nine coffins

Chapter 586 The monster that has been sealed for thousands of years

Chapter 586 The monster that has been sealed for thousands of years
The red snow is not cold, but it is bloody and eloquent, falling all over the sky.At this time, everyone could see clearly that it was not snowflakes, but a flowery blood mist that filled the sky.

Killing Immortal Palace, three masters.

Two black-clothed Xuanxian Jiuchong and a Baisha Tianxian Yichong respectfully knelt on the snow on one knee.There is absolutely no hypocrisy or affectation in them.

Killing the Celestial Immortal in vain, that single eye radiates awe from the heart.They are waiting, the peerless God of Killing.

Shenlong, Xuanfeng, Jinlin, Mogui, the four masters of the Poxuantian Pavilion all had sudden changes in expression.

What kind of character could it be that these super-killers are so respectful?
Goodbye, the red snow gradually dissipated, and everything was silent.Then, a lazy young man in a ragged jacket casually floated in front of them.

Under the young man's feet was the endless gully that was split by the power of the heavenly fairy just now.

Gan Tianqing frowned, this young man's appearance was too unusual.Before he appeared, even when the red snow was falling, Gan Tianqing did not perceive the aura and existence of this young man.

What kind of horror is it to escape the divine consciousness of a celestial being?
The five great immortals of Po Xuantian looked at each other with blank expressions.Because no one can perceive the existence of this young man.

The three masters of Killing Immortal Palace knelt like that, but they didn't say hello, they were all silent.That kind of weird feeling, like a quiet ceremony.

"Get up! Can you kill someone while kneeling?" The corner of the boy's mouth curled up, revealing a heart-warming smile.

His words seemed to have inexplicable power.The three killers of the Hall of Immortal Killers all stood up respectfully as soon as they heard this, and naturally stood behind the young man.Whether it is the Xuanxian Jiuzhong or Baisha Tianxian, they have restrained their murderous aura.

This kind of ostentation must not be enjoyed by everyone in the Hall of Killing Immortals.The one kneeling on the ground was the top power in the Hall of Killing Immortals.

At this time, even Gan Tianqing and the others felt an invisible pressure.There seemed to be an extremely strange aura about that young man.

"Xuanxian Jiuzhong!" Gan Tianqing narrowed his eyes slightly and sneered in his heart.

Gan Tianqing and the other pavilion masters would never believe this young man's cultivation.In the current situation, if it was Xuanxian Jiuzhong, it would be completely unnecessary.

The five Xuanxians in the Poxuantian Pavilion are here, if they are not high-ranking heavenly immortals, it may be meaningless at this time.

"Poxuantian Pavilion, the gathering of the five heavenly immortals in Xuebei is really an unprecedented event." The lazy young man smiled, looking at Gan Tianqing and the others opposite him, his eyes were indifferent, and he didn't even have the slightest murderous intent.

"Excuse me, who is your Excellency?" Gan Tianqing said calmly.

"Of course I'm from the Temple of Killing Immortals!" The lazy boy looked at Gan Tianqing again, then smiled slightly, "You can call me Killing God!"

"Killing God?" Gan Tianqing and the others were taken aback for a moment. According to the information of Poxuantian Pavilion, there is absolutely no such person in the Hall of Killing Immortals.But dare to call himself the God of Killing, how could such a character not be famous in the Blood Moon Continent?

The three people in the Hall of Killing Immortals had calm faces, as if that was originally the boy's name.

"Tell me, you broke the Xuantian Pavilion, why did you protect those young people from the Blood Moon Continent?" The lazy boy had a faint smile on his face.

"Then please tell me, why does the Hall of Killing Immortals insist on killing them?" Gan Tianqing asked instead without answering.

"The Palace of Killing Immortals is only for business, without asking why!" The lazy boy still smiled.

"Hehe!" Gan Tianqing sneered, "If that's the case, then why ask me why I do things in Poxuantian Pavilion?"

"Oh?" The lazy boy couldn't help being slightly stunned when he heard Gan Tianqing's words, and then smiled, "As expected of the Lord of the Shenlong Pavilion, the answer is excellent."

"It seems that we really can't ask each other anything, let's see the difference based on our cultivation!" Although the lazy boy was talking, he didn't see any movement to make a move.

But Gan Tianqing and the others were shocked.

No matter how you look at this young man, he is at the ninth level of Xuantian, but he exudes an inexplicable power.That kind of power seemed to come from the young man's soul, and it was an extremely magical coercion.

None of the five great immortals in Poxuantian Pavilion can see through the depth of this god-killing young man.

"Baisha, you take them and hunt down those people first. After I kill them, I will join you." The lazy boy's tone was very flat, as if he was saying something very ordinary.

"Subordinates understand! Be careful when killing gods!" The Baisha Tianxian bowed to his orders, and immediately moved, taking the two Xuanxian Jiuchong behind him, and was about to leave.

At this time, several people in Poxuantian Pavilion frowned.That lazy boy didn't pay them any attention at all.In the entire Blood Moon Continent, there are definitely not many who dare to look like this.

Baisha Tianxian and the two Xuantian Nine Layers instantly turned into streamers and went straight to Gaotian.

However, the young man in the Shenlong Pavilion also moved at the same time.Because, Po Xuantian Pavilion will not let them leave so easily.

The first day of Tianxian was completed, and the cultivation base of the young man in Shenlong Pavilion was the same as that of Baisha.A flying body, a sword, across the sky, naturally blocked the way to kill the three people in vain.

That sword, extremely fast!There was faint thunder, and the momentum was not weaker than Bai Shacai's sword.Theoretically, that sword is enough to stop Baisha Tianxian.

However, something terrible happened.

The moment the young celestial man flew out with his sword, the sluggish boy just slightly raised his head and glanced at the void.There was a dark red in his eyes.

Suddenly, a red mist appeared in the void.A red glow that resembled a flying sword suddenly appeared.That red glow was extremely strange, with a trace of bloody aura.

The moment the red light appeared, an extremely terrifying aura spread across the entire plain.There seems to be an inexplicable force surging across the entire earth.

At this time, it was not Gan Tianqing and the others who felt the deepest, but Amu who was standing blankly beside a dilapidated domain gate seven thousand miles away.

The domain gate was found, but there were several damages.Mo Wuhen, Bai Wuming, and Li Shui are looking down to see if it can be repaired.

However, at this moment, Amu suddenly felt a throbbing in his alchemy.The sea of ​​pills turned violent, and the coffin shook.Amu frowned slightly. He had that feeling once in the blood moon night in Hanji Town.

But at this time, Gan Tianqing's complexion changed suddenly, his body moved, and he went straight to the red light.Gan Tianqing stretched out both sleeves, two sword glows, one white and one purple, trying to seal the lazy boy's red glow.

However, this time he failed.Because, the red glow of the lazy boy is unstoppable!


That sound was not earth-shattering.

However, in an instant, Gan Tianqing's black clothes flew away like butterflies, if it wasn't for the Nine Transformations of the Dragon.This red light may have killed Gan Tianqing.Rao is so, it is also full of blood.

The other Heavenly Immortal monk in Shenlong Pavilion was not so lucky.

A sword pierces the heart, and the gods fall.The young celestial monk instantly turned into a blood mist.That red glow, which looked like a sword but not a sword, actually devoured the blood mist like a beast.

At this moment, the entire snowfield was still.

But at this time, thousands of miles away, in the Blood Moon Southern Territory, there are endless mountains.Ten thousand zhang green cliffs, vermilion pavilions.

On the first floor, inside the door of the Shenlong Pavilion, there is a sense of immortality.There are several life cards in it.At this time, one of the top three life cards suddenly collapsed and turned into a wisp of green smoke.

The second floor is elegant and breezy, with many portraits hanging on it.There is a window on the south side, and a table in front of the window.

A lonely figure in Tsing Yi is holding a cup with one hand, pouring himself a drink.Through the window on the second floor, he seemed to be still looking into the distance, trying to see through the vast star field.

And in the Shenlong Pavilion on the first floor, when the life card was broken, the monk in Tsing Yi couldn't help shaking.Because, even he didn't know when was the last time an immortal fell from Poxuantian Pavilion.

The fall of a celestial being is enough to shake the entire Blood Moon Continent.Even in the Shura world, that is the ultimate immortal.

"The Tang family, or Zuimoluo?" The monk in blue twitched his cheeks slightly.The clouds are calm and the wind is light, which does not mean that there is no thunderous fury.


The sapphire wine cup was crushed by the monk in green, and then directly turned into blue mist.Then, a black token suddenly flew out from the sleeve robe of the monk in blue.

That is a token enough to shock the Three Realms!If this order comes out, the whole Shura will definitely change color.


On the snow field, everything is still.

The two angels in Shenlong Pavilion shot, but they didn't stop Baisha and the three from leaving, and even one angel fell instantly.This is a situation that Gan Tianqing never thought about.

Ten thousand zhang ravines, rolling.All the monks were stunned on the spot.

The lazy boy was still half-floating in the void, his expression didn't change much, only a faint blood mist behind him surged gently.The red glow that had killed the heavenly immortal just now disappeared without a trace, as if it had completely melted into the blood mist.

In the Poxuantian Pavilion, the four major pavilion masters all had extremely ugly expressions.

Gan Tianqing, already dressed in a red robe, stood there, his face as pale as paper, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, and his red sleeve kept dripping blood.

Today, this is his fourth change.The last time he was pushed to the fourth transformation seemed to be tens of thousands of years ago.

"You!" Gan Tianqing looked at the boy coldly and said in a deep voice, "Could it be the monster that was sealed away for countless thousands of years in the Palace of Killing Immortals?"

"Don't say it so ugly? What kind of monster, do you think I look like a monster?" The lazy boy smiled.Indeed, such a ragged jacket with cotton wool exposed, such an innocent smile, no matter how you look at it, you don't look like a monster.

"You devoured the power of that monster?" Gan Tianqing's red sleeves couldn't help trembling slightly, it seemed that he was seriously injured just now, and his mood was extremely restless at this moment.

"The dragon tails in your sleeves are good! Aren't you also very powerful!" The lazy boy didn't answer Gan Tianqing's question, but glanced at Gan Tianqing's sleeves intentionally or unintentionally, with a half-smile.

That's not a sword, but a dragon tail!This has touched Gan Tianqing's biggest secret.

"Formation!" The coldest light flashed in Gan Tianqing's eyes, and he didn't say anything.

The four pavilion masters, Shenlong, Xuanfeng, Jinlin, Mogui, and Poxuantian, stood in their respective positions in an instant, and their bodies exuded a celestial aura.

Lin Feng Gui Long, this will be the ultimate battle on the Blood Moon Continent!
(End of this chapter)

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