nine coffins

Chapter 361

Chapter 361
A bucket of water weighs more than a thousand catties!But Amu is effortless, lifting weights like light.

Huzi looked at Amu with his mouth wide open, not knowing what to say.Back then, even Huzi's father, who claimed to be invincible in divine power, would never be able to do what Amu did.

However, at this moment, Amu had no intention of observing Huzi's reaction, but the moment the barrel fell into his hand, he looked into the well to see the changes in the well.

The water was rippling, and when the water came out of the wooden barrel, the ripples of water had not yet dissipated.The faint shadow of the moon is still swaying in the water.

Everything was as usual, the well water from Wang Youbi was still there.

Amu frowned and said nothing!

Just now, he clearly sensed a strange force attached to the bucket, but at this moment he couldn't see the slightest clue.

"What's wrong?" At this moment, the tiger came to his senses and looked at Amu strangely.

"It's nothing! The water is so heavy, let me see if there are any monsters in the water!" Amu joked.

"What kind of monster is there? I've already discovered that there is a monster!" The big man Huzi said, but he looked at Amu as if he saw a monster.

"Brother, what's your name? You're too strong!" Huzi stared at Amu blankly.

Amu smiled, took the second bucket, and fastened the hook.

"Hey! My name is Amu. My body is inherited from my ancestors, and my parents have given me a lot of strength! It's okay to go up the mountain and go to the sea without a little strength?" Amu didn't explain too much. It's not too strange to have great strength.

"Hey! So you are the same as me, but your strength is much stronger than mine. If only you were from our village!" Hu Zi laughed.

"What? From now on, you don't need to fetch water! Hehe!" Amu laughed, and liked Huzi's straightforwardness.

"That's right!" Huzi said without embarrassment.

At this time, the second barrel has fallen into the well, and it feels exactly the same as the first time.

With a "boom", the bucket sank to the bottom of the water, and the moment Amu lifted the bucket, a strange force came and the bucket became heavier.However, Amu still didn't make any effort, just like before, he just threw the bucket out.

Huzi was no longer surprised, but looked at Amu with envy.If he can have such strength himself, he will be able to relax a lot in the future. It seems that he has nothing to do and practice more strength.

When the second bucket of water came up, Amu still looked at the well, and it was exactly the same as before, and there was nothing unusual about it.

With the help of Amu, the four barrels of water came up in a short while, much faster than Huzi himself.

"Let's go!" Huzi also took a break, looking at the moon, "Amu, let's hurry up, we can still go before midnight. The whole village has enough water! Hehe!"

Huzi was very happy, because he was lazy today, but fortunately there was Amu.Amu is also willing to help this simple mountain dweller, not to spare his efforts, not to mention drinking the old man's wine.

The two of them didn't say much, Huzi picked up the challenge, which would save some effort, while Amu directly carried two buckets of water.

The two walked back along the mountain road.Originally, Huzi was very tired, but with Amu's help, he also gained strength.

The two arrived in the village soon, and Huzi knew which house to send them to.The people waiting for the water didn't sleep, and they were very happy to see someone helping Huzi, and they were very grateful.

After delivering the water, the two of them talked and chatted under the faint moonlight, and went straight to the back mountain again.

Along the way, the two chatted, and Amu still said that he was going to Dongyang ancient temple to worship Buddha from the shore of the sea of ​​bitterness.Huzi has never seen the sea, but he yearns for it very much.

At the same time, Amu also knew that this small village had existed for an unknown number of years, as if Huzi's ancestors had been here for generations.

There are a total of eighteen families in the village, but there are no duplicate surnames. Eighteen families have eighteen surnames, unlike ordinary villages where one common surname dominates.

The people in this mountain village are very simple and get along very well!That is, everyone's living habits sometimes differ greatly, and each has its own characteristics, which can be seen from their houses.

According to Huzi, everyone's habits are not like people in the same village, who just live in the same place and drink water from the same well.

Amu asked Huzi, which one was his home.He actually said that he lived in a cave, warm in winter and cool in summer, very comfortable.

Amu was speechless for a while, guessing that this big tiger is also a lazy man on weekdays, otherwise eighteen households, more than ten barrels of people, and seven or eight barrels of old people with few people would be enough, and there would be only a hundred barrels of water in total. , I finished the selection in seven days, why wait until the last night.

Seemingly seeing what Amu was thinking, Huzi scratched his head, finally feeling a little embarrassed.

"I'm a bit lazy, but when I marry a wife, I'll build a better stone house, hehe!" Hu Zi laughed.

"What are you doing with a wife! How comfortable it is to live in a cave alone!" Amu joked.

"Hey, that's not allowed! If I don't marry a wife, no one in the village will agree to it!" Huzi said quite proudly.

"Why?" Amu smiled, but immediately understood, "People in the village, I'm afraid no one will fetch water for them in the future!"

"Hey! That's right, I don't have babies, and when I'm gone, who will fetch water for them! It's just that my father is gone, so it's because I took over the job!" Hu Zi said with a rather proud look.

Amu smiled and nodded: "Brother Huzi, I wish you to find a wife sooner and have two more children, so that someone will take turns fetching water, and it won't be hard work!"

"That's right! Why didn't my father think of this at the time!" Huzi nodded hurriedly when he heard what Amu said made sense. Bring it back!"

Amu was just making a joke casually, but Huzi didn't expect Huzi to take it seriously, so he couldn't help laughing.

The two walked in a hurry, talking and laughing like this, and arrived at the ancient well again.

"Hurry up!" Hu Zi said, because he saw the moonlight, and the time of the child was coming soon.

Amu didn't say a word, and this time he was even more neat.

Take the iron chain and hang it on the hook.

One toss and one mention is a bucket.Four times in a row, Amu did it almost in one go, calm and relaxed.

Although Huzi is a hulking back, he is very envious when he looks at it.Such supernatural power, what kind of parents do you have?It would be nice if Amu came sooner.

When Amu's four buckets of water are full, the moon will pass and midnight will pass.

Faint mist rose from the well, and then dissipated instantly.

"Oh? There's no water here?" Amu asked.

"Yeah!" Hu Zi nodded, "If you don't believe me, just take a look. My father said, this is a holy well! I warn people not to be greedy!"

Amu frowned and looked at the well, sure enough, the water waves just now disappeared, and the faint mouth of the well seemed to have no bottom.

He casually dropped a stone, but there was no response for a long time.

"Huh?" Amu frowned even deeper.

What kind of well is this?so strange!
Amunai is a master of cultivation, so he naturally knows everything is weird, and there must be a reasonable explanation.

The so-called Shenjing is just the imagination of the villagers.And Amu thought that this well must be attached to some kind of magic, otherwise it would not be so weird.

It's just that Huzi is here, so it's inconvenient for Amu to investigate further.Amu has already decided to stay in this small village for two days to see what happened.If there is really any strange power, it might be good for restoring one's cultivation.

Amu really has the mentality of going to the doctor when he is sick, but Amu didn't say anything.

The two of them headed back to the mountain village with buckets in their hands.

Because of Amu's help, there was a bucket left in the end, and Amu decided to take it back to Mr. Mu's house.

Huzi is alone, he likes Amu very much, and at the same time he is greedy for the good wine of old man Mu, so he follows Amu to old man Mu's house.

Just now, as soon as Amu left and never came back, old man Mu knew there was something going on.

Sure enough, Huzi and Amu came back together.The matter of Amu fetching water was talked about by Hu Zi.In the end, it almost became, Amu pointed, and the water came out.

Old man Mu knew Huzi's temperament, but he didn't take it seriously, he just knew that Amu did have some strength.This old man, who has seen the world, knows that there are many strange people and strange things in the world, and there is nothing unacceptable about being strong.

It is fate that Amu passes by here and can help everyone.

Three people, one old and two young, set up wine and dishes, chatted while drinking, and had a good time.

During this period, Huzi formally proposed to Mr. Mu that he should marry a wife and have more children.

But Mr. Mu shook his head, saying that it is fine to marry a wife, but not to have more children.Huzi's family is too bloody, if you marry a daughter-in-law, you can have one, otherwise women can't stand it, or you will have two or three tigers back then.

Hearing this, Huzi was very upset, and finally Huzi asked if he could marry two daughters-in-law, so that he could have two.

As a result, he was reprimanded by Mr. Mu.He said that he was not doing his job properly, trying to think of crooked ideas, and didn't want to make any effort.Huzi's father's stone house back then is no longer usable, when will he build the stone house himself, let's talk about marrying a wife.

"I want to marry two more, I really don't know how to do it!" Old man Mu said angrily.

Huzi scratched his head and dared not speak, while Amu snickered.

The three of them drank until the early hours of the morning, still unfinished.

Both Mr. Mu and Hu Zi sincerely stayed with Amu. Amu was thinking about the well in the back mountain, so he borrowed the donkey from the slope, saying that the scenery in the mountain was pleasant, and he was planning to stay for two more days.

When the two heard it, they were all overjoyed.

Amu has already decided to go to the well again in the next two days to take a good look at the well, what has changed, what is so strange!

(End of this chapter)

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