nine coffins

Chapter 362

Chapter 362
On the second day, everyone in the small village knew that a young man in Tsing Yi passing by came to Mr. Mu's house. He was a strong man and helped fetch water for the village.So, everyone came to see and thank you.

Regardless of whether the folks who ate the water brought by Amu brought a lot of food to Mr. Mu's house, saying that they were entertaining guests.Those things are all kinds of strange things.There are some fruits and things that Amu has never seen or heard of.

But after tasting a few, it tasted quite sweet.Dongling Mountain, the products produced are by no means ordinary.

Mr. Mu didn't touch some things, as if he had some scruples, but he let Amu and Huzi eat them.

Huzi was fine today, but he was busy seven days a month carrying water for everyone.Everything on weekdays is provided by the villagers, and they are free and easy.

However, he left early this morning.Old man Mu was very surprised, so he asked Amu Huzi what he was doing.

Amu smiled and said, "Master Mu, brother Hu Zi was trained by you yesterday, and today he said he must do his job properly!"

"What's the main job? His main job is to fetch water for the village. He's 22 today, how can there be water to fetch?" Old man Mu said angrily, leaning on a cane, looking at the special poultry in the yard.

"Haha!" Amu laughed, "He said he wanted to build a stone house! He also discussed with me, let me stay a few more days, and help him build the stone house before leaving!"

"Oh?" Old man Mu thought that Huzi had a whim last night, but he didn't expect Huzi to act today, "I'm not promising, and I usually work in a hurry, but I'm in a hurry to marry a daughter-in-law!"

Old man Mu smiled and cursed, but he pinched his fingers and sighed: "Tiger is not young anymore, he should marry a wife and continue the incense! We still have to stay here, 80 years, no It’s not okay for people to fetch water!”

Saying that, Old Man Mu thought deeply, and staggered out the door.

Old man Mu's words were a little strange, but Amu didn't care too much.He didn't know whether old man Mu had gone to discuss Huzi's marriage with some old people in the village.He himself has important things to do.

After tidying up, Amu didn't carry his own green cloth bag, and put it in the old man's house, so Amu was relieved.In this village, the folk customs are simple and honest, no one will mess with other people's things, besides, there is nothing particularly important in the green cloth bag except some spirit coins.

Amu took the dagger with him, left Mr. Mu's house, walked along the mountain road, and went straight to the ancient well in the back mountain.

This back mountain is actually nothing, and people in the village don't come at all on weekdays.The one who came to Houshan most was Hu Zi, but he didn't come here very often except for fetching water for seven days.It's a secluded place.

Amu went to the ancient well in the back mountain alone, looked around, there was no slight change, but felt that the back mountain in the daytime was much brighter than in the night, very ordinary.

Among the several ancient trees is the ancient well, but at this moment, you can see that the mouth of the well is covered with moss, and the chain hangs from the mouth of the well.

During the day, when there was no more fog, Amu went over to take a look, and at some point, the mouth of the well was covered with green vines, almost covering the entrance of the well.

The vines were all attached to the old trees next to them. It was probably dark last night, and Amu didn't pay attention.

Amu was amazed that it had grown so much in the middle of the night, but he didn't see anything special, it was just an ordinary vine.

With a wave of the dagger in his hand, those vines were cut off directly and fell down one after another, exposing the mouth of the well.

A cold water vapor, from the bottom to the top, but it is also normal, but there is no well water.

Amu still couldn't see the bottom of the well, it was as dark as last night.This time, Amu didn't throw any more stones, but lifted the chain with one hand, but the chain didn't move at all.

"Hmm!" Amu frowned, he asked Huzi last night.Was this chain made by the villagers?

Huzi said no, in his memory, there is this ancient well and this chain.Mr. Mu also confirmed Huzi's statement that the chain and the ancient well are one.Old man Mu didn't know how many years they had existed.

Amu used his strength twice, which weighed ten thousand catties, but the chain didn't move at all, as if he was born in the well.

In fact, Amu still has strength, but he dare not use it anymore.

Because, in this case, the chain must be attached to the spell, otherwise, with Amu's power, it would be enough to pull it out even if it was buried in the deep mountains.

Even if it couldn't be pulled out, such a thick and thin chain would definitely not be able to support Amu's supernatural power, and it would have been broken long ago.

There must be some kind of restriction on this well. If it relies on the magic of the Xian family, then it cannot be broken by the current Amu.Thinking of the strange force of fetching water last night, there might be something sealed at the bottom of the well.It's just that I can't see any clues now!
Amu decided to come again tonight, because this was the first night without water in the dry well.The cloudy air at night is heavier, and ordinary spells will have different changes at night.

Before Amu left, he used a branch to draw a few talismans around the dry well.

These sigils are naturally good, but the sigils carved by Amu now have almost no power.Amu is just trying to see what unexpected changes this dry well can bring.

After finishing these, Amu felt that there should be no harvest in the daytime, so he turned and went back to the village.

However, Amu's magic consciousness is gone, and he didn't sense it.Not long after he turned around, the vines that had been cut off by him emitted a green light, trembling and curly, as if they were about to grow again.But every cut gave off a faint glow like that of Amu's dagger.

Those vines wanted to recover, but they couldn't.

"Hehehe!" There was an extremely subtle laugh of a woman's joy, faintly coming from the dark dry well.However, the sound was fleeting, and Amu absolutely couldn't hear it.

In the entire back mountain, the ancient trees and the mountain wind are still there, but there is a different atmosphere that begins to disperse.

On the edge of the ancient well, the runes carved by Amu have not changed at all yet.

Amu returned to the small village in the mountains.Huzi didn't know where he went, and he hasn't come back yet.The old man Mu didn't come back, it seems that what they discussed was really a big marriage.

Amu entered the room alone, leaned on the wicker chair, and simply took out the Dongling Domain Chronicle that Ya'er had prepared for him, and opened it, looking for records about ancient wells and the like.

This Dongling Territory Chronicle is very comprehensive. There are records of every sect, every sect, every mountain and every monster in Dongling.However, the small village where Amu is currently located is too small, and it is not a famous mountain, so there is no record in the Dongling Domain Chronicle.

As for the ancient well in the back mountain, it is impossible to mention it.

However, in the part introducing the Dongling Monster Race, Amu saw such a passage.

"It is said that the three major demon tribes in ancient times were guarded by the sky demon and demon generals. However, in the war of the three realms thousands of years ago, most of the sky demons and demon generals fell. Today, although the five major demon tribes in Dongling are inherited from ancient times, they have not been seen. It is quite a pity that the sky demon and the demon general have disappeared alone. Hundreds of clans in the demon world, all kinds of strange, scattered, it is really the misfortune of the Three Realms!"

Amu doesn't know who wrote the Dongling Domain Records, but his attitude towards the monster race is indeed extremely objective and fair, and he doesn't regard them as aliens. He thinks it must be an eminent monk from Brahma Temple or a strange person from Dongling.

Hundreds of clans in the demon world?Sky demon, demon general?Amu suddenly remembered that well, could it be that there is some monster power sealed underneath?

Thinking of this, Amu's mind became eager.

After a boring morning, when Old Master Mu came back at noon, his face was full of joy, saying that Huzi's marriage was on track, and the marriage would be done before the end of the year.

It's just a pity that Amu probably won't be able to participate. If I go to Dongyang ancient temple to worship Buddha and come back, it's best to sit in the village, maybe I can catch up with Huzi's wedding.

When Amu heard this, he smiled and asked where the girl was from?Old man Mu just said that it was not far away, but he didn't say where.Amu didn't ask in detail, it must have not been fully negotiated, and it's hard for Mr. Mu to tell, but so quickly, Amu reckoned it was the girl from the village family.However, there are too few choices for eighteen families.

At dusk, the tiger cub came, covered in ashes.

When Old Master Mu and A Mu asked, they found out that Huzi had climbed a mountain and found a good stone mine.I've been busy all day, and I've got a lot of boulders. I just need Amu's help tomorrow, and I'll carry them back and build a stone house.

Amu smiled and agreed.Old man Mu just snorted coldly, didn't say anything, and didn't tell Huzi that he had arranged for him to marry a wife.It seems that old man Mu deliberately kept it from Huzi, and Amu didn't tell the truth.

After eating at Mr. Mu's house, Huzi didn't stay, but went back to his cave to enjoy the warm winter and cool summer, which was a very comfortable feeling.

At night, Amu and Mr. Mu went to bed separately.

Lunar calendar 22, last quarter moon.

When it was almost midnight, the crescent moon appeared, and Amu went out the door gently, and he did not deliberately tiptoe, because he was not a thief.

After leaving the small courtyard, Amu went straight to the ancient well in the back mountain.

There was nothing to say along the way, but when approaching the back mountain, Amu felt that the fog was heavy tonight.

It was so dark that everything seemed unreal.

That ancient well is far away.However, Amu felt quite different from last night.

(End of this chapter)

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