nine coffins

Chapter 506 Red Soul Continent!Crow's scream!

Chapter 506 Red Soul Continent!Crow's scream!

The Temple of Eternity is still suspended.

Amu and Li Shui have already sat on the Black Cloud Flying Shuttle and turned into a stream of black light.With the latest map of the Shura world, the two brothers naturally have coordinates and directions.

The Remnant Star Territory is vast and boundless.After another seven days, the two of them saw the Remnant Star Continent.It was a second-tier continent spanning millions of miles, but the Remnant Star Continent was indeed barren.

There are mountains and rivers in the Remnant Star Continent, but there are many strange monsters.

In addition, most of the Remnant Star Continent is a black desert, and sometimes there will be black swirling storms of tens or even hundreds of miles. The living environment is extremely harsh.In the middle of the entire continent, there is a bottomless pit, full of mist, no one knows what it is.

On the Remnant Star Continent, there are no sects of self-cultivation, only some casual cultivators who practice penance and capture some monsters.Compared to the entire Shura world, the Remnant Star Continent can basically be regarded as a slum and no man's land.

Amu and Lishui's Black Cloud Flying Shuttle did not stop at the Remnant Star Continent.It's just that, flying far away in the void, only seeing the deep pit in the middle of the continent, Amu frowned slightly.

However, the black cloud flew so fast that Amu didn't pay much attention to it.

The Blood Moon Continent is the center of the Asura Realm of the Demon Continent. The seven star fields of Dou, Desolation, Demon, Demon, Cloud, Zhan, and Remnant are divided into the upper and lower four directions of the Blood Moon Continent.

Among them, the three star fields of Huang, Mo, and Yao belong to the southern star field.Desolate star field, at the southern tip of the blood moon continent, the two major star fields of demon and demon are located on both sides of the southern tip of the moon.The Demon Star Field, inside the moon bow, the entire star field sinks slightly.The demon star field is on the outside of the moon bow, and the entire star field is slightly upward.

The three star fields of Remnant, Dou, and Zhan belong to the northern star field.The Remnant Starfield, at the northern tip of the Blood Moon Continent, can be said to be far away from the Desolate Starfield.

The two star fields of Dou and Zhan are arranged on both sides of the northern moon tip.Douzhi Starfield, on the inner side of the moon bow, the entire starfield rises slightly.The demon star field is on the outside of the moon bow, and the entire star field is slightly downward.But the rest of the Starfield of Clouds is a void thousands of miles above the right side of the entire Blood Moon Continent.

The seven stars are accompanied by the blood moon, up and down, supporting and guarding.

If anyone could look at the now fragmented Shura Continent in the extremely distant starry sky, they would be inexplicably shocked.Because, such a strange arrangement seems to be intentional, not entirely the result of the continental explosion.

It is full of symmetry and harmony.

Faintly, on the Blood Moon Continent of Shura Continent, there is a faint black mist that seems to exist and does not know how many miles around.However, who can penetrate the truth of the Shura Demon Continent?
The first stop for Amu and Li Shui will be Zhanzhixingyu.

According to everything provided by Jiguang, Amu and Li Shui speculated.The Demon Burial Sect and the Heavenly Spirit Realm that suddenly rose up in the Demon Star Realm and Demon Star Realm 700 years ago are most likely related to Shui Mei, San Gongzi, Xiao Luo and others who entered the Demon Continent Shura Realm back then. .

In the realm of Demon Continent Shura, there was an explosion tens of thousands of years ago, and many domain gates have been destroyed. There are not many domain gates remaining today.And the resources on Shura Mozhou also decided to use the domain gate, which is almost a luxury.

Therefore, many domain gates are gradually forgotten and abandoned.On Jiguang's map, there is no domain gate marked. For Jiguang who can transcend time, domain gates are meaningless.

Therefore, if you want to go to the Demon and Demon Star Domain, you can only test the flight in the void, and you must pass through the Zhanzhi Star Domain.

When Ji Guang was about to leave, he once said that the remnant wood of the coffin in the Asura Realm of Demon Continent was in the darkest valley of Zhanzhi Starfield.

Although the words were vague, Amu Lishui decided to go to the Battle Star Continent first. It would be great if he could find the remnants of the coffin.

The vast starry sky of Demon Continent is vast and boundless.In the star field, there are several third-level continents, and more are gravel continents and empty voids.The black clouds fly back and forth, as if traveling through the interstellar space.

The original Shura Continent was definitely not as large as the Sea Desolation Continent, but now, no one knows how many times it has expanded.The distances between the various star domains are extremely long.

It took a whole month, and according to Ji Guang's map, Amu and Li Shui entered Zhanzhixingyu.

Its name is war, and it must have the will to fight.

All the land colors of the Zhanzhi Starfield are blood red, which is exactly the same as that of the Blood Moon Continent.They used to be the most closely connected piece of land.

Among all the seven-star tier-[-] continents, only the Starfield of War has the strongest killing intent.

Because, on the Battle Star Continent, there are two races of black and white Shura that are said to have been inherited from the ancient Shura clan.For tens of thousands of years, in order to prove the purity of their blood and compete for survival resources, they have fought endlessly.

The darkest valley in the Zhanzhi Starfield mentioned by Jiguang is marked on Zhanxing Continent.It seemed to be a peerless valley spanning millions of miles.

On this day, Amu and Li Shui landed on a third-level continent according to the map, and were about to sit down for a while.It takes at least five or six days to travel here to Battle Star Continent.

This third-level continent, named Red Soul, has a radius of 20 miles.In the northern part of the mainland, there are continuous mountains, and the red stones all over the mountains are like fire.At the southern end of the continent, there are endless forests and grasslands.

Amu and Li Shui chose to land in the southern part of the mainland.There is a green hill here, which is full of strange maple-like trees, which is truly amazing.Also, there is an unnamed big lake with mighty water waves and shining blue waves.

There are mountains, waters, and vegetation. Compared with the Remnant Star Field, this Red Soul Continent can be regarded as a Shura Paradise.

On the banks of the great lake, the lake and mountains are beautiful and the scenery is pleasant.A black shadow flew back and forth, it was the crow.

Flying in the vast star field, the crow would sometimes curl up on Amu's shoulder for a while, and most of the time, he would choose to sleep in the Tianhu fairy bracelet.

At this moment, they finally arrived at a place with excellent scenery, and Ya'er naturally wanted to come out to get some air, shouting "Ya Ya", very happy.

On the Red Soul Continent, there seems to be a small fairy gate, but it is tens of thousands of miles away, and there are absolutely no monks in a thousand miles around.

Amu and Li Shui sat cross-legged on a red rock, adjusting their breath.For them, flying for more than a month is not a problem, but it is always a bit boring.

Looking at the big lake with mighty water, Amu's heart suddenly moved.

"go with!"

With a shake of one hand, Amu shot out the soul of a monk from the Sea Desolation.Back then, Kuxinzi passed on the soul dance technique to Amu. For various reasons, Amu never practiced it more diligently.

Ten thousand soul dance is already the highest level of soul dance that Amu can perform now.However, because of the ancient lantern of the battle soul, the soul dance technique is a bit tasteless to Amu.

However, there are still many monk souls that have been collected on Amu.

At this time, what Amu released was a spirit-level soul.

Seeing that soul come out, he seemed extremely happy.In the void, like a wisp of green smoke, it went straight to the big lake.Then, I saw the soul seal formed in the void, and the great lake turned into waves.But in an instant, the spirit-level soul unexpectedly rolled back a nearly three-foot-long white fish.

This is exactly the task Amu gave him when he released the soul.

The white fish was alive and kicking, looking extremely fresh and plump.

"Oh!" Li Shui's eyes lit up.Although, Amu and Li Shui have long been able to live without eating fireworks, but how can the taste of drinking and eating meat not be beautiful?

Especially in the recent days of traveling around the Star Territory, the journey was tiring, and seeing the delicious white fish, the two brothers were already salivating.

Amu smiled, shook one hand again, and it was shot by two holy spirits again.These two holy souls are also extremely neat, but their job is to collect materials to make a fire and grill fish.

Three spiritual souls, one for fishing, one for lighting fire, and one for barbecue.The division of labor is clear, methodical, and each perform their magic.

After a while, the smell of fish bursts.The soul in charge of grilling is worthy of being a spiritual master in his lifetime. After the fish is grilled, it turns into salt and pepper.

Seeing Amu Lishui was amazed, but this seemed to be a bit overkill.It's just that the two grilled fish are grilled first, which adds endless deliciousness.

The soul directly bowed and sent the two grilled fish to Amu and Li Shui.

Two brothers, how can you be polite?
As soon as Li Shui raised his hand, a jar of fine wine was already in his hand, and Amu offered two wine glasses.

Holding a fish in one hand and a cup in the other, the two brothers are enjoying themselves during the journey.

The three souls were busy going back and forth, and Amu Lishui kept eating and drinking.But for more than an hour, dozens of fish bones and bamboo sticks for piercing the fish were scattered on the ground.

The wine is intoxicating, and the fragrance of fish fills the mouth.The lakes and mountains are beautiful, and the breeze is coming.At this moment, with Soul Servant by his side, Amu and Li Shui were both a little happy and forgetful, almost feeling like they were in a sea and desert world.The fatigue and a little anxiety of the journey were swept away.

The three soul servants are still busy.However, at this time, Amu suddenly stopped drinking slightly.

Because he found that the three souls seemed to be a little more solid than before before he knew it, and they went back and forth with a very small wind.The atmosphere by the lake is slightly strange.

"Huh?" Amu frowned slightly.

"Let Ya'er taste it too!" Li Shui picked up a grilled fish at this moment, thinking of Ya'er.

However, there is no trace of the crow in the void at this time, probably playing in the distance.

Amu was about to call, but suddenly, there was only a shrill hiss, piercing through the void, instantly breaking the tranquility of the mountain and lake.

That is the cry of a crow!At the same time, two beams of bloody light soared into the sky in an instant between the high mountains, tens of miles away.

A murderous aura spread out in an instant, overwhelming the entire mountain and lake.

To attack and kill crows?Amu's face suddenly became cold.

 The rhythm is so angry that the school can't access the Internet, so I have to go home after evening class to change it!Thank you mortal v, weiguigui for the monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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