nine coffins

Chapter 549 Blood Soul Extermination!Invisible killing!

Chapter 549 Blood Soul Extermination!Invisible killing!

Blood Soul Guard, Xuanxian Level Blood Soul Guard.One is enough to crush everything!
Ya'er's Golden Crow Holy Flame has no effect on the Blood Soul Guard, everything is as smooth as walking on the ground.Imprisoning Mo Wuhen, the man in red directly passed through the golden waves.

The speed of the blood soul guard was really too fast.

Except for Amu and Li Shui, who knew it was the Blood Soul Guard, the two true immortals in Wuhen Valley and Mo Wuhen didn't even see what it was.I saw a red light coming through the Golden Crow Sacred Flame.

Even though the two true immortals of the sixth level were shocked by Amu's forbidden talisman, they still had absolute confidence in beheading Mo Wuhen and the other three.Otherwise, they would not quickly form a seal and prepare to strike again.

However, things backfired.Originally, when they saw Amu vomiting blood and defending against the water, Mo Wuhen raised his knife and rushed forward, and the opponent seemed to be cornered.

However, the red light that flew over suddenly changed everything in an instant.

Just now they just felt that the red light behind Amu was a little dangerous.But at this moment, they really smelled the smell of death.

The root of leapfrog challenges lies in heaven-defying magic weapons or peerless spells.Amu has both, and his talents often leapfrog challenges. Of course, he sometimes has luck.However, the two True Immortals in Wuhen Valley lacked both of them.

In the eyes of sea desert monks of the same level, they are definitely hard-working monks.Although it is the sixth level of the real immortal, it has no other good things, and it is quite shabby.

In fact, it's just that Amu and Li Shui are controlled by too many different realms, otherwise, with existences like Qing Mozi and Xing Fei back then, with all the treasures in their hands, they could kill the sixth level of true immortals like Wuhengu.

And at this time, the most tragic thing is that the one who kills them now is the blood soul guard whose combat power is comparable to that of an immortal.This gap is bigger than the gap between Amu and them.

Everything, no suspense, not even a process.

Naturally, there would be no hesitation or pity in the gray eyes of the man in red.

It was just a punch, and one of the real immortals didn't even utter a sound, because they were imprisoned, they didn't have any resistance, and they would be wiped out in smoke.


Another true immortal got the chance to say a word.He guessed that it was the blood soul guard in Shura's legend, but that was also his last scream in this world.

It was the same punch just now, which killed a person, and then directly hit his chest.

The blood mist drifted away, and Jie's heart was shattered.

The Blood Soul Guard's fist was extremely powerful, but the two storage bags in the void were actually intact.The Blood Soul Guard waved his hand, and the two storage bags fell directly into his hands.

The task was completed, and then he directly turned into an afterimage, and arrived in front of Amu in an instant.Kneeling down on one knee, the blood soul guard offered the two storage bags with both hands.

Amu couldn't help but smiled wryly, even slightly stunned.He always felt that the Blood Soul Guard was like a robot with all programs installed.It seems that keeping the storage bag for every battle and handing it over to the master was also the design of the big man who refined the Blood Soul Guard back then.

"Thank you!" Amu smiled lightly and took the storage bag.Although the man in red didn't have any signs of life, Amu was still willing to treat him as a subordinate, not a simple puppet.

"From now on, your name is Hong Ye, and her name is Blood Moon!" On the spur of the moment, Amu named the two Blood Soul Guards two names.In this way, Amu felt like giving them a little life.

Hong Ye bowed his head in thanks, but unfortunately he couldn't speak, he could only make a growl-like sound from his throat.However, Amu understood his gratitude.

"Get out!"

As soon as Amu's words fell, Hong Ye's figure moved and directly merged into the red light behind him.Then, the red light on Amu's back gradually subsided, and the two blood soul guards were with him, so Amu had the confidence.

In the void, everything seemed to vanish into thin air.Mo Wuhen stared blankly at Amu and Li Shui.

Amu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Mo Wuhen with a smile and said, "What are you doing in a daze?"

"That... that is... the blood... soul guard?" Mo Wuhen's voice was already trembling.

Mo Wuhen's reaction was so strong, which surprised Amu and Li Shui.That's because they don't know the significance of the Blood Soul Guard in the Shura world.

The ancient Blood Soul Guard is a legendary existence in the Demon Continent Shura Realm.The 99 blood soul guards of Gui Zun are regarded as the incarnation of fighting and loyalty by monks in the Shura world.

Today, in the entire Shura world, few people have seen the Blood Soul Guard.It's just a legend in the Demon Continent that there are several Blood Soul Guards in the Shura Palace of the Blood Moon Continent, but no one has seen them.Those blood soul guards guarded the sacred objects left by the Shura clan in ancient times.

The more you know, the more mysterious it is!
Therefore, the Asura Blood Soul Guard has become a super existence in the hearts of many monks in the Asura Realm of Demon Continent.The red light from just now manifested into a man in red, which shocked Mo Wuhen beyond compare.

Destroyed two immortals with one punch, bowed down to Amu.Mo Wuhen's nerves couldn't stand such a scene.

"Hey!" Amu nodded and smiled, "That's right! It's the Blood Soul Guard!"

"What...level?" Mo Wuhen asked again.

"It should be at the Xuanxian level!" Amu said, and at the same time passed the two storage bags in his hand to Mo Wuhen, without even looking at them.

"A blood soul guard at the Xuanxian level can fight against a fairy?" Mo Wuhen didn't pick up Amu's storage bag, because he didn't pay attention to Amu's movements at all, and was completely in shock.

"Well! I've fought against the gods, but basically I haven't fought them. When I meet the real gods, they are still worse!" Amu's tone was very calm, even with a bit of helplessness.

However, at this moment, Mo Wuhen was almost going crazy.

"Xuanxian-level blood soul guard! I have fought against a fairy, but I have never fought! Is it too close?" In Mo Wuhen's heart, there was an urge to bite Amu twice, and then he wanted to point to Amu's nose and ask, "What else do you want? What else do you want? You have even fought against a fairy? Do you still think it's close? You..."

Mo Wuhen thought in his heart that he was a little speechless.

Haihuang Jiexiu who owns the blood soul guard, what else can he say?
After a while, Mo Wuhen regained his composure.Li Shui also came over, looking at Mo Wuhen with a smile.

"Wang Han, I believe Shura Ziyi is definitely your woman! You are too heaven-defying!" Mo Wuhen finally began to truly accept everything.

"The tip of the iceberg, just get used to it!" Li Shui said with a smile.Mo Wuhen didn't know how to answer, but shook his head, because he really had a headache.

tip of the iceberg?Who are these people?However, it seems that my time has really come and gone!
"In the future, you can call me Amu! Wang Han, Amu is me!" Amu laughed.

"En!" Mo Wuhen understood this sentence, and nodded slightly, the two names are not surprising.

"This is all from Wuhen Valley, let's continue!" Mo Wuhen didn't come to pick up the storage bag for a long time, so Amu had no choice but to let it fall directly into Mo Wuhen's hands.

Mo Wuhen grabbed the two storage bags, although Amu and Li Shui definitely didn't like the contents of those storage bags.However, to Mo Wuhen, it was still very meaningful.

"Thank you!" Mo Wuhen said extremely sincerely, it was an expression of emotion completely from the heart.

"Everything in Wuhen Valley will come back to you! Believe me!" Amu looked at Mo Wuhen and said.

Mo Wuhen nodded heavily, he knew that everything about him would change because of Amu.

"Wuhen, the sky will be bright! It's not suitable to stay in Chimo City for a long time. Why don't you go with me and senior brother Li Shui first, and then discuss it a little closer! How about it?" Amu looked at the sky.

At this time, the days of black and white are about to turn.

"That's good!" Although two sixth-level true immortals were killed, Mo Wuhen knew that for Wuhengu, it would not hurt the skin at all.It is indeed a good choice to go together with Amu and Lishui.


"Blood Soul Guard? Not bad!" At this moment, the figure in the void spoke again, but it was still talking naturally.

But in the distance, the pair of armored black clothes who had been spying on everything in the dark were having a conversation.

"That's actually a blood soul guard?" An extremely low voice seemed to be in disbelief.

"That's right! Besides, that's a Xuanxian-level Blood Soul Guard, which can fight against the first and second level of the Celestial Immortal!" said another armored man in black.

"Amu, Li Shui, it's too heaven-defying! How could they have blood soul guards?"

"Looking at it this way, things are a bit troublesome! Fortunately, our people didn't show up just now, otherwise they would all be beheaded, and none of them could escape!"

"The treasurer-level figures have already started rushing to the Continent of War! We need to report the news as soon as possible, the plan seems to need to be adjusted!"

"Okay! Let's go!" After the two armored black clothes said, they were about to melt into the darkness completely.

However, at this moment, they suddenly felt an inexplicable force coming from the void, and then their bodies froze suddenly.That is the power of confinement, but as armored black clothes, they will not be imprisoned at all.

"What's going on?" The two asked almost at the same time.

"You can't leave!" In the void, there was no form or shadow, but a voice came out.

click - click -

However, in the void, the black cloak dissipated like smoke, and the two black souls were directly imprisoned and disappeared, everything was natural.Two scattered black armors floated in the void.

Everything is invisible, shadowless, and silent.

But at this time, the day of black and white, complete rotation.On Chimo City, the formation dispersed and the sky shone.

(End of this chapter)

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