the Immortal Ghost Sect later? Hehe!" Qian Hua The mother-in-law's signature weird smile.

"Eh? Good!" Amu Machinery agreed, and then felt a little big.

Grab the saint?To rob the saint in the ghost town of the Immortal Ghost Sect, Amu thought that if he could think about such a thing without doing anything, he would be a person of great power.

"Let's go! Just prepare two thousand silver-level spiritual coins!" Grandma Qianhua took Amu directly forward.

The Forbidden Map Formation outside the Yun Family's Lingbi Bank would never be activated on weekdays.At this moment, Granny Qianhua and Amu climbed up the steps without any hindrance, pushed the door open and entered.

The interior of Lingbihang is quite elegant, not as shocking as the exterior.Rows of black stone huts are separated according to different levels, all covered by enchantments, exuding a faint green light.

What kind of transactions are being carried out by the people inside cannot be seen from the outside at all.

It seems that there are several transactions going on, and the cultivator wearing the dust-proof cloud robe unique to the Qingyuan Yun family is constantly busy.

At this time, a high-ranking Dzogchen who was wearing a first-grade white cloud robe came over, bowed to Amu and said, "Senior, may I ask whether you want to exchange spirit coins or spirit stones!"

"I want to deposit two thousand silver-level spirit coins." Amu said.

"Okay! Please come with me!" The high-ranking Dzogchen monk who had settled down did not show any surprise.

Two thousand silver-level spirit coins is definitely not a big deal for the spirit coin shop in the ghost town.

Amu and Granny Qianhua were taken to a hut in the corner, where there was a white-haired old man wearing a second-grade white cloud robe, whose cultivation was at the elementary level of the Supreme Spirit.

In front of the old man, there was a rectangular table with a black glow on it, and a seal with a black light.

"How many spiritual coins does the guest save?" the old man asked directly.

"Two thousand silver-level spiritual coins!" Amu said, and then directly handed out a storage bag from his arms.

The old man took the storage bag mechanically, opened his mind and nodded gently.Two thousand silver-level spiritual coins, one is not a lot.

At this time, Grandma Qianhua didn't say a word, she seemed to be Amu's follower.

Goodbye to the old man who collected the spirit coins, he put the storage bag on the table directly, and pinched a formula in his hand.On the table, a brilliance flashed, which turned out to be a miniature magic circle.

The brilliance suddenly rose, and Amu's two thousand silver-level spiritual coins did not know where it was sent.

Amu couldn't help but secretly marveled in his heart, seeing a silver jade slip in the magic circle.

The old man picked up the seal on the table, shook it lightly, and a beam of brilliance was directly printed on the silver jade slip.

"Above the deserted sea, deposit and exchange!" The old man directly handed the jade slip to Amu, with the last stylized words.

"Thank you!" Amu took the jade slip, and saw the words "Haihuangyun Family, two thousand silver-level spirit coins" clearly written on it.

Grandma Qianhua still didn't say anything, and the two of them left the hut directly.

At this time, after they came out, there was no one to guide them.

"Go! Go over there!" Granny Qianhua pointed to a slightly larger room to the north.

"Mother-in-law?" Amu was a little puzzled.

"Go get a thousand silver-level spirit coins!" Grandma Qianhua laughed, but there was too much evil in that smile.

Amu smiled wryly, wondering what her mother-in-law was up to.I had to do as my mother-in-law asked.

Entering the slightly larger room, it is almost exactly the same as the one just now, except that the rectangular desk is bigger.

Sitting behind the table is a middle-aged monk, wearing a poinsettia cloud robe, it seems that he has the surname of Yun, and he is also a high-ranking spiritual leader.

"Guest, take the spirit coin?" the middle-aged monk said.

"Hmm!" Grandma Qianhua didn't ask Amu to speak this time, but directly took the jade slip in Amu's hand and said, "Take one hundred thousand silver-level spirit coins! Urgent use!"

"One hundred thousand silver-level spiritual coins?" Amu almost stopped behind.

Amu could clearly see the jade slip just now, and it said two thousand silver-level spiritual coins.But the mother-in-law actually wants to take one hundred thousand silver-level spirit coins directly after taking it, how is this possible?

"One hundred thousand silver-level spiritual coins?" Obviously, the middle-aged monk was also taken aback. There are not many such large transactions every day, especially personal ones, almost none.If it's Xianmen, it's better.

However, the middle-aged monk still took the jade slip from Granny Qianhua.

I saw a flash of green light in his hand, and sure enough, a line of small characters appeared on the silver jade slip.

"Qingyuan Yun Family, 20 silver spirit coins!"

That was the genuine Yun family's spirit coin amulet.Everyone in Qingyuan Yun's family believed that this could never be faked, because every talisman was blessed with powerful mana at the scattered soul level, and there had never been any fraudulently received spirit coins.

"Guest officer, one hundred thousand silver-level spiritual coins may need to be prepared a little bit!" said the middle-aged monk.

"Huh?" Grandma Qianhua frowned, "No, I need it urgently! What do you think it is?"

Saying that, Grandma Qianhua suddenly raised one hand, and a purple awn shot out from her right palm.Except for the middle-aged monk, even Amu didn't see what it was.

However, when the middle-aged monk saw the purple awn, his expression changed drastically.

"This... this..." The middle-aged monk was a high-level monk, but he stuttered in an instant.

"Don't say anything, or your soul will be wiped out!" Granny Qianhua's voice was extremely cold, and the chill pierced through people's hearts.

"I know... I know..." The middle-aged monk was sweating on his forehead.

"I'm holding the jade slips in my hand and withdrawing the spiritual coins normally. I just hope you can prepare one hundred thousand spiritual coins immediately!" Granny Qianhua's tone softened a little.

(End of this chapter)

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