nine coffins

Chapter 906 Tianmu is alluring, the mad sword listens to the wind

Chapter 906 Tianmu is alluring, the mad sword listens to the wind

Beichen City, the number one fairy city in Tianbei.

It consists of a main city in the middle and five attached cities.The entire Beichen City spans thousands of miles, and it is by no means a city in the ordinary sense.

On weekdays, the city of Beichen is shrouded in fairy light, and thousands of clouds are surging into the sky.Thousands of miles away, if you are a powerful monk above the level of a fairy, you can see the faint light of Beichen.

That is the ban of eternal level moat.

The entire Beichen City is like a fairy lotus blooming between heaven and earth.Beichen City is a veritable top-grade fairy city in the Tianzhou Boundless Realm.

There is Cangxing in the south and Beichen in the north.Cangxing and Beichen are listed as the two immortal cities of Tianzhou.

At this time, the star curtain covered the sky, shining endlessly.

There is no moon in Tianzhou, and under the starlight, Beichen City is even more mysterious and magnificent.

In the south of the main city of Beichen, there is an ancient building complex.This building complex occupies the entire south of the main city of Beichen.There are many pavilions and palaces.Continuous ups and downs, endless as far as the eye can see.

Some are exquisite and small, and some are towering and towering.High and low, patchwork.The ancient rhyme is endless, and the immortality is long.

The vicissitudes, antiquity, and mystery are where the inheritance lies for thousands of years.

All the buildings there are all made of gray and white stones.On the stone, the light flowers flow, and the immortal power surges.

The southernmost part of the complex is a fairy mountain.The mountains are steep and dense with fog.Under the starry night, faint astigmatism.The peak goes straight to the clouds, and then hides between the sky.

That mountain is called Qingcheng.That is Tianzhou Mu's family, the original mountain gate, and it is also where the Tianzhou Mu's family's luck lies.

The void is faint, but there are four floating characters of immortal power.The silver hook and iron painting, with vigorous brushwork, is like a fairy brush penetrating through the starry night, full of immortality through the ages.

The light of the stars seems to be dimmed before those four words.

Tianmu House!

These four words are enough to shock Tianzhou and disdain the Three Realms.

Tianmu's House, Tianzhou Mu's House.

That is the largest fairy family in the entire Tianbei region, and it is the existence of Megatron.On Tianzhou, almost no one can tell how many thousands of years the Mu family has been passed down.

However, everyone is used to the existence of Tianzhou Mu's family.The Tianzhou Mu family almost dominates everything north of the Tianmu Grassland in the entire Tianbei region.

If monks are gods in the eyes of mortals, then the Mu family is gods in the eyes of Tianbei monks.

For countless thousands of years, no one can shake it.That kind of feeling is like the existence of Ziyou City in Haihuang Shenzhou.

The mountain of Allure, the home of Tianmu.The Mu family, the king of Tianbei.

Under the starry night, in the corner of Qingcheng Mountain, there is a small hexagonal building.The small building only has two floors, but it is exquisitely carved with strange patterns.The entire stone building is faintly haloed, dreamy and blurred.

Under the eaves of the building, there is an ancient plaque with three ancient Tianzhou seal characters written on it - Tingfenglou.

The stars are shining and the night wind is blowing.The word Tingfeng is quite suitable for the occasion, and the sentiment is endless.This is an elegant place in the Mu family.

At this time, a man and a woman stood on the two-story rooftop of Tingfeng Building.

The man is tall, heroic, and dressed in brocade clothes.The woman is tall and glamorous, wearing a water blue dress.The two people, between the eyebrows, are somewhat similar, they should be a pair of brothers and sisters.

"Third brother, I heard that the descendant of Canghai has arrived in Tianzhou?" The woman in blue raised her eyebrows slightly, looking at the man in brocade and asked.

"En!" The brocade-clothed man curled his mouth and nodded with a smile. "The accurate news in the afternoon, spread across the sea, not only arrived at Tianzhou, but also entered Beichen City."

"What?" The woman in blue frowned, and a cold light flashed in her eyes, "Heir of Canghai, entered Beichen City?"

"That's right!" the man in brocade clothes said, "Now, the investigation has been clear. Outside Heiluo City, the three heavenly immortals were destroyed by Canghai and Guizun's descendants."

"How courageous!" The woman in blue looked even colder, and murderous intent flashed under her beautiful face, "Third brother, shall our Mu family let it go? You know, the green devil killed the old thirteen! Those three celestial beings are all inner sect disciples of the Mu family! He entered the city at noon, and he should have died by now."

"Hehe!" The brocade-clothed man's face remained unchanged, with a smile still on his face, "Seventh Sister, those three angels are all second souls, and there is no real death!"

"The old thirteen is a concubine, and he was demoted to the Shura world because of his crimes. Originally, the Mu family wanted him to monitor everything about Shura and search for clues to the ghost coffin. However, after tens of thousands of years, there was almost no result. The ghost coffin appeared in the world , he was not cultivated enough to be killed by the green demon. Death is not a pity!"

"But, after all, he is of the blood of the Mu family!" The woman in blue said slightly displeased, "Third Brother, how can a member of the Mu family die in vain? Father, what do you say?"

"Old Shisan, he hasn't entered the original immortal for tens of thousands of years. The Mu family doesn't need waste materials. Father, of course that's what he meant." The man in brocade clothes still smiled, "Seventh sister, I know that you and Lao Shisan have a good relationship .But, a little intolerance can lead to a big conspiracy!"

"Above Tianzhou, within the Three Realms, do my Mu family still need to endure?" The corners of the blue-clothed woman's lips curled up slightly, very cold and disdainful.

Under the stars, who are you afraid of?The sword of the Mu family comes out, destroying many!This is the thinking of many Mu family members, even the senior monks of the Mu family.

Hearing what the woman in blue said, the man in brocade clothes couldn't help shaking his head.

"Seventh Sister, who in the Three Realms doesn't need to endure? Our Mu family, although we are known as Megatron Tianbei and even the Three Realms, but no matter how powerful the Mu family is, it is not invincible."

"It has been said through the ages that the venerable is still not free, and the Mu family has never produced a venerable? Now, the door of eternal reincarnation has been completely opened. The ancient nine coffins have appeared one after another. Many ancient powers and even the venerable have awakened and returned. We How can the Mu family not act cautiously?"

"Heir of Canghai, Green Devil, which one is the good stubble? They all have many causes and effects on their bodies, and they can affect the whole body! I, the Mu family, don't want to be the first bird!"

"Proceed with caution? Don't be the first bird?" The woman in blue couldn't help but looked at the man in brocade, and sneered, "Third brother, the Mu family is listening to the wind, the Tianzhou mad dragon. Sister, I really didn't expect that such words would come from you In his mouth. Could it be that this won't affect your state of mind, Heavenly Maniac Sword?"

Mu Tingfeng smiled faintly, shook his head and said: "The sword of madness is not the sword of madness. The way of madness is the way, and the extreme should be deep and introverted. Madness lies in its heart, not in its shape. I admire Tingfeng, why not An ignorant fool?"

The woman in blue couldn't help but snorted when she heard this, and didn't take Mu Tingfeng's words seriously.Because everyone in the Mu family has different sword intents, so each of them has a bit of disdain for each other's sword intent.

"Third brother, the descendants of the sea, even though they are peerless, but they have just arrived in Tianzhou and their wings are still fledgling, why don't we destroy them in the cradle, so as to avoid future troubles."

"Destroy it in the cradle? Ha ha!" Mu Tingfeng shook his head and smiled again, "Seventh sister, those old ancestors in the family, you can think of it, don't they understand this truth?"

"Let's not talk about whether we can destroy that Canghai Amu with a background against the sky. Even if he is destroyed, our Mu family can hold the coffins of gods and demons in our hands, and we don't say whether we can control them. Get into trouble!"

"Ancient nine coffins, peerless artifacts, each has its own owner! Without the cultivation base of the venerable, without a special physique, it is impossible to control it. Even if it is in the hands, it is useless! Now, in the hands of the Eternal Yingjie, everyone can accept it. However, if it is in the hands of my Mu family, it will be different! In an instant, the balance of the three realms will be broken."

"Seventh Sister, you know how many hidden powers in the Three Realms have been staring at the Nine Coffins. Not to mention others, our ancestors on the top of the mountain of the Mu family must have the idea of ​​​​the Nine Coffins. It's just not the time!"

"Above Tianzhou, the Bai Family, Qing Family, Gui Family, Tianzhou Spirit Clan, and Wuliang Mountain Peak, which of these powers cannot stand against the Mu Family? And the three ancient schools of Canghai, Yuetu, and Xuantian, Shura Guizun, The power of Hades is not yet in it."

"The Three Realms are changing, and the nine coffins are coming out. Everything is about to move, it just depends on who can bear it to the end and have the last laugh!"

After Mu Tingfeng finished speaking a long paragraph, he sighed and looked at the starry sky.At that moment, his eyes were deep, distant and calm.

Mu Jiatian Mad Sword!Mu Tingfeng, known as Mu Qingcheng, is No. 1 in the Mu family.But, at that moment, who could see the madness in Mu Tingfeng's eyes?
The real madness must be as deep as the sea, and the world will be destroyed if it moves.

"Third Brother, Seventh Sister has been taught!" The blue-clothed woman also let out a long breath, then bowed slightly to Mu Tingfeng, and disappeared after disappearing.

Mu Tingfeng withdrew his gaze, looked at the direction in which the woman in blue disappeared, and sighed softly.

"Wuying!" Mu Tingfeng called out to the void, as if talking to himself.

But, goodbye Tingfeng Upstairs, there was a slight breeze, but there was no human figure.

"You are following Miss Seven. With her temperament, she is definitely going to trouble Cang Hai's successor. Protect him and don't let her cause serious trouble. It's good to learn a lesson about it. If so, you must be careful when dealing with Cang Hai's successor! "

Qingfeng was speechless and dissipated away.

Upstairs in Tingfeng, Mu Tingfeng was the only one looking at the sky.

In the sea of ​​stars, there seem to be thousands of mysteries.

Mu Tingfeng wanted to become a man who surpassed Mu Qingcheng.

(End of this chapter)

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