nine coffins

Chapter 360

Chapter 360
In an isolated village deep in the mountains, Amu finally saw people living in the vast mountains, but he also encountered strange things!

There is a shortage of water in the village, and neither ordinary rainwater nor well water can be drunk. They can only go to an ancient well in the back mountain, and there is only water for seven days after the full moon every month.

Forget it, but a bucket of water weighs more than a thousand catties, which Amu has never heard of.

"It's not easy to live in an isolated village in the mountains!" Mr. Mu let out a long sigh while leaning on a cane.

"A bucket of water, how can it be so heavy?" Amu was puzzled, then walked to the side of the big water tank and lifted the wooden cover to have a look.There are seven or eight barrels full of well water, and it is crystal clear with the faint light coming from the wooden house, without any abnormality.

"There's nothing unusual about the water?" Amu said.

"That's right!" Old Man Mu shook his head and said, "It's nothing different, and the livestock feed is basically the same. But we can only drink the water from the well! Let's go! Brother, let's go inside and drink! Huzi will be able to fetch enough water before midnight, don't worry!"

Amu frowned, always feeling that this matter was quite strange.

"Master Mu, do you still have wooden barrels here?" Amu asked.

"Eh? Yes, but..." Mr. Mu seemed to have guessed what Amu was thinking.

"Hmm! It's good if I have it. I'll go help that Huzi brother and try to make two buckets!" Amu laughed.

"A barrel weighs more than 1000 catties!" Mr. Mu waved his hand, "You can't do it! Huzi, you are born with divine power!"

Amu was dressed in green clothes, and he looked about eighteen or nineteen years old. Although he looked tall and strong, he was still a lot worse than that big man.How could old man Mu believe that Amu has such strength?
"In a small village in the deep mountains, stay overnight and have a few glasses of water and wine! Brother, don't mind, and you don't need to spend so much effort." Old man Mu guessed that it was embarrassing for Amu to live here.

"Hey! It's okay, I am also curious, go and have a look! There is such a well."

At this time, Amu has already discovered that there are really two wooden barrels under the eaves.He didn't need a pole either, he just carried one in one hand.

"Master Mu, how do we get there?"

"You can just walk along this path. However, the mountain road is not good. If you must go, I will call a guide for you!" Old man Mu saw that he couldn't stop Amu.

"No need, just go back!" Amu said and went straight out of the small courtyard.

"Hey!" Mr. Mu shook his head and sighed while leaning on a cane, "Young man, even if you have enthusiasm! Eighty percent of the time you won't be able to fight back, as long as nothing happens!"

Of course, it would be a good thing if he could really help Hu Zi get back the water.Old man Mu didn't yell at Amu to come back, and went back to the house directly.

Besides, when Amu left the small courtyard, it was already dark and the moon had not yet risen, but Amu's eyesight was still several times stronger than that of ordinary people.

Along the mountain road, Amu picked up two empty barrels, quickened his pace, and went straight to the back mountain.

The seven-mile mountain road is nothing to Amu's deliberate quickening pace.

Originally, Amu thought that he would probably catch up to the big tiger with only his front and rear feet, but he didn't expect that after walking five miles, the big tiger didn't even have a shadow.

"That tiger can move two thousand catties of water, and his steps are no slower than his own. It seems that he is not an ordinary person!" Amu pondered in his heart.

Although he himself has no magic power, he should never be said to be a pure mortal.Based on this, the big tiger man is also a strange person in the mountains.

The crescent moon appeared, Amu walked for a while, and saw a black shadow in the distance.The black shadow stood in an open space surrounded by ancient trees, it was the big tiger.

"Brother Huzi!" Amu called out, and took a few steps forward, and arrived in front of him.

"Huh?" The tiger shook his head to look at Amu, and said in a daze, "You don't drink well, why are you here?"

"Help, ha ha!" Amu smiled and put down the two wooden barrels.

At this time, Amu saw that there was an ancient well in front of him.The mouth of the ancient well is not big, round, about two feet in diameter, and the body of the well is more than one foot high built with bluestone.

There is no potter's wheel on the well, only a rusty mottled chain extending from the bluestone, which has been around for an unknown number of years.

The whole ancient well is full of vicissitudes of life.Under the faint moonlight, there was actually a faint mist, emitting from the ancient well, which looked a bit blurred.

"Brother Huzi, how old is this well?" Amu frowned.

"Who knows, since I was a child!" Hu Zi seemed not in the mood to tell Amuduo, looking at the moonlight, he probably could take a trip at most, he couldn't help but sighed, I was a little lazy today, it seems that I will have to drink water this month tight.

Huzi didn't expect Amu to help, and it's not like no one had tried it before, but apart from himself and his dead father, no one could draw water from this well, let alone bring it back to the village.

Huzi lifted the iron chain and rattled, the sound was heard far away in the night, somewhat frightening.

But Huzi didn't care, he pulled up the iron chain in a few moments, then unhooked the double hooks around his waist, hung up the wooden barrel, and threw it directly into the well.

Amu leaned over and looked into the well. The well was extremely deep, five or six feet deep.There is a clear water, reflecting the crescent moon, but there is nothing special about it.

Huzi's method of throwing the bucket was peculiar. Although the mouth of the well was not wide, the wooden bucket actually tilted directly after it went down and fell into the water.Huzi flicked his wrist, and there was a bucket full of clear water.

Huzi held the iron chain, exchanged his hands and lifted it up, his cheeks tightened, and the iron chain was stretched straight, and the bucket of water slowly came up.

Amu could see clearly that although Huzi was able to bring up the water, it was not easy. He might have been busy all day, but now he is a little tired.

"Huh—" When the bucket of water reached the mouth of the well, Huzi struggled and raised the mouth of the well, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey! It's really competitive!" Huzi rubbed his sweat, not afraid of Amu's jokes, and laughed, "I'm really tired!"

Amu nodded and said with a smile: "Brother Huzi, take a break, I'll come!"

"Are you okay?" Huzi looked at Amu, really not believing it.

Amu's appearance is stronger than ordinary people, but he knows the weight of that bucket of water best.If he hadn't been born with extraordinary talents and possessed supernatural powers, he would never be able to lift the bucket full of water, and the average men in the village would never even think about it.

"It's all here, I have to try!" Amu smiled, but he didn't finish his words.

"That's right! It's okay! No, I can carry it too!" Huzi smiled honestly, and directly took off the hook and handed it to Amu.In his heart, he really hoped that Amu could carry it up, so that he could take a rest.

"Try it!" Amu took the hook and hung the barrel directly.

"Let me throw the bucket, it's a technical job!" Hu Zi laughed.

"It's okay!" Amu said, with a flick of his left wrist, the bucket fell directly into the mouth of the well.

A moment ago, Amu had already seen how the tiger was thrown, and after this, it was not bad at all.

"Boom—" The bucket fell into the well with a muffled sound, then tilted and sank directly into the water.

"Huh? Awesome!" The big man Huzi looked at it, his eyes lit up, and he secretly thought there was something going on.

Amu's technique was almost as sophisticated as himself, which surprised him.You must know that I learned it after practicing with my father for a long time.

In fact, although Amu lost his mana, he was once a soul-level demon cultivator. He just took a look at Huzi's technique and he knew it clearly.

Amu's eyesight and knowledge are still there, as is his body of fairy bones and demons. If he can't fill a bucket of water like this, then he really should clean up.

The bucket is full, see Amu raise one arm!
"Huh?" Amu's face suddenly changed slightly.

"Alas!" Huzi saw it, thinking that Amu knew the weight of the water and couldn't lift it up, so he was immediately discouraged.

"Hey! It's okay, let me do it!" Although Huzi was disappointed, he didn't say anything. After all, not everyone can carry it, so when he came, he had to take the chain from Amu's hand.

"Oh!" Amu smiled, "Brother Huzi, it's not heavy. It's okay, I'll come!"

In fact, Amu's complexion changed just now because he felt that the moment he was carrying the bucket just now.It seemed that someone pulled the bucket underwater, and an extremely strange force attached to the bucket.

In an instant, the bucket was heavier than a thousand catties.

However, that kind of power is extremely strange, it is definitely not the power of an ordinary monk, but that kind of power makes Amu seem familiar.

This well is weird!
Amu thought in his heart, exerting force with one arm.


Amu didn't go up alternately like Huzi did, but with a wave of one hand, he directly threw the chain and bucket out of the mouth of the well.

The mottled iron chain carried the wooden barrel, forming an arc in midair.

"Ah—" Huzi the big man was taken aback. He never thought that Amu would have such power and means.

The wooden barrel was still empty, and when Amu shook the iron chain in his hand, the hook fell off directly.

And the wooden barrel fell straight down from the void, and Amu caught it with one hand.The bucket of more than a thousand catties fell into Amu's hands, and it was as light as a feather, without spilling a single drop

And the big guy next to him was dumbfounded, staring at Amu blankly.

(End of this chapter)

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