nine coffins

Chapter 913 The Alluring Sword God, But He Doesn't Dare to Unleash His Sword at the Green Demon

Chapter 913 The Alluring Sword God, But He Doesn't Dare to Unleash His Sword at the Green Demon!
In the south of Beichen City, the mountain of Qingcheng.

In the cave on the top of the mountain, a long-haired middle-aged monk sat cross-legged.Immortal demeanor, alluring peerless.That middle-aged male cultivator, sitting there cross-legged, is a peerless sword that can be unsheathed at any time.

The sharp edge is unspeakable.

Everything that happened in the Beichen Inn was reflected in his eyes one by one, clearly and without any omission.

"Heirs from the sea, the devil's coffin covers the sky!"

The middle-aged monk sighed for a long time, seeming to have thousands of emotions, and then slowly looked away.Mu Tingfeng handled everything very well, and everything in Beichen Inn was over.

The middle-aged monk wanted to close his eyes.However, suddenly he frowned, and then moved out of the cave in an instant.At that speed, it seems that no one has ever appeared in this cave.

Outside the cave, the stars are shining brightly, and the clouds travel among them.

Standing on the top of Qingcheng Mountain, you can not only look down on the entire Beichen Six Cities, but even the area tens of thousands of miles north of the sky.

Qingcheng Xianshan can be called the first mountain in the north of the sky.But the name of Qingcheng is not the real name of the mountain, but the name of the people.

Tianzhou Boundless Realm, I don't know how many thousands of years ago, Mu Jiamu Qingcheng was born out of nowhere, talented and stunning.

The sword god of the Mu family, known as the No. 1 swordsmanship of the Three Realms.

Immortals and demons are destroyed, Buddha Nirvana is destroyed!All the venerables of all ages are long gone.

In this era, tens of thousands of years go up and endless cycles go down.Therefore, it was once predicted that Mu Qingcheng might be able to embark on the road of the venerable after all the venerables.

In fact, until now, Mu Qingcheng has been chasing the Venerable.And for thousands of years, there is only one person who has the qualifications and ability to stand on top of Qingcheng, and that is the sword god Mu Qingcheng.

However, this night, a monk in blue stood on the top of Qingcheng Mountain with his hands behind his back, looking down at the mountains and rivers.

His expression was calm and calm.

When Mu Qingcheng moved out of the cave in an instant and saw the monk in blue.His first feeling was that this Qingcheng Mountain no longer belonged to him.

The man in Tsing Yi was too calm and confident.

The clouds are calm and the wind is light, speechless and speechless.

This Qingcheng Mountain seems to belong to him.This piece of world was originally his.Not the slightest discomfort, not the slightest dissonance.

It seemed that for tens of thousands of years, he had been standing here instead of an uninvited guest who broke in suddenly.

Instead, Mu Qingcheng became a guest.

Anti-customer main!

The monk in blue stood there calmly, but seemed to be in charge of everything.That is a kind of power that co-exists with heaven and earth.

How many people can there be within the Three Realms?
Mu Qingcheng, full of bearing, considered herself proud of the Three Realms in the post-Honor era.However, in front of that man, Mu Qingcheng couldn't show any pride.

Because, that man in Tsing Yi is named Qing Mozi.

The clouds are calm and the wind is light, the green devil in Tsing Yi!

"Mu Qingcheng?" At this moment, Qing Mozi in Tsing Yi looked at Mu Qingcheng with a half-smile.

Mu Qingcheng nodded, and said slowly: "Qing Mozi?"

Qing Mozi also nodded and smiled faintly.

Mu Qingcheng seemed a little hesitant, hesitated for a while, and then bowed deeply to Qing Mozi.

"Mu Qingcheng, I've met Senior Green Demon!"

The top of Qingcheng mountain, the holy land of Tianzhou.The sea of ​​stars is endless, and the void is brilliant.

Mu Qingcheng, the sword god of Tianzhou, actually bowed sincerely to Qing Mozi.

If such a scene was seen by any powerful monk from Haihuang, Shura, or Tianzhou, it would be enough to shock him.

Above Tianzhou, Mu Qingcheng is already a legend.There are only a handful of monks who have seen Mu Qingcheng's back.Even, no one can say exactly what state Mu Qingcheng is in today.

However, it is such a person who is the most outstanding person in the Tianzhou Continent, but at the top of the city, he bows to the Green Devil.

Moreover, the gift giver is sincere and the recipient responds calmly.Such a bow is enough to explain and solve many problems.

Needless to say, Mu Qingcheng's vision.Of course he had his own good reasons for saluting the Green Devil.

Mu Qingcheng understood that the green devil in front of him was worthy of a deep salute from him no matter what angle he looked at.

After a salute, Mu Qingcheng stood up straight, looked at Zi Qingmo and said, "Senior Qing Mo came late at night, I must have some advice!"

Qing Mozi smiled faintly and looked at Mu Qingcheng.At that moment, a ripple could not help but flash across his deep and bottomless eyes.

Because, I have to say, Mu Qingcheng is indeed a peerless genius who is rare in thousands of years.The number one swordsmanship in the Three Realms, the name of the sword god is definitely not for nothing.

"I've been away from Tianzhou for a long time, just go for a walk! The home of Tianmu, the beauty of the city and mountains, is the best in the north of the sky." Qing Mozi said very calmly.

However, Mu Qingcheng could hear endless vicissitudes and a different meaning from those simple words.

Then, Mu Qingcheng smiled and glanced in the direction of Beichen Inn.

"Senior, don't worry, even if senior doesn't come to Beichen City, the Mu family won't pass on Canghai to others. Senior must have seen everything in the inn."

Qing Mozi nodded meaningfully, and then said: "In the Asura Realm, there is a monk from the Mu family who killed a lot of people. I cleared the door for the Mu family!"

"Mu Baizun, the aptitude is mediocre. He has been cultivating the sword of killing, but he has been unable to break through! It is not the right way to cultivate the sword by killing. Senior kills it, so as to save the Mu family from a burden." Mu Qingcheng said lightly.

"Are you the bloodline of King Mu?" Qing Mozi nodded again, then fixed his eyes on Mu Qingcheng.

After hearing what Qing Mozi said, Mu Qingcheng couldn't help but tremble.

Because the word "Mu Wang" is too far away, even in the Mu family it is a taboo.

King Mu of Tianzhou, the once infinite king.However, tens of thousands of years ago, it fell in the ancient war.

It can be said that everything about the Mu family today originated from the foundation laid by King Mu back then.Without King Mu, there would be no Mu family in Tianzhou today.

It seems that the sea is in the same vein as the ancient waters of the sea, and the green soul is in the paradise.However, King Mu's life was too legendary, with mixed reputations.

Finally, King Mu's death is also a mystery.The Mu family didn't know that he died at the hands of that venerable.Therefore, the Mu family rarely mentioned him.

"I will fulfill the long-cherished wish that King Mu has not fulfilled!" Mu Qingcheng looked up at the sea of ​​stars.For the first time, a decisive and sharp light flashed in his eyes.

That is, the real Mu Qingcheng.

"Prince Mu, I used to be as amazing as you. However, the road to becoming a lord is so long, even hopeless!" Qing Mozi shook his head, speaking earnestly.

"Life is not respected, death is not reconciled!" Mu Qingcheng only said eight words.

"Hahaha!" After hearing Mu Qingcheng's words, Qing Mozi couldn't help laughing, "Mu Qingcheng, these eight words seem to be the words of King Mu back then!"

"That's right!" Mu Qingcheng nodded, "The king of the Mu family is the god in Qingcheng's heart."

"However, King Mu pursued him so hard, but he failed to become a venerable, so he fell!" Qing Mozi's tone was not contemptuous, but rather sighing.

"That's why I want to fulfill his unfulfilled wish!" Mu Qingcheng said, "For thousands of years, the Mu family should produce a venerable!"

"Mu Qingcheng, I hope you can achieve your wish!" Qing Mozi smiled lightly, "But, don't follow Mu Wang's old path!"

"The body of the venerable is the lifelong wish of my generation of monks." Mu Qingcheng said firmly, "It is said that all dharmas lead to the venerable, and all roads lead to the same goal. In fact, King Mu's road may not be unreasonable, but it is not broken. Thousands of obstacles. Qingcheng, I just hope that when the opportunity is ripe, seniors will not block Qingcheng!"

"Thousands of obstacles, the way of King Mu?" Qing Mozi curled his mouth and gave a wry smile, but he was noncommittal.

"Mu Qingcheng, no matter what method you practice, I hope your path will not go against my will! Otherwise—"

Qing Mozi didn't say the whole thing, but his meaning was clear.Immediately, the body of the green devil gradually faded until it disappeared.

It's just that sentence "Mu Qingcheng, no matter what method you cultivate, I hope your path will not go against my heart" seems to be on the top of Qingcheng Mountain, and I can't go around.

Looking around, in the entire Three Realms, how many people dare to talk to Mu Qingcheng like this?However, Qing Mozi spoke naturally and casually.

Tianmu's House, on the top of Qingcheng Mountain, in front of the Sword God.

The green devil, however, comes and goes freely, unstoppable.

Mu Qingcheng looked at the place where the green devil disappeared, his eyes were slightly cold, and his cheeks were tense.Its slender fingers opened, held empty, and opened again.

The sword of Allure can destroy the eternal world!
However, Mu Qingcheng would never dare to throw his sword at Qing Mozi.

King Mu left a lot of legends, no, it should be a lot of old things.In the entire Mu family, only Mu Qingcheng knew some of the past.

Outside Qingcheng Mountain, dressed in Tsing Yi, Ling Ran surpassed the immortal.

That night, an unknown number of cultivators from the Mu family saw a cultivator in green walking casually past the Tianmu House in the starry mist of the void.

The clouds are calm and the wind is light, and it is invincible.

(End of this chapter)

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