nine coffins

Chapter 368: 3 Years of Asceticism

Chapter 368

Sea desert Chongling, Dongyang ancient temple, full of aura, unlimited scenery.

On the top of the back mountain, there is a waterfall hanging high, and the torrent is straight and vertical, with great momentum.The ancient trees and green pine, dense with water mist, linger in a light purple atmosphere, hence the name Ziyun Waterfall.

Facing the Ziyun Waterfall, a cliff stands out.Amu wore the green clothes unchanged, sat cross-legged, and practiced with eyes closed.

Wufei Rabbit goes away, time goes by!
Three years passed by in a hurry.Amu's appearance has not changed much, with sharp edges and corners, and the glaring dagger marks on the center of his eyebrows are still there.

On the same day, Amu got the Brahma Root Cultivation Formula.The next day, under the guidance of Qinghan, Amu came to practice at Ziyun Waterfall in the back mountain.

Meditate, concentrate, guide Qi, and train your body!Amu is very familiar with all this.

Brahma Root Cultivation Jue is broad and profound, contains Buddhist principles, and is even better than Beihan Root Cultivation Jue.

But what Amu didn't expect at all was that when he first practiced the formula of cultivating roots in Fantian Temple, he didn't feel the slightest pain.

After the mana was completely lost, the feeling that the sea of ​​pills seemed to explode when practicing the Northern Cold Root Cultivation Jue did not appear at all, and was replaced by the warm current of spiritual energy from before.

On the Ziyun Waterfall, there is plenty of aura.That feeling is almost exactly the same as when Amu started to practice Beihan Yanggen Jue.

On the back mountain of Dongyang, wisps of aura slowly gathered in the Amudan Sea.Amu is also like a dry seedling being nourished by the drizzle, it is extremely comfortable.

The dragon returns to the sea, and the tiger roars in the mountains.

At that moment, Amu seemed to feel that his Dan Hai was going to be flooded again, and he was very excited.

You know, when Amu breathed out overnight in the Northern Cold Sect, it was equivalent to a normal cultivator practicing for a month or two.After three months, the celestial root was able to grow. Although the celestial root eventually shattered inexplicably, the speed was definitely the fastest in Beihan Wannian.

If the cultivation of Buddha's roots can be done at the same speed as Beihan's cultivation of roots, then everything may not be a problem.

However, this feeling also made Amu somewhat happy and worried.

To my delight, I can indeed practice Buddhist formulas.What worries him is that he is afraid that if the two root cultivations are so similar, the same mistakes will be repeated, and the root cultivation will fail in the end.

But in any case, being able to practice Buddhist Dharma Jue is the best thing for Amu.

On the bank of Ziyun Cliff, Amu practiced quietly and painstakingly, and it took three months in a blink of an eye.

Development, root shape, solidification, finalization, these are the stages of cultivating fairy roots.

In the first three stages, Amu basically encountered no obstacles.Two months later, Amu had already condensed into a pale golden flame in the alchemy sea, which was the stage when the celestial root was completely solidified.

After two months, the celestial root turns solid.When Xiaoyun and Chenyue heard Qinghan's return, they were extremely shocked!Such a speed of cultivation was unheard of by them.Originally, they were a little eager to raise Amu's fairy roots again and not give back their hopes.Perhaps, a miracle can really happen.

Within three months, the celestial roots were cultivated, even if Amu was a great cultivator before, it was enough to shock the world in the future.

It stands to reason that as long as he continues to practice, Amu can grow Buddhist celestial roots at any time.But things didn't go as everyone expected.

After turning into reality, Amu still practiced every day.But it always felt like something was missing, the pale golden flame flickered day and night.There is only a thin line between cultivating immortal roots, but the gap between this thin line is immortality.

In the end, if the immortal root fails, even if it is the posture of the sky, it is in vain.Without immortal roots, one cannot cultivate. This is an unchanging iron law in the world of immortal cultivation.

Although, at the beginning, Amu's demon cultivator body did not have immortal roots, but Amu had a demon coffin at that time, and there was another shadow of a demon coffin where it should have been an immortal root.

In a sense, the magic coffin replaced Amu's immortal root.

Although Amu couldn't explain it clearly, the time when his immortal root was broken and he became a demon body must have something to do with the demon coffin.But now, Amu does not have a magic coffin.

But after three months of cultivation, Amu is still in the stage of transformation.He practiced hard on this cliff day and night, but the flame in Danhai didn't have the slightest intention to determine the root of the city.

Everyone thinks that the front may be too fast, and it is normal for the final product to be slower, but the nightmare days are still to come.

Three months, six months, one year, two years...

Day after day, year after year.The ray of Buddha fire in Amudan Sea will never be extinguished, but it will not be transformed into a fixed product.

In a flash, it was three years, and Amuhe had hardly changed in the two months after practicing.

The monks in Donggu Temple were puzzled, and Amu also didn't understand the reason.

Mountain winds, flying waterfalls, and a faint purple air.At this time, the corner of the blue clothes was slightly lifted by the wind, just like Amu's heart, a little restless.

In the past three years, Ya'er has not disappeared at all.Amu didn't know if what she said was going well, when she would come to Dongyang Ancient Temple, or if she would come.

Amu also asked Xiaoyun and Chenyue two masters, but they just shook their heads, presuming that they didn't know, and they were vague.Amu always felt that there seemed to be something hidden behind it, but it was inconvenient to ask further.

At the same time, Amu also inquired sideways about the movements on the sea wasteland, especially the recent situation of Beihuang and Heishui.However, the [-] mountains blocked it, and Dongling was too closed.

Qinghan, who was at the middle level of Zhiling, had never even heard of the great battle at the Saintess Ceremony of the Immortal Ghost Sect 20 years ago, let alone anything else.

As for the two masters Xiaoyun and Chenyue, it seems that most of the time they only spend their days practicing in the temple.They also don't know much about the current sea desert trend.

Pro-Yuan Xian fish, as retreat webs.Let's wait until I can cultivate immortal roots, or restore my cultivation base!Otherwise, Amu can do too little now.

Amu also thought about using Dongyang Ancient Temple to pass on news, but once the news about him being in Dongling got out.Before Granny Qianhua and Qing Mozi arrived, people from Ziyou City might have arrived.

After thinking about it, the current situation is a better situation for Amu.

However, three years.Even though Amu is determined and stays in the Realm of Transformation for so long, Amu also has some doubts about whether he can grow immortal roots.If not, what should I do to change myself?
"Uncle Tianya!" At this moment, not far away, a handsome young monk bowed to Amu.He was Qinghan, the monk arranged by Xiaoyun to be in charge of everything about Amu.

"What's the matter?" Amu said calmly, eyes closed.

"Uncle Tianya, three days later, it will be my 30-year "Vajra Dharma Assembly" at Dongyang Temple! Master said, Uncle Tianya practiced hard day and night, and within three years, he barely left the Purple Cloud Waterfall. It was really hard work. At the Vajra Dharma meeting, sages from various sects and sects gathered in Dongling and Eastern Regions, and even some monster races came to participate. During the period, there were discussions on Buddhism and Taoism from various sources, and it might help Master to realize his enlightenment! Therefore, Master invited Master Uncle will participate!" Qinghan replied respectfully.

"Oh!" Amu pondered for a moment, "Understood! You report back to Brother Xiaoyun, saying that Tianya will definitely participate!"

"Yes! Qinghan resigns!" Qinghan saluted again, shook his head, sighed inwardly, and then walked away slowly.

For three full years, Qinghan was in charge of everything about Amu.

Qinghan could see clearly that this strange-looking Uncle Tianya had practiced painstakingly almost day and night since he obtained the Brahma Nourishing Root Art.In terms of hard work, no one in the entire Dongyang Ancient Temple can match it.

At the beginning, Er Yue's celestial roots turned into reality, and was shocked by Qinghan as a celestial being.However, for some unknown reason, in the past three years of cultivation, there was almost no benefit at all, and it may be a long way off to develop Buddha roots.

Although it is slow to cultivate the roots of Buddhism, I only heard that in [-] years, it is rare for someone who grows roots slowly to be as fast as Amu and then stop.

In the past three years, in Qinghan's view, Amu has hardly changed, only Amu's eyes seem to have a little more vicissitudes.

Qinghan once asked Master and Uncle in private, what is the situation with Uncle Tianya?
Xiaoyun and Chenyue didn't hide anything, so they told Qinghan about Ya'er's entrustment.After hearing this, Qing Han could only shake his head and sigh.For any monk, the loss of mana is more painful than death.However, to be favored by the little princess of the Uzumaki nationality is also a blessing in misfortune.

Amu's failure to cultivate his roots for three years was a common occurrence in the Buddhist sect, but Amu shouldn't be deduced by common sense.

Qinghan understood that Xiaoyun and Chenyue asked Amu to participate in the Vajra Dharma Conference just to relieve the depression in Amu's heart. As for whether he had any understanding, it was secondary.

After Qinghan left, Amu slowly opened his eyes, and the purple clouds and waterfalls were reflected in his eyes. Compared with three years ago, there was really a trace of helplessness and vicissitudes in the depths of Amu's eyes.

Three years!Not only self-cultivation, but also heart training.

Amu looked around Ziyun Waterfall, saw Ziyun Waterfall falling straight down, splashing endless water, and couldn't help sighing softly.

Amu heard from Qinghan that Ziyun Waterfall was the place where Master Qianzang of Dongyang Ancient Temple had his epiphany.Amu once asked about the past and cultivation of Master Qianzang.

Qinghan said that he had been in the temple for 700 years, but Master Qianzang passed away 1000 years ago, so he has never seen the true face of Master Qianzang.I only heard that Master Qianzang is profound in Buddhism. He once asked Buddha in Brahma Temple, and later achieved great Dharma in Ziyun Waterfall. He is the most outstanding eminent monk in Dongyang Ancient Temple.

When he passed away, his cultivation was unfathomable.

Amu couldn't ask more things, couldn't confirm more things.Perhaps, this mage Qianzang has no connection with the Master Qianzang of the Northern Cold Sect, but the same name and appearance are somewhat similar.

Epiphany!This is the Buddhist way of practice.

"Hehe!" Amu smiled wryly, maybe one day, he would also have an epiphany, and couldn't help but think of the Vajra Puja that Qinghan said just now.

Vajra Puja!Amu had heard Qinghan say it before, and knew that it was also a grand event at Dongyang Ancient Temple.

Once every 30 years, it is mainly the exchange of several sects of cultivating immortals in the east of Dongling and even the monster clan who converted to Buddha.

It's just that it wasn't on such a large scale, nor was there such a bloody fight.

Although there are occasional small contests in such a grand meeting above the East Ridge, it is dominated by literary fights, and it is definitely much more peaceful.

Take a look too!Amu closed his eyes again, maybe he really had an epiphany.

The Buddha-like flame in Danhai kept flickering.This ray of flame really made Amu love and hate at the same time.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

But Amu really didn't know whether this ray of Buddha fire in his Danhai could raise immortal roots.

Three years of penance, a wisp of Buddha fire?Amu tried hard to calm himself down, and thought of Li Shui again.

After 13 years away from the water, I finally opened the Eternal Holy Lotus. Could it be that I have to spend 13 years on my own?
(End of this chapter)

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