nine coffins

Chapter 548 Shura Time!Shadowless sigh!

Chapter 548 Shura Time!Shadowless sigh!

Wuhengu has six layers of real immortals, and his mana is extraordinary.The art of reincarnation can actually exert its power to the eighth level.

A gray light group, condensing endless power of the true immortal, came straight to Amu.That gray ball of light was no more than the size of a fist, but it was full of gray light and bursts of brilliance.Once it explodes, a mushroom cloud will form in the void.

At this time, although they were fighting at high altitude, if the power of the eight layers of true immortals exploded, it is estimated that half of Chimo City would be destroyed.

However, these are not on the mind of the Wuhengu monk.Cultivator Blood Moon regards the other seven star regions as barbarians, so what is it to destroy a small Chimo City?
However, at this time, Amu's head has already emitted a series of colorful lights, with various colors and blurred colors.There are 81 talisman seals scattered all over the place.

The seals are like stars, revolving between heaven and earth.Deduction in an instant, the forbidden map is vast.

A gigantic clock appeared behind Amu.The heaven and the earth are the foundation, the stars, the moon and the stars are the needles, and everything must be moved according to Amu's heart.

Only moments and eternity can overcome time!
At that time, Yunpeng Mountain in Haihuang was once forbidden by Amu for a moment and eternity, but the stars did not turn, and the time stopped suddenly.

This is the most powerful technique that Amu can cast at present!

"Forbidden!" Amu made seals with both hands, manipulating the forbidden map.In an instant, everything running in the clock behind him suddenly stopped.

At this moment, everyone was taken aback.Because, that is a feeling that time stands still.The wind stopped, the clouds stopped, and everything seemed to stop working.

Everything seemed to freeze at that moment and never change.The gray ball of light flying straight towards Amu and Lishui was suddenly fixed in the air and rotated erratically.It is as if there are two kinds of forces, which make it form an extremely delicate balance.

The true immortal sixth-level monk of Wuhen Valley turned extremely ugly.Because, for a moment, they felt the humiliation of being imprisoned by a monk in a robbery.

Tribulation, imprisoning true immortals, is unheard of.

In fact, that is just a moment of power, and it is also an illusion. After all, Amu is not a power above the fairyland, otherwise the power of this forbidden technique is limitless.However, the psychological shock caused to the sixth level of the true immortal is extremely powerful.

"Reverse!" The seal formula in Amu's hand changed.Goodbye, the stars, sun, and moon in the clock behind Amu suddenly turned counterclockwise.

And the imprisoned gray light group shrank suddenly, and then spread outward in an instant.That was completely the reverse process of the cultivator just now performing the spell.The gray light ball instantly turned into the power of a true immortal, and then drifted into the void.

"Reverse time!" The expressions of the two monks in Wuhen Valley and Mo Wuhen changed drastically.This is probably the most miraculous spell they have ever seen in this life.

"It's really interesting. It's a pity that it hasn't been completed yet, and it also lacks a state of mind of parting from life and death! Also, this is the Shura world, and the timing of this time seems to be a little off."

In the void, there is no form or shadow, but someone is muttering to himself.It was a very weird feeling.If Amu heard these words at this moment, he might turn pale with shock.Because, that man was absolutely right.

In fact, when Amu once again deduced the prohibition between this moment and eternity, he felt completely different from the feeling on the sea wasteland.

Because, it was Shen Yan who died in his arms back then, and all kinds of perceptions in the past concentrated and exploded, which made Amu realize this heaven-defying technique of forbidden pictures.

Back then, under the anger, the Emperor of Taihuang, who was almost demonized, was destroyed as soon as the forbidden map came out.

However, today, Amu already knew that Shura Ziyi was Shen Yan.Naturally, this kind of state of mind cannot be compared with the past, there is less pain, and it also kills the belief that he must kill the other party.

Another point is that when the clock behind Amu was formed, he instantly felt the time in the Shura world, which seemed to be forbidden to flow on the surface.Yes, it seems that there is still a time in the dark.

Amu suddenly remembered Ji Guang's words, the time in Shura Realm was ten times that of Sea Desolation.This momentary and eternal ban was deduced from the sea wasteland, it could restrain the sea wasteland, but it could not restrain Shura.This is something that Amu never thought about.

If it's another technique, it's fine.

However, this is originally a forbidden picture about time, and it is a thousand miles away if it is missed.Although Amu successfully reversed the cultivator's technique, the clock was extremely unstable and seemed to collapse at any time.

At this time, those two sixth-layer true immortals also came out of the initial shock and confinement.The real immortal who hadn't used the spell just now had a grim expression on his hands while pinching the Yin Jue.

The endless power of the true immortal spreads round and round under his feet.In an instant, huge waves rolled into the sky in the void, moving tens of feet, and suddenly began to impact on Amu's power of forbidden map.

"Huh!" Amu snorted coldly, and the imprint in his hand suddenly changed, "Mie!"

Goodbye, the instant eternal ban collapsed quickly, and the huge clock collapsed with a bang.In fact, at this moment, if Amu doesn't perform the spell, this forbidden map won't last long.

It's just that Amu wants to make it collapse more meaningfully.All the power of the forbidden map began to gather, forming a rapidly rotating backward vortex, and went straight to the two true immortals.

The immortal power of the sixth level of true immortality is like the raging waves of the sea, while the power transformed by the forbidden map after the collapse of Amu is like a spear that breaks through all shackles.

Boom boom boom boom boom

This is a real showdown of power.Rolling stratus clouds, flying up.The vortex of the forbidden map exploded suddenly, and the waves of the power of the true immortal splashed like stars.

Whether it was Amu, Li Shui, Mo Wuhen, or the two true immortals in Wuhen Valley, they couldn't bear such a huge collision and impact, and retreated sharply.

At this time, the entire void of Chimo City seemed to explode like a sea of ​​clouds.

The thunderous noise had already shaken the entire Chimo City.I don't know how many monks sensed the battle in the void, but not many monks came to watch it.

For the Continent of War, battles at the level of true immortals cannot be said to occur often.However, it is not extremely rare.The Zhanzhi Continent was originally the most chaotic star field.Killing and seizing treasure, fighting between black and white Romans, everyone is used to it.

However, at this time, a large defensive array was suddenly opened on Chimo City to protect the entire Chimo City.

It was a protection at the level of a mysterious immortal. Legend has it that it was left by the mysterious immortal who walked out of Chimo City back then. After continuous improvement by later generations, it is now the ultimate protection of Chimo City.

It is also a retreat, and at this time, the difference between the robbery state and the real immortal appears.

Although Amu and Lishui had their own defenses, they were still affected by the shock wave, especially Amu, whose technique of banning pictures just now consumed a lot of energy.Originally, he wanted to kill those two true immortals in one fell swoop, but the forbidden map was not perfect and did not have the expected effect.

Just now when the two forces collided, the red light behind Amu flashed, and most of the force was naturally removed.However, that is Amu's forbidden map after all, and the inevitable backlash force has already hurt him.

That day, Amu's injury from the Yin Bird King's hand hadn't completely healed, and at this time, the old injury was being affected.

"Wow—" Amu spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Hey! The realm is still too low!" The strange voice appeared again in the void, and he sighed.

At this time, Amu was injured, and Lishui was taken aback, feeling that Amu's injury seemed to be easier.Without waiting to think too much, with a thought, Immortal Soul Sword Lotus flew out directly.Eighteen fairy swords are like a net, forming a sword curtain, directly protecting Amu.

At this time, the crow on Amu's shoulder flew up instantly.In fact, if you only talk about realm, Ya'er is better than Amu and Lishui.Because, that day when a crow turned into a bird, Hu Qing once said that it was already a bird in a fairyland.


A dharma image of the golden crow's holy body appeared above the crow's head.A ball of the Golden Crow Holy Fire went straight towards the two true immortals.Everything Li Shui and Ya'er did was actually defense.

Because, although the two true immortals also retreated, they both formed seals and stopped the decline.

This is the gap in realm!At the same time, two true immortals came directly on the waves, wanting to attack again.

Looking at the situation at this moment, Amu was injured, and although Li Shui had the Illusory Flower Purple Sword, facing two real immortals head-on, it was impossible to protect everyone comprehensively.

Although Mo Wuhen is at the third level of the True Immortal, his combat strength is average.However, at this moment, Mo Wuhen slashed the long black knife in his hand, and suddenly stood in front of Amu and Li Shui.

"Wang Han, Li Shui, you go! I can drag them out for a while!" Mo Wuhen said anxiously.

At this time, Amu spat out a mouthful of blood, but his face was extremely calm and his eyes were clear.

"You are not their opponent!"

"Don't worry about it, you go away! Big deal, I use that fairy talisman, I can't let you die here!" Mo Wuhen almost yelled.

Then, without waiting for Amu to say anything, the black long knife in his hand was shining brightly, and the black flowers were flowing.Everything was just for a moment, almost the moment the crow spewed out the holy flame, Mo Wuhen rushed out.

That is a desperate choice!Because, a sixth-layer true immortal is enough to kill him.

Mo Wuhen knew that the people in Wuhen Valley wanted to kill him.As long as he was caught or killed, Amu and Li Shui might be given a chance to escape.

Therefore, Mo Wuhen rushed out directly.

This was also the first time that Mo Wuhen did not escape during the pursuit.Because, he can't escape, and he won't escape.He had to let Amu and Li Shui live, otherwise he would not be Mo Wuhen.

Amu looked at Mo Wuhen's back, but the corner of his mouth curled up, and he smiled sincerely.

"Mo Wuhen, you are qualified!"

"Blood Soul Guard, kill those two true immortals!" Amu's voice turned cold, and with Amu's means, naturally the two true immortals at the sixth level would not be forced into a predicament.

As soon as Amu's words fell, a red light flew out from the back of his neck.

Only one is needed, the man in red, full of blood.

The blood soul guard surpassed Mo Wuhen in just one step.

Li Shui finally understood why Amu vomited blood, so he stood in the void and smiled slightly.And Mo Wuhen suddenly froze in the void, because he was inexplicably imprisoned.

A red light flew over his head.

(End of this chapter)

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