nine coffins

Chapter 910 The lore blood sword, the coffin moves Beichen

Chapter 910 The lore blood sword, the coffin moves Beichen
The shadow guard of the Mu family, the fifth level of the original immortal.Invisible without trace, unpredictable.Ordinary monks, even if they are one or two levels higher, may not be their opponents.

It's a pity that Mu Wuying's opponent tonight is the descendant of Canghai.

Not only is Amu carrying the double coffin of gods and demons, but also his spiritual consciousness and eyesight are very different from ordinary people.With the cooperation of the Forbidden Picture Technique, it is completely possible to capture the shadow guard's aura and even his figure.

The black cane flew out in a whirl, rolling up with endless force.


In the meantime, there are soaring dragon roars.The entire Beichen Inn seemed to be shaking.

"Yeah!" There was a surprised voice in the void.

Mu Wuying is Mu Tingfeng's bodyguard handpicked by Mu Qingcheng.With a good cultivation base, even among the monks of the Mu family, he is the best, otherwise how can he be qualified to be by Mu Tingfeng's side?

Tingfeng Wuying is famous all over the world.

For Mu Wuying, it has been many years since he met a real opponent.Under Mu Jiawei's name, he has no chance to make a move.

On Tianzhou, it is very rare to see his existence.

The successor of the sea has a great reputation.

However, Mu Wuying did not expect that the other party could see through her whereabouts so easily.


The black rattan collided with Mu Wuying's invisible sword light.The fairy waves are like waves, spreading outward.


Dust and smoke are everywhere, and gravel is flying around.

Just now, the three shopkeepers used the power of the barrier to try to stop Amu.That has already made the enchantment in this small courtyard unstable, how can it withstand Yuan Xian's strength at this time?
The small courtyard of the Beichen Inn completely exploded.

And the most unlucky ones were the three shopkeepers of the inn, they were locked in the void by Amu just now.At this moment, Xianli rolled over, and they couldn't dodge in time.

The three of them were directly blown away.

Fortunately, that Xianlang also released their restraint at the same time, otherwise he would be seriously injured.

In the void, the three shopkeepers formed their seals and finally stabilized their figures.At the same time, each sacrificed three fairy talismans, a total of nine auras.

That was the fairy talisman that stabilized Beichen Inn's defense.Goodbye, the entire Beichen Inn was illuminated in an instant.

Many restrictions, all open.

At that moment, in the entire main city of Beichen, one could see the radiance of the Beichen Inn soaring into the sky.

However, in the main city of Beichen, the curfew is extremely strict.Except for the people who lived in Beichen Inn, although there were many people who had sensed everything, absolutely no one dared to come and watch from other places.

However, the immortal monks living inside the Beichen Inn were already hanging above the house and in mid-air.There are hundreds of people in the dark.

Among them, the lowest level is the third or fourth level of the Celestial Immortal, and the highest level is the third or fourth level of the Original Immortal, and it may even be higher.

Most people, in fact, just now have perceived the great battle here.It's just that now, the small courtyard exploded and it was completely made public.

"The Mu family?" Naturally, there are many knowledgeable people in the inn, "But who is that monk in Tsing Yi?"

"In Beichen City, someone actually dares to fight with the Seventh Miss of the Mu family? This is a life-threatening situation—"

"Yuan Xianyi achieved great success, but his combat power is outstanding! What a powerful man in Tsing Yi!"

"That seems to be the shadow guard of the Mu Family—"

"That man in Tsing Yi, could it be—"

"What? Sea Desolate Cultivator?"

"Heirs of the Great Sea—"


The immortals in the inn were talking about it, and there was an uproar.Those monks all had different complexions, but they all had endless surprises.

Tianzhou Mujia, Canghai Chuanren, no matter what the word is, it is enough to touch people's sensitive nerves.Because, any party can disturb Tianzhou, or even the entire Three Realms.

What's more, now that the Sea Desolation and Shura are changing, the Three Realms are in turmoil.The Mu family took over Tianbei Mining, and all kinds of rumors filled the sky.

At this time, how can a big battle not make people dream about it?
It was originally a secret that the descendants of Canghai came to Beichen.Beichen Inn and Mu's House did not publicize it, and Amu kept a relatively low profile.

However, now the news has grown wings.Tomorrow, when the two rounds of daylight rise, I am afraid it will spread throughout the six cities of Beichen.

Beichen's three shopkeepers shook their heads and smiled wryly.

At this moment, it was already impossible for them to stop the spread of the news, and they only hoped that important figures from the Mu family would come out to clean up the mess.Everything tonight may exceed the expectations of the Mu family.

Although the Mu Family Shadow Guard is powerful, he is completely trapped by the Canghai Heir at this moment, and cannot escape at all.

The three shopkeepers want to turn around and make some other plans.

However, as soon as they thought about it, suddenly, a purple-clothed ghost-faced woman stood not far in front of them like a ghost.Behind him is a nun in plain clothes.

"Three shopkeepers, stay and watch the battle!" The purple-clothed woman's voice was light, but she had Tianwei.

"Huh?" The faces of the three shopkeepers darkened.

"I've met the heirs of the ghost master!" The three shopkeepers, Xu, Deng, and Xiang, were businessmen after all.The ability to adapt to the wind is of course a compulsory homework.

The supporters behind the entire Beichen Inn are naturally the Mu family.However, none of the three shopkeepers wanted to offend others too much, especially at this time.

Shen Yan, the heir of Guizun, the three shopkeepers naturally knew about it.Although, at this moment, Shen Yan was being polite, but they knew that the three of them could be wiped out by the ghost master's successor in an instant.

Moreover, it is said that behind Shen Yan is the ghost family of Tianzhou.

Shen Yan didn't say anything more, she and Li Ruo haven't been out yet.Because, there is no need.

At this time, the small courtyard exploded, and they had no choice but to go out and stand in the air to watch the battle.

Goodbye, Amu wanders in the void, steps on the fairy steps of the sky fox, and wins the fairy lightly.

The most powerful thing about the Mu Family Shadow Guard is not only his cultivation, but also his erratic movement and hidden aura.However, these two points are meaningless to Amu.

The black rattan, dancing like a dragon, completely sealed the shadow guard.

The shadow guard's realm is above Amu, but he wants to protect Mu Baifeng, and it is impossible for him to use his realm to suppress Amu.

Wandering in the void, after a few rounds, the shadow guard's anger gradually rose.Mu Tingfeng has orders, pay attention to propriety.However, at this moment, he was completely suppressed by the opponent, so how can we talk about propriety?
For thousands of years, there has never been such a battle.

Becoming the shadow guard of the Mu family, it seemed that this was the first time Mu Wuying was suppressed in this way.

His heart is unwilling, and his anger can be seen.

Mu Wuying sneered secretly.

"Heir of Canghai, if you have the ability, you can take my sword. If you don't have the ability, even if you die, I am not afraid to explain to the third son."

In an instant, a vortex suddenly rose in the void.

Amu narrowed his eyes, because he saw endless blood rising from the vortex.

There are many murderous intentions, and amidst the blood, there is actually a sword of lore.The sword light was like blood, like a pillar.

"Blood Sword! The Mu Clan's blood-killing sword!" The expressions of the three shopkeepers changed.

Those Almighty Immortals who watched the battle were also tense.

The blood sword of the Mu family has not been seen in Tianzhou for many years.

Because, the Mu family has tens of thousands of sword skills, but there are several kinds of sword skills that are well-known.

For example, in the Asura Realm, the sword of King Mu that once blocked the ancestor of Shura in the sky of Ziyou City, the sword of King Mu, the sword of Qingcheng known as the pinnacle of the Mu family, the sword of madness of Mu Tingfeng, and so on.

Among them, the blood-killing sword known as the number one killing sword of the Mu family.

According to legend, that sword technique was passed down by an ancestor of the Mu family in ancient times.The sword of blood killing must be blood-stained when the sword is drawn, otherwise it will bite the master himself.

That was an extremely domineering and ruthless sword technique.Someone once said that the blood sword of the Mu family will not be returned if it is not dead.

Mu Wuying, when he sacrificed this sword, he actually had murderous intentions.

At the same time, Amu's heart was also cold.

If you don't have the heart to kill me, I won't kill you.If you have the heart to kill me, how can I keep you alive?
Mu Baifeng, the jewel in the palm of the Mu family, A Mushang let her see blood, and even wanted to take her life, let alone a shadow guard?
The sword of blood killing rose up high, pierced the void, and then fell suddenly, like a heavenly sword, falling from the pool of blood.

Original Immortal Fifth Level Realm!
If this sword is aimed at the ordinary Yuanxian with a major perfection, or even a third or fourth level, he will undoubtedly die.

At this moment, even Amu dare not take it lightly.

With a thought, Dan Hai was shocked.


Eternal magic coffin, go directly to the sea.This is the first time that the magic coffin has been used to fight since Amu was promoted to Yuanxian.

Also, after tens of thousands of years, the magic coffin appeared for the first time in Tianzhou Boundless Realm.

At that moment, the entire Beichen Inn exploded instantly.Those Tianzhou powers completely changed their expressions and exclaimed.

"The coffin!—"

"Eternal Demon Coffin—"

Tianzhou is immeasurable, the eternal holy land, but the deterrent power of the magic coffin to them is almost the same as that of Haihuang and Shura.

One of the nine coffins can control the Three Realms.Tianzhou is immeasurable, free in it.

The creatures of the three realms all crawled under the coffins.That is, the supreme existence of the Three Realms.

Just hearing the name and seeing the real face are completely different feelings.

At that moment, the entire Beichen Inn, even Beichenchen went from exclaiming to being silent.

Originally, Amu didn't want to use the magic coffin.However, the Seventh Miss of the Mu family and the shadow guards of the Mu family made killing moves one after another.If you don't return the color, I am afraid it will be difficult to deter many.

At that moment, the devil's coffin went out to sea, shocking everyone.

Covered by green light, black mist hovered around.

At that moment, the sea passed on, and the coffin moved Beichen.

(End of this chapter)

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