nine coffins

Chapter 304 Prelude to the Holy Maiden Ceremony

Chapter 304 Prelude to the Holy Maiden Ceremony

(Please recommend and support my brothers and sisters! Hit the top [-] in the Xianxia classification list, and it was famous yesterday! Save it a lot, thank you everyone!)
Halloween Palace, the main body is made of black water and black stone, but it can change other different colors.

With the blessing of countless spells, the holy land in the ghost city of the sanctuary is magnificent and mysterious.

The mist is dense and the fairyland is lingering.Countless believers are kneeling and prostrating.

When Granny Qianhua and Amu arrived at the Wansheng Palace, the atmosphere inside and outside the palace was almost at its peak.People worshiping, selling goods, and watching the excitement abound.

Because it is free and open today, there are countless mortals, especially poor mortals, who have poured into the palace.This is their only chance to enter the holy sect.They want to dedicate their most pious hearts to the Holy Ancestor.

Looking at the bustling male and female believers, Amu suddenly felt an inexplicable sadness.

In the eyes of immortal monks, mortals are really ants.

The endless power of faith in the void almost gathered into clouds.There are nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine palaces, and each palace is full of mortals.Those devout believers will probably never believe that the holy sect they believe in and pray for blessings is absorbing the essence of their lives little by little.

The Saintess Grand Ceremony is at the end of the hour, and the location is an extremely open square in the center of the All Saints Palace.

There is a high platform in that square, which is no less than ten feet high and has a radius of one hundred feet. The top can hardly be seen by ordinary people. It must be the place where the sacred ceremony is held.

To the north of the square is the soaring skyscraper Cangwu.Standing majestically, it is extremely solemn.

Why must it be three minutes before the end of time?Granny Qianhua explained to Amu that after noon, the yang qi drops and the yin qi rises, and the power of faith that many believers can contribute begins to decline.

And at the Holy Maiden Ceremony, once the Holy Maiden comes out, the power of the believers will reach a peak again, which is most beneficial for the Immortal Ghost Sect to absorb the power of faith.

"The Immortal Ghost Sect is really like a devil!" Amu sneered.

The entire All Saints Palace is open, only the Cangwu Tower can not be approached.Of course, in some important places, the Immortal Ghost Sect has also set up formations. If someone approaches, they will naturally be teleported.

Amu and Granny Qianhua found a very suitable place to stand, and the viewing angles were impeccable.What made Amu speechless was that Granny Qianhua actually bought two pots of flowers here, and they bought them for two mortals.

Granny Qianhua's bargaining behavior almost drove Amu crazy.Then there is no mysterious and powerful monk, but it is clearly an old woman in the country.

Gesticulation, spittle flying, or whispering, or blushing, but just for half of the spirit stone.

At the end of the deal, Qianhu's mother-in-law was actually very satisfied and enjoyed it, and happily threw the half of the spirit stone to Amu.

"I've rewarded you, my mother-in-law earned it with real skills! Keep it, it's very meaningful. Hehe!"

There were almost three black lines on Amu's face.

"Everything can't be done, all things can pass through!" Amu silently recited the "eight-character mantra" of Qianzang Zhenren to calm his mood.

The Holy Maiden Ceremony has not yet begun, so Amu has no choice but to let Grandma Qianhua sell flowers.This is also the tempering of one's xinxing!Amu thought so.

Grandma Qianhua's business was surprisingly good, she sold more than ten pots in a short while.In the end, the mother-in-law was too busy, so she had to ask Amu to help.

Since most of the people around are mortals, they must be extra careful in every move.Otherwise, if the aura is released outside, I am afraid that it will instantly kill countless people.

Therefore, after buying dozens of potted flowers, Amu was in a hurry, but Grandma Qianhua was much more proficient.Bargaining, handing flowers, and biting spirit stones to see if they are true or false, nothing messed up.

"Boundary!" Amu sighed in his heart.

"Not for sale, not for sale, the last pot! The last pot!" Granny Qianhua shouted in a rough voice.

In the end, the pot of Amu's unknown flowers and plants was auctioned.A man who looked like a rich man offered five high-level spirit stones and bought them.

"Huh—" Amu let out a long breath, watching the people surrounding Granny Qianhua and him gradually disperse.

"It's all for you!" Grandma Qianhua smiled, and gave you all the spirit stones in the basket, Amu.

"Grandma, is this really cultivation?" Amu asked quietly but solemnly.

"Hey!" Granny Qianhua restrained her smile, "Those who can get my flowers are all lucky people, those flowers can make them calm and calm, even if they believe in the Immortal Ghost Sect, they will not consume the essence of life, which is equivalent to saving their lives. Are you saying this is my practice!"

"Accumulate goodness and become virtue, a journey of great cultivation!" Amu sighed.

Thinking about it, those who got the mother-in-law's flowers are all equal to the blessing of the mother-in-law's magic power, so they are naturally blessed.

Not to mention others, isn't the current Han Bingyi of the Northern Cold Sect relying on the pot of Forget Soul and Worry-free Grass to suppress the inner demons and practice hard?And the mother-in-law accumulates kindness, and naturally her merits are immeasurable.

Thinking of Han Bingyi, Amu remembered that in his Qiankun Ruyi Bracelet there was also a Forget Soul and Worry-free Grass, which was obtained from the mysterious fairyland in the Wild Soul Secret Realm.

"Grandma, I still have a Forget Soul and Worry-free plant, how about giving it to you?" Amu said.

"Oh, hehe!" Grandma Qianhua smiled, "Forget it, Grandma doesn't need it. Those flowers and plants are all good, you should save them for your little girls! You are their demons and worries! Or maybe you will need it yourself in the future, and you have to ask your mother-in-law to ask for it!"

"Huh?" Amu blushed, knowing that Grandma Qianhua seemed to have some predictive ability, and she gave Han Bingyi a plant back then, and she really used it.

"People are coming!" Amu was still thinking wildly, but Granny Qianhua's words interrupted his thoughts.

"Huh?" Amu looked up, and saw that the empty space around the originally extremely wide platform was filled with floating chairs at some point.Arranged according to the position, the colors are shining and the brilliance is Zhanzhan.

As soon as these floating chairs came out, there was a wave of cheers from the square of the All Saints Palace.In the eyes of ordinary monks, it is an extremely ordinary existence, but in the eyes of mortals, it is a thousand miracles.

They could hardly control themselves, their expressions were agitated, and what's more, they started to bow down directly.

With the applause, countless rays of light suddenly rose.

As soon as the time came, there were many figures in the sky, and many monks appeared on the floating chairs.These are all monks from various sects in the sea and desert who were invited to participate in the Holy Maiden Ceremony.

There are also some monks who don't have floating chairs, but are hanging in the void. There are a large number of monks, and those who have passed invitations.It is not necessary to occupy a place in the sky with mortals and lowly monks.

In fact, Amu also has an invitation in his bosom, which was given to him by the essence of plum blossoms.It's just that Amu didn't take it out.

Amu's magic consciousness scanned slightly, but did not find the essence of plum blossoms.Amu understood that with the method of the essence of plum blossoms, it would be effortless to avoid his own magic consciousness.Amu didn't look any further.

Goodbye to those monks sitting on the floating chair, but there are a few acquaintances of Amu.

The third son Yun, the second miss Miao and several monks from the Yun family and the Miao family were all there, but there were more than a dozen people more than in the Huangquan Fairy Fair that day.

Third Young Master Yun and two soul cultivators sat at the front. One of them was the high-level soul cultivator who was wearing a fourth-grade red cloud robe at Huangquan Fairy Collection that day, and the other was a fourth-grade white cloud robe. It is for the high-level Dzogchen cultivation of the soul.

The three talked and laughed happily.It seems that the [-] silver spirit coins or the loss of Heiyun Feishuo that day did not have the slightest impact on Third Young Master Yun.It's just that he doesn't know, does he know now that the spirit coin shop in the ghost city has just lost one hundred thousand silver-level spirit coins.

The members of the Miao family sat next to the Yun family.Miss Miao Er still looked elegant, quite out of the world.Beside her is that middle-aged beautiful woman, whose cultivation base is the high-level Dzogchen cultivation of the soul.In addition, there is an old man with a slightly sick complexion, whose cultivation base is also a high-level Dzogchen cultivation of the soul.

Behind the Miao family of the Yun family, there are many monks of their own family, all of whom have the lowest cultivation level, the first level of the Holy Spirit Dzogchen.

Both the Qingyuan Yun family and the Miao family have come, and their status is not low!Amu sneered, secretly Dao Xianguizong's face is really not small.

Opposite the Yun Family and the Miao Family, there are monks from two great immortal sects.

One of them has only seven monks, but each of these seven monks is very imposing.

The one sitting at the front is a middle-aged monk, wearing a red robe, with dragon eyebrows and phoenix eyes, majestic and majestic, his cultivation level is actually something that Amu can't see through.

Scattering soul monk?Amu was surprised.Didn't Ziyou City have an order not to allow scattered soul monks to act across domains?

And the six monks behind the red-robed man were all soul cultivators.

"Huh? Mother-in-law, is that the oriental family known as the first family in the desert?" Amu asked.

The Saintess Ceremony of the Immortal Ghost Sect is a black water event, but the Seven Great Immortal Sects of the Sea Desolation generally do not send soul-scattering powers to participate.One is that the level of scattered souls is too high, and the other is that there is an order from Ziyou City that monks of scattered souls must not act across domains.

But the fairy gate in front of him actually came to loose souls, and the followers were all middle-level soul cultivators. Except for the Dongfang family on Qingyuan, Amu couldn't think of such a pomp in that fairy gate.

"En! That's right!" Granny Qianhua glanced lazily at the stage, "Except for the Dongfang family, who can fight like this, even the scattered soul monks are here, the Dongfang family is indeed stronger!"

With Granny Qianhua's character, it is already extremely high for the Dongfang family to receive such an evaluation.

"The one who is sitting seems to be called Dongfang Hongtian, who is at the first level of Dzogchen Sanshen! I don't know the others."

"Mother-in-law, isn't Ziyou City not allowing scattered soul cultivators to travel across domains?" Amu asked puzzled.

"Ziyou City has such an order. But the Dongfang Family has a Ziyou City Immortal Order. The Dongfang Family can mobilize a scattered soul at any time to travel to the other four regions!" Qianhua Granny said.

"Why?" Amu asked.

"Because the Dongfang family made great contributions to suppressing the Taihuang sect back then! In fact, this is also Ziyou City's way of using the Dongfang family to restrain the other six families! Therefore, every time there is a major event in the sea, the Dongfang family must send a scattered soul to show My own difference is also to calm down the scene." Granny Qianhua said with a hint of disdain.

"However," Granny Qianhua changed the subject and suddenly laughed, "The daughters of the Dongfang family are all good-looking, hehe!"

Granny Qianhua looked at Amu and said, "It's just that the background is not good, otherwise the mother-in-law can get you a few wives!"

"Huh?" Amu was taken aback, feeling a little dizzy, not knowing what to say.

A little bit of a bad background?Get a few wives?

At this moment, Amu felt that Granny Qianhua was an old woman who loved her children and grandchildren and babbled.

(End of this chapter)

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