nine coffins

Chapter 918 Dragon Soul Tempering!Without the sea, there would be no blue light

Chapter 918 Dragon Soul Tempering!Without the sea, there would be no blue light

Wang's ancient house.

Wang Jue was dressed in a black robe, half head of white hair, and stood at the door with his hands behind his back.It was an ordinary old man, the same as before, and Wang Jue was still a mortal at this time.

In Shen Yan's and Li Ruo's eyes, he was just an ordinary old man in the village, nothing strange at all, but they all knew that it was an illusion.

Amu, on the other hand, has seen many miracles of Master.

However, there were three images reflected in the eyes of the Green Devil.

Tsing Yi Shen Lang, the fairy pose is endless.The magic man in black is unruly.The king of mortals, back to the basics.

Trinity, three lives in one.Canghai No.90, the nine-generation successor, has become No.1 in the Three Lives of Immortals and Demons.That is an absolutely special existence within the Three Realms.

The blue devil has a special origin, practicing the ancient mysterious method of Xuanhuang, and has seven physical clones of the same level.It was the only one in the Three Realms, even the Yaozun Xueying was surprised.

In fact, the monks of the Three Realms, who are above scattered souls, are no longer able to cultivate avatars, and in the end they can only cultivate phantom bodies and dharma bodies.

However, at this moment, the Green Devil understood.Shen Lang, Mo Lang, and Wang Jue are all entities, and it is even hard to tell which one is the deity, but now the three are combined into one, showing off as the mortal King Jue.

"The realm of Mo Lang?" Qing Mozi was shocked.Because he wasn't entirely sure.

"It's late! Get up!" The smile in his eyes disappeared in a flash, Wang Jue looked at Amu with a calm tone.However, Amu was very comfortable with such a tone.

"Yes!" Amu got up neatly and stood aside.

"Subordinate Yunpo, see Master!" At this moment, Qing Mozi took a step forward and knelt down on one knee.

Qing Mozi, calm and windy, mighty.

However, at this moment, Green Demon Zi knelt down in front of Wang Jue with a solemn expression.Moreover, the self-proclaimed name used by Qing Mozi is the name he used to use when he was in the Sea Desolate Arctic Fairy Sea.

At that time, Qing Mozi hadn't woken up from the long dream that had lasted thousands of years.Yunpo is also the most outstanding disciple of the Arctic Xianhai.

Only, one day, on the vast snow field, Yun Po met a black-clothed monk.

That is Mo Lang!
A token in Mo Lang's hand, a blue light, went straight into Yunpo's heart and soul.

On that day, the Green Devil began to awaken step by step.For many years, he followed Mo Lang's side, and then he approached the peak of his power step by step.

Mo Lang was once the leader of the awakening of the Green Devil.

However, when Amu bowed just now, Wang Jue's body did not move at all.However, when the green devil bowed, the king couldn't help being slightly moved, and took a step forward, helping the green devil to stand up with his own hands.

"Qing Mozi, you have gone through the three realms. Now, you are almost fully awakened. The devil is not with me. See me from now on, no need to worship me again!"

But the green devil shook his head, and said solemnly: "Yunpo will never forget the kindness of the devil! Without the sea, there would be no blue light. Without the devil, there would be no blue devil today!"
After hearing this, Amu and Shen Yan were shocked.Green Demon, Canghai, what kind of existence are they?
"Fate, it's all about karma!" Wang Jue smiled faintly and waved his hand, "I'm just completing my mission in the sea!"

At this time, Shen Yan and Li Ruo also came to see Wang Jue.Wang Jue's attitude is very kind, like a kind elder, far better than his attitude towards Amu.

That was also Wang Jue's attitude towards all the people in Liu Town.

At this moment, it is difficult for you to understand.

Shen Lang, Mo Lang, Wang Jue, which one is the real one.Those are three completely different people, but they are definitely the same person.

Then, Wang Jue arranged for Qing Mozi, Shen Yan, and Li Ruo to sit in the front yard drinking tea, and let Amu go straight to the backyard with him.


As soon as he heard that he went to the backyard alone, Amu's face turned ugly.Because, Amu's memory of Wang's backyard is really not good.

Except for the night when the magic coffin entered the sea, every time Amu left the backyard of Wang's family with his flesh and blood bruised.

However, Amu would never dare to disobey Wang Jue's words.Even if he has achieved Yuan Xianyi's major consummation, he has no choice but to obediently follow behind the master.

At the same time, Amu also believed that Master had something important to do when he called him to the backyard.And he himself has too many questions, and wants to ask the master.

Qing Mozi, Shen Yan, and Li Ruo are not well-known, so of course it is inconvenient for them to follow.Seeing Amu's bitter face, Shen Yan and Li Ruo were a little surprised.

Only, Qing Mozi was holding a teacup and smiling slightly.


Wang Jue stood in front of the broken nine coffins just like thousands of years ago.

Anyone who can win the immortal!

Wang Jue possessed earth-shaking power.Standing there, he can tremble in the Three Realms.And among the trembling people, there must be a Mu.

After entering the backyard, Amu was honest and respectful.In front of Mo Lang, Amu didn't have the arrogance of being a descendant of the sea and looking down on the Three Realms.

"Bring it!" Wang Jue turned around and reached out slightly.

"Eh?" Amu grinned bitterly, "Master——"

Amu wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to say more.He knew what the master wanted, so he raised one hand, and the black rattan came out like a dragon.

The black rattan, the dragon whip of Canghai town, is the treasure of Canghai, passed down from Canghai Xianzun, and has very spirituality.

Except for Amu, it is impossible for ordinary people to hold it in their hands.However, Wang Jue reached out with one hand, and the black cane fell firmly in his hand, extremely docile.

The black glow is like a dragon, circulating endlessly.Holding a cane in his hand, Wang Jue is still the same as before.However, Amu's back felt cold.

"Experience in the Three Realms, let's try your skills first!" Wang Jue said calmly.

"Huh?" Amu wanted to cry but had no tears.Is this the first treat back home?


However, without waiting for anything, Wang Jue turned his wrist lightly, and there was a crisp sound.

At that moment, Amu was in a daze again.Time seems to go back thousands of years ago.

At that time, Amu was a real mortal.Wang Jue was going to temper Amu's immortal bone demon body every now and then.

The sound of rattan in the backyard of the Wang family often resounds through Haihuangliu Town.

At this time, the sky is about to be dusk.


For the first time, the sound of the black rattan being whipped resounded in Liu Town of Tianzhou.

Amu is no longer the former Amu, and Wang Jue is not the old Wang Jue.Even, the black rattan is not the black rattan it used to be.

The black cane, without a wave, was a black awn.

Like a dragon like electricity!

You know, it's very inside the rattan, but it contains nine hundred and ninety-nine ancient dragon souls.Now, Wang Jue didn't wave once, but a dragon soul appeared.

That is to say, one after another dragon souls beat Amu's body.

However, today's Amunai is Yuan Xianyi's great consummation, with the power of the sea, protecting his whole body.

A black glow drew down the dragon soul, and a green glow greeted it.


The black cane in Wang Jue's hand was spinning like the wind.However, this time, there was no situation where Amu was dressed like a butterfly.

Black light, green light, intertwined like a dragon.

Qing Mozi, Shen Yan, and Li Ruo could all hear clearly in the front yard.

Li Ruo's expression changed slightly, and she was faintly worried.Qing Mozi, without changing his expression, sipped tea leisurely.

Shen Yan didn't move at first.

However, the whipping sound gradually became denser.Shen Yan, as soon as Zi Yi moved, he landed in the backyard of the Wang family.

Even if it was Amu's master, Shen Yan wouldn't feel at ease if she didn't come to see it with her own eyes.

Shen Yan entered the hospital, but Wang Jue did not stop him.

At this time, goodbye to the backyard of the Wang family, the black light is endless.

Hundreds of times, the dragon soul flew into the void.It's just that there are nine remnant coffins here, and all the breath does not leak out.At the same time, endless green lights rose from Amu's body.

However, Shen Yan suddenly discovered that there was a trace of black energy in Amu's green light.As for Wang Jue's black cane, every time it falls, the black energy in Amu's green light will be taken away.

At the same time, the dragon soul in the void was surrounding Amu.One after another, like cocoon threads, entwined layer by layer.

At this time, Amu, who was in the middle, was fighting with all his strength.

At the beginning of dozens of strokes, Amu actually didn't feel strange.However, Master's whip fell extremely quickly afterwards.Amu felt a little hard.

The power of the sea in Danhai has been fully mobilized by Amu.

Vientiane, the operation is extraordinary.

The magic coffin, the bitter sea Buddha lamp, and the two immortal roots provide immortal power at the same time.However, the power of the demon coffin itself, as well as the power of the god coffin, were completely sealed by Wang Jue at some point.

That is to say, at this time, Amu is completely relying on his own cultivation to fight against the Canghai Town Dragon Whip in Wang Jue's hand.Such a situation has never happened before.

Because, since the magic coffin entered the sea, no one has been able to truly seal the magic coffin in Amu's body.Even though the coffin was asleep, it was always there.

However, this time, Amu was completely unable to mobilize the power of the magic coffin or the god coffin.

That is, an absolute seal!

Wang Jue looked solemn, he just wanted Amu to fully realize his potential.

Layers of black awns began to restrain Amu, and the green awns gradually dimmed.Amu's figure was almost completely enveloped.

Dragon Soul Tempering!

Shen Yan, who was watching the battle, suddenly became enlightened.

(End of this chapter)

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