nine coffins

Chapter 532 If there is love, it will flow for thousands of years, without contesting the day and ni

Chapter 532 If there is love, it will flow for thousands of years, without contesting the day and night!

Half a round of black day, deep night.

The entire Asura Willow Town was filled with silence.In front of the Wang family's old house, several talisman seals are arranged in the void, shining like stars.

However, Li Shui has already set up an invisible barrier here.If, from the perspective of others at this time, the street is still the street, the courtyard is still the courtyard, there is no flaw at all.Amu, Li Shui, and Ya'er are all hidden in the barrier.

Wearing a white robe, Amu kept drawing with his hands.The power of the wind calamity scattered in the void, passing by lightly.The sigil of the sky, the sigil of the earth, the sigil of the sun, the sigil of the moon...

At the beginning, during the war between Brahma and Sea Desolation, Amu once carved ninety-nine and 81 talismans.Inspired by Shen Yan's death, he deduces the time and eternal prohibition, and finally kills the Great Emperor Taihuang.

Today's Amu, with Leng Yu's guidance, is even better than before in terms of attainments in talisman seals.Now, Amu can engrave a total of 99 talismans, which is already one-tenth of the number of talismans passed to him by Wang Jue.

However, tonight, in front of the Wang family's old house, Amu rotated almost all the 99 symbols, but he couldn't find a way to open them.

"Huh?" Amu frowned slightly.Among them, there are a few talismans that have a slight reaction to the old house, but none of them are enough to open the restriction on the old Wang's house.To break the ban, Amu is still working hard.

The seal of ghosts, the seal of repair, the seal of wheel, the seal of heart, and the seal of escape.In the end, these five sigils were screened out by Amu, and the other sigils were dispersed.These are five sigils that have a strange connection with the Wang family's old house, and Amu wants to deduce the forbidden map.

For the current Amu, the five-seal forbidden map is relatively easy.But that's the case, Amu also deduced it for nearly an hour, but there was still no result.

Li Shui supported the barrier, sighing in his heart the wonder of the art of forbidden pictures.At this time, Ya'er landed on the rim of the ancient bronze tripod, staring at Amu intently.

Suddenly, a strange color flashed in Amu's eyes.

Because, the one-style five-seal forbidden map deduced just now shocked Amu's heart and soul instantly.The call in the Wang family's old house seemed to be stronger.

A resonance that comes from the soul.In Amu's eyes, as soon as the five-seal forbidden map came out, the ban in front of the Wang family's old house was instantly lifted.

Amu was overjoyed and took two steps forward.This has reached ten feet before Wang's old house, but Amu didn't feel the slightest resistance.However, Ya'er wanted to follow Amu, but was sent out directly.

"En!" Li Shui also moved forward, but with the same result, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly.It seems that only the Wang family can enter this ancient Wang family house.

Walking to the black gate, Amu gently pushed the door of the house with his hand.At this moment, Amu's eyes were filled with tears, because he was in a trance for a moment.Turning back time, he seems to have returned to the Liu Town hundreds of years ago.

Now, after going through a lot, Amu returns home again!

However, the moment the door was pushed open, Amu's figure froze slightly.Then, he deduced that the five-seal forbidden map in the void was instantly shattered.

Forbidden within the forbidden!

Amu's face changed instantly.Because, such a forbidden picture is very likely to hide a certain killing technique.Leng Yu once said that among the forbidden, the highest level can be a nine-fold chain.Mysterious and unpredictable, even surpassing the forbidden picture of sealing Lihen.

As soon as the five-sealed forbidden map was scattered, Amu became vigilant.However, there was no sure-kill technique, and Amu was not teleported away.

Because, at the moment when the five-sealed forbidden map was dispersed.A mark between Amu's eyebrows suddenly emitted a dazzling purple-blue light.

It was a mark that Amu himself did not know existed.Amu only knows that there is still a seal of eight sufferings between his eyebrows.Unexpectedly, there is still a mark hidden between her brows.

In fact, in the enchantment of the magic coffin, when Amu was resurrected with the blood of the battle soul king, this purple-blue mark once appeared.It's just that Amu doesn't know.On the deserted sea, only Granny Qianhua had seen the existence of that mark.

A purple-blue light flashed, and Amu was a little stunned.But at that moment, Amu's body was already able to move, and he pushed open the black door.

From Li Shui and Ya'er's point of view, the black door didn't open at all, and Amu disappeared in a flash.

"Yu'er, it seems that the two of us have to wait!" Li Shui smiled, his spiritual sense covering a hundred miles around, just in case.Ya'er tilted his head and looked at the black door with some dissatisfaction.

"Huh—" The crow spread its wings and hovered over the Wang family's old house.

Although it was misty to look at the Wang family's old house from the void, the crow still circled around, as if he was not at ease about Amu entering this mysterious house.


At this time, Amu was already standing in the courtyard of the Wang family's old house.

Time and space disorder!

Everything seems to be a lifetime away.Amu is dressed in white clothes like snow, just like back then.In front of the Wang family, nothing has changed.Whether it is the Wang Family of Liuzhen, whether it is from the Sea Desolate World or the Shura World, they all overlap in Amu's mind at this moment.

Exactly the same courtyard, generally the same layout.

The main house, the ancient well, and even the old tree are all the same.The decorations on the wing rooms, stone benches, and even the window lattices are not bad at all.Similarly, there are some wood, paint buckets and some tools needed for making coffins scattered in the courtyard.

If you only look at it from the outside, with Amu's eyesight, you can't see the slightest difference.

This seems to be the same royal family.Only when Amu raised his head and saw the black and white sun, and even saw the crows circling and dancing in the void, he sighed a long time.

After all, this is still the Demon Continent Shura Realm!
Amu calmed down and walked forward slowly.Amu is naturally clear about the structure of the Wang family.Amu first pushed away a wing room.In Wang's house in Haihuangliu Town, this should be Amu's room.

However, as soon as he entered this wing room, it was empty and there was nothing there.

"In the world of Shura, there was no Amu!" Amu smiled bitterly, and then ran to the next door.

"That should be Gui'er's residence, right?" Amu thought in his heart, because it corresponds to Yu'er, and gently opened the door.

Sure enough, it was the daughter's boudoir!Naturally, it should be the ghost's house.

There are light red curtains, an exquisite single bed, and the quilts are neatly folded.It seemed that someone lived there last night.A small dressing table with a bronze mirror and some girls' accessories.It's just that those accessories are all gadgets and a few dolls.

Everything is not stained with dust!
What surprised Amu even more was that on the dressing table, there was actually a porcelain vase with a bouquet of wild flowers in it, and the fragrance of the flowers scattered everywhere.Such wild flowers, which Amu saw with his own eyes outside Shuluoliu Town, are now in full bloom.

Amu raised his eyebrows, his heart moved.In fact, from the moment he entered Wang's house, Amu had a strange feeling that time here seemed to be completely still.Here, there is no sense of time passing.

For nearly 10 years, everything here has never changed?The entire old house seems to have been frozen in a moment nearly 10 years ago!
This kind of magic that confines time is far better than Amu's eternity and momentary confinement, which shocked Amu.What kind of handwriting is this?
"Yu'er!" Amu looked at everything in the room again, and the corners of his eyes were slightly moist.

Because, the furnishings of this room are exactly the same as Yu'er's room back then.Especially the headboard of the bed, curtains and those dolls were all Yu'er's favorite things back then.

Amu once remembered that one of the dolls was sewn for Yuer by Master Wang Jue himself.Yu'er and Amu have a very good relationship, but sometimes they are reluctant to show those dolls to Amu.

When Yu'er was a child, she would often fall asleep with those dolls in her arms.However, there is one thing that is strange about Yu'er, that is, she never looks for her mother.Wang Jue never mentioned it, and Amu naturally didn't dare to ask, otherwise it would be a black rattan meal.

In this room, except for some things that Yu'er used when he grew up, everything else is exactly the same.

"The ghost must be Yu'er!" At this moment, Amu thought to himself.At the same time, two words appeared in Amu's mind.


Master Wang must be the reincarnation of Mo Lang, so Yu'er may be the same, it is Gui'er reincarnated.But whose daughter is Yu'er?Why do ghosts have to be reincarnated?Amu still couldn't explain clearly.

Amu suppressed his excitement, swept his consciousness, and then left Gui'er's room without moving anything.Then, Amu ran to the main room again.

The furnishings outside the main room are simple and unsophisticated, exactly the same as the Wang family in Haihuangliu Town.Tables, chairs, and a very ordinary landscape painting.It's just that today Amu found out that he seemed to have seen that mountain before, but he just couldn't remember it.

The inner room should be the bedroom of King of the Sea Desolation.

An ordinary single room with a simple single wooden bed and simple furnishings.Compared with the ghost's house, this room is extremely simple.This is almost the same as Wang Jue's house back then.

However, Amu was a little surprised.Because Wang Fan and Hua Niangzi are husband and wife.However, in the Wang family's house, there seems to be no bedroom for two people, and there is not even the atmosphere of a lady.

However, Amu always felt that Wang Fan's house, which seemed to be the same as the one in Haihuangliu Town, was a bit strange.An inexplicable smell lingered in the whole room.

There seems to be some secret in this room.

At this time, on the east wall, there was a streamer faintly.This is different from Wang Jue's room, it is a very special kind of restriction.Intuition told Amu that there must be a universe behind that wall.However, Amu could only look at the ocean and sigh.Amu will never be able to break through that kind of restriction.

At this time, Amu suddenly discovered that there were two lines of writing in the faint brilliance of the wall.
"If there is love, it will flow for thousands of years, without fighting for the day and night; is there no hatred? Ask for reincarnation for a hundred generations, but it is fate!"

Those two lines of words are flowing and flowing, vigorous and fierce, but they reveal a kind of helplessness and persistence.

Master's words!Amu can be sure that it is Wang Jue's font.All judgments should be correct.Mo Lang and Huan Hua used to live here.

Thinking of this, Amu hurriedly quit.

He was going to the backyard, no matter what, he didn't believe that there would be nine broken coffins in the Wang family's backyard!Because, the nine-mouthed coffin in the backyard of the Wang family was transformed by the demonic coffin, and now that the demonic coffin has entered the sea, it is already on Amu's body.

Amu quickly arrived at the backyard.However, everything in front of him stunned Amu instantly.

Nine coffins!There was a lot of mouthfuls, and between the nine coffins, a round of purple light shone.

(End of this chapter)

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