nine coffins

Chapter 551: Drunk Demon Luo!Drunk into Demon Continent!

Chapter 551: Drunk Demon Luo!Drunk into Demon Continent!

Murong Huang and Xiao Luo!

In Amu's heart, they are more like a mirror image, or the positive and negative sides of one thing.

The two sets of armor in front of me are definitely the armor worn by the soldiers of the Great Murong Dynasty of the Northern Wilderness in style.It's just that Amu doesn't know what the strange aura is, but it's definitely not the fairy aura of any monk of any level.

The black armor exudes a deep luster.Amu squinted his eyes, and suddenly remembered the hundreds of millions of creatures gathered by Murong Huang, what kind of huge power is that?
"Wuhen, have you heard of Zuimoluo Restaurant?" Amu asked suddenly.

"Drunk Demon Luo?" Mo Wuhen didn't seem to expect that Amu would ask this, "Whether you have been to the entire Shura world or not, there are definitely not many monks who have never heard of the name of Zui Demon Luo."

"Oh?" Amu and Li Shui were both taken aback.

"A small restaurant, even though it has some peculiarities, can it be famous in the entire Demon Continent and Asura Realm?" Li Shui asked.

"Small restaurant?" Mo Wuhen looked at Li Shui in amazement, and then suddenly said, "I'm afraid you are just Drunken Demon Luo who has been to Dawn City in the Zhanzhi Continent, right?"

"Huh? Why? Isn't Drunken Demon Luo the only family?" Amu asked.

After hearing Amu's words, Mo Wuhen not only smiled wryly.

"Isn't this the only one? As far as I know, in the entire Asura Realm, except for the northernmost remnant star field, there is a Drunken Moluo in each of the six star regions, and there are a total of thirteen families in the entire Demon Continent Shura Realm." Zui Mo Luo Restaurant. The Dawn City Zui Mo Luo you went to is just a semicolon of the Continent of War."

"The Thirteen Drunken Demons?" Amu Lishui raised his eyebrows.This is something he did not expect at all.

"On the Blood Moon Continent, there are seven Zui Mo Luo families, each of which is far larger than the semicolons of the six star regions. Among them, the largest family of Zui Mo Luo is located in Moxiu City, the first city in the Blood Moon Continent. The Zui Mo Luo restaurant is endlessly luxurious and exhausts the joy of the Demon Continent. Fine wine, beauties, gambling skills, singing and dancing, etc., have everything you expect."

"Only you can't think of it, you haven't played it, there is no non-existence! Once you enter the Drunken Moluo, the most common position requires ten copper-level spirit coins. The consumption of thousands of copper-level spirit coins is very normal. Such a luxury, It’s almost indescribable. Those who are qualified to go there are the top monks in Shura Demon Continent and the disciples of the three great immortal sects.”

Mo Wuhen spoke with emotion.In the past, as the young master of Wuhen Valley, he himself would have drunk and reveled in Luo Luo, but the past was like a dream.

"Oh?" Amu frowned, and said, "In this way, isn't the Drunken Demon Luo a chain of the entire Shura world, with an extremely large scale?"

"That's natural!" Mo Wuhen said, "It's only been 3000 years. If we only look at wealth, Zuimoluo is probably the number one Shura. Probably only the Shura Palace can stand up to him!"

"With such a scale, won't the other three sects covet it? Drunk Demon Luo must have extremely strong combat power." Amu's eyes flashed coldly.

"Drunk Demon Luo is in business, although he also has many strong monks, but he never cares about the right and wrong of the Shura world. It is even more difficult to compare with the three great immortal sects in terms of strength, and drunk demon Luo will take out a lot of spirit coins every year to enshrine the three great immortal sects. For example, in Wuhen Valley back then, you could extract [-]% of the profits from Zuimoluo every year! I don’t know the exact amount, but it was an extremely huge amount at that time.”

"I don't know about the other two major immortal sects, but there will definitely be many. For example, on the Starfield of War, the black and white Luo sect will get many benefits. Therefore, Drunk Demon Luo has almost become a partner of Shura's main immortal sect. Is something wrong? And I heard that Drunk Demon Luo is planning to open another semicolon in the six star fields!"

"Awesome! It's really amazing!" The corner of Amu's mouth curled up and he smiled coldly.

This kind of method and boldness is really like the handwriting of His Highness Murong Huang who can command the power of a country.Is this the rhythm of holding the financial resources of the Asura Realm tightly in one's own hands?Drunken Demon Luo, it seems that it is not the Demon Race Shura who is going to get drunk, but the entire Demon Continent.

"Do all drunk demons auction off mortal girls?" Li Shui asked with a frown.

"Huh?" Mo Wuhen was taken aback for a moment, then understood immediately, but shook his head, "It seems that the programs of Zui Mo Luo are different in every place, and each is different. I have also seen Zui Mo Luo auctioning women, all of them are black gauze. Girl, the auction price is extremely high. He caters to the taste and psychology of some Shura."

"However, such women seem to be a bit ominous! On the Blood Moon Continent, few monks will buy them at auction. However, I heard that the other six star regions are very popular. For those enchanting and charming women, spend a lot of money! A few days ago, I also heard that in Dawn City, two Blood Moon cultivators spent 50 copper-level spirit coins to buy only one black-veiled girl! Alas! That's crazy!"

"Huh?" Amu Lishui looked at each other and couldn't help laughing "haha".

The two laughed, Mo Wuhen was taken aback, and immediately said: "The two blood moon monks can't be you?"

"That's right!" Li Shui laughed, "But the rumors are wrong. We didn't just buy the black-veiled girl, but also a map of the Dark Demon Valley!"

"The map of the Dark Demon Valley of the Seven Wonders of Demon Continent Shura?" Mo Wuhen was a little surprised.

"Yes, we are planning to go to the Dark Demon Valley in these two days. We will discuss later. Wuhen, have you ever been to the biggest Zui Mo Luo restaurant? Do you know who is the boss behind Zui Mo Luo?" Amu Looking at Mo Wuhen, this is the most critical question.

"Naturally!" However, Mo Wuhen said helplessly, "But I don't know if there is a boss behind Zui Moluo. Because, on weekdays, it is usually mentioned as the chief shopkeeper, and there is also a second shopkeeper."

"The chief shopkeeper, the second shopkeeper, who are they?" Amu asked again.

"They are in charge of the largest Zui Moluo on the Blood Moon Continent, and they also command twelve families on the other magic continents. The big shopkeeper of Zui Moluo is extremely low-key and mysterious. It is said that he only met the master of the Shura Palace once, and the other occasions are basic. I haven't shown my face before. The chief shopkeeper is the most mysterious and powerful figure in Zuimo Luo. I have seen the second shopkeeper once, and he is fat. All the big things in Zui Moluo are basically the second shopkeeper. The shopkeeper made the decision. Although his cultivation is only a ninefold true immortal, the fat man's manners are by no means ordinary."

"How can such a huge Drunken Moluo wander among several sects be a commoner?" Amu sneered, then glanced at Li Shui, and put away the two sets of armor at the same time.

The water in Zui Moluo seems to be very deep, and there must be nothing visible on the surface.If you want to understand the inside story, you definitely need to investigate deeply.

Murong Huang?Xiao Luo?

Amu pondered in his heart, then turned his head and said to Mo Wuhen again, "I heard that in the Demon Continent Shura Realm, except for the Blood Moon Continent, there were no particularly powerful immortal sects in the Seven Star Regions."

"That's right!" Mo Wuhen nodded, "Such as the black and white Luomen of Zhan Zhiyu, they are already considered the strongest, but in the eyes of Wuhengu, they are still not worth mentioning, because their hidden powerhouses are not mysterious. Immortals are only one or two levels, and there are only a handful of them."

Amu smiled slightly after hearing this, and said: "However, 700 years ago, in the Demon Star Realm and the Demon Star Realm, a sect suddenly rose up, namely the Demon Burial Sect and the Sky Spirit Realm. They each occupy a star The development speed is extremely fast. It is said that there is a faint tendency to compete with the three great immortal sects of Blood Moon."

"Devil Burial Sect, Heavenly Spirit Realm!" Hearing these two names, Mo Wuhen couldn't help but smiled wryly and said, "Amu, you really know a lot."

"You're right! In the past 3000 years, in the Asura Realm of the Demon Continent, if you want to talk about the sects that have risen later, it is indeed the Demon Burial Sect and the Heavenly Spirit Realm. However, if they can now compete with the three great sects of the Blood Moon, I would I think it’s a bit exaggerated.”

"Objectively speaking, in today's Blood Moon Continent, Wuhen Valley is already the weakest. The Ufu Temple is low-key and mysterious, and the strength of the Shura Palace is beyond words. The foundation of millions of years is only 3000 years. How can the Zong and the Heavenly Spirit Realm compare?"

After hearing what Mo Wuhen said, Amu and Li Shui both nodded, thinking it was reasonable.

Even if the Demon Burial Sect and the Heavenly Spirit Realm are related to the Third Young Master, Xiao Luo, Shui Mei and others who entered the Demon Continent Asura Realm back then, it is difficult to pose too much threat to the Blood Moon Continent in such a short period of time.Otherwise, maybe they wouldn't be dwelling in the two star domains of demons and demons.

"Do you know any specific information about them?"

Mo Wuhen frowned and said, "I'm not very clear about the specifics. I just heard that there was a change in the ancient abyss in the barren star field 3000 years ago."

"The ancient abyss?" Amu Lishui didn't have this concept.

"The ancient burial abyss is one of the two abysses among the seven wonderlands in the Shura world. The place where it is located is the ancient burial place countless thousands of years ago. According to legend, the ancient burial place is the endless ancient sky. Souls, thousands of floating coffins, and thousands of ancient tombs. Today, the land of ancient burials occupies half of the barren continent. However, few people dare to enter that magical area, and no one dares to ask about the land of ancient burials. Abyss! Because, day and night, there is always howling, and the light of the six samsara is always there."

"Then what happened 3000 years ago?" Amu asked hurriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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