nine coffins

Chapter 915 Life and death are irrelevant, peerless plum blossoms

Chapter 915 Life and death are irrelevant, peerless plum blossoms

Everything in the Three Realms comes from heaven!

The night is full of stars, and the dawn breeze dances lightly.The east and west voids in the Tianbei region are all white with fish maws.Two rounds of rising sun, faintly about to rise, slightly revealing the morning sun.

The third acropolis of Beichen, three hundred miles outside the city, is a small hill.

Qing Mozi, with his green clothes unchanged, stood on the top of the mountain with his hands behind his back, with a faint smile on his face.

Looking up at the blue sky, thousands of miles are boundless.

But at this time, the void fluctuated, and three figures appeared, they were Amu, Shen Yan, and Li Ruo.

Seeing Amu, the green devil bowed and said, "See master! My subordinate, green devil, will be on standby for a long time!"

"It's been a lot of hard work for the green devil! I haven't seen you for many years, but you still look better than before!" Amu laughed.

At that moment, Amu felt that everything about Qing Mozi was even more difficult to see through.The Green Devil is really better than Shura Mozhou.

"I've met Senior Green Devil!" Shen Yan and Li Ruo bowed to salute.Amunai is the master of Mo Lang, so naturally he doesn't need to be polite, but Shen Yan and Li Ruo can't lose the courtesy.

In fact, when he entered Beichen City last night, Amu had already summoned the Green Devil with a secret method.In Beichen Inn, when Mu Tingfeng appeared, Amu knew that Qing Mozi had arrived in Beichen.

However, under the circumstances at that time, there was no need for the Green Devil to appear on the stage.However, Amu didn't know that Qing Mozi went to Qingcheng Mountain at night to frighten Mu Qingcheng.

And according to what Mu Tingfeng said, Mo Lang might be buried in the snow-capped mountain in Tianbeixian.After Amu left Beichen, he naturally went to look for Mo Lang.

So, Amu asked Qing Mozi to meet here.

On this small hill outside the third guard city of Beichen, there is a domain gate leading to the Xianzang Snow Mountain.It's just that after the transmission, it still needs to travel tens of thousands of miles.

On the map given by Bai Zixiu, the Immortal Burial Snow Mountain has only one name, and then there is a sentence attached——Infinite forbidden land, do not set foot in it.

"I already knew everything about Beichen Inn last night!" Qing Mozi said calmly.

"Qing Mo, let's go to the Tianbei Fairy Burial first! Then, we will discuss everything in the long run!" Amu said.

The blue devil nodded.Two people, without much words.One is that some things don't need to be asked.Second, some things should not be said at this time.

Above the hill is the Domain Gate.

This is also the Free Domain Gate, leading directly to the north of Tianbei.However, it belongs to the less activated domain gates.It's just that occasionally some monks who go to the extremely cold place to seek special things will use this domain gate.

Green Devil, with a wave of one hand, directly scattered a hundred gold-level spirit coins.The Xiaoshan domain gate was activated accordingly.

Four people entered the domain gate.A white light suddenly appeared, and the four of them disappeared, heading straight for Xian Zan.


And at that moment, Mu Qingcheng stood on the top of Qingcheng Mountain, and naturally had a panoramic view of everything.Mu Tingfeng was also upstairs in Tingfeng Tower and saw everything.

There are different degrees of relief in the eyes of the two people.

In any case, it should be a good thing for the Mu family to leave Beichen City in the sea.

Thinking of everything that Mu Qingcheng said to him at night, Mu Tingfeng couldn't help but sighed, and then waved his hand.In front of him, a water vortex appeared.

It was a small teleportation domain gate.

Mu Tingfeng turned over with one hand, and threw a jade slip of letter directly into the water vortex.

On the Tianmu Grassland, the same small domain gate opened.After an unknown amount of time, Mu Tingfeng's jade slip flew out of it.

But at this time, a monk in white clothes who was beautiful and strange raised his hand and held the jade slip.With a sweep of consciousness, the monk in white clothes couldn't help but sneer.

"Amu, I went to Tianbei Fairy Burial Snow Mountain!"

Behind that beautiful and strange monk, there is another white-clothed monk standing.He is thin and thin, wearing a long gown, white as snow.

This white-clothed friar also has a good appearance.In the pupils of the eyes, the star waves are slightly swaying, quite intoxicating.A pair of white eyebrows, curved like a cold moon.

The temperament of the whole person is quite evil.

The one with evil and charming white eyebrows is naturally too desolate and honest.The extremely beautiful and monstrous cultivator is of course Mo Zi Xiao Luo.

"The snow-capped mountain where the Tianbei Immortals are buried is an infinite forbidden place!" Lian Zhen Xingjun thought about it, "there is a legend in Tianzhou, there is an ancient ruins there, and no one has set foot there for tens of thousands of years. Amu, where are you going?"

"People from the Mu family didn't say anything! But, they are either looking for someone, or looking for a coffin!" Xiao Luo stretched out one hand, and the jade slip had already turned into green smoke.

Mu Tingfeng only said where Amu was going, without mentioning the reason.This is also a reservation of the Mu family towards Xiao Luo.

"Amu, have you entered Beichen City?" Lian Zhenxing asked again.

"That's right! Last night, I received a message of black and white impermanence!" Xiao Luo sneered, "The Mu family seems to want to wait and see the overall situation and obtain the greatest benefit. Otherwise, with the power of the Mu family, how could it be possible for Amu to In and out of town?"

"The Mu Family of Tianzhou is never reliable!" Lord Lian Zhen Xing raised his white eyebrows, and then pondered for a while, "Young Master, I think that your marriage with Wu'er should be decided early!"

When Xiao Luo heard this, he couldn't help frowning slightly.Lian Zhen Xingjun did not speak, but waited for Xiao Luo's answer.

"Mr. Lian Zhenxing, you should know what I'm worried about!"

"Subordinates understand!" Lian Zhen Xingjun smiled wryly, "Young Master is worried about the curse of the Eternal Spirit Race!"

I issue this curse with my blood.

All my race, those who love monsters, will be loved forever!All my race, those who love demons, have no chance of life and death!All my race, those who love others, we mourn together for thousands of years!The love of demons, weeping blood every night, is desolate forever.The love of a shemale is a lifelong slave, and the family will be destroyed!

That was the oldest curse of the Tianzhou Spirit Clan, and it was a shackle older than the Yaozun Xueying.

Today, the curse is engraved in the ancient demon script on the Ten Thousand Demon Monument in the Tianmu Grassland.For tens of thousands of years, I don't know how many Tianzhou spirits have been shocked.

Once upon a time, on Tianzhou, there were those who jumped over the thunder pool, and all of them were fulfilled.

Not to mention anything else, the fact that the Demon Sovereign Snow Shadow fell in love with the Demon Sovereign bitterly, but suffered for thousands of years, is a clear proof.In the sea and desert of Shenzhou, the crow will become a black bird forever, and it will be a slave for life.

A curse that neither the demon master nor the demon body can resist, who would dare to resist?
"Xingjun Lianzhen, like you, married the blood of the Spirit Race, and gave birth to a daughter. Looking at the Three Realms, I am afraid that he is the only one!" Xiao Luo smiled faintly, "The blood of the Sea Desolate Monster Clan is impure. The ancient star Lianzhen, with her own Three points of evil spirit. You, Lian Zhen Xingjun, can be regarded as a half-demon body. So, can you combine?"

A flash of reminiscence flashed in Lian Zhen's eyes.

"That's right! Even so, Mei'er only had her last soul left, and the curse was broken. Later, after giving birth to Wu'er, in fact, even if the witch Huanhua didn't kill her, Mei'er's last soul would dissipate soon. !"

After all, Lian Zhen Xingjun sighed for a long time, with a sad expression on his face.Some pain and helplessness will never change over time.

"But, young master!" Lian Zhenxing Jun collected his spirits, "Wu'er's blood is special, and young master, you can be regarded as a double body of human and devil, and you may be fine!"

"But, Wu'er is already the last soul." Xiao Luo remained silent for a while, and then said in a heavy tone, "I can't take risks!"

"If it becomes a major event, it will be painful!" Mr. Lian Zhenxing insisted, "Now Wu'er is the inheritor of the Tianzhou Wood Clan. If you marry Ya'er, the entire Mu Clan will be used by me. Tianzhou Come on, that's a huge force."

"More importantly—" Lian Zhen suddenly smiled, "Marrying you is Wu'er's lifelong wish! If you have a lover, you should get married. Otherwise, what's the use of living for thousands of years?"

After hearing Lian Zhen's words, Xiao Luo's eyes sparkled, and the corners of his white clothes danced lightly.

And at that moment, not far away, plum blossom Wuer is elegant and leisurely, with a fragrance and independence.

It was a peerless plum blossom!
In her eyes, there is only love, only Xiao Luo, there is no curse, life and death are not considered.

(End of this chapter)

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