nine coffins

Chapter 387

Chapter 387
The essence of plum blossoms leads the crowd to attack Dongling at night, which is the trend of destroying the family.

Amu didn't expect that she would escape in an instant, let alone that at the critical moment, a strange air flow suddenly appeared in his Danhai.

"Not good!" Amu felt that his demon soul power was disappearing, but it hadn't been an hour yet.Could it be that Shui Mei's technique is deceitful?
At the last moment, with a thought, Amu teleported back to the cliff of Ziyun Waterfall.

Now that the essence of plum blossom is gone, at least it won't make a comeback immediately, and Amu can't recover as a mortal in front of many monks in Dongyang Ancient Temple.

The key is that the aura in Amu's body is too weird, but that aura is quite familiar to Amu.

That is a very special breath that has appeared in Amdan Sea many times.Whether it was in the original wild soul secret realm or the northern wilderness, that airflow had appeared, but it often disappeared in a flash, like a fish swimming.

The biggest impact of that air current was that it appeared on the northern wilderness many times, causing the magic coffin and the bluestone to be extremely unsettled on the cold plain.

That breath often comes and goes in a hurry, but it just wanders around in Amudan Sea and disappears.

"Buddha nature? Buddha energy?"

After practicing Brahma Root Cultivation Jue for a long time, Amu finally knew what this inexplicable air current was.

That is a pure Buddha Qi.

Amu's heart trembled, it was it.This must be the Buddha nature that Master Wuchen said that he was suppressed by the demon nature and had been hiding in his body for a long time, and the Buddha was born because of the demon!

Amu's heart brightened, what Master Wuchen said was true.As expected, this aura existed for a long time, and it finally reappeared.Today, Amu released the seal, and the magic energy was drawn in, and this Buddha nature reappeared.

One lamp can remove the darkness of a thousand years!

The moment that ray of Buddha's energy appeared, Amu felt the ray of Buddha's fire in his body that had not changed for a long time jump up and down in an instant.

Amu was overjoyed, and guided the ray of Buddha's energy into the sea of ​​pills.

"Huh—" the Buddha flame instantly expanded.

It seemed that the Amudan Sea, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly became bright with golden light.Under the goodbye light, a golden sea is rippling, shimmering and shining like gold.

Endless Buddha Qi surged up, and countless holy lights spread out.Above the sea of ​​pills, it is like ten thousand golden lotuses blooming.

Sanskrit!Sanskrit singing all over the sky.

At this time, Amu was sitting cross-legged, golden light was shining in his pill sea, but endless Sanskrit singing was surging in his consciousness sea.The endless Sanskrit singing echoed in Amu's pill sea at the same time.

It was an extremely wonderful feeling, like bathing in the Buddha's voice from all ages.

No matter how much pain and struggle you have had, there seems to be an epiphany at this moment.No matter what your past and future may be, the moment seems to be calm and indifferent.

It was a state of mind that Amu had never used before, and it was also a kind of Danhai strangeness that Amu had never seen before.

Originally, Amu's pill sea was all dark, or blood red, full of demonic energy, and infinite murderous intent.However, Danhai is peaceful and quiet now.

The Buddha is the devil, and the devil is also the Buddha.The Buddha is the heart, and the devil is also the heart.Buddha and demon are one.

Amu thought silently in his heart.

At the same time, goodbye Amu's golden pill sea gradually spread out from the middle, and bright waves rolled back to both sides.

In the sea water, there are layers of water splashes, in which there is a simple and holy Buddha lamp.In the golden waves, the Buddha lamp slowly rises.

Cyan base, pale gold lamp.A wisp of light blue outer flame and golden inner flame flickered on the lamp.

Peerless Immortal Root, Sea of ​​Bitterness Buddha Lamp!
Life is like a sea of ​​suffering, which needs guidance from the light.As soon as this lamp comes out, a great light will appear, and the karma of the three generations will be eliminated.

Inside the Danhai, the Buddha Qi is rippling.

Amu felt a burning pain between his brows, like a knife cutting a wooden drill. Such pain is not common for Amu, as if something important in his life is being erased.

At the same time, Amu felt that his Danhai was constantly expanding and deepening, and the golden Buddha light was spreading.

Originally, the land that was full of darkness is gradually recovering light.

That bitter sea Buddha lamp is really a lamp that can remove the darkness of a thousand years.It was the light gradually spreading out in the dark night.

Amu's Danhai is recovering little by little, and his cultivation is increasing.

The ninth level of junior high school, the ninth level of elementary training, the elementary level of fixed training, the intermediate level of fixed training, the advanced level of fixed training, and the first level of supreme spirit!Soaring all the way, unstoppable.

A steady stream of cultivator's power gathers and rises in Danhai.Amu is like a hungry pedestrian in the desert, finally waiting for the water source.

However, when Amu's cultivation reached the Dzogchen Elementary Stage, he stopped slowly!
"Yeah!" Even so, Amu was ecstatic.

The Great Perfection of the elementary level of the Supreme Spirit has far exceeded Amu's expectations. Unexpectedly, Yicheng Buddha's root has directly recovered to the elementary level of the Supreme Spirit.

More importantly, Amu felt something extremely familiar and raised one hand.


A black glow, like a dragon going out to sea!The Canghai Township Dragon Whip shoots out.

Amu's natal magic weapon, Canghai Zhenlongbian, in a sense, it is not only a magic weapon.On the black cane, what condenses more is a kind of friendship.

The love of master and apprentice, the love of brother and sister, the love of Liu Zhen.

The black vines are like dragons, surrounding Amu's body, it seems that it has been closed for too long, and today it sees the light again.

"Hahaha——" Amu looked up to the sky and laughed, it was a kind of joy that was lost and found again.

With the restoration of his cultivation, Amu could perceive many changes in his body.

I saw that the purple imprint of the Qiankun Ruyi bracelet on Amu's right arm gradually faded, leaving only a less obvious imprint.Amu can already perceive the existence of the Qiankun Ruyi Bracelet, but he cannot communicate and open it for the time being.

In Danhai, the Kuhai Buddha lamp swayed in the position of the immortal root.And in the void of the Pill Sea, in the shadows, a star shone brightly. It was the drop of God of War King's blood, but it was not as bright as before.

It seems that this drop of God of War blood has not fully recovered its divine power.

The pain between the eyebrows gradually subsided.Amu's spiritual consciousness spread out, and he could see the sword mark on the center of his brow, which faded a lot.This is the Eight Bitterness Seal gradually being released.

At the same time, Amu can also perceive the existence of the spirit of the wild soul at the center of his eyebrows, but he can only perceive it.The ancient desolate demon scriptures, the God of War king left his star map, they all dimly exist in his mind, but now Amu is fully mobilized.

They are all sealed by a force.

In addition to the magic coffin, the remnant wood of the coffin, the nine magic beads on the neck and the ancient lamp of the soul of battle, the other treasures don't matter whether Amu can use them or not, but Amu knows that they are still in his body.

"Huh—" Amu breathed out a foul breath, maybe all the treasures were there, they didn't dissipate, they were just sealed.This is already an excellent result for Amu.

And now it seems that the speed of his recovery may be faster than the mysterious Master Wuchen expected.Amu instinctively felt that what he needed was awakening, not re-cultivation.

As long as one's cultivation is restored, all treasures will return!Recovery may only be a matter of time.

It's just that now Amu doesn't know what kind of monk he is.Demon cultivator, or Buddhist cultivator?

Are you really a monster?Remembering that Xiao Luo once said that he was not a real demon cultivator in the secret realm of the wild soul, Amu now also began to doubt it.

The Buddha and the devil are one, even though what Master Wuchen said is all the truth.But Amu also understands that definitely not everyone has such an opportunity.

The tenth-grade peerless immortal root, the Buddha lamp in the sea of ​​bitterness, even if there is no one in thousands of miles who truly cultivates the Buddha.

If it is really a simple magic turning around, it is a Buddha!Couldn't Xiao Luo also practice Buddhism?
Amu's Buddhist relationship is not insignificant!

So what is your body type?It seems that the magic body is no longer accurate.

At this time, Amu remembered his master Wang Jue again.

Amu has always believed that Master Wang Jue is the person who understands him best.On the last night in Liuzhen, when the coffin fell into the sea, Wang Jue's words kept echoing in Amu's ears.

Master must know everything!Even take control of everything.

"Amitabha!" At this moment, a Buddha's cry interrupted Amu's thoughts, and two masters, Xiaoyun and Wuruo, stood not far behind him.

"Congratulations to Junior Brother Wuya!" The two masters clasped their hands together.

The people who raided Dongyang Ancient Temple just now fled, and when they saw Amu who was going to chase, his face suddenly changed and he left.The two wondered what might have happened.

So after making some arrangements, the two rushed to Ziyun Waterfall and found that Amu had successfully grown his roots.

At this time, Amu is a mystery to the eminent monks of Dongyang Ancient Temple.They could hear the conversation between Plum Blossom Essence and Amu clearly, but they were at a loss.

However, there is no doubt that Amu is a person of great background.

"Thank you two senior brothers!" Amu stood up, and the black rattan had already retracted into his body.

Amu's success in raising roots is naturally gratifying, but thinking of the tragic death of Master Chenyue and the dead and injured monks in Dongyang Ancient Temple, he naturally feels a little heavy.

"Senior Brother Xiaoyun! Tianya failed to save Senior Brother Chenyue!" Amu said in a deep voice.

Xiaoyun let out a long sigh, and said: "Qinghan told me everything! Junior brother Tianya, you have done your best, everything is cause and effect, don't blame yourself."

"How about the casualties in the temple?" Amu asked again.

"Thousands!" Master Wuruo showed pain on his face, "Dongling has been peaceful for thousands of years, it seems that it is no longer there!"

The battle tonight is undoubtedly the biggest disaster since Dongyang Ancient Temple was built.For thousands of years, it was probably the first time in Dongling that such a battle had been thought about.

"Junior Brother Wuya, if you weren't here today, I'm afraid my Dongyang Ancient Temple will be expelled from Dongling!" Master Wuruo said again.

"It's just for the protection of the Buddha!" ​​Amu sighed, then hesitated, and asked, "Brother Abbot, did you inform the Brahma Temple?"

"I already let Junior Brother Shuiyun do it!" Master Wuruo said, "For such a thing, Brahma Temple will definitely send people to come."

Amu frowned and nodded, then clasped his hands together and bowed deeply to Master Wuruo and Master Xiaoyun.

Wu Ruo and Master Xiaoyun were taken aback, wondering what Amu meant.

"Two senior brothers, for the past three years, they have been taken in and allowed Tianya to learn the Brahma Root Cultivation Technique! Help me restore my cultivation. However, the fate between Tianya and Dongyang Ancient Temple will come to an end!"

(End of this chapter)

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