nine coffins

Chapter 533 Goddess!Wheel chapter!

Chapter 533 Goddess!reincarnation!
In the backyard of Wang's family, there are nine coffins arranged in a circle.

To be precise, they are nine remnant coffins of different sizes and shapes.Missing coffin lid, missing coffin panels, not painted.In short, there is not a single complete coffin.

Among the nine remnant coffins, there is a pool of purple awns like water, spreading out round after round, just like time.

Amu was completely shocked by everything in the ancient house of the king's family in the Asura Realm and everything in the backyard.

How can this be?

Back then, Wang Jue turned the magic coffins into nine, so there were nine ruined coffins in the backyard of the Wang family in Haihuang.But now, the magic coffin is in Amu's Danhai, where did the nine broken coffins come from?

"Could it be that this is another nine coffins?" However, Amu felt that his thoughts were a bit absurd, and he believed that it was impossible for the master to have another nine coffins.

The pool of purple awns spread round and round, but it would never swing out of the range of the nine remnant coffins.

After the initial shock, Amu gradually calmed down.Amu narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the strange rounds of purple awns, and at the same time, his spiritual consciousness carefully scanned the nine coffins.

Amu finally noticed something strange.

The nine remnant coffins in front of me are different from the coffins of Wang's family in Haihuangliu Town.The nine wrecked coffins of the Wang family gave people an extremely strange feeling at first.

In Amu's 12-year memory, the nine remnants of the original coffins looked very ordinary, without the slightest fluctuation of breath.It's just that, exposed to the wind and sun, rain and snow, the appearance of the nine remnants of the coffins remained unchanged, and they were spotless.

However, the nine coffins in front of them are different.

The purple light was rippling, and there were clear mana fluctuations on the nine remnant coffins, and each coffin had an extremely powerful forbidden map, emitting a faint glow.

The coffin of the Sea Desolate King's family is absolutely incomplete, because they are combined together to become a broken coffin.The nine coffins here are only broken on the surface, but they are relatively independent. Together, they seem to be a formation.These nine remnant coffins are all magic weapons of this great formation.

Using coffins as a formation must be master's handwriting.But what kind of formation is this?
Amu walked slowly to the nine remnant coffins and carefully looked at the pool of purple light.The purple light was very wonderful, centering on the center of the nine coffins, rippling layer upon layer, spreading, disappearing, and spreading again, seemingly without beginning and end, endless cycle.However, even with Amu's eyesight, he couldn't see clearly what was in the depths of the purple pool.

"What the hell is this?" Amu frowned slightly.This is like a formation, but also like a domain gate.

Amu formed seals in his hands, and even changed the sea seals, but everything in front of him did not change in the slightest.Frowning, Amu moved forward again, but just when Amu was about to step into the range of the nine coffins.

Suddenly, nine rays of light rose from the broken coffin.Nine rays of brilliance instantly formed a cylindrical aperture, completely blocking Amu out.

It was a very wonderful feeling.Nine remnant coffins and nine rays of light separated Amu from the purple pool, like two worlds.

Amu was taken aback, and stopped his steps instantly.In those nine brilliance, there is a kind of power that Amu has never felt before, which makes Amu only flinch.That power is enough to disdain the Three Realms, enough to imprison time, and enough to reproduce the past.

At this moment, the purple-blue imprint on the center of Amu's eyebrows emitted a brilliance again.


Suddenly, the nine coffins shook slightly and made rumbling noises.Amu's heart moved, and he was already well protected.Then, within the nine rays of light again, a faint light curtain formed and floated in the void.

It felt a bit like watching an open-air three-dimensional movie, the whole big screen was right in front of my eyes.Amu couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Goodbye to that light curtain, the first thing that appeared was a continuous mountain range, including a purple mountain peak.It was a rather majestic peak, with beautiful and rugged mountains, filled with immortal energy and surrounded by mist.A few purple clouds, a few flying birds, endless ancient trees, it is a fairyland.

Amu has never seen such a purple mountain, and he doesn't know where the continuous mountains are.

However, the purple mountain in the light curtain is surrounded by purple air, and the purple clouds are gradually accumulating.The sun rises and the moon sets, and the flying rabbit flies away. It seems that countless tens of thousands of years have passed.

The purple air gradually solidified, and then slowly turned into purple clouds.Countless rays of light flew from all directions in the world.

They flew around the purple cloud, and then entered into the purple cloud, which seemed to be the essence of the three worlds.

Gradually, in the purple light cluster, a little light suddenly appeared, which seemed to be pregnant with a new life.

The stars move, and the years move.

The world remains the same, Zifeng remains the same, but I don't know how much time has passed.The bright light in the purple light group gradually turned into a hazy baby shape, and then gradually grew and grew.

At this moment, on the purple mountain peak, at some point, there were several powerful statues, with white hair like frost, and fluttering clothes, all of them were standing on auspicious clouds, but their real faces could not be seen clearly.

However, they all seemed to be staring at the baby in the purple light group, and then thinking about something.Finally, they looked at each other and shook their heads, as if the sighers were passing away.

The purple light cluster continued to give birth to the baby.It was a baby girl with red lips and white teeth, pink and jade carved, and her eyes were only closed.Gradually grow up, the purple gas turns into clothes.

One day, on the entire purple mountain peak, purple clouds suddenly rolled, and the purple awns reflected the sky and the earth.

Amu couldn't hear the sound in the light curtain, but there must have been a sound like the earth shaking and the mountains shaking that day.Because, the entire Zifeng was trembling.

The purple light cluster suddenly exploded.A six or seven-year-old girl in purple clothes flew out, staring at the world timidly with big black and white eyes.

Immediately, the scattered endless purple light instantly melted into the eyebrows of the little girl in purple and turned into a sword light.

Then everything gradually calmed down.In the void, it looks like a young couple walking hand in hand.

The man was dressed in a purple robe, rich and unrestrained, as gentle as jade.The woman is dressed in a white dress, delicate and elegant, with snow-skinned and flowery appearance.They smiled, gently took the hand of the purple-clothed girl, and walked away on the clouds.

Later, when the little girl in purple appeared again, she was about ten years old, with two long braids.

She ran in the void without relying on anything, like a fairy.And behind her was a three or four-year-old boy driving a white cloud, with the same big eyes and a cute appearance, but his face was slightly sick.

Two children, playing.The little girl in purple got a kite in her hand at some point, and taught the little boy to start flying the kite.

"Sister!" These two words could be seen from the mouth of a little boy.

The little girl in purple clothes took out things in different ways.Eat, play, countless.The little boy laughed happily, then put his arms around his sister's neck, and kissed her hard.The girl in purple shaved her younger brother's little nose.

The two siblings are flying among the purple mountain peaks and playing among the purple clouds.

The mountain is full of purple air, and the sun is pouring down. It is probably the epitome of countless days, and it is probably the most beautiful memory of countless people's childhood.However, the sun and the moon are shining, we are all getting old.

The days always pass silently, like clouds under the purple peak.

some years later.

A purple-clothed girl with a new figure and long hair like ink.She stood alone on the top of the purple peak, with endless melancholy in her eyes, completely different from the past.

It was a dark night, and suddenly in the depths of the purple peak, 27 rays of light flew out suddenly, with a golden glow.It was 27 pages, a golden ancient scroll.

The 27-page ancient scroll made a circle in the void, and instantly flew out of the purple-clothed girl's pill sea.That was the 27-page ancient scroll that she should have had in her destiny, and that was the track of her life.

Purple electric arcs began to appear on the body of the purple-clothed girl.The purple glow between her eyebrows instantly turned into a long purple sword.The clear eyes also instantly became a little bewitching, a little evil, a little more murderous.

"Heavenly Maiden Huanhua! Cantian Ancient Scroll!" Under the purple light curtain, Amu's heart was shaken, and he understood everything. This was the former Huanhua, from birth to obtaining the Cantian Ancient Scroll.

A few years later, it will be a twilight.

Inside a purple sarcophagus lay a young man in white with a peaceful expression.Between the eyebrows and eyes, you can still vaguely see the appearance of flying kites and running back then.

Many people wear red, white, gray and black clothing.This is the color of the four dragons, flying phoenixes and dancers of Ziyou City.It was not a burial, but a special send-off.

Reincarnation may not equal death.

A glamorous and radiant red-clothed woman with a basket of flowers in her hand, with reddish eyes.She was standing beside the celestial girl who was already unparalleled in indifference.

"Grandma Qianhua!" Amu's heart moved, that flower basket was the fantasy basket of heaven and earth.

"Thousands of flowers of the dragon family, with a beautiful crown and purple seclusion, the mother-in-law back then really lived up to her reputation." Thinking of Qianhua's mother-in-law, Amu sighed and felt a pain in his heart.

In the light curtain, there was another person whom Amu had seen before.

She was dressed in white clothes like snow, with long silver hair reaching her waist.Ziyoutian punishes Xingfei, with an elegant and unparalleled demeanor.At this time, Xing Fei had neither sadness nor joy in his eyes, and looked at everything calmly.I don't know what Ziyou Tianfu is thinking.

The picture in the light curtain was shaken because a mountain gate opened in the distance.Looking from a distance, there seem to be many tombs and steles on the top of Ziyun Mountain.

Goodbye, that purple sarcophagus suddenly flew up and headed straight for the mountain gate.

Reincarnation!Because reincarnation is just the beginning!
 Recently busy, headache!Updates are unstable.Sorry everyone!At the same time, I recommend my friend Feng Zhiyi's book "The Great Evil Merchant", modern cities, updates are guaranteed.I hope everyone will join in the collection!

(End of this chapter)

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