nine coffins

Chapter 350 The monk who turned into sea water

Chapter 350 The monk who turned into sea water


There was another soft sound, which meant that the monk could hide quickly.Amu turned his wrist, and the dagger in his hand hit the blade of the long sword.Unexpectedly, the cold light of Amu's dagger flashed, and the elementary repair treasure was cut in two by Amu's dagger.

"Ah—" The skinny Taoist turned pale with shock.He never expected that a mortal would have a magic weapon of the fairy family, otherwise he would never be able to break his fairy sword.

Not to mention him, Amu was also taken aback.

The dagger on Amu's body was the only weapon on his body after he woke up.Amu also knew that this dagger was extremely sharp, but it was more of an impression from his previous life and the effect of daily hunting.

Although in Amu's memory, this dagger seemed to come from the sky, but he had never used it with a monk.Amu has no monk power now, so naturally he never thought about how powerful this dagger is.

Today, it was also a mistake, and it was a small test.Although breaking a first-level Xiubao is nothing to Amu, because at this time Amu can directly break the long sword with his body alone, but the power of this dagger may be worth looking forward to.

With all the mana lost and all the treasures gone, it would be great if the dagger was as powerful as the black rattan back then.Amu thought in his heart.

Goodbye, the skinny Taoist was taken aback for a moment, then put his hands together in front of his chest, and immediately began to form seals.

Spells are the real skills of monks. For monks who have just cultivated to the ninth level, their skills in magic are like gods in front of mortals.

That was Dongling technique, which Amu had never seen before.The skinny Taoist priest's cultivation power is scattered, and he is quite powerful in this small village.

"Water Flame!" The skinny Taoist shouted coldly.

A blue flame leaped out from the Taoist priest's hand and headed straight for Amu.

That blue flame sneered in the void.

As soon as this spell came out, the folks in Mengjia Village were dumbfounded.The dazzling blue flames flew in the void, which was beyond their cognition.

When have they seen such a scene, isn't this a fairy?
The speed of the blue flame is extremely fast, and it rises in the wind, several feet in an instant, like a blue dragon, it is also shining in the sun.This is probably the most powerful spell that this monk who has just cultivated to the ninth level can cast.

The cultivation power around them swelled, and everyone in Mengjia Village felt the heat wave, but there was still a biting chill coming out of the flames.

That kind of very uncomfortable feeling, like being between ice and fire.

At this time, Amu wanted to hide, but couldn't,


The blue flame was raging, directly wrapping Amu in it.


"Brother Amu—"

The people in Mengjia Village turned red-eyed and rushed forward.

"No one come here, stay back! I'm fine!" Amu hurriedly shouted, his voice extremely calm.

This level of magical flames can't hurt Amu at all, but if people from Mengjia Village rush over, they will instantly turn into ashes.

"Huh?" The monk who had just cultivated to the ninth level turned pale with shock.

Amu is not afraid of his own flame of water, it is clearly a monster.Even monks of the same level can't handle my own technique.

It seems that today's battle cannot be fought, and all his attacks are basically ineffective against Amu.Thinking of this, the monk who had just cultivated to the ninth level felt timid in his heart and directly rose against the wind.

At this time, Amu, who was wrapped in the blue flame, suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and instinctively took a step outward.This step was very special, and Amu suddenly remembered that he had a set of strange footwork.

However, this footwork, without the power of a monk, is already unable to exert its power.However, at this time, Amu's body instinctively took a step, but it seemed to coincide with the magic of that footwork, and he escaped from the blue flame all at once.

Seeing that the skinny Taoist priest Yufeng was about to leave, Amu shook one hand, and the dagger flew out of his hand.It's just that it wasn't a magic trick, but that Amu used the dagger as a hidden weapon.

Even so, a stream of light is truly astonishing.

The monk who had just cultivated to the ninth level was scared out of his wits at this moment, thinking that Amu sacrificed some magic weapon.

Flying against the wind, he almost fell from the void.

"Pfft—" The dagger was so brilliant that it directly severed one of his arms.

The skinny Taoist groaned in pain, but he didn't dare to stay, he gritted his teeth and directly resisted the wind, disappearing into the sky.

Amu snorted coldly, but he couldn't resist the wind, so he could only help the skinny Taoist escape.

In fact, Amu's mind is also contradictory.The skinny Taoist escaped, and might attract powerful monks.

But then Amu may have the opportunity to meet high-ranking monks, and may return to the practice world, but it may also bring great trouble to Mengjia Village.

However, these gains and losses are no longer within Amu's control.

"Amu, are you okay!"

"Brother Amu—" At this time, all the folks in Mengjia Village gathered around to see how Amu was doing.

Although Amu performed amazingly just now, everyone didn't regard Amu as a monster, they were still just concerned.Maybe Amu was supposed to be like this.

Amu smiled and said, "It's okay!"

In fact, Amu's upper body Tsing Yi has been destroyed, exposing his bronze-colored skin, which looks quite strong.It's just that it's common for people on the beach to be shirtless, and everyone didn't pay much attention to it.

"The matter may not be over yet. Amu, let's go! Go to the third uncle's house, let's discuss it!" Second Brother Meng said.

"Okay!" Amu also knew that he killed the monk, and the matter would not end like this.In fact, there is nothing to discuss, but for everyone's peace of mind, Amu still wants to sit down.

Everyone responded and felt that they could help, so everyone went to the third uncle's house.

When we arrived at the old third uncle's house, the third aunt gathered water, but this fishing village didn't drink much tea, only plain water.But at this time, everyone was not in the mood, and they all surrounded Amu.

The first thing everyone asked was who the two Taoist priests were, what other beginners were in the ninth level, and what kind of spells they were.

Amu smiled wryly, and it took a long time for these simple folks to understand a little bit of the outside world and the concept of monks.

"Brother Amu, are you a monk?" asked the young man who called Amu just now.

"What's the point? It's not a monk who can kill that stinky monk! I'll just say that Amu is not an ordinary person!" Second Brother Meng said angrily, and at the same time gave the young man a look, thinking that he asked a rather idiotic question .

"It used to be!" Amu said vaguely. He didn't explain too much to the folks in Mengjia Village, because the conversation was probably endless.

"Amu, I don't think the cultivator came in a good way! Now that one of them has escaped, I'm afraid they will gather their troops and make a comeback! I'm afraid we can't do it alone!" The third uncle still thinks more realistically, knowing that the matter seems to be very serious .

"Yeah!" Amu nodded with a smile, "don't worry guys, today will be fine! There is no one around our village for hundreds of miles. I guess this monk must be thousands of miles away. He can't come today! Let's talk about it after today. Even Come and me, I have my own way!"

"Yeah!" After hearing what Amu said, everyone naturally had a bottom line in their hearts.Seven years of performance, plus everything just now, made the villagers believe in Amu very much.

But at this moment, Shuiwa came running.

"Father, Brother Amu! That fat man's body just now turned into sea water! And that arm is gone!"

"Huh?" Amu frowned, and the big guy was also taken aback.

Everyone rushed to the scene, but it took only an hour.

The people in Mengjia Village, because they were anxious to hear what Amu had to say, hadn't had time to deal with the fat monk's body. They didn't expect that there was only a pool of sea water on the ground at this time. How could there be any monks?
"Water body?" Amu frowned. Just now, he saw the two monks a little vaguely. Could it be the clone of the great monk?

"Amu, what's going on?" someone asked.

"It's okay, blindfold!" Amu didn't explain much.

"Now, what shall we do!" Second Brother Meng asked again.

Amu shook his head with a smile, and said: "The monks are here, everyone really can't help you! What should you do, I have everything!"

Amu patted Second Brother Meng on the shoulder, and said, "I'll go back to the stone house first, and study the countermeasures. I'll be right there if I have something to do!"

Everyone heard what Amu said, and they also knew that it was enough for them not to hold back at this time.Everything depends on Amu.

When Amu returned to his stone house, he was inexplicably disturbed and felt a little uncomfortable in his head.

It was an indescribable feeling!
It seems absurd that three big fish attract two monks, but it really happened after all.Xixuan Palace, I don't know what kind of masters there are.

Those two Taoist priests were also a little weird, they seemed nondescript, and in the end they turned out to be a pool of sea water.

Amu always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.After thinking too much, I found some headaches.

Amu has no sleep, and there is no good solution for the time being. The key point is that Amu cannot predict what will happen next! ,

Distraught, Amu had no choice but to draw in the void with one hand over and over again.Boringly drawing various forbidden pictures to pass the time.

It was a quiet day, and Amu didn't leave the house for a day.The third uncle sent someone to bring food to Amu.

The night is getting thicker and the moon is rising!
In Amu's stone house, there was silence, and the whole Mengjia Village also gradually became quiet.

The moon is about to be full, Amu remembered this time, it will be the fifteenth in three days, and it will be the fifteenth of July.

It has been 17 years since the Ghost Town War.

As Amu was thinking, a black shadow flew in from the window and landed on Amu's bedside.

The little black bird always finds Amu very easily.No matter Amu is by the sea, in the open field, or in the stone house.

"Today, I killed someone! It was the first time I killed someone in 17 years." Amu's first words to the little black bird.

The little black bird tilted its head, and seemed to have no reaction. Seeing that there was food on the bedside of Amu, it jumped over directly. It was not polite, and attacked the rice grains.

"It's two monks! What is Dongling Xixuan Palace, one dead and one injured! One left! But, I didn't expect that monk to be sea water?"

Amu didn't care whether the little black bird listened or not, and said on his own.

The little black bird didn't care whether Amu said it or not, and ate it on its own.

One person, one bird, the moon shines on the stone house.Each does their own thing, but they are extremely harmonious without disturbing each other.

It's just that Amu didn't notice that when he said that he was doing things during the day, there was a strange gleam in the eyes of the little black bird.

(End of this chapter)

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