nine coffins

Chapter 530 The Legend of the Wang Family

Chapter 530 The Legend of the Wang Family

"A couple, a girl?" Hearing the old man's words, Amu's heart moved.Everything is a bit ridiculous, but it also seems to be traceable.

The Demon Continent Shura Realm was nearly 10 years ago, and the Shenzhou Sea Desolation Realm was nearly 1 years ago.

This should be the time when both of them disappeared during the war between the devil and the heavenly maiden after the chaos of the sea desolate heavenly maiden and the phantom flower. Even if there were some differences, it would not be too big.

Could it be that when the magic man and the celestial girl disappeared in the sea wasteland, they arrived at the Shura Demon Continent?
But who is that girl?Feather?The daughter of Magic Lang and Tiannv?However, according to Leng Yu's statement, it is impossible.Because the celestial maiden fantasy flower is formed by the condensation of resentment from the three realms, gathered to form, and dispersed to form qi.The celestial girl Huanhua is a phantom body, and it is impossible to have children.

"Old man, according to the legend, how big is that baby girl?" Amu asked.

"Hehe! I don't know the exact age, but I guess it's five or six years old!" Mr. Liu laughed, "However, there are still many legends about the girl in Liu Town, and they all say that it was a little fairy who descended to earth. Legend , that is a child who will never grow up!"

"Oh? Five or six years old? A child who will never grow up?" Amu felt absurd again.

Because, when he first met Yu'er in Liu Zhen, Yu'er was still a baby.Moreover, during the 12 years of life in Liuzhen, Yu'er gave Amu the impression of a cute younger sister, a crying girl, and a mortal.As for the ghost body and the like, Amu only found out about it later.

Maybe the girl from the Wang family in Shura Liuzhen is not Yu'er at all?

"I don't know what's weird about that girl?" This time it was Li Shui who spoke.

"Hey, there are too many!" Old Man Liu suddenly looked up at the sky.At this time, the black and white days have begun to change.The entire Liu Town was shrouded in twilight.

"Young man, why don't you leave today! It's getting late, why don't you go to my husband's house and deal with it all night. Let's just chat, and my old man has no one to drink with!" Old Man Liu laughed.

In fact, Amu Lishui didn't know that everyone in Shuluoliu Town especially liked to tell the legends of the royal family back then, just like telling the great history of their own family.

"Oh! That's very nice, I'm bothering my husband!" Amu and Li Shui were in the middle of their hearts when they heard this, how could they refuse?
Besides, Amu had a feeling in his heart that he was [-] to [-]% sure that he would be able to enter the old house of the Wang family.Tonight, if there is a chance, Amu must go in and have a look.Maybe there will be something to gain.

When Mr. Liu heard that Amu and Li Shui agreed, he was very happy, so he led the two brothers into his house.

Amu remembered that the Wang family in Liuzhen above the deserted sea was next to the family of Zhuzi, a friend of Amu Liuzhen.So as soon as he entered the door, Amu paid attention.

This Old Master Liu's house is exactly the same as Zhu Zi's house back then.The layout of the two courtyards, front, rear, left and right, and even the well in the front yard are all the same, while the aroma of wood is wafting from the back yard.

Old man Liu's son was not at home, and it was only later that Amu found out that one of the men who had just driven the ox cart out of town was the old man's son.

The folk customs of Xiuluoliu Town are simple and honest.Mr. Liu's daughter-in-law, his sixteen or seventeen-year-old daughter, and his three or four-year-old son were all called out by the old man to meet the guests.The young girl looked beautiful, while the little boy was very cute.

Seeing that the father-in-law brought the guests back, the daughter-in-law didn't ask any more questions, but greeted her with a smile, and then hurriedly went to arrange dinner and dinner.The girl teased her younger brother, the little boy was not afraid of life, he was made to laugh out loud by his elder sister, and then circled around grandpa.

Mr. Liu looked at his grandson with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

Looking at this family, Amu remembered his days in Liuzhen again.Although I was always beaten by the master back then, I felt a lot of genuine happiness.However, even though he has become a powerful monk now, that kind of happiness is no longer there?

Master and Yu'er didn't know where they were, and the days of Liu Zhen were gone forever.

"Come on! Hu'er, give me a hug from Grandpa!" Old Master Liu opened his hand, and the little boy threw himself into Grandpa's arms, wrapping his arms around Old Master Liu's neck.

"Hu'er, how old are you?" Amu stepped forward, looked at Hu'er with a smile and asked.

"Three and a half years old!" Hu'er's voice was still full of milk.

"Good boy, give me some candy, uncle!" As he spoke, Amu flipped over with one hand, revealing a green pill.It was a sea of ​​secret medicine pills.

With such a pill, if Hu'er can grow celestial roots in the future, the road to practice will naturally go smoothly, and there will be no bottlenecks before the catastrophe.If Hu'er is destined to be a mortal, then it is enough to benefit Hu'er for the rest of his life and increase his lifespan by thousands of years.

When Hu'er saw the green candy, he smelled the sweet fragrance, and his saliva almost flowed out immediately.However, he resisted and didn't pick it up, but looked at grandpa.

"Don't worry, old man, the pills I'm taking are absolutely beneficial and harmless!" Amu smiled, then revealed a jade bottle from his hand, and handed it to Old Zhang Liu, "This is my heart. One pill, taken for a year, will naturally prolong life!"

The elixir that Amu shot was absolutely not bad.

"Haha!" The old man Liu laughed, without any hesitation, he directly took the jade bottle, and at the same time signaled Hu'er to also take Amu's pill.

"It's delicious! Hu'er, that's an elixir!" Mr. Liu said happily.

The people in Liu Town are all kind-hearted. Mr. Liu didn't suspect, nor did he waste his mind thinking about the value and efficacy of those pills.He didn't have the slightest doubt about what Amu said.

However, in Liu's opinion, there is not much difference between Amu's gift of elixir and Liu Xishi's gift of tofu.Mr. Liu will thank you, but he won't be so grateful like ordinary people.

Perhaps, this is one of Liu Zhen's qualities.

Huzi took the green elixir with his small hands and put it in his mouth directly, but before he could chew it, he felt a sweet fragrance and it melted instantly.

"Huh?" Huzi frowned first, then suddenly stretched out his little hand to Amu, "Uncle, it's gone, I want more."

"Huh?" Amu was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Hu'er, be good! You can't eat too much of this, you will get sick if you eat too much."

"But, I haven't eaten yet, so it's gone!" Huzi looked at Amu and pouted, "Uncle lied! No sugar!"

Suddenly, Hu Zi said, and burst into tears with a "wow".It's a pity that this little guy doesn't know yet.Today's meeting with Amu will bring him many opportunities in the future.

"Huh?" Amu was embarrassed for a while, and was speechless for a while.Against masters of this level and realm, Amu was basically imprisoned and almost killed in seconds.

Old man Liu laughed "haha", and the girl hurried over to coax his younger brother.However, Huzi just yelled at his uncle for cheating, refused to give candy, and refused to look at Amu again.

In the end, Li Shui dug out a crystal-like villain who could punch from the storage bag, and gave it to Huzi.The crow on Amu's shoulder also kept flying around Huzi, playing with him, which made Huer smile through his tears.

Amu couldn't help feeling ashamed.

"The little guy is really difficult to deal with!"

At this time, the wine and dishes are served.Old Zhang Liu, A Mu, and Li Shui, the three of them were sitting in a row beside the stone table in the courtyard.There is no moon in the Asura world, but there are two lanterns hanging in the courtyard at this time, which are also extremely bright.

"Hey, you are too inexperienced! Haven't you married yet?" Mr. Liu looked at Amu and smiled.

"No!" Amu smiled faintly, "Bride, don't you know where she is? I can't find it!" Amu said it casually, like a joke, but Li Shui could hear a bit of helplessness and emotion in it.

Where is Shen Yan?

"I'll just say it! Hehe!" Hearing Amu's words, Mr. Liu laughed, and then motioned for Amu and Li Shui to drink.

"If it's the little fairy from the Wang family, it will be even more difficult to deal with!" Mr. Liu took a sip of his wine.

"Oh?" Finally got to the point, Amu and Li Shui raised their wine glasses, seemingly casually, but they never missed a single word of Old Master Liu.

"The legendary Wang family is actually very ordinary, but there are also many places that sound very special now!" Mr. Liu glanced sideways at the outside of the courtyard. In the shadows, he seemed to be able to see a corner of the eaves of the old Wang family house in the distance.

"My ancestors said that it was because of the Wang family that this place gradually became a village. The original Liu Town was a wasteland, but the mountains not far from here are rich in various trees. The couple of the Wang family in the legend are not very old. , middle-aged at best. However, it is said that they are never old. The memories of generations in Liuzhen are the same."

"The patriarch's house in Liu Town used to enshrine a portrait of the Wang family couple! The man was dressed in green and handsome, while the woman was dressed in purple and was gentle and virtuous!"

"Tsing clothes? Purple clothes?" Amu's heart moved slightly. This seemed to be the dress that Shenlang and Tiannv liked. "Now, can you still see that portrait?"

Mr. Liu shook his head and sighed, "Three thousand years ago, that portrait was suddenly lost! Because of this, the old patriarch at that time became ill and died within a few days."

3000 years ago again?

Amu frowned and asked, "What's their name?"

"There is a legend in Liu Town that the man is called Wang Fan, but no one knows his name for the woman. It is because it is said that the woman often has the fragrance of flowers on her body, and she is as beautiful as a flower, so people call her the flower lady!"

"Wang Fan? Hua Niangzi?" These are two rather interesting names.At this moment, Amu and Li Shui looked at each other, as if everything was directed at Mo Lang and Huan Hua.

"Wang Fan is good at making coffins, and later he taught the people of Liuzhen to make coffins, and Liuzhen gradually became the scale it is today. After Wang Fan's family left, Liuzhen has never changed. Without the Wang family, there would be no Liuzhen. .” In Old Master Liu’s eyes, there was still gratitude to the Wang family.

"When did the Wang family leave? Why did they leave?" Amu asked.

"No one can tell when and why the Wang family left. However, it seems to have disappeared overnight. Since then, no one has been able to enter that ancient house. However, generations of people in Liuzhen , are paying homage to the Wang family. That ancient house protects the safety of Liu Town." Old Master Liu said very seriously.

"However, the most interesting person in the Wang family is said to be the little girl named Ghost!" Speaking of the little girl, a smile flashed across Liu's face.

"Ghost?" Amu smiled wryly, because he remembered Yu'er's ghost body, "Why did you choose such a strange name?"

"Because she will never grow up, and she said every day that she saw a ghost!" A strange light flashed in Liu's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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