nine coffins

Chapter 550 The Brand of the Great Murong Dynasty

Chapter 550 The Brand of the Great Murong Dynasty
Black and white rotate, while Chimo City is always red and black.The Chimo Immortal Collection remains the same every day, and countless monks begin to appear in Chimo City.

A Mu, Li Shui, and Mo Wuhen also just left the city at this time.

However, after the battle last night, the three of Amu believed that there must be someone secretly watching them and the others, so it was better to keep a low profile.In order to deceive others, the three of them changed their appearance slightly.

At the same time, a crow landed on Amu's shoulder, and everyone would definitely recognize it as yesterday's Blood Moon monk Wang Han.

Mo Wuhen didn't know the origin of the crow, and he kindly suggested turning it into a cute parrot, but he almost got the crow roasted with the golden crow flame.

In the end, he had no choice but to give up, and Amu comforted him, and Ya'er reluctantly flew back to the Tianhu Fairy Bracelet.

However, as soon as they left the city gate, the three of them were attracted by a strange scene.At this time, there were countless monks gathered in front of the Chimo City Tower, and many of them were truly immortal.

"Huh?" All three of Amu frowned.Because, for some reason, there were actually two pairs of black armor hanging on the Chimo city tower at this time.

The armor, reflecting the sunlight, was black and shiny.

However, everyone's spiritual sense scanned it, and they all knew that it was definitely not any magic weapon, but just the most common mortal armor, but it was extremely well-crafted and forged.

This is quite a strange scene!who is it?It's okay. In this Chimo city tower, there are two armors hanging, what are they doing?
Many Chimo City and the monks who came and went stopped to watch.The three of Amu also frowned slightly, and there were voices of discussion among the crowd.

"Who is hanging this armor?"

"Yes? I don't know, what is this for?"

"Could it be that you are planning to sell here? Why don't you go to Xianji?"

"Come on, don't talk nonsense! I'm afraid this is not a good thing, it's too weird! It's mortal armor, and how can mortals hang those armors unless they use a ladder? Besides, what's the point of hanging two sets of armor?"

Several monks were discussing there, but they couldn't agree on what to do.However, at this time, a true immortal monk suddenly spoke.

"Everyone seems to have forgotten what happened more than 1000 years ago."

"What happened more than 1000 years ago?" Everyone was stunned and couldn't remember for a while.

"More than 1000 years ago, didn't the guards of the ninth level of Hei Luomen's true immortals were killed and hung on this tower?" The monk of the true immortal level said slowly.

"Wow—" everyone was in an uproar.

"Painting Soul Sect? Old Man Painting Soul!"

As soon as the real immortal cultivator reminded everyone, everyone naturally remembered.At the beginning, Bai Luomen offended the old man of painting soul. The next day, 33 Bai Luomen were dead on the street.Later, Hei Luomen Feng Er Miss, who offended the old man Huahun with her speechless words, and the two real immortal nine-level guards were hanged on the head of Chimo City after death.

Those unsolved cases of more than 1000 years, although the old man Huahun never personally admitted that he was responsible.However, everyone understood that the murderer was undoubtedly the old man who painted the soul, but no one dared to ask.

Reminiscent of Mo Wuhen seeking amulets during the day and all kinds of things at night yesterday, everyone began to weave stories in their hearts.

Today, although there are only two sets of armor, everyone is guessing whether the old man Huahun killed Mo Wuhen and the blood moon monk Wang Han.

Although these two armors are not corpses, they are also warning some people.

In fact, everyone also felt that this was a bit unbelievable.Because neither Mo Wuhen nor Wang Han offended the old man Huahun in the slightest.These two sets of armor were not the corpses of Mo Wuhen or Wang Han.

However, later on, the old man Huahun never appeared in Chimo City again, which gradually made everyone agree with this guess.

But right now, the three of Amu stood behind the crowd, all frowning.They believed that these two sets of armor would not be hung here for no reason, there must be some meaning.

But what does it mean?Amu, Li Shui, and Mo Wuhen couldn't answer.

In any case, everyone finally figured out a plausible answer.In Starfield of War, it is almost commonplace for monks to be killed.Otherwise, how could the battle last night not cause a sensation?
It's none of my business. Since there is no big disturbance, many people will leave after seeing it.The three of Amu did not leave immediately.

Most people dare not touch the things upstairs in Chimo City.Because, all the monks understand that maybe something is wrong, which violates the taboo of some monks.

At this time, there was an old man with gray hair who got a ladder, climbed up the tower, and took off the two sets of armor.It was a mortal old man, and he was responsible for some simple cleaning of the towers on weekdays.

This kind of thing is more suitable for ordinary people to do.Because, no matter what kind of monks, they will basically not trouble ordinary people.The small mistakes of mortals, almost all the powerful monks laughed it off.

The armor didn't seem to be heavy, because the old man seemed to be carrying two sets of armor without much effort.

Seeing someone take off their armor, the three of Amu approached.

"Old man, is this armor for sale?" Amu smiled.

"Sell it? Will you buy it?" The old man actually just took it off, and he didn't think about whether to sell it or not.Mortal armor, in fact, is really useless, and most of it should be thrown away.The old man just took it off, feeling that it was an eyesore to hang it on the tower all the time.

"I was just trying to refine a pair of monk armor, just looking for a look. Two spirit stones, how about thanking the old man?" Amu's reason was good, and at the same time, he flipped his hand and got two spirit stones.

"That's great!" The old man smiled like a flower.Two sets of mortal armor and two Lingshi, this is half a month's income for him.

Without saying a word, the old man directly handed the armor to Amu, originally it was something that no one wanted.Amu also smiled and gave the spirit stone to the old man.

At this time, there are not many people.Some monks noticed that Amu and the others bought armor, but it was nothing to do with themselves.Amu's reason also makes people have no doubts, after all, it is a common thing, and no one thinks about it.

However, when Amu took over the armor, the expression in his eyes changed instantly.

"Let's go!" Amu said to Li Shui and Mo Wuhen with a calm expression.

Li Shui and Mo Wuhen didn't say anything, the three rose against the wind and headed straight to the west.After hundreds of miles away from the wind, Amu summoned the black cloud shuttle, and the three of them boarded the shuttle, traveling thousands of miles in an instant.

Thousands of miles away from Chimo City, it is a secluded mountain.

Amu's magic consciousness spread out, and it was absolutely safe within a thousand miles.Only then did the shuttle stop, and the three of them fell to the ground.

Retracting the flying shuttle, Mo Wuhen was a little numb at this moment.This is the first time for Mo Wuhen to ride such a magic weapon of flight.Even though he is a true immortal, he still feels a little seasick.

"Amu, is there something wrong with the armor?" Li Shui could already see that there was something strange in Amu's eyes just now.

"Mmm! Brother Li Shui, look." As he spoke, Amu flipped one hand, and the two sets of armor just now appeared.

Li Shui took a pair of armor, and Mo Wuhen also took a pair.The weight of the armor is really light, it seems to be less than half the weight of ordinary armor, but it is cold to the touch, just like the millennium black iron.

Li Shui's divine sense scanned and probed deeply, and it was a pair of mortal armor.However, for some reason, there seemed to be a ray of inexplicable power in the armor.

Mo Wuhen also felt it, but neither of them knew what kind of power it was.

At the same time, Li Shui turned his hand over, and the armor in his hand was turned upside down.Li Shui's complexion couldn't help but change, because in the dark lines on the back of the helmet, he found four ancient seal characters - Murong Dynasty.

"Is this the armor of the Great Murong Dynasty?" Li Shui looked at Amu with shock in his eyes.

"That's right! This is definitely the armor of the Great Murong Dynasty of the Sea Desolation!" Amu frowned slightly.Mo Wuhen didn't know why, and just listened from the sidelines.

"How come there are soldiers' armor from the Great Murong Dynasty here?" Li Shui asked with a frown.

"Don't forget, Murong Huang took away hundreds of millions of living souls from the Great Murong Dynasty back then, and even the 300 million Murong cavalry who were finally imprisoned by the power of the white jade fairy gourd, all of them lost their souls and died strangely three days later. Leng Yushi Uncle, I don’t even know where Murong Huang has gone. The Great Murong Dynasty, which used to count thousands of miles, is now desolate, like a country of the dead, so what are a few armors?" Amu sighed.

"You mean that Murong Huang moved everything in the Great Murong Dynasty to the Asura Realm?" Li Shui raised his eyebrows, because it was an unimaginable force.

"Seven Star Sweet Dew, Drunk Demon Luo, Murong Armor, these are all traces of Taihuang!" Amu sneered, "Not necessarily everything, but if Murong Huang is really in the Asura Realm, then he will definitely not take less things. That is Murong Huang is even scarier than Xiao Luo in a dynasty that has run for thousands of years!"

"However, he was definitely not the one who passed through the Ancient Burial Gate! How did he come to the Asura Realm? Could it be that there is still a passage?" Li Shui said.

"Yes!" Amu sighed, "But there will never be a passage. If Murong Huang knew about it, why would Xiao Luo and the others bother to open the ancient burial door?"

Li Shui nodded, Amu was right.

"Murong Huang and Xiao Luo, they are definitely not alone, and they will not be twins. So what is their relationship? How can a mortal live for so many years and do everything now? What does this armor represent? ?”

Amu looked cold, but there was no answer.

(End of this chapter)

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