nine coffins

Chapter 585 You Are Not Using a Sword!red snowflakes

Chapter 585 You Are Not Using a Sword!red snowflakes
Hanyuan was dead silent, silent.

Gan Tianqing was dressed in a black robe, with his hands hanging down, with a cold expression, staring straight ahead.Killing angels in vain, hunting in white robes, the blue sword in his hand is full of brilliance, and his brows are slightly frowned.

Of the remaining two Immortal-killing Ninth Layer Profound Immortals, one was seriously injured and the other had just had his sword broken.The master of the Shenlong Pavilion, one person has already killed two Xuanxian Jiuzhong.The situation at this time seems to be extremely unfavorable to the Temple of Killing Immortals.

Killing the Heavenly Immortal in vain, the sword in his hand was gripped even tighter, and his side suffered heavy losses, but there was no sign of Amu and others yet.This mission will most likely fail.

At this time, Gan Tianqing suddenly smiled strangely and looked into the distance.

Baisha Tianxian was slightly shocked.Because, he also immediately sensed four extremely powerful auras three thousand miles away.That should be four celestial masters, and they will arrive in an instant.

The backup of Po Xuantian Pavilion?
Killing the Celestial Immortal in vain, no matter what, he would never have imagined that the Po Xuantian Pavilion would use such a great power to go deep into Xuebei.The five great immortals, even the three great white killers of the Hall of Killing Immortals, can't stop them.

Break Xuantian Pavilion, what is this for?What kind of character can make Poxuantian Pavilion mobilize such a powerful force.However, at this moment, he was not allowed to think about it carefully.


The three-kill fairy sword formation was broken, and the white kill could only rely on his own strength and put all his eggs in one basket.Otherwise, when the four angels arrived, he might not even have a chance to draw his sword.

As soon as he raised his hand, the blue glow was overwhelming, and his murderous aura was like a forest.The murderous aura of the celestial beings dances like a dragon, pouring into Gao Tian.In the void, endless blue shadows appeared, which were streaks of sword energy.

From one sword, ten thousand swords will be born!This is the world of swords, and this is the killing intent of the gods.

click - click -

The whole earth was shaking, and with the killing intent of the angel, the snow field began to crack.Just now when the valley collapsed, the endless gravel that fell unexpectedly all gradually floated up, swirled, and danced, with endless cold snow mixed in between.

Cracks of tens or hundreds of feet on the ground are still spreading like spider webs.

The murderous aura of the celestial beings filled the heaven and the earth.

At this moment, the Baisha Tianxian of the Temple of Killing Immortals finally showed his true strength.That is a force that can almost destroy the world.

Dressed in white to win over the snow, endless rays of light surged from all over his body, forming a spherical shape with a radius of several tens of feet, and the power of the gods was poured into it, circulating endlessly.


Baisha Tianxian's white hat was lifted off by Xianli, revealing a sharp-edged face with a resolute expression.That Baisha Tianxian has only one eye, but it has brown pupils, exuding a cold killing intent.

His temples are gray, but a lot of long black hair is flying in the wind.That was an extreme killer.

Killing the angel in vain, revealing his true face.

The other two from the Hall of Killing Immortals all tensed up, because this was the first time they saw the appearance of a cultivator in Baisha.For the monks in the Hall of Killing Immortals, showing their true face means that they have put life and death aside.

The cultivator of the Temple of Killing Immortals who showed his true face is no longer a killer in a sense, but a warrior.

Gan Tianqing looked at Baisha, and his expression became serious.

"This is the real power of Baisha in the Hall of Immortals!" Gan Tianqing understood that Baisha hadn't done his best just now, and he was saving his strength because he still had tasks.

However, the aura of the four great immortals in Poxuantian Pavilion prevented Bai Sha from having such a plan.At the same time, Gan Tianqing also understood that he could not wait for his companions to arrive.Although everything is just a moment, but a moment can change many things.

Gan Tianqing, at the moment Bai Sha raised his sword, made a move almost at the same time.

Inside the sleeves, the light soared.This time, it turned out to be a purple awn and a gray awn.Inside the sleeves, two sword glows came out together.No one knew what kind of sword Gan Tianqing was using.

Ordinary fairy swords only have one-color sword light.A few special fairy swords, such as the sword of the sea piercing the clouds, may also reflect seven-color lights.However, like Gan Tianqing, it is unheard of for one sword to change into a sword light.

Two sword glows crossed out, like two giant dragons crossing the sky, and it seemed to split the sky and draw two seals.It was a kind of extreme power, and there was actually a faint dragon shape in the sword glow.

"Seal!" Gan Tianqing shouted violently.The same heavenly power is stronger than Baisha, but not weaker, it seems to be able to seal everything.

"Two levels of immortality?" A cold brown light radiated from that white-killed one-eyed.In fact, he did not believe in the level of cultivation displayed by the master of the Shenlong Pavilion.

Because, those who practice the Nine Transformations of the Dragon are too mysterious.The body of nine changes, changeable.Just like at this time, Bai Sha was not even sure whether the black-clothed Gan Tianqing in front of him was his true self.

With Gan Tianqing's composure and composure, his realm should be in the third level of immortality, or even above.Bai Sha fought against him with Tianxian's great perfection, and there was almost no chance of winning.

However, Bai Sha showed his face today, so he didn't plan to go back alive, and died together, which also fulfilled the duty of a killer.


In the void, the sword energy of the two collided.Layers of air waves, billowing like tides.This was definitely a collision that shook the entire northern part of the Blood Moon Continent.

In Hanji Town, the old man of the Tang family's old shop was originally sitting silently.However, suddenly he felt that the whole Hanji town seemed to be slightly shaken.

Others don't know, but the elders of the Tang family naturally know the origin of Hanji Town.The power that can shake Hanji Town is extremely rare.

"Fairy-level confrontation!" The old man of the Tang family frowned.Because, Gan Tianqing came to his store today, and he is definitely a fairy-level power.

The people from the Hall of Killing Immortals just left, could it be that the real immortals from the Hall of Killing Immortals also showed up?The old man of the Tang family unexpectedly guessed the truth all at once, and then two rays of light appeared in his eyes.

He felt that he must have missed something, Po Xuantian and Sha Xiandian, both appeared in Xuebei, just because of those young people?

"Ban'er!" The old man of the Tang family called softly.

As soon as the light door leading to the back room opened, two people walked out at the same time, they were the usual buddies.

"Let the snow pigeon go out and see what happened? However, you must not make a move. I will make my own decision if there is something to pay back." The old man of the Tang family said.

"Yes!" The two boys responded with a bow.Then, the two went straight back to the back room.After a while, I saw two snow-white pigeons flying from the old shop of the Tang family.

All the residents of Hanji Town who saw this scene couldn't help being shocked.

The Tang family's snow pigeons definitely did not fly out easily, so something big must have happened.And those two snow pigeons spread their wings, and in the heavy snow, they were hundreds of miles away in an instant.

If anyone could see the eyes of those two snow pigeons, he would be amazed.Because, in the gray-brown eyes of the snow pigeons, there are two children sitting cross-legged.

In the back room of the Tang family's old shop, two boys sat cross-legged, as if they had lost their souls.It was a secret technique handed down by the Tang family.

Two snow pigeons went straight to the distance.

But at this time, it was the moment when Bai Sha and Gan Tianqing's immortal powers collided.The original valley has become a plain, and now the plain has become a ravine.

At this time, Bai Sha Tianxian and Gan Tianqing separated completely.A ravine lay in front of them, hundreds of feet in length, like a scar on the earth.Dust and smoke billowed in the gully, and the depth was unknown.

Goodbye to that immortal who killed the celestial being in vain, with ragged clothes all over his body, blood dripping from his chest, and blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.However, the cold light in his one-eyed eyes became stronger and more murderous.

Gan Tianqing stood on the other side of the ravine.Although his body was straight, his face was slightly pale.His hands hang down, just like before, it seems that they have not moved.

However, the sleeve of his left hand started to drip blood.The sleeves of the robe were also trembling slightly, but Gan Tianqing's eyes were still calm and cold.

"Lord of the Dragon Pavilion, you are actually at the second level of the Celestial Immortal?" Baisha Tianxian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said solemnly.

"So what if it is? So what if it's not?" Gan Tianqing sneered.

"At the second level of the Celestial Immortal, you dare to stop us alone, but you can be so calm and calm, kill me at the ninth level of Xuanxian, and break the three-killing sword formation, your Excellency is really brave! I have to admire it." Baisha Tianxian's words are sincere words.

Just now, when the sword energy collided, what Gan Tianqing really used was the power of the second layer of immortality.

Bai Sha believed that Gan Tianqing had no strength left in this move.Because if you don't spare any effort, you can probably kill yourself, so Gan Tianqing should go all out, otherwise he won't be injured.

"It's just a trivial matter!" Gan Tianqing said indifferently.

At this time, both Tianxian Baisha and Gan Tianqing were injured.For the two of them, although Gan Tianqing had the upper hand, neither of them had the strength to launch a powerful attack for a while.

"You didn't use a sword!" The Baishatian squinted one eye, as if trying to see through all Gan Tianqing's secrets.

"Oh? What's that?" Gan Tianqing looked at Baisha Tianxian with a half-smile.

"I can't see through!" Bai Sha shook his head.

After hearing this, Gan Tianqing couldn't help shaking his head, as if he felt that this topic was too boring, so he didn't say anything more.

"My people are here!" Gan Tianqing seemed to let out a long breath.

Before the words fell, in an instant, the void fluctuated.One woman and three men, with a murderous look, stood beside Gan Tianqing.Among them, a young man embroidered with a dragon knelt down in front of Gan Tianqing.

"Subordinates are late! I hope Pavilion Master, forgive me!"

"Get up! It's not too late, just in time!" Gan Tianqing smiled lightly, and then said to the other three, "Please trouble everyone, I'm injured, so I won't be able to show respect."

The other two men, one of them, was wearing brocade clothes with a unicorn embroidered on his back, and he was the owner of the Jinlin Pavilion.Hearing Gan Tianqing's words, he couldn't help but smile.

"Where is Shenlong, this time, you are the first! The pavilion master has ordered, no matter what the cost!"

"Ashamed, you don't come again. I'm afraid, I'm going to run away!" Gan Tianqing joked.

"If you can't stand it, it will be in vain for us to come! Breaking the Xuantian Pavilion, the first dragon, we are convinced!" The last man spoke slowly, and his words gave people a strong sense of convincing.

The man was dressed in ink, with a dragon-headed giant turtle embroidered on his back.The man's appearance is extremely ugly, but his eyes are extremely clear. He is the owner of the Black Turtle Pavilion.

"Other things, let's talk about it later! Shenlong, where are the main people in the main pavilion?" The master of the Xuanfeng Pavilion is a woman in a black dress, very glamorous.The black phoenix on the dress is lifelike, breathing flames from its mouth.

"It's just seven thousand miles away! I've sent the few people in front of me away, let's go soon! I left a mark on them, and I can't lose it." Gan Tianqing looked at Xuanfeng and smiled wryly.

"En!" Xuanfeng Pavilion Master Liu raised his eyebrows.It seemed that she was not particularly satisfied with Gan Tianqing's answer, but she also knew that Shenlong had no choice but to do so in the face of the killing in vain at the Hall of Immortals.

However, at this moment, endless red snowflakes suddenly scattered in the void.The snow is not cold, and even feels warm.

It was half daylight, and the snowflakes were a little weird.

"That's a good statement! We've dismissed the people in front of us, let's go soon!" It was a lazy voice, drifting from the void with snowflakes, it actually repeated Gan Tianqing's words, but the meaning was absolutely different .

However, no one saw the figure.However, as soon as the voice came out.Two Profound Immortals Jiuzhong and one Baisha Heavenly Immortal from the Hall of Killing Immortals knelt down on the snow in an instant.

In the Poxuantian Pavilion, the faces of the four masters suddenly changed!

(End of this chapter)

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