nine coffins

Chapter 917 Shaking!The soul returns to the hometown, and bows to the teacher!

Chapter 917 Shaking!The soul returns to the hometown, and bows to the teacher!
Tianzhou Liu Town has been quiet for many years.

Work at sunrise and rest at sunset, simple and natural.That is the oldest state of existence in this world.

It's a quiet afternoon.It's just that a visitor from space broke into the afternoon dreams of the people of Liu Town.

Two people in green clothes, one ordinary woman in purple clothes, and one beautiful woman in plain clothes.Amu, Qing Mo, Shen Yan, and Li Ruo stood at the entrance of Liu Town.

The huge stone at the entrance of the town is simple and dazzling.The word Liuzhen has vicissitudes and a long history.

Everything, shake!Like a fantasy, like a dream.

It can be said that this is the third time that Amu has stood at the entrance of Liu Town.

For the first time, Amu was reborn in the magic coffin enchantment for the second time, and then rushed to Haihuangliu Town.All the people in Liu Town are dead.It's called Ghost Town, and it's a desolate ruin.

Amu killed the Immortal Ghost Sect Fuhunzi by himself.

The second time, shortly after Amu entered the world of Shura, he accidentally entered the Kujin Kingdom, discovered Shura Liu Town, and entered the ancient residence of the Wang family.That night, Amu saw Mo Lang's message and everything left by Huanhua.

Amu and Li Shui, on the bluestone outside the town, talked freely in their drunken dreams.

The third time, this time.Four people, standing outside the town.Even if it was Yuan Xianyi's great consummation, Amu's mood could not be calm.

Amu, caress the stone tablet in Liuzhen again.The mood is extremely complicated.Liu Zhen will always be the root of Amu.

Haihuang Willow Town and Tianzhou Willow Town are almost identical except for the townspeople.However, Tianzhou Liu Town is slightly different.

That feeling is very wonderful.

If it is said that Liu Zhen in the worlds of Asura and Sea Desolation is like a man in his prime or an old man, then Liu Zhen in Tianzhou is a teenager, or even a child.

No matter in terms of scale or temperament, Tianzhou Liu Town seems to be immature, but more innocent and simple.It seems that a willow town is still gradually forming.

From Shura to Haihuang, it is like a process of reincarnation and growth.

Amu walked into Liu Town with Chen Yan, Li Ruo, and Qing Mo.

At that moment, people from Liu Town naturally saw them.In fact, to Liu Zhen, any visitor is a strange existence.

However, in the eyes of Liuzhen people, Amu did not see strangeness and doubts, but a kind of warmth and kindness.It was a very natural look.

It seems that many years ago, they knew that someone would come in one afternoon.

"Brother, who are you looking for?" At this moment, several little boys ran over, and one of them, a tall and strong boy, asked.

"Huh?" Amu was slightly taken aback.At that moment, he was in a daze, as if he was wondering which Liu family child this belonged to.

"We're looking for the Wang family in Liuzhen!"

"Wang's house? Grandpa Wang's house! It's at the east end of the town!" Several children shouted together, enthusiastically showing the way, and then ran away.

Looking at them, Amu sighed a long time.Because, he saw one of the little boys who looked like a pillar in Haihuangliu Town.There is another one, very similar to the tiger in Shura Liuzhen.

Three willow towns, true and false, false and true.Amu couldn't tell the difference.

Of course, Amu knew the direction of the Wang family.The four of them went directly across the long street to Wang's house.

Along the way, many villagers in Liu Town looked at Amu and the others.But in their eyes, there was no question, but welcome.There were even a few townspeople who nodded to Amu.

That feeling is like a long-lost greeting.

"Amu, you're back!"

Those few words of greeting have actually been lingering in Amu's heart.On many people here, Amu has seen the figures of the people of Liu Town in the two worlds of Haihuang and Shura.

At the same time, Amu also felt that the nine hundred and ninety-nine sea and wild souls in the soul-gathering bottle in the Tianhu fairy bracelet were slightly warm.

Dream evil?Really evil?Like desire, the soul returns to the hometown.

Step by step, Amu finally came to the front of Wang's house.

Blue bricks and gray tiles, an ancient door.There is no big cauldron of Asura Willow Town here, but it is almost exactly the same as Haihuang Willow Town.

Time flies, but everything seems to never go away.Amu took a deep breath, stepped forward and pushed the door gently.

At that moment, what seemed to be pushed open was not a door, but a sealed time.


The door opened, and the woody fragrance scattered.

"Master!" Amu whispered instinctively.However, actually standing in front of Wang's house, Amu knew that there was no one inside.

The small courtyard is not empty, there are still wood and remnants of coffins, but it is clean.

"Master isn't there?"

At that moment, Amu's mood fell instantly.Because this is not the first time this has happened.Asura Willow Town is empty.

There is a king's house in the sky, but there is no magic man.

"Brother, Mr. Wang has gone up the mountain! Go into the house and wait! He usually comes back at dusk!" At this time, an old man passing by saw Amu and the others, and kindly reminded them.

The people in Liu Town were not too surprised by the arrival of Amu and the others.It seems that Amu originally belonged here.

Amu thanked him and went directly to Wang's house.This is still the same yard as in the two realms of Sea Desolation and Shura.

It's just passing through the front yard, there are no traces of Huanhua, Amu and Yu'er living here.This ancient house seems to only have the aura of Wang Jue.

However, none of them could catch it.It seems that it is also the first time for Qing Mozi to visit the Wang family's ancient house.There was also a hint of surprise in his eyes.


All four of Amu saw the nine broken coffins.Different sizes, arranged in a circle.

Shen Yan once entered Shuluoliu Town with Amu.She knew that it was the exact same existence as Shura Liuzhen.

In the center of the nine remnant coffins, there is a clear pool glowing with purple light.That should be a boundary gate, at least it should communicate with the backyard of the Wang Family in Shura Liuzhen.

Amu narrowed his eyes slightly.It can be seen from a distance that there are many illusions in the clear pool.

Asura Willow Town, Sea Desert Willow Town.One is empty, the other is in ruins.In addition, there are many regional images that Amu can't understand at all.

The five colors are very colorful, and the illusion is blurred.

"That's in the Three Realms, there are many unknowable places!" Qing Mozi glanced at it and said slowly, "This gate of the realm can lead directly to the Three Realms!"

Amu and Shen Yan nodded at the same time.This point, they have long speculated in Shuluoliu town.

The four of them walked around the old house again.However, nothing else was found.

At this time, there are at least two hours before dusk.The four of Amu sat around in the front yard.All, some silence.Above the patio, there are four corners of the sky, two rounds of daylight, walking away from each other.

"Old man Wang, come back!"

"Hey! Mr. Wang, you came back early today!" Two greetings came from the long street.

"Old man Wang, someone at home is back!" That voice seemed to be the old man who had just reminded Amu and the others.

"Oh! Thank you, old man! Got it, I've been away from home for a long time, and it's not easy to find it back!" A rather old, but clear voice resounded outside the gate of Wang's house.

"Master!" Amu's complexion instantly changed, and he stood up suddenly.

At that moment, time seemed to turn back, and everything returned to the old Haihuangliu Town.

Back then, Wang Jue was definitely a figure whom Amu both respected and feared.

Now, Immortal Amuhara has achieved great consummation, holding two coffins of gods and demons in his hand, a person who will be robbed for thousands of years.In fact, even if the Venerable was in front, Amu would not change his face.

However, that old voice made Amu's heart tighten slightly.

However, that was not simple fear, but respect and love from the bottom of my heart.

Among the four of them, Amu looked serious, Li Ruo was also slightly nervous, and a light flashed across Qing Mozi's calm eyes, only Shen Yan was a mask, and nothing unusual could be seen.

However, the four of them stood up at the same time.

In fact, there is one thing that surprised Amu and even Qing Mo.

Because, their spiritual consciousness can completely cover Liuzhen, or even go further.However, only when Wang Jue's voice came, did they perceive Mo Lang's existence.

Otherwise, they didn't perceive the slightest breath.


The door of the Wang family's ancient house was gently pushed open.

An old man in black, with gray hair and a slightly hunched back, stood at the door with his hands behind his back, his eyes neither sad nor happy.

"Master!" At that moment, Amu's eyes became hot, and at the same time he hurriedly stepped forward three steps, rushed to his knees and knelt down, his voice trembling, "Disciple Amu, bow down...Master!"

As soon as Amu bowed, there were only a handful of people in the Three Realms who could bear it.

At this moment, Amu touched the ground with his head, and kowtowed to his teacher with all sincerity.

At that moment, Wang Jue was dressed in black, with white hair on his temples, swaying slightly in the wind.His body remained motionless.

In Wang Jue, there was light in his eyes, neither sad nor happy, with a slight smile.

(End of this chapter)

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