nine coffins

Chapter 303 The Mysterious Flag Shadow

Chapter 303 The Mysterious Flag Shadow

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Standing in the back, Amu wondered what Granny Qianhua had shown the monk to make him so frightened.

You must know that the person wearing the red robe has the surname Yun, even if he is not a direct descendant, he is not an ordinary Yun family child.If Granny Qianhua hadn't shown him something shocking and mundane, he would never have lost his composure like this.

But at this time, the middle-aged monk heard that Granny Qianhua's tone softened, and felt relieved.

"Senior, don't worry, this junior will immediately retrieve it with all his strength!" After finishing speaking, the middle-aged monk formed seals with both hands.

The jade slip handed out by Granny Qianhua floated on the rectangular table.The formation was activated, and a cloud of silver light covered the jade slip.

Granny Qianhua snorted coldly and didn't even look at the middle-aged monk, while Amu looked at the middle-aged monk a little nervously.

Amu understood that the jade slip must have been tampered with by Granny Qianhua, otherwise it would not be possible to turn it into a jade slip that could extract 20 spirit coins.

At this time, the formation of the middle-aged monk seemed to use the jade slip as a guide to send one hundred thousand spiritual coins.Amu was a little worried, whether Yujian, who was manipulated by Grandma Qianhua, could pass this test.

However, it soon proved that Amu's worries were unnecessary.

The seals in the hands of the middle-aged monk kept changing, the first storage bag appeared, the second storage bag appeared, and three storage bags appeared in a row.The middle-aged monk is a high-level Supreme Spirit, but with the help of the formation, he brought in three storage bags, but his head was full of mist.

Obviously, extracting the [-] spirit coins consumed a lot of his spirit power.

"One hundred thousand spirit coins is quite a lot, senior, please have a look!" said the middle-aged monk.

"Yeah!" Granny Qianhua nodded in satisfaction, "The Qingyuan Yun Family has the most reputation, and Granny can trust it!"

Then Granny Qianhua gave Amu a wink, and Amu hurried over, waved one hand, the purple light flashed, and he put the three storage bags into the Qiankun Ruyi bracelet.

Although for a soul treasure like the Qiankun Ruyi Bracelet, everything is as light as a feather when put in it, but once these three storage bags are put in, Amu instantly feels as heavy as Mount Tai.

Amu knew that was the feeling in his heart.That's one hundred thousand silver-level spirit coins!A total of [-] silver-level spirit coins.

Amu believed that even Qingyuan Yun's Lingcoin shop could not easily mobilize [-] silver-level spiritcoins in another place.

The power of [-] silver-level spirit coins can almost completely wipe out the northern wilderness sect like the Northern Cold Sect, which has been passed down for nearly ten thousand years, and can make monks in the soul realm take risks for it.

However, today Amu easily has one hundred thousand silver-level spirit coins.In the past, Amu couldn't even imagine it.

Amu even has the urge to deposit it back again. The huge wealth of [-] silver-level spirit coins is still safe in the spirit coin bank.Back then when Young Master Yun was walking in the black water, he only carried more than ten thousand silver-level spirit coins with him.

However, these are all thoughts in Amu's heart, and he didn't show it at all on the surface.

In order to match Granny Qianhua's domineering look, when Amu waved his one hand, it was so calm, casual and natural.It seems that what he collected was not one hundred thousand silver spirit coins, but ten ordinary spirit stones.

"Hmm!" Granny Qianhua nodded in satisfaction. She didn't know whether she got the hundred thousand silver spirit coins or she was satisfied with Amu's performance.

Amu's calmness shocked the middle-aged monk, and he showed even more respect to Granny Qianhua and Amu.

The middle-aged monk made a move with one hand, and the jade slip returned directly to his hand, picked up the seal on the table, and swept it with a brilliance.

"Senior, please take back the jade slips! There are [-] silver-level spirit coins left! Above the deserted sea, deposit and exchange are available!"

"Above the deserted sea, deposit and exchange!" Hearing this, Amu almost laughed out loud.

Granny Qianhua took the jade slip very calmly, and handed it to Amu directly.

Another hundred thousand!Amu couldn't take it anymore.If the jade slip just now was fake, then this time the jade slip is absolutely true.

"Farewell!" Granny Qianhua said.

"Respectfully, senior!" The middle-aged monk stood up and gave a deep salute. His attitude was so respectful that he couldn't be more respectful.

"Well! Don't mention today's matter to anyone. Otherwise, you should know what will happen!" Granny Qianhua said calmly, but her tone was unquestionable.

"Senior, don't worry, this junior knows how to behave!" the middle-aged monk hurriedly said.

Granny Qianhua nodded without saying anything, and then went out of the small black room with Amu.

The two of them didn't stay for too long, but went straight out of Yunjialing Coin Store.

At this time, the middle-aged monk in the hut directly sat down on the chair, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hands, and let out a long breath of foul air.

At the same time, with a single wave of his hand, the hut was directly covered by the barrier, and business was temporarily suspended.Although he is a monk with the surname of Yun from the Yun family, the impact just now was too great, and he needs to calm down completely.

He will never forget the purple light that flashed in the hands of the red-clothed mother-in-law just now.

In the purple light, immortal energy was dense, and then a pattern appeared.

It was a lavender pennant, about one foot wide and two feet long, with a horizontal axis of ancient wood on it, and gold silk tassels on the bottom.The sun, moon and stars are embroidered on the surface of the flag, exuding a faint glow, and in the middle is a looming city in the clouds.

The edge of the flag is embroidered with blue dragons and fire phoenixes. Under the shadow of the stars, the flying dragons and phoenixes are so lifelike that they are ready to come out.Although it was just an image in a purple glow, it was enough to make the middle-aged monk panic.

It is this flag shadow, as a Yun surnamed child of the Qingyuan Yun family and a high-ranking Supreme Spirit Dzogchen, the middle-aged monk knows its origin.This made him dare not respond to Grandma Qianhua's request in the slightest.

Moreover, Granny Qianhua withdraws the spirit coins normally, but she just asks to be faster, which is not excessive at all.

In fact, not to mention the normal extraction, there is no jade slip certificate, as long as Grandma Qianhua shows the flag.Then, the highest manager of the Yunjialing Coin Store in this sanctuary ghost city, the high-level soul-cultivating Dzogchen master, also needs to give face.

The Dzogchen monk of the Supreme Spirit thought so.


At this time, Grandma Qianhua and Amu had already left the Yunjialing Coin Store.

When they stepped out of the seal-like building and looked back at the toad holding the gold-level spirit coin, Amu couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

"Everything is risky! It's not easy for the Yun family to be as big as it is to open the Lingbi Bank." Amu thought to himself.

"How is it?" Granny Qianhua looked at Amu with a smile.

"Excellent!" Amu said, "Grandma, this is more enjoyable than robbing! You can get 20 silver spirit coins without bloodshed."

However, at this time, Amu still thought in his heart, if this was put in the previous life, it would be a fraud with a high IQ!However, it is estimated that the Yun family will not be able to find out now, because the transaction is completed, and the jade slip in Amu's hand has completely become a real jade slip.

"Mother-in-law, how did you do it. How could the jade slips be faked? Two thousand silver-level spiritual coins turned into 20?" Amu asked curiously.

"It's just a trick!" Granny Qianhua smiled.

"As long as I have the Yun family's jade slips in my hand, mother-in-law, if I want to write many spiritual coins, I will need as many spiritual coins. So, those things are like broken stones to my mother-in-law! They are not worth as much as my flowers and plants!" As she said that, Granny Qianhua couldn't help tidying up the pots of flowers and plants in her flower basket.

"However, Grandma's spell can't last for too long. If half an hour passes, the jade slip will become the same. So we must extract it quickly!" Grandma Qianhua laughed again.


It seems that it is not foolproof, but Amu remembered the purple light Granny Qianhua showed to the Yun family monk, and hurriedly asked: "Grandma, what did you show the Yun family monk, he was so scared!"

"Hehe. It's just a blindfold! That cultivator's cultivation base is still too low. If he is at the soul level, it may not be easy to use!" Grandma Qianhua prevaricated, as if she didn't want to say more.

He didn't ask anything, and Amu was a little speechless. It seems that there is no hope of learning this empty-handed white wolf's secret knowledge now.

Thinking of this, Amu couldn't help sighing.

"What's the matter? There are too few white wolves with empty gloves? Why are you sighing?" Grandma Qianhua said angrily.

"After all, I invested two thousand silver-level spiritual coins, so I can't be considered a white wolf!" Amu shook his head.

"Hmph!" Granny Qianhua nodded Amu's head with her index finger, and cursed with a smile, "Not enough greed! Keep the other hundred thousand, is that true?"

Then, Granny Qianhua turned her voice again and said softly: "You don't even need to learn such a small technique. With Granny here, you can easily get gold and silver spirit coins! How can Granny make you poor."

"Yeah!" Amu nodded.

For some reason, Grandma Qianhua always gives Amu a very warm feeling, that kind of love, even doting, that the elders have for the younger, Grandma Qianhua always shows it inadvertently.

In fact, Amu didn't know the real identity of Granny Qianhua, but Amu had only experienced that kind of intimacy and trust from her master Wang Jue.

"Sea Desolation Divine Land, universal deposit and universal withdrawal!" Amu repeated what the people in the Yunjialingcoin shop always said like a joke.

Grandma Qianhua couldn't help but smile, then restrained her smile and said:
"Amu, you just need to practice with peace of mind and improve your cultivation level! Your cultivation level is still too low to be a big responsibility!"

"Well! Amu understands!" Amu lowered his head.

"Now you are a cultivator of Void Soul, you are only one step away, and the Soul Realm is not far away!" Granny Qianhua said.

"It takes a chance to advance to the soul realm, maybe it's because Amu's chance hasn't arrived!" Amu said.

"Fate? Hehe!" Granny Qianhua sneered, "We're going to the Wansheng Palace right now, and in just an hour, the Holy Maiden Ceremony will start. Granny will give you a chance!"

"Oh? Mother-in-law, do you really have a solution?" Amu said in surprise.

"Hmm!" Granny Qianhua nodded and looked in the direction of the All Saints Palace. "To enter the All Saints Palace, as long as you follow the arrangements of your mother-in-law. Then there must be a chance!"

"However, it may be a narrow escape, how dare you?" Granny Qianhua looked at Amu and smiled strangely.

"Why don't you dare?" This time, Amu ignored Granny Qianhua's weirdness, but said proudly.

"Okay! Let's go, let's go to the Saintess Ceremony!" Grandma Qianhua didn't say anything more, and took Amu directly to the Wansheng Palace.

The Lingbi shop of Qingyuan Yun's family became the background for the old and the young.

(End of this chapter)

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