nine coffins

Chapter 916 Heaven and Earth Forbidden, Enter Liu Town Again

Chapter 916 Heaven and Earth Forbidden, Enter Liu Town Again

In the north of Tianzhou, there is continuous snow.The blue sky is like washing, and the two rounds of daylight complement each other into brilliance.

In the distance, several snow-capped peaks pierced directly into the clouds.And to the east of the snow mountain, tens of miles away, is a mortal village.

The village is simple and natural.Between heaven and earth, it is like a small house.

Willow Town of Tianzhou!

Although there are less than a hundred households in the small town, it is the only small town in this area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, and it is also a closed town.

Immortals are buried in snow-capped mountains, boundless forbidden places.Even if Tianzhou is powerful, he will never dare to set foot in half a step.

Beyond the snow-capped mountains, there are few people.

Legend has it that this area of ​​tens of thousands of miles is where the Three Realms overlap, and the power of the Three Realms gathers and passes through here.If it is of ordinary power, it will affect the power of the three realms of heaven and earth, and it will be strangled directly.

That legend is true or false.

However, the history of Tianzhou can be checked, that is, tens of thousands of years ago, there were several high-ranking and powerful original immortals of Tianzhou who ventured into the snow-capped mountains relying on the three souls of Tianzhou, but none of them survived.

In the celestial sect or clan to which he belonged, the natal celestial card dissipated in an instant, and all three souls were wiped out.

Since then, no monk has put himself in danger.

The longer it is, the more legendary and mysterious it is.Since then, the Immortal Burial Snow Mountain has become an absolute forbidden place in Tianzhou Wuliang Realm.

No one knows the year and month when Liu Town in the snow mountain was born.The people in Liu Town can't tell.They only know that everything should be a long, long time.

Even their memories are a little fuzzy.

In Tianzhou Liu Town, there were no visitors, and almost no one came out of the mountain.If anyone can perceive the slightest clue of Xianbuying Snow Mountain, they are probably peerless powers, such as Mu Jiamu Qingcheng.

In the afternoon, the snow reflected the cold sun.

Two rounds of daylight passed by alternately.There are occasional pedestrians on the long street of Liuzhen.This is an ordinary day, and Liu Town operates as usual day and night.


Seven thousand miles away, four figures slowly appeared.They are naturally Amu, Qing Mo, Shen Yan, and Li Ruo.

The Beichen Xiaoshan Domain Gate sent them tens of thousands of miles away.Four people, trekking for half a day, finally arrived here.

"Seven thousand miles ahead, there seems to be a village!" Qing Mozi squinted his eyes.

"Yeah!" Amu nodded, "There is indeed a small town!"

Amu clearly sensed the existence of that small village.That small town was the one he saw in the ancient residence of King Shura's family.

Amu and Qingmozi stopped at the same time.Shen Yan and Li Ruo also stopped in their tracks.

"The front is full of fog! Where is the village?" Shen Yan asked.Li Ruo also frowned and nodded.

It was a white mist that filled the sky, from the sky to the ground, nothing else could be seen.Both Shen Yan and Li Ruo did not perceive the existence of the town.

In fact, if pears are limited by the realm, it is understandable that they do not perceive it.However, Shen Yan is the first level of Yuanxian, and theoretically it is absolutely impossible not to perceive the existence of Liu Zhen.

Amu couldn't help being slightly taken aback, but then relieved.

Qing Mozi curled his mouth and explained: "There is a great ban ahead! You can't see the village, it's very normal!"

"The Great Forbidden World?" Shen Yan was slightly puzzled.Li Ruo also looked at Qing Mozi.

"The Great Restriction of Heaven and Earth is the ultimate state of restriction!" Qing Mozi explained, "As far as I know, there are no more than one person who can place such a restriction in the entire Three Realms! Such a restriction, Once touched, even the eternal power will fall."

What kind of power is it that can destroy the restriction of the eternal realm?Shen Yan and Li Ruo couldn't help but secretly took a breath of air-conditioning.

"Such a restriction exists. In fact, I can't see through the fog, but I can perceive it a little. Among us, only the descendants of the sea can see clearly?"

"Brother Amu, you can see through everything!" Li Ruo asked curiously.

"I can!" Amu heaved a sigh of relief, with a strange look in his eyes, "Using the power of the Three Realms to form the supreme forbidden formation! This should be the forbidden formation set up by my master!"

There is a sky beyond the sky, and there is a devil in the devil.

Canghai Shenlang, who practiced the Three Lives of Immortals and Demons.Mo Lang is his second incarnation, once powerful in the two worlds of sea and wilderness and Shura.The highest realm known to everyone now is Yuanxian Nine Great Consummations.

Wang Jue is Shenlang's third life.All of Amu's forbidden laws come from his teachings.

According to Leng Yu's speculation, once the tribulation is over, Shenlang will be consummated in the third life.The Three Lives of Immortals and Demons can directly lead to the realm of the venerable.Today's Mo Lang should not be what he used to be.

The world is forbidden, and it can be destroyed forever.Amu looked into the distance, his heart fluttered.

How is the state of the master?Is Master Wang Jue in that Tianzhou Liu Town seven thousand miles away?Haihuang and Shura have been pursued for thousands of years, and finally there is a result.

"Green Demon, let's go!" Amu said.

Qing Mozi nodded, but smiled wryly: "Amu, we can only go there if you guide us. Otherwise, I'm afraid I will be deeply involved!"

"Oh?" Amu couldn't help being stunned, "How to guide? I can see the forbidden law of the world at most, but I can't break it!"

"The magic man's order is here, this ban will be lifted by itself! You just need to lead the way, sacrifice the magic man's order, and we will follow!" Qing Mozi looked at the misty fog and sighed, "Amu, the magic man will definitely wait for you It has been many years! This heaven and earth is forbidden, and anyone who is not a magic man must not enter!"

"Understood! Let's go!" Amu took a deep breath, and then flipped with one hand.Mo Lang Ling flew out of the Celestial Immortal Bracelet.

Mo Lang Ling hung above his head, and a black glow hovered around.

Amu took a step forward and went straight to Tianzhou Liuzhen.Shen Yan, Li Ruo followed each other in turn.The green devil is at the end, just in case.

There is no mist in Amu's eyes, but he can see endless symbols and forbidden pictures in the void.It's just that those talismans and forbidden pictures are almost one with the heaven and the earth.

If Amu is not the descendant of Mo Lang, he will not see the existence of those restrictions at all.Strangers, silently, will be strangled by it.

In fact, Amu has not yet fully understood the forbidden map left by Wang Jue.Now, this world's great ban, which can be destroyed forever, makes it even more difficult for Amu to hold his own.

"Master—" Amu said silently in his heart.Liu Zhen was approaching, and Master was approaching, and Amu felt a little closer to the nostalgia and more timid.

One step at a time, but only seven thousand miles.This distance is nothing to any of them.

Magic Lang Ling, surrounded by black lights, is like a key to open the fog.In the eyes of Shen Yan and Li Ruo, the white mist dissipated in front of Amu like waves.

There seems to be a broad road leading directly to Liuzhen.

At that moment, in the cave deep in the snow mountain, the black-clothed magic man was sitting cross-legged.

When A Mutou suspends Mo Lang Ling and walks seven thousand miles away, Mo Lang gently opens his eyes.Then, Mo Lang couldn't help but bend his mouth slightly, and looked at the body of a celestial girl floating in the cave.

"Huanhua, that brat, finally came—"

Mo Lang's eyes were full of relief.

 One more chapter first, Shanhe is still writing.It was my birthday yesterday and I drank too much.I went to pick up the car today, so I didn't write much.Thank you for your monthly tickets and rewards. In fact, Shanhe is very ashamed!Thank you for your unwavering support!
(End of this chapter)

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