nine coffins

Chapter 505: King in Black! 7 drops of War Soul Lamp Oil!

Chapter 505: King in Black!Seven drops of fighting spirit lamp oil!
300 years of sea waste, [-] years of Shura!
Such a time span made Amu Lishui extremely shocked, and even a little panicked in his heart.

Is the Demon Continent Shura Realm so strange?3000 years have passed in a blink of an eye, what will happen to those San Gongzi and others who came to the sea 300 years ago?How is Shen Yan?

Ji Guang, a protoss boy, didn't seem to pay attention to the expressions of Amu and Li Shui.

"Nowadays, the most common mortals in the Shura world have a lifespan of nearly three thousand years! Compared with the sea desert people, they have too much time to practice and consume, and the talent of the Shura people is far better than that of the sea desert people. Six or seven High-grade immortal roots can be found everywhere, and eighth- and ninth-grade immortal roots are also very common. Therefore, monks in the Asura world have extremely high realms."

At this time, Amu and Li Shui gradually calmed down.

"Endless time can create some great abilities. But there is only time. In the case of extremely scarce resources, it is difficult to achieve major repairs. After all, the assistance of foreign objects is also extremely important in the practice! However, the monks of the water robbery value more than a dozen dollars. Spirit stones are treasures, so what should happen to the three realms of soul, spirit, and cultivation?" Li Shui said.
Ji Guang looked at Li Shui, smiled wryly, and continued, "Actually, the Asura Realm is not completely devoid of resources, but these limited resources are concentrated in the hands of several great immortal sects in the Asura Realm. Now, except for the interior of the several major immortal sects, In the Asura world, there are no cultivators at the level of cultivation, spirituality, and soul cultivation, and they are almost extinct!"

"Cultivation, spirituality and soul cultivation level monks are almost extinct? How is this possible?" Amu and Li Shui looked at Ji Guang in surprise.

"Then we have to mention the second secret treasure of cultivation in the Shura world - Tunxiu!" Ji Guang sneered.

"Tunxiu?" Amu asked in surprise, "Could it be the monk Swallowing?" Hearing Amu's question, Li Shui's expression also changed.

"That's right! It's mutual devouring!" Ji Guang shook his head, "This is the rule of the Shura world. All monks who have not reached the soul-dispersing level may be swallowed, and then transformed into endless spiritual power to improve the devourer's cultivation base .”

"It is said that although the Asura Continent collapsed back then, tens of millions of monks survived in the entire Asura World through various methods. However, the number of monks in the Asura World today is less than [-]%. More than [-]% All the monks with scattered souls were devoured, and only [-]% of the monks became stronger through devouring! Which one of the monks who have been robbing souls has not devoured low-level monks. "

"For countless tens of thousands of years, I don't know how many monks died not at the bottleneck of their practice, but because they did not escape the devouring pursuit of high-level monks! Nowadays, in the Shura world, except for the internal disciples of a few great immortal sects, there is no one below the level of scattered souls. Even if there is one, they are closed all the year round, and they dare not show up. Only when the soul is scattered and above, they dare to come out. Because after the soul is scattered, the soul heart is fully developed, and it is meaningless to be swallowed again, and it will not increase the power of the devourer!"

After saying all this in one breath, a trace of sadness flashed in Ji Guang's eyes.The Asura Realm can be regarded as the cruelest one among the three realms.

Amu and Li Shui's expressions changed slightly, looking at the vast time and space outside the Pantheon Temple.The black and white sun hangs high, emitting endless pale light.The Asura Realm of Demon Continent turned out to be a world where people cannibalize people.

Amu took a deep breath, then looked at Ji Guang and said, "Ji Guang, to tell you the truth, Li Shui and I came from the sea wasteland for the sake of some people who came from the sea wasteland 300 years ago. According to your statement, That should be 3000 years ago in the Asura Realm of Demon Continent. Do you know if there were any strange changes in Demon Continent of Asura 3000 years ago?"

"3000 years ago?" Ji Guang frowned, then shook his head and said slightly apologetically, "A lot of times, I'm chasing time! So, I may ignore many things in this world."

Amu nodded, and then asked: "Then, which star field in the world of Mozhou does the legendary burial place now belong to? Was there any change in the burial place 3000 years ago?"

"The ancient burial place is in the southernmost desolate star field in the Asura Realm of Demon Continent. The remnant star field we are in is exactly opposite to it, and it is the star field farthest from us."

After Ji Guang finished speaking, he frowned and thought for a while, as if he suddenly remembered something.

"Amu, Lishui, I don't know if there was any change in the ancient burial place 3000 years ago. But, about 5000 years ago, when I was passing by the ancient burial place, I met a person!"

"Who?" Li Shui asked.

"5000 years ago?" Amu's heart moved, "Did you meet an old man in black!"

"Huh?" Ji Guang was taken aback, "That's right! That's indeed a very strange black-clothed old man, because he saw me and blocked my way."

"What did he tell you?" Amu asked hastily.

"He asked me if I saw a black light flying out of Zangu. I really didn't see it, so I had to tell the truth!" Ji Guang said.

"and after?"

"Later, the old man sighed and said, 'Even you, a walker of the god race, didn't see that black light, it seems that it has surpassed time', and then disappeared in one step without saying anything! The old man was extremely powerful, I I want to chase him, but I can’t see him anymore! That’s the most powerful existence I’ve ever met in the Demon Continent.”

Ji Guang smiled bitterly, and then asked, "Do you know that amazing old man?"

"He is my master!" Amu frowned, "This time, we are also here to find him!"

"Oh?" Ji Guang was stunned for a moment.

"Jiguang, when you saw my master. Did he have cloudy eyes, white hair, dirty body, and countless flowers scattered around him!" Amu said about the projection he saw on the gate of the ancient burial out.

"No!" Ji Guang shook his head, "Although the old man has gray temples and is a little tired, he exudes an unspeakable aura, which is an unstoppable feeling. I didn't see what you said. "

Hearing what Jiguang said, Amu felt relieved, hoping that what he saw was not a real reaction.Because, Amu once asked Leng Yu.

Leng Yu said that the monk's face is extremely old, his body is filthy, and the flowers around him are withered, it is very likely that he is in the state of five declines above the original immortal.

The five declines of heaven and man are the last catastrophe before stepping into the realm of eternity.He lost all his mana and had to endure various tortures for a full 500 years.Once in the past, it will be a step-by-step cultivation base, just like cold jade.

Under normal circumstances, when the original immortal is about to pass the five declines, one is to let the closest relatives protect the law, and the other is to completely retreat to avoid disaster.

However, Leng Yu also said that practicing the Three Lives of Immortals and Demons should not have the five declines of heaven and man at all, but a direct path to immortals.At the gate of Amu's burial, most of what he saw was an illusion.

After hearing Jiguang's words, Amu also secretly prayed in his heart, hoping that what he saw was really an illusion.

At this time, Ji Guang suddenly glanced at the black and white sun in the sky, as if he was looking at the time.Then, Ji Guang stood up, waved one hand, and from the rags, two jade slips flew out.

"Amu, Lishui, it's getting late. I'm leaving. These are two jade slips, which contain a map of the current Shura Demon Continent and related fairy gates. It will definitely be of great help to you!"

Ji Guang's two jade slips are simply too important to Amu and Li Shui.The two of them were not polite, and directly took it with their hands clasped together.

"By the way, Amu, when I mentioned the fairy gate, I suddenly remembered. The seven stars accompany the blood moon. There were three great immortals on the Blood Moon Continent, namely Shura Palace, Youfu Palace, and Wuhen Valley. These three families are inheritances of millions. They Mastering the lifeblood of the entire Shura world, there are countless masters and immortals.

"In the Seven Star Continents, there were not so powerful fairy sects. But about 700 years ago, in the Demon Star Realm and the Demon Star Realm, a sect suddenly rose up, namely the Demon Burial Sect and the Heavenly Spirit Realm. "

"They each occupy a star field, and they are developing extremely fast. It is said that they have the potential to compete with the three great immortal sects of Blood Moon. I won't say more about other details in the jade slip. Perhaps, the two sects and the three sects It's about the person you're looking for."

"En!" Amu and Li Shui nodded, because Ji Guang was leaving, they didn't ask any more questions.They can feel that Jiguang's time must be extremely precious.

"Are you still chasing time?" Amu asked.

"For me, that is practice, and it cannot be stopped!" Ji Guang said with a smile.

"Don't forget our agreement!" Amu said.

"No!" Ji Guang said solemnly, "But, Amu, I want to ask you for something!"

"What do you want?" Amu was a little surprised.

"I want the lamp oil of the Seven-Drop War Soul Ancient Lamp!" Ji Guang said.

"Oh?" Amu smiled, "What do you want them for?"

The lamp oil of the War Soul Ancient Lamp can turn into a river of blood with just one drop, but Amuzhen doesn't know what Ji Guang wants them to do.However, Amu naturally wouldn't be stingy, and with a thought, seven drops of lamp oil flew out from between his eyebrows.

"One day, you will understand!" Ji Guang smiled mysteriously, and then said suddenly, "Amu, the remnant wood of the coffin in the Demon Continent Shura Realm is in the darkest valley of the Zhan Zhi Yu. Go find it!"

"Huh?" Amu was taken aback, because he was about to ask this question, but Ji Guang said it unexpectedly.

Goodbye, Ji Guang waved his hand and put away the seven War Soul Lamp Oil with a complicated expression.

"Amu, Lishui, take care! Jiguang bid farewell!" Jiguang's voice is still there, but it has long since disappeared.

Neither Amu nor Li Shui's consciousness could keep up with Ji Guang's speed.That is indeed an extreme, it seems that Ji Guang has never existed in this space.

Li Shui frowned, and suddenly felt that such auspicious light was extremely terrifying, because a person who could travel faster than time.If you kill you, you may not even see him.

"Amu, Ji Guang's ability seems terrifying! What realm does he belong to?" Li Shui said.

"Oh?" Amu smiled, but did not answer Li Shui's question, but said slowly, "Fortunately, we are friends!"

"That's right!" Li Shui smiled wryly, "If you become an enemy of a Three Realm Walker who transcends time, your life will probably hang by a thread."

"No! Brother Li Shui!" Amu sneered slightly, "Lucky is him! Because, so what if it transcends time? I can make time momentary and eternal, and the moment of imprisonment is enough to kill him instantly!"

When Li Shui heard it, he immediately stood there in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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