nine coffins

Chapter 909

Chapter 909

Shocking the phoenix, the blood stained the blue clothes.

Mu Baifeng is not Amu's opponent at all.

The black cane was like a dragon and like electricity, directly crushing Mu Baifeng's left shoulder blade.For a moment, the blood seeped through the blue skirt, and it was instantly bright red.

In fact, such an injury is not too serious for a monk of the original immortal level.The original immortal monk, as long as the immortal heart is not damaged, giving time is completely physical rebirth.

But when did Mu Baifeng suffer such harm?What's more, there is a strange power attached to the dragon whip of Canghai Town.

That is the power of all things in the sea, Mu Baifeng couldn't help but slightly stagnate.It's not imprisonment, but it's better than imprisonment.Among masters, victory or defeat is an instant.

At this moment, Amu has already come close.Canghai Zhen's dragon whip was in his hand, and he pointed directly at the center of Mu Baifeng's eyebrows.

This is Amu's common move when killing people.This move is an absolute killing move.

If the black cane pierces through the center of Mu Baifeng's eyebrows, it will definitely make her lose her soul.I don't know, which soul is Mu Baifeng in Tianzhou.

However, even if the first soul was destroyed, the price would be too great.

Amu's eyes were slightly cold, and he didn't intend to retreat at all.

Black lightning pierced straight between the eyebrows.

Mu Baifeng's face paled.However, at that moment, she couldn't mobilize half of her immortal power.Everything about her was suppressed by the power of the sea.She was a little regretful, a little unwilling.

How can the descendants of the sea possess such powerful power?That shouldn't be the existence of Yuan Xianyi's great consummation at all.

There was murderous intent in Amu's eyes.

It seems that if no one came to rescue Mu Baifeng, then Amu would not mind killing the leader of the Mu family's junior at all.

However, Beichen City can be regarded as the domain of the Mu family, so how could such a thing happen?
At this time, the expressions of the three shopkeepers of Beichen Inn had already changed drastically.

The three of them have already sealed.What they can mobilize is the power of the enchantment formation in the Beichen Inn.With those, they might be able to block Amu's Canghai Town Dragon Whip.

Therefore, the three of them rushed towards Mu Baifeng together.

At this time, even knowing that it was a moth to the flame, he had no hesitation.Because, the soul of the Seventh Miss of the Mu family is more noble than their three souls.

There are three heavenly immortals with nine levels, and three figures are like lightning.

Even in Tianzhou, these three shopkeepers are definitely considered master level.However, today they have fully realized their own realm, and they are still far behind if they are masters.

In fact, they were ready to be scattered by the dragon whip of Canghai Town.They exchanged one of their souls for Mu Baifeng's, because they were all worth it.

The three angels are tragic and calm.Seeing death as home, righteousness is awe-inspiring!

However, the moment they rushed into the small courtyard, they were directly fixed in mid-air.

Amu's body was surrounded by black mounts, exuding an extremely powerful force of restraint.The three shopkeepers of the Beichen Inn were completely imprisoned and could not move an inch.

At that moment, the three shopkeepers looked at each other, with panic and despair in their eyes.

You know, this is the courtyard of Beichen Inn.

The three shopkeepers can all borrow the power of barrier confinement.Theoretically, even if Amu is the original immortal, it is impossible to imprison them so casually.

However, in fact, they were imprisoned by Amu, and they were imprisoned indifferently.They were not in Amu's eyes at all.

What kind of power is that black awn?That doesn't make sense at all.

In fact, they still don't understand that Amu's existence is to break all theories and rules.The many constraints of the Three Realms cannot be applied to Amu.

Mu Baifeng was about to die.

But at the very moment, a wave of spiritual energy fluctuated in the void, but it disappeared without a trace.Surprise flashed across Amu's murderous eyes.

monk?Original Immortal Fifth Level Realm!

However, that was just Amu's instinctive judgment.Because there is no trace in the void.

However, when the breeze came slowly, it carried an incomparably majestic force.That power was directly in front of Mu Baifeng.


The black rattan sticks directly on it.It was like an invisible barrier wall.

Amu's wrist was so powerful that he couldn't help but move in his heart.

That force, surging like the sea, even followed the black vines and directly hit Amu's pill sea.

"What a powerful and vicious move!" Amu frowned, "The Mu family!"

At the same time, Mu Baifeng's body was directly swept up by a gust of wind, and she retreated sharply, as if trying to escape.

However, how could Amu let them go like this?

Inside the Danhai, the devil's coffin floated up, emitting a black awn in an instant.


That kind of sound, no one else can feel it.However, the dark energy attacking Amudanhai was scattered by one blow.

"Who is here? Don't go!" Amu sneered.Then, with one wave of Amu's hand, a seven-color forbidden map was played out.

The brilliance flows, revealing the void.

Under the seven-color light, Mu Baifeng's flying body froze for an instant.At the same time, a phantom appeared in front of her.

That phantom was vaguely present, extremely ethereal.

"Wuying!" Mu Baifeng cheered up.Because that Wuying is the personal bodyguard of her third brother Mu Qingcheng, who is unpredictable and has a high cultivation base.

Listen to the wind without a shadow, accompany you day and night.It is said that it is the shadow guard given to Mu Tingfeng by Mu Qingcheng, the ancestor of the Mu family.

Mu Wuying, the cultivation method is extremely special.Day and night, like an invisible person, even the Mu family has hardly seen his true face.

However, he almost never left Mu Tingfeng's side.

"Third brother, here we come!" This was Mu Baifeng's thought in an instant, and his confidence suddenly increased.

The successor of the sea is extremely powerful.However, Mu Baifeng believes that Amu is definitely not the opponent of Mu Tingfeng, the No. 1 Mu family after Mu Qingcheng.

However, at this time, Mu Wuying has already shown his form under Amu's forbidden map.Although not very clear, it was enough for Amu to see clearly.

"Shadow Guard? Yuanxian Wuzhong! What a powerful skill!" Amu's mouth curved.

The Mu Family Shadow Guard mentioned something on the ancient axis map that Bai Zixiu gave Amu.However, the record is quite brief, only saying that it is a secret technique inherited from the Mu family in ancient times.

That is the top secret of the Mu family.

The shadow guards of the Mu family can almost completely hide their aura and cultivation in front of monks who are several levels higher than themselves, killing people invisible.

However, it is extremely difficult to cultivate the body of a shadow guard.It is said that only those who are talented and capable of loneliness can succeed.

Therefore, there are not many shadow guards in the entire Mu family.Mu Baifeng was actually protected by shadow guards.This is what Amu didn't expect.

However, when the shadow guard appeared under the forbidden map, Amu was naturally not afraid.

Goodbye, Amu waved his hand.A ray of green light went straight to the shadow of nothingness.

Vientiane Art!

That green glow is the essence of everything in the ocean.

A green glow, thousands of immortal powers.

The Canghai Vientiane Jue is originally the highest profound meaning left by the Canghai Immortal.No matter what opportunity the disciples of Canghai had, they all took it as the root of their practice.

Even if it is Mo Lang, who is brilliant and gorgeous, and practiced the forbidden technique of immortals and demons, but he had to practice the vicissitudes of life first.

The Three Realms are like seas!All the truth, all in the meantime.

The myriad phenomena in the sea can integrate thousands of spells and many immortal powers from the Three Realms to make them into one body for your own use.

And Amu is a peerless figure in the sea.

That green glow seemed random, but it combined the power of the gods and demons, which was absolutely extraordinary.

The shadow guards of the Mu family are naturally not bad.

Mu Wuying's body is empty, like a soul.If it weren't for Amu's forbidden map, he wouldn't even show this body of nothingness.

In the Mu family's ancient house, there are only a handful of people who can see him.

Just now, he smashed Amu's Danhai with a strong force, in fact, he wanted Amu to retreat in the face of difficulties.Because, Mu Tingfeng had an order to be careful.

Yuan Xianyi achieved great success, even though his combat power was extraordinary, Wu Ying did not think that Amu could beat him.

However, Cang Hai's successor broke his technique without making a sound.Then, as soon as the forbidden map came out, the green glow struck.

That green glow was so special that it seemed to have endless sticky force entwining him.That is not the power that a monk at the first level of Yuanxian should have.

However, as the shadow guard of the Mu family, he naturally has some real skills.

Mu Wuying is silent.The phantom body flashed for an instant, as if vaporized, and suddenly removed Amu's sea power.

Turn reality into fiction.

In the night, the fog was hazy, and the figure of the shadow guard disappeared again.However, in the mist, a sword light suddenly flew out.

In fact, that can't be called a sword light at all, because it is invisible and invisible.It's just that Amu Mo's eyes flickered, and he could see it under the forbidden map.

At this time, a cold light appeared in Amu's eyes, and the Dragon Whip of Canghai Town swirled again.Suddenly, it drew towards the sword light and mist.

However, at this moment, at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, the figure on Tingfeng Building disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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