nine coffins

Chapter 914 Mu Wang's Notes!The light of blue and white has helped the sea to be invincible!

Chapter 914 Mu Wang's Notes!The light of blue and white has helped the sea to be invincible!

Beichen Xinghai, a blue light.

After returning from the inn, Mu Tingfeng looked up at the void, frowning.Because, he saw with his own eyes, that blue light came down from the top of Qingcheng Mountain.

"Seventh Sister, you should go back and rest first! Within three days, think about your mistakes behind closed doors. If there is any punishment for the elders in the clan, I will block it for you. In the future, you must not be as reckless as you are today!"

Mu Baifeng looked at Mu Tingfeng, and wanted to say something, but stopped talking.

"Thank you third brother!" With a flash of blue shadow, Mu Baifeng disappeared into the layers of ancient houses.

Seeing Mu Baifeng go away, Mu Tingfeng couldn't help but sighed softly, then moved his body and went straight to his own Tingfeng Tower.Behind Mu Tingfeng, there was an almost invisible whirlwind.

At the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, Tingfeng Xiaolou.This is the entire Mu family's ancient house, the closest existence to Qingcheng Mountain.Mu Tingfeng's status in the Mu family can be seen.

The Tingfeng Xiaolou was hand-picked and built by Mu Qingcheng back then.

At this time, on Qingcheng Mountain, a divine thought came out.Mu Tingfeng was taken aback for a moment, and immediately flew up.

On the mountainside of Qingcheng, there is a platform and two ancient pines.

Mu Qingcheng stood with his hands behind his back in his clothes.

"Tingfeng, bow to the ancestor!" Mu Tingfeng floated down on the platform, then knelt down on his knees, and kowtowed respectfully.

Mu Qingcheng is the jade pillar of the entire Mu family, with unparalleled prestige and status.

Mu Qingcheng looked at Mu Tingfeng and smiled faintly, then lightly waved his sleeves, and directly helped Mu Tingfeng up with a strong force.

"The matter in Beichen Inn has been handled well!"

"The Holy Ancestor praised you! Tingfeng, just follow the wishes of the Holy Ancestor!" Mu Tingfeng said respectfully.

Mu Qingcheng nodded slightly with a smile, Mu Tingfeng is the most important child of the Mu family.Realm, ability, and temperament are almost impeccable.

"The descendant of Canghai is definitely not ordinary. When he entered Beichen City, let alone Baifeng was unwilling to hear it, I think it was you who actually wanted to compete with him, right?"

"That's right! Tingfeng did have such thoughts at the time." Mu Tingfeng didn't hide anything, and nodded honestly.In fact, without Mu Qingcheng's instructions, Mu Tingfeng really wanted to go to Amu directly.

"Baifeng throws stones to ask for directions, and the shadow guard takes action. In this way, if you reappear, you can advance and retreat freely. Yuansheng, you come forward by yourself, and you can't turn back!" Mu Qingcheng looked at Mu Tingfeng with deep meaning, "Tingfeng, you passed indirectly One trick. Looking at it now, if you are facing the heirs of the sea, how will you win or lose?"

Mu Tingfeng frowned and thought about it.In the inn, although he broke Amu's magic coffin with a single sword, it seemed easy, but it was not easy.

The Mu family is relatively familiar with Amu's many methods.Of course, the magic coffin is not the ultimate power of Amu.

"In all fairness!" Mu Tingfeng paused, "If the two sides work hard, it might be five or five!"

"The number of five or five!" Mu Qingcheng nodded with a wry smile, "Actually, it's not bad! The person who has been robbed for thousands of years is responsible for twisting the universe and opening everything. Now, if you can match his number of five or five, you will be able to do it!" It's rare!"

"Tingfeng will definitely live up to the teachings of the ancestors for many years! However, the twin coffins of gods and demons are beyond reach!" Mu Tingfeng said with a sense of helplessness.

"One of the nine coffins can control the three worlds. In ancient times, no one could control the two coffins at the same time." Mu Qingcheng said slowly, "However, among the powers that Amu possesses today, the most terrifying thing is not the twin coffins of gods and demons! After all, his realm is only Yuanxian!"

"Oh?" Mu Qingcheng was taken aback, "The most powerful thing about him is not the twin coffins of gods and demons? What is that?"

"Magic Lang Ling!" Mu Qingcheng narrowed his eyes slightly, but the depth was bottomless.

"Magic Lang Ling? Demon servant!" Mu Tingfeng frowned slightly.Regarding Mo Lang Ling, he had already learned a little from Xiao Luo and the Mu family's secret report, but he never raised it to the same level as the twin coffins of gods and demons.

"The two celestial foxes haven't heard from each other, nothing to worry about!" Mu Tingfeng said.In Haihuang Shenzhou, Hu Qing and Yuhuo served Amu as the masters. At that time, there were many Haihuang monks who witnessed it, and it was naturally no secret to the Mu family.

"The ancient sky fox is not the most terrifying existence!" Mu Qingcheng shook her head.

"Huh?" Mu Tingfeng was speechless.

"Magic Lang Ling?" Mu Qingcheng raised his eyes to look at the void, a cold look flashed in his eyes, "Magic Lang Ling! I'm afraid it's a deception—"

"Stealing fame?" Mu Tingfeng looked at Mu Qingcheng with surprise.

"Magic Lang Ling, Mo Lang Ling!" Mu Qingcheng sneered, "Cang Hai Mo Lang is amazing. However, he was defeated by my sword back then."

Mu Tingfeng's expression moved, and the corners of his mouth slightly curved.

"Holy ancestor swordsmanship, number one in the Three Realms"

Mu Qingcheng smiled, it was a pleasure that didn't need to be hidden.

The battle between Mu Qingcheng and Mo Lang is indeed a comfort for life.However, it was not because of Mo Lang's state back then, but because Mo Lang was a descendant of the sea.

King Mu's bloodline is the true meaning of descending from the sea.

There is a sky beyond the sky, and there is a devil in the devil.

Mo Lang, who once lost to Mu Qingcheng's sword, may be regarded as one of the few defeats in his life.

"So, with Mo Lang's power, such a token cannot be created!" Mu Qingcheng said quite firmly.

"Magic Lang Ling came first, and then Mo Lang?" Mu Qingcheng knew everything.

Mu Qingcheng was very satisfied with Mu Qingcheng's reaction, nodded and smiled and said, "That's right! That should be an ancient fairy decree. If, as I expected, it might be the secret biography of Canghai Xianzun!"

"How do you know?" Mu Tingfeng still had doubts.

"Tingfeng, did you see that blue light just now?" Mu Qingcheng asked.

"I saw it! That blue light came down from the top of the Qingcheng!" Mu Tingfeng said, "Who is that? How dare he climb to the top of the Qingcheng?"

"The number one devil servant in the sea wasteland, the blue devil!" Mu Qingcheng said.

"Green Devil?" Mu Tingfeng's expression changed.

Mu Tingfeng is no stranger to the name of the Green Devil, but he has never seen him.

In the Asura Realm, the Cyan Demon killed Mu Baizun instantly, and took away a drop of Yaozun Xueying's tears from the eyes of Yaozun Xueying.However, Mu Tingfeng never imagined that Qing Mozi could come and go freely on Qingcheng Mountain.

"Holy Ancestor, can't you defeat him?" Mu Tingfeng felt unwilling.

Mu Qingcheng smiled wryly, and said: "The winning rate is less than [-]%, how dare I strike him with a sword? If I die in battle, the Mu family may collapse in the current situation! What we are looking for, will be in vain in an instant."

"Green Devil, is it an awakened existence from ancient times?" Mu Tingfeng asked.

Mu Qingcheng nodded: "I didn't know for sure until I met him. It should be a nearly perfect awakening. He should be the blue light mentioned in King Mu's notes!"

"The blue and white light once helped the sea to be invincible!" Mu Qingcheng said to himself in a deep voice, looking at the empty star sea.That sentence was exactly what King Mu left behind.

However, there is only one sentence, mentioning Qingguang!

"Holy Ancestor, now that I have guided Cang Hai's descendants to go to the Tianbei Fairy to bury the Snow Mountain, Beichen should be at peace. But since the Green Devil has appeared, what should we do?" Mu Tingfeng asked directly in a confused state of mind.

"Tianmu Grassland, let the demons do their thing. Everything in Tianbei will continue as usual. However, we will never set foot in Tianbei's fairy burial! Such a branch of the sea will naturally not send out to provoke us, and I'm afraid we don't have the energy."

"One of the nine coffins can control the Three Realms. However, the Mu family only needs to get one coffin!" Mu Qingcheng raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Heavenly coffin!" Mu Tingfeng burst out two words, and an inexplicable look flashed in his eyes.

Mu Qingcheng's clothes did not move, but she nodded slightly.

"The wish of King Mu must come true!"

Everything in the Three Realms comes from heaven!Those who win the sky, all respects submit!On the last page of King Mu's notes, every word is like blood.

(End of this chapter)

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