nine coffins

Chapter 528 Goodbye Liuzhen, the sea is like a dream!

Chapter 528 Goodbye Liuzhen, the sea is like a dream!
The ghost bird king retreated, and the dark barrier in the Death Dragon Valley completely dissipated, revealing the empty black and white sun.All the ghost birds and ancient war spirits have naturally dissipated long ago.

The crow landed on Amu's shoulder, and kept rubbing his small head against Amu's neck, seeming to regret and love him.Li Shui took out a pill and gave it to Amu.The two blood soul guards turned into red lights and merged into Amu's back again.

Everything vanished and returned to its old appearance.

After taking the elixir, Amu's elixir gradually calmed down, and his pale face recovered a little bit of blood.

"Cough cough!" Amu coughed twice, and then wiped a strand of blood from the corner of his mouth, "What a powerful ghost bird king! However, she must have been injured and needs some time to recuperate."

"You also need to recuperate for a few days!" Li Shui frowned, "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, maybe there are people watching you and me secretly. It seems that a Bai Luomen can't guarantee the safety of you and me in Starfield of War!"

"Well, not bad! If there is no blood soul guard, today you and my brother will be in danger! However, when I saw the blood soul guard's technique, the ghost bird king seemed to be a little afraid!" Amu said.

Li Shui nodded, and then said: "Let's go first, go to Kuching Kingdom, and then discuss everything!"

Amu nodded, and sacrificed the Black Cloud Flying Shuttle.The two brothers flew up the shuttle, this time at full speed.

A mere [-] miles is nothing to the Black Cloud Flying Shuttle that is advancing at full speed.The day of black and white has not yet turned, that is, there is no sunset, and Amu and Lishui have already arrived in the territory of Kuching.

Along the way, Amu kept his eyes closed and adjusted his breath, and his injury was definitely not serious.At the same time, both brothers regained their true appearance.Amu also took off his green shirt and changed into a white robe.

Ya'er curled up on Amu's shoulder like a bird. In fact, Amu wanted her to enter the Tianhu Fairy Bracelet, but Ya'er refused to go in.

Li Shui sighed: "Amu, it was transformed by a crow! Now that you are injured, she must not feel at ease? How could you go in?"

Amu sighed, patted Ya'er's head, and gave up.

In exchange for the truth, if there are still monks in Dawn City who want to find and pursue Amu and Lishui, they may be rid of them.

The Kingdom of Kuching, with a length of 30 miles, is the largest mortal country on the Zhanzhi Continent.It has a population of nearly ten million and numerous towns.However, this is a country that is almost completely in a natural state, and there are not too many cities, but small towns and villages.

There is no ruling dynasty in Kuching, and those who control Kuching are some immortal sects that have influence on this place.Legend has it that Kuching originally had a dynasty, but it fell completely later.

For countless years, the country of Kuching has been enjoying good weather, peace and prosperity.The main reason is that what mortals want is almost completely different from what monks want.Even to a certain extent, they can complement each other, after all, monks are also cultivated from mortals.

Therefore, in a bloody place like the Zhanzhi Continent, the Kuching Kingdom survived.

Amu and Li Shui are in the void, seeing a small town in the distance, guessing that the day will be black and white, and it will change.Amu is injured, and there is no need for the two of them to rush this night.

With a thought, the black cloud flew away, and Amu and Lishui landed not far from the small town.

For some reason, as soon as he landed on the ground, Amu felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.That feeling was extremely strange, as if something was calling Amu in the small town not far away.

Amu frowned slightly, Li Shui thought that Amu was seriously injured.

"Amu, if the injury is hard to heal, let's stay in this small town for two more days. We can send a letter to Bai Wuming about the matter of the Dark Demon Valley. It doesn't hurt to delay it a little bit!"

"Yeah!" Amu nodded, a little absent-minded.

Because, the further you go, the stronger that strange feeling becomes.It was a very familiar and distant taste.

After a while, the two brothers walked to the entrance of the small town.It seemed to be an extremely simple and quiet town, with a tall stone monument standing at the entrance of the town.

Amu's eyes swept across the stone tablet, his face suddenly changed, he stopped abruptly, and then pulled Li Shui all of a sudden.

"Senior Brother Li Shui, be careful!" Amu's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the stone tablet at the entrance of the town.

"Huh?" Li Shui stopped in his tracks instantly, his consciousness scattered, but there was nothing abnormal, "What's wrong, Amu?"

"Brother Li Shui, do you feel anything unusual? Is there an illusion here?" Amu's expression was strange.

However, Li Shui didn't feel the slightest difference, and asked, "Amu, what did you see? It should be normal here."

"Really?" Amu frowned, and the tall stone tablet at the entrance of the town was reflected in his eyes.At this time, Amu's hands were fisted, and his knuckles were slightly pale.

Because, on that tall stone tablet, there are two quaint characters——Liu Zhen.

Liu Zhen?

How could Amu be calm when he saw these two words?That stone stele and that ancient seal were once deeply engraved in Amu's heart, and they will never be forgotten.

At this time, Li Shui followed A Mu's gaze and saw the ancient seal on the stone tablet clearly.Knowing about Amu's past, Li Shui couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, realizing Amu's abnormality.

How could there be Liu Town here?Duplicate name?
Since it wasn't an illusion, Amu's demon eyes opened directly, scanning the entire ancient town.However, after a quick glance, Amu's face became even paler in an instant.

The layout of this ancient town in the Shura Realm of the Demon Continent, the Gujin Kingdom in the Zhanzhi Continent, is actually exactly the same as the Willow Town in the Northern Kingdom of the Northern Wilderness Continent in the Shenzhou Sea Desolation Realm.

Is this an ancient town that is a complete copy of each other?

At this moment, Amu's heartbeat increased, what was going on?

Amu hurried a few steps, and he and Li Shui entered the ancient town.

This small town is simple and quiet, with the same feeling as Liu Town back then.Here, all the houses and streets are the same as Liu Town.Even tofu shops, blacksmith shops, and shroud shops are all the same.

However, after stepping into Liu Town, Amu's heart became complicated and entangled again.Because, he saw the biggest difference between this Willow Town and Haihuang Willow Town.

At the entrance of Liu Town, strange children are playing around, and on the long street, there are villagers who don't know them.At the door of the tofu shop, there is no aunt who sells goods and Xiaoyu who is shy with a red string.Although, that is also a pair of mother and daughter, but people are not people.

This is not exactly Liu Zhen in Amu's memory!

This is not an illusion, but an extremely ordinary town in the time and space of the Asura Realm.

"Drive! Drive—" "Moo—"


At this time, on the long street, two cattle were pulling carts and slowly passing by.The drivers are two middle-aged men, ordinary people, but their bodies are extremely strong.

What shocked Amu the most was that each of the two ox carts was actually pulling a coffin.

New coffin!Made of century old pine wood!The coffin was formed seven days ago!Inside the coffin, there was actually a lingering spirit of the wood spirit. Such a coffin could keep a person's body alive for decades.

Not to mention that the current Amu is a monk of Fengjie Shangjing, but in Liuzhen back then, as soon as the cart pulling the coffin passed by, Amu only needed to look at it and smell it, and he could quickly judge the material and characteristics of the coffin.

On the long street, the coffin-drawing car slowly passed by.Such scenes were often seen in Liu Town back then.Because, half of the coffins in the entire Northern Kingdom come from Liu Town.Liuzhen's coffin is well-known in the North Country.

At this time, the two men driving the car were talking and laughing happily.

"Third brother, business is going well recently, isn't it?"

"That's right! I took over the work of three more coffins yesterday, and I'm a bit overwhelmed."

"Our coffins in Liu Town are famous throughout Kuching. Although we all live for 3000 years and every family in the town makes coffins, the business of making coffins has never declined!"

"Haha! Thank you ancestors for passing down such a craft."

"Alas! It's a pity that we can no longer make coffins like the Wang family's, otherwise we can make a lot of money from those monks. Hehe!"

"The coffin of the Wang family, hey! I heard from my grandfather that it is the legendary fairy coffin. Has anyone seen it before?"


The whips of the two strong men seemed to be in a hurry to get out of town.The scalper's pace quickened, and the car gradually disappeared at the entrance of the town.

Amu kept looking at the two bullock carts, and the words of the two men naturally fell into Amu's ears.

At this moment, Amu was in a trance again.On the long street, the fragrance of wood is scattered, just like in the past.At this moment, Amu seems to have returned to hundreds of years ago, on the long street of Liu Town in Beiguo.

What exactly is going on?Goodbye Liu Zhen, everything in Haihuang is like a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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