nine coffins

Chapter 529 There was Wang's house first, then Liu's town

Chapter 529 There was Wang's house first, then Liu's town

Zhanzhi Continent, Kuching Kingdom, Liuzhen.

Amu stood on the long street, a little dazed.He remembered the story of Zhuang Zhou's dream of a butterfly in his previous life.Suddenly, I don't know which is a dream and which is real?

Like a dream, why are the two towns of Liu so similar?
Standing with Amu on the street, Li Shui also frowned slightly.

Shuluoliu Town in front of me is just an ordinary and ordinary village with no more than a hundred households and no more than a thousand people.Li Shui's spiritual consciousness swept across the whole town. Except for himself and Amu, there was no monk here, and all of them were mortals.

Except for a few businesses dealing with daily necessities, every family makes coffins.In many courtyards, coffins and or wood were piled up.Some have already been completed, and some still need many processes.

Li Shui and Amu are siblings, but he is not Amu after all.Although he could feel the shock in Amu's heart, he couldn't completely imitate the feelings of Liu Zhen in Amu's heart.

From Li Shui's point of view, the whole town didn't have any strange features.

And Haihuangliu Town is the only hometown in Amu's mind.Its status even surpassed that of the Northern Cold School that made Amu truly a monk.

The two brothers, there is no dialogue at this time.

Amu stood on the long street, looking around blankly.Li Shui stood beside Amu, he knew that Amu needed to be calm.The crow was no longer curled up at this time, but stood on Amu's shoulder, his bright black eyes rolling around.

In fact, Amu, who gradually calmed down, knew that the two Liuzhens were not dreams.Because, the Shenzhou Sea Desolation Realm and the Demon Continent Shura Realm belong to different time and space.

It's just that Liu Town in the deserted sea has already been turned into ruins, and the souls of the people of Liu Town are still carried on Amu.Shura's Liu Town is intact, and people's livelihood is peaceful.It looks very much like the former Sea Desert Willow Town.

But the houses, shops, coffins, and the conversation between the two strong men just now made Amu dizzy.There is no doubt that there must be some kind of connection between these two Liu towns.

Suddenly, the crow spread its wings and flew straight to the east end of the village.

In the past, Ya'er, except for those memories that Amu didn't know, she knew all about Amu's past.Now the crow of the crow, if there is still a trace of spirituality, then he will definitely know where the Wang family should be.

Ya'er's choice was actually in Amu's mind.

"Brother Li Shui, come with me!" Amu greeted, and went straight to Wang's house along the long street.

Haihuangliu Town is exactly the same as Shuluoliu Town, so the Wang family should be at the east end of the village.Sure enough, the easternmost part of the village is also a relatively remote area.

Gray bricks and gray tiles, double courtyards, black gates are closed.This is exactly the same as the Wang family in Haihuangliu Town.

However, on both sides of the gate, there were actually two big bronze cauldrons, which were full of incense ash, and there were several sticks of long burning incense stuck in them.The incense is lingering and scattered with the wind.

At this time, there was no one at the door.The crow had already arrived, but instead of flying into the courtyard, it hovered in the void outside the door.Until Amu came, landed on Amu's shoulder again, and then made a "Yah Yah" sound, as if saying something.

"Crows can't get in!" Amu smiled wryly and rushed away from the waterway.

"There are people worshiping here every day?" Li Shui was a little surprised.

At this moment, Li Shui couldn't feel the slightest restriction.However, when he moved forward from the water, he was just about ten feet in front of the black gate.In the void, an extremely gentle force directly sent Li Shui two feet away.

"Huh?" Li Shui couldn't help being surprised.

Li Shui was a cultivator at the upper realm of yin and yang, but under that power, he had no ability to resist at all.However, that force wasn't aggressive at all, it just sent Li Shui out and dissipated in an instant.

At the same time, Li Shui's spiritual consciousness was also isolated from the entire courtyard, and he could only see the eaves of the courtyard, and the others didn't know what the courtyard looked like at all.

"A very special space-time forbidden map has been laid here!" Amu didn't move forward, but just stared at the courtyard.In fact, at this time, Amu couldn't see through everything.However, standing in front of this door, Amu felt a very strange feeling in his heart.

In Amu's eyes, there are countless forbidden image runes reflected.Those runes are hidden on the walls around the entire courtyard, even in the void.

Amu knew all the sigils, so there were exactly nine hundred and ninety-nine.But with such a strange combination, Amu would never be able to deduce it.

Is this the handwriting of Master Wang Jue?Could it be that Master lived in this Liu Town?Amu had a question in his heart, but there was no answer.

At this time, suddenly the door of the neighboring courtyard opened.A white-haired old man, with a severely bent body and a cane, came out with a slightly staggering gait.In his hand, he also held a handful of long incense.

"Oh?" The old man's eyes were still clear, and he saw Amu and Li Shui at a glance.The people in the whole town are basically familiar with each other. How can two outsiders escape the eyes of the old man?

"Are you two here to ask for a coffin?" Although the old man was stooped, he spoke with confidence and articulated very clearly.

"Dare to ask the old man, is this the Wang family in Liuzhen?" Amu bowed to the old man.When it comes to Liu Zhen, Amu always shows a different side than usual.

"Wang's family?" The old man looked at Amu and Li Shui, and couldn't help but smile, "Young man, you are also here because of the fame!"

"Exactly!" Amu and Li Shui nodded.

"Hehe! This is naturally the Wang family in Liu Town. Besides the Wang family, who else can enjoy the entire Liu Town, nearly 10 years of incense? However, the Wang family has long since stopped making coffins." The old man leaned on a cane and walked forward slowly. Take a few steps.

Looking at the courtyard with blue bricks and gray tiles, the old man showed extreme piety and awe in his eyes.At such a young age, the old man knelt carefully in front of the Wang's house, kowtowed three times respectfully, then got up slowly, lit the long incense in his hand, and inserted it into the bronze cauldron.

"Incense incense nearly 10 years old?" Amu's heart moved.Because according to what Jiguang said, the time of Shura Mozhou is ten times longer than that of Haihuang. The nearly 10 years here is the nearly 1 years of Haihuang.Haihuang 1 years ago, this time is not far from the time when Mo Lang appeared in Haihuang.

Amu and Li Shui didn't bother the old man, and waited for the old man to finish everything.

"This is Wang's house. It's definitely not wrong, but it's been too long! This courtyard has been closed for many years, and no one has lived in it for a long time. The old house of Wang's family is the holy place of my Liu Town. Incense is lingering, and it has been around for nearly 10 years. , has never been broken?" The old man looked at the house with awe in his eyes and a hint of pride.

"If you want to make coffins, you can just find one in Liu Town, they won't be bad!" the old man added.

"Old man, how long have you lived here!" Amu didn't make a coffin.

"Old man, I am 330 years old this year! Our family has lived here for generations, and I don't know how many years!" said the old man.

"Then has this old Wang's house always been like this?" Amu said.

"Huh? It is said that this old house has always existed. In the town, there is a saying that 'there is the Wang's house first, and then there is the Liu's town'."

The old man said.

"Wang's house first, then Liu's town?" Amu was taken aback.

"That's right! There was the Wang family first, and then there was Liuzhen. Everyone in Liuzhen said that the coffin-making skills of the people here were actually passed down from the Wang family. Without the Wang family, there would be no Liuzhen today." The old man sighed.

"Is everyone in this small town surnamed Liu?" Amu asked again.

"Well, that's right! It's just Wang's surname." The old man smiled wryly.

"Old man, are there any stories about the Wang family in our town?" Amu asked again.

"Oh? Young man, you seem to be very curious about the affairs of the Wang family?" The old man looked at Amu and Li Shui with a smile.In fact, the old man didn't have the slightest doubt about what he said. On the contrary, he had a good impression of Amu and Li Shui.

"Old man, to tell you the truth, our brother is a little monk who wanders around! I heard that the Wang family in Guoliu Town, Kuching can make strange coffins. That's why I came here to pay a visit!" Amu said.

"Hmm!" Hearing that Amu and Li Shui were monks, the old man wasn't surprised at all, and he was probably not surprised at all.

"There are always some monks who come here admiringly. It's a pity that no one can enter the Wang family today! There is no one to make a coffin." The old man smiled, it seems that no one can enter the Wang family. For Liu Zhen, it is extremely honorable. one thing.

"This old house of the Wang family is protected by a very strange monk spell. I don't know, did the old man of the Wang family also show some miracles?" Amu has been inquiring with all his strength.

"Old man of the Wang family?" The old man looked at Amu in great surprise, and was even slightly displeased, "Who said that the old man used to live in the Wang family?"

"Huh?" Amu was taken aback, just now he took it for granted, consciously or unconsciously brought in the image of Master Wang Jue.

"Hehe!" Amu smiled apologetically, "Don't blame the old man. The younger generation thinks that all the coffins should grow old and strong?"

"Hey!" Hearing what Amu said, the old man smiled, and the wrinkles on his face piled up.Old and strong, this word, he especially likes it in recent years.

"The young man is right. It makes sense to grow old and strong. However, it has been passed down from generation to generation in Liuzhen. Back then, the Wang family was a family of three. It was just a couple with a baby girl, so what's the old man?" The old man disdain those rumors.

"What? A couple, bring this girl?" Amu suddenly felt that this world was absurd, or everything was too bizarre.

(End of this chapter)

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