nine coffins

Chapter 369

Chapter 369

The seventeenth day of the eighth month is the day of the Vajra Dharma Assembly at Dongyang Temple in Dongling.

On this day, the three gates of Dongyang Ancient Temple are fully opened to welcome guests, implying to give wisdom, compassion and convenience to all living beings.

Although Dongyang Ancient Temple is quite influential in the Eastern Region of Dongling, the number of monks in the temple is only five thousand.This cannot be compared with the Beihan Sect, Jiangxue Pavilion, and Tianhuang Sect, the three great immortal sects of the Northern Wilderness, which often have tens of thousands of people.

However, Dongyang Temple and other Buddhist sects in Dongling have a characteristic, that is, there are almost no cultivators in the monastery.

The Buddhist scriptures and dissemination of the Dharma only ask about fate, and then dictate the secret Dharma, not passing it on to the six ears.If there is a destiny, wait for it to grow roots, and then enter the mountain gate.But like Amu, there are very few people who have obtained authentic ancient scrolls and entered the mountain gate to cultivate their roots.

In this sense, although there are no cultivators in the major temples, all the people in Dongling are cultivators.Among the [-] monks in Dongyang Ancient Temple, none of them have a mortal body, but they are much stronger than the three great immortal sects of the Northern Wilderness.

The Vajra Dharma Assembly originated from the small blessing and disaster relief Dharma Assembly when Dongyang Ancient Temple was opened.Originally, it was only the monks of Dongyang Temple who set up fasts, gave food, preached, and praised Buddha's virtues.

Later, Dongyang ancient temple eminent monks came out in large numbers, and the statement spread far and wide.The scale of the Fa Conference has also increased accordingly, and the number of holdings has changed from once a year, to once every five years, once every ten years, to once every 30 years now.

The people who participated in the meeting also developed from the monks of the ancient Dongyang Temple to the monks of the surrounding temples, all the major Buddhist sects and practitioners in the entire Dongling Eastern Region, and even the demon clan who had attained the Tao.

The Vajra Dharma Assembly at Dongyang Ancient Temple was a grand event in the Eastern Region of Dongling, but it only lasted for three short days.

On August [-]th, as soon as the gate of Dongyang Ancient Temple opened, monks and sages from all walks of life began to enter.There are even friends who have not seen each other for many years and regard this puja as a day of reunion.

Although Dongyang Ancient Temple has made detailed arrangements and receptions every year, it is still extremely busy.

Often, even a middle-level Dzogchen like Qinghan would go out to entertain guests.

At this time, Amu was still sitting on the cliff behind Ziyun Waterfall, practicing quietly.

Amu knew that there would be many relatively complicated rituals in Vajra Dharma. The monks would recite the scriptures, the believers would prostrate along with the crowd, and some believers might be ordained for conversion, and then the virtuous master and monk would teach the Dharma, and then fast in the monastery, etc.

The three-day conference was full of various activities.

And what Amu needs to participate in is the grand master's discussion on the third day.

The grand master's discussion of the Dharma is the highlight of the Vajra Dharma Assembly. Many monks have traveled thousands of miles just to listen to the Dharma on the last day in order to seek enlightenment.

In terms of the master's theory, there are still various factions arguing with each other, and the eminent monks talked eloquently, either indifferently or fiercely, with brilliant words, stubborn stones nodding, and hype.

Although there were no swords, lights, swords, and murderous intent, many eminent monks were sweating through their cassocks after a difficult debate, which consumed a lot of energy, no less than a big battle.

In a Dongyang Dharma meeting, I don’t know how many people have enlightened to the Buddhadharma, enlightened to their original mind, and thus opened their minds and enlightened to the Dao.I don't know how many people, they shined brilliantly at the conference, overwhelmed the crowd, and became famous in Dongling.

It is said that when Master Qianzang of Dongyang Temple came back from worshiping Buddha in Brahma Temple, he once accepted the debates of [-] eminent monks from [-] temples in Dongling Eastern Region in the main hall of Dongyang Ancient Temple, but he solved them one by one with ease. , amazed the audience.It was passed down as a good story in Dongling.

Therefore, Amu does not need to attend the Vajra Dharma meeting in the first two days, but only waits for the master to discuss the Dharma on the third day, and Amu can listen to the Buddha's witty words.

The eminent monk teaching the Dharma of Dongyang Ancient Temple this year is said to be the first Master Shuiyun of Wanjing Pavilion.Although Master Shuiyun is only at the Dzogchen stage of Lingsheng, his Buddhist attainments are actually among the top three in the entire Dongyang Temple, and he can be regarded as a generation of eminent monks.

Although, Amu doesn't think that a Vajra Puja will definitely do something for him, but seeing the demeanor of these Dongling characters will definitely be of great benefit.Therefore, Amu also looked forward to such a grand event.

For two days of silence, Amu didn't hear the bustle and bustle of the front mountain, chanted scriptures and sat alone on the cliff of the waterfall.Although there has been almost no improvement in the past three years, Amu still practiced every day as usual.

At dusk, Qinghan came, even though he was a middle-level Supreme Spirit Dzogchen.However, Qinghan is used to being clean on weekdays, and at the Fa conference, there are so many miscellaneous things that he is tired of coping.Therefore, the cold face at this time is slightly tired.

Seeing that Amu is still meditating, Qinghan couldn't help but smile helplessly, and secretly said: "If heaven rewards hard work, and the Buddha is merciful, this Master Uncle Tianya will surely have a bright future!"

With a slight sigh, Qinghan Lianrong bowed to Amu and said: "Uncle Tianya, tomorrow at three o'clock in the morning, the Grand Master's Discussion Conference will be held in the main hall. I will invite my uncle to go with me tomorrow morning!"

Amu opened his eyes, then looked at Qinghan.In fact, Amu has a good impression of Qinghan.

In the past three years, he has cultivated to the level of Dzogchen in the middle of the spirit, and he has served him as a mortal uncle, but he has never complained.Whether it was the two months when Amu practiced very fast at the beginning, or the last three years when it was almost abolished, Qinghan was always respectful and his attitude hardly changed.

Qing Han can be described as an absolutely pure-hearted person with a deep Buddha heart.

"Understood, I will go with you tomorrow!" Amu nodded.

"Uncle Tianya, do you still have orders?" Qinghan asked again.

Usually, if Amu has nothing to do, Amu will not open his eyes when Qinghan comes to report the matter.If you open your eyes, there must be something.

"Qinghan! I want to ask you, is the master discussing the Dharma tomorrow open to everyone? If you have any doubts in your heart, can you ask questions at any time?" Amu asked.

"Oh!" Qing Han said with a smile, "Uncle Shi said that's right. It is said that tomorrow, including Master Shuiyun of Donggu Temple, there will be a total of three masters discussing the Dharma. They will each have half an hour to discuss the Dharma. For the rest of the time, everyone can debate and ask questions at will, and communicate with each other. However, in the hall, only one person can speak at a time."

"Oh? Wouldn't it turn into everyone rushing to speak and the venue in chaos?" Amu was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but think of the scene where some important figures in his previous life were chased and intercepted by reporters.

"No!" Qing Han laughed, "The master's discussion of the Dharma is the most profound and wonderful truth! One sentence may require everyone to think for a long time! Moreover, the halls that can enter are not ordinary people, how can they fight with each other? No modesty? Even if the masters confront each other, there is a question and an answer, witty remarks, and everyone else listens! Therefore, the venue is chaotic and the words are noisy. Qinghan has never heard of such a thing in 700 years. Debating, or the master's answer is convincing, or the debate is rendered speechless and cold, but there are some."

"Oh?" Amu couldn't help laughing. It seems that quality is everything. After all, those who participate in the puja are people of Taoism, not ordinary people.

"Qinghan, how many pujas have you attended!" Amu asked again.

"In Donggu Temple, not all disciples are qualified to participate in the Dharma conference. Their cultivation is not good enough. After listening to such a Dharma conference, it will only increase the demons in their hearts. Qinghan is also qualified to listen to the Dharma conference after entering the spiritual realm, and the entire ancient temple There are so many disciples that need to be rotated. Therefore, Qinghan participated in a total of seven Dharma conferences. Originally, Qinghan was not included in this Dharma conference, so I borrowed the light from your uncle to accompany you to participate!" Qinghan couldn't help laughing when he said this laugh.

"Oh?" Amu smiled wryly after hearing this, "I never thought you could lend me the light of a half-crippled man?"

"Eh? Uncle Tianya shouldn't belittle himself so arrogantly!" Qinghan explained respectfully.

"You will benefit from participating in the Seventh Fa Conference!" Amu said with a faint smile.

"Buddhism talks about destiny! Qinghan participated in seven pujas, six of which were ignorant and gained nothing. Only the third puja, Qinghan gained a lot!" Seemingly thinking of that puja, Qinghan's eyes flickered slightly Bright.

"What kind of harvest?" Amu asked curiously.

"150 years ago, my disciple was still at the first level of spirituality. After seven or eighty years of painstaking practice, he still couldn't achieve consummation! I was lucky to listen to a Dharma meeting, and my disciple had a sudden enlightenment, and he was promoted to the middle level of spirituality overnight!" Qinghan said.

"Oh?" Amu was taken aback, then smiled, "What kind of epiphany has made you so much better!"

"The cold clouds cleared, and I saw the bright moon!" Qing Han replied.

"It's these eight characters?" Amu was slightly puzzled, these eight characters seemed too common to him.

"En!" Qinghan nodded, and said, "All dharmas are impermanent, mysterious and mysterious! Everyone's state of mind is different, and their understanding is naturally different."

At this time, Qinghan already understood the reason why Amu asked such a question. He must want to use tomorrow's master to discuss the law and solve his doubts.

Thinking of this, Qinghan couldn't help bowing, and said solemnly: "Uncle Tianya, your heart is as strong as gold, and with hard work, no one in Dongyang Ancient Temple can beat you half a point. You must be blessed! Temporary setbacks, don't worry about it! In the end! One day, the grand plan will be revealed, and the clouds will open and the moon will shine! This Dharma conference, maybe it will be the opportunity for Master Tianya! Tomorrow the Dharma conference, if the master has something to say, he must speak it out, so as not to give birth to demons!"

Cold to nature, these words are by no means hypocritical flattery, but clear-eyed, from nature.

Amu looked at Qinghan, feeling quite warm in his heart, and said with a smile, "Qinghan, I would like to borrow your good words! I will remember your words. The three years of companionship at Donggu Temple will never be forgotten by Tianya! Go down!"

"Yes!" Qinghan felt that Master Tianya seemed a little different today, and said this as if saying goodbye.

But Qing Han didn't say anything, and bowed to leave.

Amu looked at Qinghan's back and sighed slightly.

Three years!Amu feels that the time is not short!

If this Vajra Puja ends, Amu really won't benefit much.

The ray of Buddha fire in the Danhai still cannot be finalized, so Amu has already decided not to wait for Ya'er to come.

He also wants to leave Dongyang Ancient Temple alone and go to Fantian Temple.If you fail to practice Buddhism, how can you talk about breaking the seal and restoring your cultivation?Twenty years have passed since the battle of the Immortal Ghost Sect.

Amu always feels that the various forces may soon reach Dongling, and his situation may become more difficult.

Half a cold moon, reflecting the purple clouds and flying waterfalls, Amu looked at the moonlight in the distance, feeling a little chilly in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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