nine coffins

Chapter 386 2 years?Desolate sea!

Chapter 386 20 years?Desolate sea!

(For collection, happy holidays everyone!)
Dongyang ancient temple is in danger.Amu Mo showed great power, extinguished the fire, slashed the five major soul cultivators, and finally stabilized the situation.

However, unexpectedly, the woman who appeared at the end made Amu's face change suddenly.

The woman was dressed in a blue dress, her temperament was cold, elegant and refined.On the cheeks, there were actually two faint imprints of plum blossoms, which made it even more beautiful, and she held a staff of plum blossoms in her hand.

"Plum Blossom Fairy Wu'er? The Great Consummation of Shenli Lower Realm!" Amu narrowed his eyes slightly.

I haven't seen it in 20 years, this essence of plum blossom is still glamorous, but the cultivation base has reached the Dzogchen of Shenli Upper Realm, which is equivalent to the strength of the high-level Dzogchen of soul cultivation.

In 20 years, he has been promoted to a whole big realm, and he is a spiritual sage to a soul cultivator.You know, how many monks have been trapped in the high-level Dzogchen of the Holy Spirit for countless years.

Such a speed, incredible?This is even faster than Amu's speed back then!
"During the 20 years of Dongling, what happened on the sea wasteland?" Amu was incredulous.

Things are a bit complicated now, the leader of the team turned out to be Wu'er, the spirit of plum blossoms. It seems that these people are not just here for themselves, and many things may be mixed together.

And from the tone of the spirit of plum blossoms, he didn't know that he was Dongling Tianya in advance.

"Dongling Tianya?" The spirit of plum blossom looked at Amu lightly.Does anyone know what is in her mind?
"Beihuang, Heishui, even Qingyuan, Nanmo, looking for you for so many years has almost overturned the entire Haihuang continent, and there are even rumors in Haihuang that Amu is dead. Unexpectedly, you are actually in Dongling, which is almost isolated from the world, Put it in Dongyang Ancient Temple, and change its name to Tianya!" The spirit of plum blossom looked at Amu, with a slight mocking look in his eyes, and there was a hint that Amu didn't seem to understand.

"Are you from the Dongling Mu clan?" Amu's thoughts changed sharply, wanting to sort everything out.

"That's right!" The Plum Blossom Essence replied very simply.

"Then why did you sneak attack Dongyang ancient temple? Why did you send someone to kill me?" Amu looked at the essence of plum blossoms coldly.

The relationship between Amu and Plum Blossom Essence is very interesting, it feels neither enemy nor friend.The two never had a real conflict, but they were definitely not friends.

"It seems that you don't know anything about what happened in Haihuang for so many years because you live in Dongling!" Wu'er, the spirit of plum blossoms, looked at Amu with a frown.

"The deserted sea is in chaos, and Dongling is in peace! The monster clan wants to rise again, they just want to take the Dongyang Temple to sacrifice the flag. As for you, it's just an unexpected harvest. The King Kong Puja, the scenery is infinite! However, Dongling Tianya is already the public enemy of the monster clan I just didn't expect it to be an old friend?" The spirit of plum blossom said lightly.

"These aren't monks from Dongling, who are they?" Amu pointed to the two people next to the Plum Blossom Essence and the men in black behind him.

"Emperor Taihuang, raise your arms and call, and the responders gather!" The plum blossom spirit looked at Amu lightly.

"Emperor Taihuang?" Amu frowned, "Has he left the shop in the ghost town?"

"Out of that small shop in the ghost town?" Amu's question stunned the spirit of plum blossoms, and his eyes were a little far away, "That's natural!"

"Congratulations!" Amu sneered, "It seems that Taihuang's revival is just around the corner!"

Amu also had a mocking tone, because in his opinion, the Great Emperor Taihuang might have reached the sky, but the strength displayed by the Immortal Ghost Sect in the battle against Ziyou City that day was by no means comparable to that of the Taihuang Sect.

One of the three sons of Ziyou City is enough to overwhelm the sea.

"Amu! The sea wasteland is no longer the sea wasteland you imagined!" Plum Blossom Spirit twitched his mouth, and then said, "The matter of the Yaozu and Dongling has nothing to do with you!"

"Oh? Haha!" Amu sneered, "It has nothing to do with me? You raided the ancient Dongyang Temple tonight, killed many of my fellow disciples, and even wanted to kill me, yet you said that you have nothing to do with me? I'm afraid you won't be able to leave tonight! "

"Oh?" The Plum Blossom Spirit looked at Amu with a sneer, "Don't look at how easily you killed five soul cultivators just now, but if you want to kill me, I'm afraid it won't be that easy!"

Amu knew in his heart that what the essence of plum blossoms said was true.

The people around the emperor of Taihuang, Amu believed that the spirit of plum blossoms would never be inferior to himself, if he had all the treasures in his body, he would naturally not be afraid.

However, at this time, Amu is just a demon cultivator of primary Dzogchen cultivation.In terms of combat power alone, it is equivalent to the high-level Yaozu Wu'er who cultivates the soul, and may be even higher than Amu.

"Amu! I advise you to think about yourself!" The plum blossom spirit looked at Amu with deep meaning, "Don't forget, what is on you?"

"Hmph!" Amu sneered.Of course he understands the meaning of the essence of plum blossoms, everyone is innocent and guilty.The magic coffin is enough to drive the monks on the deserted sea crazy.

This is also the reason why Amu dared not let others know that he was in Dongling until his cultivation had recovered.

"First, you can't leave tonight! Second, once the news about me in Dongling is released, my people will come too!" The dagger in Amu's right hand was emitting a cold light, and the Wan Yaoling in his left hand could be released at any time. , "20 years, no killing, it seems that someone has forgotten Moxiu Amu!"

"Haven't killed anyone in 20 years?" Hearing Amu's words, the plum blossom spirit looked at Amu in surprise, a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say anything.

The Plum Blossom Essence swung the plum blossom staff horizontally in her hand, fully on guard, although she had been calm since seeing Amu.

However, only she herself understands what it means to meet Amu here?Amu is in Dongling, this news is enough to make the whole desert tremble.

Because, on the entire deserted sea, almost everyone is looking for Amu.For so many years, Amu's mysterious disappearance has become an unsolved case in Haihuang.

Magic Coffin!It will drive countless monks crazy.Moreover, as far as Plum Blossom Spirit knows, in order to find Amu.Ziyou City has already broken the prohibition that monks above scattered souls are not allowed to walk in the sea.

Within the five domains, many scattered soul monks are looking for Amu.Although Dongling is a pure land of deserted seas, monks must have set foot in it long ago, but they just missed Amu.

At this time, even the essence of plum blossoms is forcibly suppressing his emotions.Because, the Taihuang Sect may need the demon coffin more than anyone else, because Xiao Luo is the real demon body.

However, the essence of plum blossoms did not dare to fight Amu easily.

Others don't know Amu's combat power, but the essence of plum blossoms has seen it with his own eyes.There is no need for the magic coffin, as long as the black rattan, the ancient lamp of the war spirit, and the wild soul beast, no matter which one is shot, the spirit of the plum blossom knows that his chances of winning are slim.

Although I am a Dzogchen in the lower realm of Shenli, my cultivation level is higher than that of Amu, but who knows if Amu is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

Amu's realm is abnormal!Because for so many years, there is not much benefit.This is what Plum Blossom thought.

Back then, at the Immortal Ghost Sect meeting, Amu hadn't entered the soul state, but even the high-level monks who scattered souls were beheaded by him.Let alone now?

So, in fact, from the moment Amu appeared, the essence of plum blossoms knew it.It is impossible to proceed with the plan to raid Dongyang Temple tonight.

The death of five soul cultivators was not a big loss, but it was just because they didn't expect Tianya to be Amu.

However, the essence of plum blossoms knows that the raid on Dongyang Ancient Temple is just a piece of the Dongling chess game.Finding Amu is worth more than anything.

Walk!This is a question that the Plum Blossom Essence has been thinking about. Don't look at her stubbornness, but now she only hopes to escape smoothly.Then naturally someone came to look for Amu, such as Xiao Luo.

The fear of Amu once made the spirit of plum blossoms not have the heart to fight at all.At this time, she naturally didn't know that all the treasures of Amu were lost.

"Do it! Kill!" At this time, the plum blossom staff in the hand of the plum blossom essence suddenly flew out, and directly scattered endless plum blossom petals, heading straight for Amu.

The plum blossoms are all over the sky, and they actually take root directly in the void, and the plum blossom trees all over the sky are displayed.This is actually a technique of sealing enchantment?
At the same time, she gave an order, and the two high-level soul-cultivation Dzogchen beside him also shot at the same time.

Tonight, if it weren't for Amu, the Plum Blossom Spirit and the others would have come rushing to destroy the sect.

The seven souls of cultivation plus the essence of plum blossoms are enough to wash Dongyang ancient temple with blood.

"Who gave them such courage?" Amu's heart moved.

Aren't they afraid of the wrath of Brahma Temple for such a thing as the bloodbath of Dongyang Ancient Temple?If it's really too wild, aren't they afraid of the holy city of Ziyou?

Everything seems unreasonable!

In the past 20 years, what happened in the Sea Desolate China?
Amu thought a lot, but couldn't give an explanation.

However, the movements of Amu's hands were not slow.

Those two great soul cultivators used two long swords, both of which were of good quality.Infused with the power of cultivating the soul, the awn tail is tens of feet long.Just now, they saw with their own eyes that Amu's dagger cut off the flying sword of the soul cultivator.

At this time, they naturally wouldn't go directly to Amu's dagger.

The two sword lights are only combined with the sealing technique of the essence of plum blossoms, trying to seal Amu.

"Huh?" Amu frowned, and drew a green glow from the dagger in his hand, directly slashing at the plum blossom seal, and at the same time Wan Yaoling in his hand also wanted to make a move.

However, at this time, seeing the plum blossom spirit backing away quickly, he shot out a magic talisman in his hand, and yelled softly: "Let's go!"

In the void, a blue smoke exploded suddenly, covering the sky with mist.

Amu was taken aback, this is the technique of fog escape.

The mist cleared, and when I saw the hundreds of monks, they disappeared without a trace at the same time.

"Teleporting hundreds of people, what a domineering talisman!" Amu frowned, and the magic consciousness instantly covered the entire Dongyang Mountain.

There was absolutely no way for so many people to escape, but at this moment, within the Amudan Sea, a strange air flow suddenly surged.

The devilish energy around him froze, and Amu's face changed suddenly.

(Amu has succeeded in raising roots immediately, and the restoration of his cultivation base is just around the corner, very soon! Hehe, happy holidays!)

(End of this chapter)

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