nine coffins

Chapter 351 The 7th Born!

Chapter 351 No.17 Born!

There was nothing to say all night, the people in Mengjia Village still slept soundly, and Amu was still sleepless.

In the morning light, the black bird has already flown away.

This is an extremely ordinary morning in Mengjia Village for seven years.Amu washed up and walked directly to the beach to enjoy the sea breeze and sunshine.

Not far away, at the foot of the mountain, next to the old trees.The girl in the black skirt bit her lip lightly, looking at Amu's back.

Under the moonlight, Amu's shadow dragged very long.In the eyes of the girl in the black skirt, it was endless loneliness and sadness.

"Two inexplicable monks broke into the village. Amu killed one and ran away!" The girl in the black dress thought about every word Amu said, feeling a little scared in her heart.

In the peaceful Mengjia Village, why did monks suddenly appear?Although according to what Amu said, only the ninth level of beginners, but this is enough to touch the sensitive heart of the girl in black skirt.

Forty-seven people all died, and only two people were needed to achieve consummation.Could there be some disturbance at the last moment?

Deep worry flashed in the eyes of the girl in the black dress, Mengjia Village should not be a place for fighting!There can be life and death, happiness and sorrow, but there should never be fighting.

Thinking in her heart, the girl in the black dress had formed a seal in her hand.A black feather flew out of his hand, cut through the night, and went straight into the distance.

The girl in the black skirt looked at Amu again, and saw Amu sitting on the bluestone safely with a calm expression.The moonlight sprinkled a piece of green light, and the girl in the black skirt gradually lost her figure.


This day in Mengjiacun seems to be exceptionally sunny.The blue sky is as clear as washing, a piece of azure blue, and occasionally white seabirds fly by, drawing beautiful arcs in the distant sky, disappearing from time to time.

I don't know, is it because of the killing of those two monks yesterday, Amu always felt a little restless.

In fact, killing people is a common occurrence for Amu.But since last night, Amu has had a slight headache.This feeling of headache was also felt when Amu was thinking about how to make a coffin.

However, after blowing the sea breeze, Amu felt better.

Not far away, Shuiwa was playing with several younger children.After the tide falls, all kinds of sea creatures left in the crevices of the rocks are children's favorite.

All kinds of shells are my favorite.And many small crabs, starfish and the like will be directly dismembered or grilled by naughty boys, and girls will cry out of anger.

Laughter, noise, often echoed to the shore, but soon drifted away with the wind.

Amu likes to see the children in Mengjia Village, because they represent vitality and vitality.Such children always reminded Amu of those children running around at the entrance of Liuzhen Village, those dead souls who could not rest in peace.

Many of the children here were born after Amu woke up. Amu did some calculations. In seven years, a total of sixteen children were born in Mengjia Village.

Thinking of this, Amu smiled.Because, I heard that Meng Tuozi's daughter-in-law might be about to give birth, within a day or two.

"You should pack something and go take a look!" Amu stood up.

"Brother Amu, what are you doing?" It was Shui Wazi who spoke.

In fact, from the second brother Meng, Shuiwazi should call Amu "Uncle", but he likes to call Amu brother, it feels kind.It doesn't matter to Amu, Second Brother Meng just let him.

"Go and shoot two pheasants! Then go see Meng Tuozi, isn't his wife about to give birth?" Amu laughed.

"I'm going too!" Shui Wazi shouted.

Shui Wazi is going, and so are the younger ones behind.Shui Wazi knew that the road in the mountains was difficult and somewhat dangerous.He has already pulled Amu's hind legs, how can he let others follow?

So, without waiting for Amu to say anything, Shui Wazi hurriedly turned around to comfort him, understanding it with reason and moving him with emotion.In the end, he promised to bring the most beautiful pheasant feathers to those younger brothers and sisters, and it was considered a deal.

Amu looked at Shui Wazi with a smile. In fact, it's okay to take these children.However, Amu doesn't care about the children's affairs, they have their own world.

Shuiwazi took care of those little brothers and sisters, and couldn't help but look at Amu proudly.

Amu nodded as a sign of encouragement, and then patted Shui Wazi on the head.


The two returned to the stone house, took the hard bow and hunting fork, and ran into the mountains.

Shuiwazi mainly took a very long rope. He knew that if he went hunting with the village idol, Brother Amu, he would definitely return with a full reward. He was just a follower, just responsible for carrying things.

The two people did not enter the mountain before the hour, and came back just after noon, and they returned with a full load.

Amu carried a wild boar on his body, and Shuiwazi dragged five or six pheasants with great difficulty. On his head was a hat made of vines, full of beautiful feathers of various colors.

Amu looked at Shui Wazi and laughed straight, because Shui Wazi looked like a native Indian in his previous life, and he only had to paint his face with oil paint.

The two chatted and laughed, and went straight to Meng Tuozi's house.

Meng Tuozi's house is in the east of the village.

Meng Tuozi is ugly and handicapped, with a hunchback and tiptoes, but he is a good person, good at weaving fishing nets and mending boats.

As a man, it doesn't matter if you are ugly, the important thing is to be talented, and then women will like it!Meng Tuozi is like this.Although he is ugly and hunchbacked, it is not difficult for people to marry a wife.

At the age of 17, he married a good wife, but has never had children.Three years passed between the two of them, and the second year after Amu woke up, the daughter-in-law died.

Three years ago, Meng Tuozi got another good wife, who was also a girl in the village.

Many boys in the village were envious and jealous of Meng Tuozi.Meng Tuozi's life is prosperous, but the only thing missing is the child. This time, his wife finally made a move, and she is at home every day to wait and watch, and she never leaves.

However, when Amu and Shui Wazi arrived at Meng Tuozi's house, they found Meng Tuozi walking around the yard alone.

"Oh?" Amu smiled, "Humpty, what are you doing? You lost your money!"

"Huh?" Amu and Shuiwazi entered the yard and put down their prey, and Meng Tuozi raised his head to see them.

"Brother Amu, Shuiwazi, why are you here?" Meng Tuozi was a little embarrassed.

"Brother Amu said your daughter-in-law is about to give birth, come and see, this is not a prey for you!" Shui Wazi spoke quickly, pointing to those things on the ground.

"Hey!" Meng Tuozi scratched his head, "Let Brother Amu worry about it!"

As he said that, Meng Tuozi took two benches and let Amu and Shui Wazi sit on them. The benches were still made by Amu.

"Oh?" Amu was a little surprised. In the past, when Meng Tuozi came here, he was always let into the house directly. Why is the treatment different today.

Moreover, Meng Tuozi looked restless, didn't even sit down, and kept looking around the room, as if he was anxiously waiting for something.

However, the doors and windows of Meng Tuozi's house are tightly covered, what can you see?

"Tuozi, what's the matter?" Amu looked at Meng Tuozi jokingly.He knew that Meng Tuozi had a low face, did he not serve his wife well and was kicked out, waiting for her daughter-in-law's decree?
"Huh?" Meng Tuozi blushed, but he smiled, "Brother Amu, it's busy inside! You came just in time, hehe!"

Meng Tuozi smirked.

"Are you busy inside?" Amu was taken aback.

"I'm going to be a father! Hehe!" Meng Tuozi continued to giggle.

"Haha! Tuozi, congratulations!" Amu finally came to his senses, laughed and patted Meng Tuozi's shoulder, "Then why are you in a hurry? Sit down! You can't even exert yourself!"

"That's right! I'm worthless!" Shui Wazi gave Meng Tuozi a disdainful look, as if I would definitely be better than you in the future.

"Shuiwazi, go! Go back and tell your father to have a wedding here tonight!" Amu directly called the shots.

"Okay!" Shui Wazi was quick-witted and ran home.

As soon as Shuiwazi went out, he heard a "wow" in the room and the cry of a baby.

"It's born!" Meng Tuozi was so happy that he almost straightened his back, "It's born! Brother Amu! It's born!"

Although this sounds awkward, Amu is also happy for Meng Tuozi!

The door opened, and an old sister-in-law came out. There is no special stable woman in Mengjia Village, and this old sister-in-law usually helps to deliver the baby.

"Humpty, let's go in and have a look! My daughter! You're so ugly!" It's a custom in Mengjia village that when a child born says he's very ugly, it's an irony, which means extremely beautiful.Because ugly children are easy to support.

Meng Tuozi rubbed his hands excitedly. Although he married two wives, it was the first time he had a child.

"Brother Amu! Shall I go in?" Meng Tuozi looked at Amu and asked, he was a little hesitant, and the happiness seemed a little too sudden.

"Hey! If you don't go in, can I go in for you?" Amu scolded with a smile, and then pushed Meng Tuozi.

The Tuozi Meng entered the door with Amu's push, and almost tripped over the threshold.

Shuiwazi went back to report the news, and the villagers soon knew that Meng Tuozi's daughter-in-law was born.

In the past few days, Zhuzi died, and monks from outside made troubles in the village, and Mengjia Village was quite uneasy.Finally something good happened and everyone was so happy they put everything behind them for a while.

At dusk, Meng Tuozi set up a banquet under the help of the villagers.The wild boar that Amu beat was put into the pot directly, and the smell of the meat was scattered.

Women in confinement are delicate, afraid of water and wind, and none of the men enter the house.Meng's second sister-in-law and others went in, wrapped the child in a quilt, and carried the child out for everyone to see.

That child didn't have the ugly and greasy appearance of a newborn child at all, but was carved from jade.The bright black eyes are like stars, and they don't seem to recognize strangers. They look at everyone curiously, which makes people amazed.

"Humpty, is this your daughter? Why is there nothing like you? Did you steal it?" someone joked.

Meng Tuozi knew that everyone was praising his daughter's beauty, so he didn't know what to say, just smirked and poured wine for everyone.

Amu looked at the child but felt a pain in his head, why does this child look so much like Yu'er when he was a child?Especially those eyes, bottomless.

"Humpty, did you name it?" someone asked.

"Not yet!" Meng Tuozi scratched his head, and then said to Amu, "Brother Amu, you are the first to arrive today, why don't you give me one, and you will be blessed with good fortune in the future!"

"Yes! Amu, give me one!" Everyone echoed.

"Yu'er!" Amu's head hurt badly, and he said the name casually.

"Hey! Good name, Yu'er!" Meng Tuozi and the big guy are actually on the same mind, they have the same name, the key is Amu.

"Yu'er!" The little baby seemed to like it very much, humming.

Feather!During the seven years in Mengjia Village, No.17 people were born, but Amu suffered from severe headaches.

(End of this chapter)

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