nine coffins

Chapter 907 The first inn!Shocking white phoenix!

Chapter 907 The First Inn!Shocking Hongbaifeng!
In the main city of Beichen, the starry night is silent.

This place is completely different from Xiantu City, it is not the City of Evernight Immortals.In the main city of Beicheng, there are almost no mortals, but a city of pure practitioners.

Under the star curtain, the entire main city was quiet and silent, and the night was as cool as water.There are no pedestrians on the long streets and squares.

Because, according to the rules of the Mu family, once the main city of Beichen passes Haishi, there will be a curfew.No one is allowed to travel at night without the token of the Mu family.

Don't look at the entire city as empty and silent, but I don't know how many immortals of the Mu family guarding the city in secret, their spiritual consciousness can't stop sweeping across the night sky.

If someone really violated the prohibition, he would be severely punished, or even hanged directly.

In the north of the city, Beichen Inn is a time-honored brand.

The courtyard is deep, and the house is like a forest, just like a deep palace.If it weren't for the plaque hanging high, it would be hard to imagine that this is actually an immortal inn, and it is the No. [-] inn in Tianbei.

On the long street, the spiritual energy fluctuated, but there was no sound.

At this time, in a courtyard deep in the inn, a beautiful figure in blue clothes gradually appeared.It was none other than the Seventh Miss of the Mu family who was still in the Tingfeng Building of the Mu family just now.

Sure enough, as Mu Tingfeng expected.

Although Mu Tingfeng analyzed the success and failure to him, Miss Seven still came to look for Amu.Seeing Amu, with Miss Qi's temper, she would never be reconciled.

Mu Baizun used to have a very good relationship with him.Qing Mozi's blame, she will naturally blame Amu.

And for her, finding Amu in Beichen City was as easy as pie.

This Beichen Inn was originally the background of the Mu family.

Seventh Miss came here like walking on flat ground, who would dare to stop her?

Even the three storekeepers of Beichen Inn knew that someone was coming, but when they saw that it was Miss Qi, they didn't dare to show up.

Miss Seven, she is absolutely beautiful.However, with his violent and paranoid temperament, who in Beichen City doesn't know?

If you enter the store late at night, something big will happen.If Miss Seven didn't summon her, the people at Beichen Inn would rather pretend to be completely ignorant, leaving them alone.

In fact, the moment Amu entered Beichen City.The Mu family had already received the news that Amu had entered the city.Because Black and White Wuchang entered the city a moment earlier than Amu and the others.

Impermanence of black and white naturally doesn't mind the news passed down from people in the sea, and leaked it to the Mu family in their own way.Whether they cooperate or not, they all want to bring more troubles to Amu.

In this world, there is no fisherman who does not like the fight between snipe and clam.And, ridiculously, everyone often calls themselves a fisherman.

However, regarding this point, Amu had already thought about it when he entered Beichen City.

Outside Beichen City, the appearance of black and white impermanence made Amu already figured out something.

Xiao Luo, if he can unite with the Mu family, it will definitely not rely on concealment, but on high profile.

Bai Zixiu can see clues by relying on secret techniques.Black and white are impermanent, and you can also see yourself by seeing through Shen Yan.Then, in Beichen City, the great powers of the Mu family will definitely have the ability to recognize him.

In this case, Amu simply stopped doing any meaningless cover-ups.above board!Perhaps, many things can surface faster and clues can be found.

The descendant of Canghai traveled the Three Realms, so what if he entered Beichen City?On Tianzhou, is there still no place where the descendants of the sea can stand?
Besides, if you can't enter Beichen, why suppress Tianzhou?Therefore, when entering Beichen City, Amu was dressed in Tsing Yi and regained his true appearance.

Although Shen Yan never showed her true face in front of outsiders, she also changed back to her favorite purple clothes.Liruo naturally returned to her original plain and elegant appearance.

In this way, the three of them actually felt clear-minded and quite comfortable.

This is true of many things in the world.The most rare thing is that the mind is transparent, so that everything is worry-free and fearless.

In fact, Amu and Shen Yan don't need to keep a low profile as the successors of the sea and ghosts.Behind them, there is a huge force.

After entering Beichen, Amu directly chose the No. [-] inn in Tianbei——Beichen Inn.

On the map that Bai Zixiu gave to Amu, everything was clearly marked - Beichen Inn, Mu's eyes and ears.The three shopkeepers, Xu, Deng, and Xiang, are all in the Ninth Level of Immortal Realm.

Therefore, Amu's choice of Beichen Inn was intentional.It can be said that it is the most direct way to test the Mu family's attitude, and Amu also has this capital.

In the past month, Amu has kept a low profile everywhere, but he is somewhat restrained.

Beichen Inn, the first-class guest room, is an independent courtyard with exactly three rooms.Living here requires [-] white crystals per day, and [-] copper-level spirit coins to synthesize spirit coins.

Such a price can be described as sky-high.However, to Amu, it was nothing at all.Amu directly took out three thousand white crystals.

Kill the monks of the Mu family, use the spar of the Mu family, and live in the inn of the Mu family.

At that moment, Amu suddenly felt very comfortable.

When Amu really appeared, the people at Beichen Inn naturally recognized it long ago, but they received Amu very naturally and respectfully.

The news has already spread back to Mu's old house and Qingcheng Mountain.However, the Mu family is as stable as Mount Tai.However, the Seventh Miss of the Mu family can't sit idly by.

Under the star curtain, the blue clothes scattered light, slightly murderous.

In the small courtyard, the Seventh Miss of the Mu family is outstandingly independent.There was endless coldness on her beautiful face.

Blue hunted, but she didn't move, she just had a thought.

In the entire small courtyard, there was an endless and piercing sword intent.An invisible sword energy emanated from the blue clothes.

Beichen Inn is by no means an ordinary place.There are powerful restrictions throughout the inn.In this small courtyard, there is even the blessing of a high-level original immortal.

Even so, under the sword aura, the courtyard paved with gray stones also raised traces of dust.

The three guest rooms glowed with a faint white glow.Miss Seven's sword energy caused changes in the entire courtyard.

The Mu Family's swordsmanship is the best in the Three Realms.

The seventh miss of the Mu family is the leader of the younger generation of the Mu family, otherwise she wouldn't dare to be alone, so she came to look for Amu.She thinks she will definitely win.

When the sword energy disperses, it is a challenge.

At this moment, the door of the main room in the middle of the courtyard was gently pushed open.

Dressed in Tsing Yi and smiling, Amu walked out slowly with a calm expression.At that moment, unconsciously, the atmosphere in the entire courtyard changed.

Originally, in the small courtyard, the sword intent was like a sea, and the undercurrent was turbulent.However, the moment Amu pushed the door, it seemed as if the sea of ​​swords was split into two, and he stepped out on the waves.


Boundless sword intent, surging and rewinding on both sides.In the small courtyard, there are two ten thousand year fairy pine trees with swaying branches.Thousands of pine needles, like rain falling, root into the ground.

"Huh?" Miss Mu's Seventh couldn't help raising her eyebrows.Fighting between masters is often a matter of raising hands and raising feet.

Just now, the two of them have passed a trick.Amu, he broke the sword intent of the Seventh Miss of the Mu family very casually and easily.

"Heir from the sea, the fruit is extraordinary!" Seventh Miss of the Mu family sneered.

"Who is here?" Amu looked at the Seventh Miss of the Mu family, guessing more than half of it in his heart, just wanted to confirm.

"Mu family, Mu Baifeng!" Miss Mu's Seventh spoke calmly, showing no arrogance.

"Oh?" Amu couldn't help laughing, "It really is a visitor from the Mu family. Tianzhou Mu family, the younger generation is a hero. The wild sword listens to the wind, and the bird is shocked. Are you the seventh lady of the Mu family?"

On Bai Zixiu's ancient scroll, there are special annotations and introductions to the Mu family, so Amu knew the saying "The wild sword listens to the wind, and the bird is shocked by the white phoenix".

"Not bad!" Mu Baifeng smiled coldly.

"Jiu Yang!" Amu said calmly and calmly, "I have entered Beichen City, and I am waiting for the Mu family to come. But, how can the Mu family of Tianzhou let a woman come forward?"

"Hmph!" Mu Baifeng snorted coldly, "Heir of Canghai, I don't represent the Mu family tonight, but myself!"

Mu Tingfeng's words actually fell into Mu Baifeng's heart.

"Oh?" After hearing this sentence, Amu was slightly taken aback.

"I'm asking you for justice for Mu Baizun!" Mu Baifeng said, her body didn't move, but there was already a surge of immortal power outside the blue clothes.

Three sword lights gradually formed, hanging around Mu Baifeng's side, the brilliance flowed.

"Understood! You are here to avenge the Lord of the Killing Immortal Hall, Mu Baizun!" Amu nodded with a faint smile.Qing Mozi's account is on him, it's only right and proper.

However, Amu was a little surprised that there was no one who really represented the Mu family that night.

Throwing stones to ask for directions, it seems that she shouldn't be a nun from the Mu family!
"Yuan Xian Er's Great Consummation!" Amu looked at Mu Baifeng with a very calm tone, "I'm afraid your Jinghong Sword will not be able to fulfill your wish!"

"If you lose, you will die!" Mu Baifeng said with murderous intent, and didn't say anything more.

Three sword lights flew up suddenly and went straight to Amu.

The corner of Amu's mouth curled up, and a cold look flashed across his face.

Mu family sword cultivators, everyone is different.If it is about swords, the Mu family can be called the number one in the Three Realms.

As graceful as a frightened bird, as graceful as a dragon swimming.Mu Baifeng's sword is naturally impressive.

However, what she faced was Cang Hai Amu.

How can the sword of the Mu family be against the power of the sea?

(End of this chapter)

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