nine coffins

Chapter 908 Black Vine Broken Sword, Blood Stained Blue Clothes

Chapter 908 Black Vine Broken Sword, Blood Stained Blue Clothes

Beichen Inn, an independent courtyard.Jinghong sword dance, dancing with murderous aura.

Mu Baifeng, in blue clothes, is full of murderous intent.

There was a move here, and the three shopkeepers of Beichen Inn had to come out.Otherwise, if something happens to the Seventh Miss of the Mu family, they will all have to be buried with her.

There are nine levels of immortality, and the realm is not low.However, in the battle between Amu and Mu Baifeng, the three shopkeepers of the inn still couldn't intervene.However, they first opened the most powerful protective barrier in the entire Beichen Inn.

At this time, the independent small courtyard is like a martial arts arena.Unless Amu and Mu Baifeng run away completely, at least it will not affect other existences in the inn, and at critical moments, they may be able to protect the Seventh Miss of the Mu family.

The three shopkeepers, Xu, Deng, and Xiang, were all suspended in the void outside the courtyard, with helpless expressions on their faces.

The Seventh Miss of the Mu family was fighting, so they naturally had to accompany her, just in case.At critical times, these three can risk their lives to block one.

At this time, the change in this small courtyard also aroused the awareness of some powerful people in the inn.

Those who can live in the No. [-] Inn in Beichen City are naturally not ordinary people.Now, in the entire Beichen Inn, I don't know how many immortals are paying attention to this small courtyard.

The sword intent is like the sea, with a murderous aura.

Mu Baifeng's sword is like a frightened bird, flying swiftly and sharply, appearing like a ghost.

It can be said that the entire courtyard was completely enveloped by Mu Baifeng's sword intent.At this time, even if the Heavenly Immortal Nine Layers enters, they will all be instantly killed.

Mu Baifeng's sword is extremely fierce and ruthless.

However, Amu was in the small courtyard, but he looked calm and unharmed.That endless sword light couldn't hurt him at all.And Amu hasn't really made a move yet, and has always focused on defense.

Surprised by the phoenix and the white phoenix, the two immortals of the original world have achieved great success.

A monk in this realm can be killed by Amu when he is in the realm of Xuyuan.Now, below the fifth level of Yuanxian, there is no big threat to Amu.

The Mu family's Jinghong sword is really powerful, but everything is relative.

Mu Baifeng urged the three sword lights with all her strength.The power of the original immortal surged like the sea, seemingly besieging Amu.

However, she understood that those sword qi could not get close to Amu.

The small courtyard is huge, and the sword intent surges like a vast ocean.And Amu is like a light boat, moving with the waves, and like a lonely island, standing still.

Yuan Xianyi is complete!

Mu Baifeng can clearly see Amu's realm.However, there is an inexplicable special power in Amu's body, and Amu's footwork is too weird and magical.

The descendants of the sea should not be measured by the general realm level at all.Amu's combat power is absolutely extraordinary.Mu Baifeng felt a slight shock in her heart at this moment, perhaps she shouldn't have come.

However, she is the Mu family after all, how can she retreat easily?
Goodbye, Mu Baifeng's beautiful eyes were full of evil, and suddenly the seal formula in her hand changed.The power of the original immortal is surging like the wind.At the same time, three sword lights and one long cry rushed straight to the sky.

The three shopkeepers of Beichen Inn, who were fighting outside the courtyard, looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths twitched slightly.

Because, at that moment, the enchantment in the courtyard had already shaken.Although the restriction has not been broken, they know that Miss Seven is the one who can kill her.

Will this battle ruin the Beichen Inn?Three people, somewhat worried.

Amu, but the corner of his mouth curled up.Mu Baifeng and Jinghongjian are nothing in his eyes.

In fact, he has not made a heavy hand for a long time, but has been relying on the sky fox step to walk in the sword energy.

The reasons are, one is to see the real swordsmanship of the Mu family, and the other is that he understands the power of the Mu family, and he will never let such a junior female cultivator come alone.

However, with the current situation, it seems that if Mu Baifeng is not shown some color, she will keep pestering her endlessly.

Other important figures in the Mu family probably won't show up easily.

From entering the city to the present, Amu also has some guesses about the attitude and position of the Mu family.Therefore, Amu doesn't want to waste any more time.

Mu Baifeng, the three swords soared into the sky, and instantly merged into one.Then, it fell suddenly again, like the light that destroyed the world.

At that moment, even with the protective restrictions, a white light could be seen in the entire Beichen City.

At the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, Tingfeng upstairs.

Mu Tingfeng frowned when he saw the white light from afar.He knew that it was Mu Baifeng's killer move.

Surprised Hong unites, Baihong pierces the sun.

That sword, Mu Baifeng will not use it easily.As soon as this sword is released, it can only show that Mu Baifeng has made a real move.

At the same time, Mu Tingfeng also understood that that sword either killed Amu, or Mu Baifeng was definitely Amu's defeater.

Mu Tingfeng naturally leaned towards the latter.

Although Mu Tingfeng and A Musu have never met, but judging from everything they have so far.Mu Tingfeng speculates that Amu's combat strength is definitely higher than Yuanxian's fifth level, or even higher.

Although Mu Baifeng is an outstanding monk among the younger generations of the Mu family, Jinghongjian also has a place in the Mu family, and is even known as Mu Tingfeng.

But in fact, Mu Tingfeng and Mu Baifeng are not on the same level at all.

At this time, Mu Tingfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, looked in the direction of Beichen Inn, and still did not move.Because, he has made Wuying follow Mu Baifeng.

He believes that he has no need to play.


At Beichen Inn, the sword light fell straight down.

At this time, Amu really made a move.When he raised his hand, there was a black awn.Canghai Town Dragon Whip roared up.

This ancient heavenly treasure is also the inheritance of Canghai Xianzun back then.

Now, Amu is promoted to Yuanxian.Canghai town dragon whip, the power exerted in its hands has long been different from what it used to be.It can be said that the power is doubled.

The dragon's roar shook the sky, and he went straight to meet the sword light.


Rushing vigorously, the entire small courtyard of the inn was shaken.

click - click -

The two thousands of ancient trees in the courtyard were broken in response to the aftermath of the celestial power.

Thousands of branches are directly turned into powder, accompanied by green smoke.You must know that it is definitely not an ancient pine, but a ten-thousand-year fairy pine, and its value is definitely not less than hundreds of thousands of spiritual coins.

However, at this moment, he has already become a victim.

Outside the forbidden barrier, the three shopkeepers couldn't help feeling a burst of heartache.However, at this time, I can't scruple too much.

Goodbye, two magic weapons collide.

The mysterious light exploded like falling stars, and the barrier in the small courtyard suddenly trembled and shook endlessly.The three shopkeepers hurriedly made moves, each cast their spells, and then instantly stabilized the barrier.

However, in the void of the small courtyard, two streaks of light faded away.

"Huh?" Mu Baifeng's body trembled, Liu Mei raised her eyebrows.

Because, Amu's Canghai Town Dragon Whip suddenly split her fairy sword into two pieces.Jinghong Sword is Mu Baifeng's sword intent, not the name of the sword.

However, the combination of Mu Baifeng's three swords is also an ancient heavenly treasure.

It never occurred to me that if Amu didn't make a move.As soon as he made a move, he actually destroyed his usual sword.

"Too much deceit!" Mu Baifeng's eyes suddenly showed murderous intent.

The Mu family naturally has no shortage of fairy swords, but how can they swallow this breath?

Between Mu Baifeng's eyebrows, a blue light suddenly flew out.It's still the Sword Intent to Shock Hong, but it's even better than before.That sword, like a blue lightning, went straight to Amu.

Thousands of murderous intentions merged into one place.

At the same time, Mu Baifeng changed the seal formula in his hand, and directly sacrificed a fairy talisman.

That immortal talisman is the Mu Family Heavenly Sword Talisman.

Once this talisman is released, it is like thousands of fairy swords falling together.The indiscriminate attack is extremely powerful.Almost, any monk below the fifth level of the original immortal can be killed.

If you talk about talent just now, remember what Mu Tingfeng said, there is still some room for Mu Baifeng to make a move.

However, at this moment, Mu Baifeng shot out in anger, and really wanted to kill him.The Heavenly Sword Talisman is her means of saving her life.

"I don't know how to live or die!" Amu frowned, feeling cold in his heart.

This Mu Baifeng is really an annoying woman.

With a thought in Amu's mind, the Dragon Whip of Canghai Town spun around and ran towards the blue sword light.

And the thousands of sword lights falling from the fairy talisman above his head were directly ignored by Amu.Because, at that moment, Amu's eyebrows naturally radiated a slight red glow.

In an instant, the red light scattered over the top of Amu's head like a canopy.

Pupu - Chichi -

The light of the sword is like rain, but it seems to penetrate into the world of mortals, rolling up wisps of hazy smoke.

"Huh?" Mu Baifeng's complexion changed, and he thought to himself, "What kind of spell is that?"

She has never seen that any monk can break his own Heavenly Sword Immortal Talisman so easily.It is a consensus that the Heavenly Sword Immortal Talisman can destroy the fifth level of the original immortal.

However, this time it failed.Moreover, the failure was extremely complete.

"Changhai monster!" Mu Baifeng cursed in his heart.


Then, her blue light fairy sword was whipped away by Amu's Canghai Town Dragon Whip.The black glow remained undiminished, and directly swept towards Mu Baifeng.

The power of the sea, the whip of the sea.

At that moment, Mu Baifeng's complexion was slightly pale, and he could only retreat as much as possible.She knew that she was definitely not Canghai Amu's opponent.However, it was too late.

She will never understand.

Why, Yuan Xianyi's perfect Amu is much stronger than her combat power.

Mu Baifeng's speed is definitely not slow, but it has to be compared with something.

Everything is in the blink of an eye.


The light of the black cane directly hit Mu Baifeng's left shoulder.

In an instant, the blue clothes were stained with blood!
(End of this chapter)

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